"No... it's not that exaggerated." Ba Yuqian said embarrassedly, but then his voice changed.

"And... I was originally a wife."

"No, you can deceive the history books, but you can't deceive me. How can a pure and innocent girl be a wife?" Lin Yue's eyes flashed with wisdom.

He used [Super Vision] to see through Ba Yuqian's life for a long time, and what he didn't even think about was that Ba Yuqian's 'husband' Mu Zeng Yizhong was actually a woman.And also fake marriage with Ba Yuqian.

This made Lin Yue a little shocked, but after all, it was Xingyue, and even King Arthur might be a girl.It is not surprising that Kizeng Yoshizhong is a woman.

"Oh?! You actually know!!!" After hearing Lin Yue's words, Ba Yuqian was completely shocked.

Unexpectedly, something that I had concealed from my entire life was actually exposed by my master today.

"Of course, I can see everything. So... Ba. It's not good to pretend to be a wife, but I don't mind turning you into a wife." Lin Yue's mouth was slightly upturned, and she looked at Ba Yuqian with a smile.

After hearing this, Ba Yuqian was short of breath, quickly turned his head away, pretended not to hear Lin Yue's words, and continued to make breakfast.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yue finally ate Ba Yuqian's food.

"As expected of you, you really have what it takes to be a good wife." Lin Yue said to Ba Yuqian with praise, looking at the ancient neon-style dishes in front of her.

"Uh...yes...well..." Ba Yuqian didn't dare to look at Lin Yue, but she looked at Lin Yue nervously following the entrance of Lin Yue's food.

"How... how?" Ba Yuqian asked.

"Yes, although there are some deficiencies, it is because of the times. It is generally good." Lin Yue nodded and said.

"Really?! That's great!" Ba Yuqian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Yue's words.

After breakfast, Lin Yue took Ba Yuqian and left the site of King Xian.

He didn't forget the purpose of coming here this time, Tiamat had to save.

Lin Yue guessed that Merlin should be on his way to put Tiamat to sleep now.However, Lin Yue could only say that Merlin's approach was useless.

Walking in the dense forest, Lin Yue and Ba Yuqian walked slowly like a walk.

Although it was possible to arrive in an instant, Lin Yue discovered that there was an important little guy here that he couldn't forget.

Gorgon, summoned as an existence pretending to be Tiamat, is the incarnation of Medusa's animalization.Totally evil incarnate.

But the good side also came here as a neutral servant without a master, incarnating as a child Medusa.

Because when Lin Yue asked Alaya to collect Medusa's Keeling to make Medusa in the main world the only Medusa, Getiah had already arranged it at the seventh singularity, and let the beauty of Gorgon's posture Dusha is here.Therefore, the seventh singularity now exists in the incarnation of the heroic spirit of Medusa.

And Lin Yue's trip is to find little Medusa and Anna by the way.

"Master, are we going there?" Ba Yuqian asked after Lin Yue.

"Ba, just call me Yue. Of course, I'd be more than happy to call my husband directly." Lin Yue turned her head and looked at Ba Yuqian and laughed.

"Then... Yue." After Ba Yuqian heard it, he didn't resist for some reason and chose the name of Lin Yue.

"Well... to find a poor little guy." Lin Yue said lightly.

Although she is the incarnation of Medusa's heroic spirit, Lin Yue can make her and Medusa exist at the same time.At this point, it's time to see Anna's choice.

"Little guy...it's probably a girl." Ba Yu said in front of a look that I know you well.

Hearing Ba Yuqian's words, Lin Yue smiled shyly.There is no affirmation, no denial.

Then the two came to a river bank, and with a sudden swoosh, a black figure rushed out, and the light of a sharp weapon flashed past.

"Dangerous! Yue." Ba Yuqian immediately stepped forward to Lin Yue and pulled out his knife to block the sharp weapon's attack.


After leaving a sentence, the black figure dived into the jungle for a moment.The whole process only took more than 1 second, and even Ba Yuqian could not see the appearance of the attacker.

But Lin Yue saw it, that black robe, long purple hair, and a young figure was undoubtedly the Medusa of Lancer when she was a child.

"Yue, be careful, the other party looks like an assassin!" Ba Yuqian turned on the guardian mode, tightly blocking Lin Yue, and looked around with a serious expression.

"It's okay, Ba. She is our target." Lin Yue patted Ba Yuqian on the shoulder and said.

"Uh... that's the little guy you said just now?!" After hearing Lin Yue's words, Ba Yuqian put down his guard and put away his weapon.

Lin Yue nodded, then looked at the jungle on the right, looked in that direction with a smile and said, "Come out, Medusa."

Hearing Lin Yue's words, Ba Yuqian looked in the direction of Lin Yue's eyes.

I saw that the jungle suddenly began to hear the sound of rustling, and a small girl with long purple hair and a black robe wrapped in a black robe appeared in front of the two of them.

"How...how did you know this name?!" Medusa looked at Lin Yue with a wary expression.

"Don't be wary of me, I have no malice, you should be able to feel it." Lin Yue looked at Medusa with a smile and said.

Medusa, as a goddess, is very easy to perceive a person's emotions.

She saw kindness and kindness in Lin Yue's eyes. . .love! ! !

This kind of love is not a spontaneous love, but the kind of love between husband and wife who has experienced time.

Medusa was stunned. She didn't expect that the person she met for the first time would have such love for her? !

"You... who are you?" Medusa blurted out for some reason, agitated in her heart.

"What about me? It's your most important person." Lin Yue slowly approached Medusa.

"Ah...wait...Yue..." Ba Yuqian saw Lin Yue approaching the little girl who attacked him, and wanted to stop Lin Yue, but it was too late.

Lin Yue quickly came to Medusa, squatted down, touched Medusa's head and looked at her with a smile.

Medusa felt the warmth in Lin Yue's hands, and she fell into an incredible state.

He was clearly wary of this man just now, but when he saw him approaching, he didn't make any defensive measures, and instead let him act.What happened to yourself? !Medusa thought suspiciously.

When she looked up at Lin Yue, her heart felt like a throbbing.

"What's wrong, Xiaosha? Look, I said I wouldn't hurt you. And I also know the purpose of your coming here." Lin Yue said with a smile.

After Medusa heard this, she looked at Lin Yue with puzzled eyes.

"You want to kill that self." Lin Yue said lightly.

Medusa's pupils shrank when she heard it, and then she wanted to escape from here, but she found that her feet couldn't move at all.

"You don't have a master and you don't have magic power to provide. This is impossible. Let me help you." Lin Yue stretched out her hand with the Command Spell.

Medusa looked at the Command Spell on Lin Yue's hand and understood that Lin Yue was a Master.

Afterwards, Medusa half pushed and made a contract with Lin Yue.

"In this way, you will be able to fulfill your wish. Xiaosha." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Anna..." Medusa looked at Lin Yue with complex eyes.

"Huh?" Lin Yue and Ba Yuqian were both stunned and looked at Medusa.

"My name is Anna now..." Medusa said lightly.

"Okay, Anna, little Anna." Lin Yue said with a smile and patted her head.

"Hello, Anna, my name is Ba Yuqian, and I'm also a follower of Yue!" Ba Yuqian stepped forward and stretched out his hand to say to Anna.

Anna hesitated for a while, but with Lin Yue's encouragement, she stretched out her hand, held Ba Yuqian's hand and said, "Anna."

Lin Yue smiled at Anna after seeing it.

Seeing Lin Yue's smile, Anna quickly pulled down her hood to cover her shy face.

Then Lin Yue continued to walk with the two of them.

When halfway through, Lin Yue suddenly noticed something.

"Huh?! Merlin, do you want to die???!!!" Lin Yue said lightly, looking forward.

Lin Yue clenched her hand lightly, and suddenly there was a click, as if something was broken.

Ba Yuqian and Anna came over in a trance for a while.

Then I knew that someone had cast an illusion on them at that moment.The two instantly took out their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

"Oh...wait...wait...the uncle has something to say!!!"

A frivolous voice came from the front, and I saw a man holding a staff and wearing a white robe full of flowers and was dragged by several black energy ropes.

"Merlin?! It's you!!! You actually used illusions on us!!!" Ba Yuqian glared at Merlin angrily.

After all, as a warrior, she can understand how dangerous the environment she is in is when she is caught in an illusion.And Merlin's silent use of illusions on people made Ba Yuqian a little angry.

If it weren't for the moon, I'd be in danger.Ba Yuqian thought secretly.I am very grateful to Lin Yue.

"Yo...cough...Hello, General Ba..." Merlin said weakly at this time, his face a little old.

Merlin is now being used by Lin Yue to use the ability of the embodied item of the Ring of Origin, combined with the power of death of the black lamp, to wrap around the embodied rope, so that Merlin can't use any ability after binding it, and his life is slow. swallowed by the force of death.

After Anna glanced at Merlin, she then looked at the black rope on his body.The powerful force of death above made her a little frightened.

If ordinary people touch it, I am afraid that their lives will not be exhausted in an instant.Anna thought to herself.

"Master!!! Forgive me!!! I didn't mean it!!! I just noticed that someone was approaching. You see, I'm just a little magician. I'm afraid. That's why I got an illusion and ran away." Merlin Facing Lin Yue, he quickly begged for mercy.

After the era of Camelot ended, that is, the end of the Age of God, Merlin had been hiding in the ideal land of Avalon, imprisoning himself in the tower inside.

As a hybrid of dream demons and humans, his values ​​are naturally different from those of humans, and he acts according to his own preferences.Because of his inability to die, he has relied on his excellent [clairvoyant] to witness the history of mankind for many years.

After witnessing the efforts of Chaldea in this world and seeing the seventh singularity, he decided to help the people of Chaldea.

Of course, as someone who often peeps, of course he knows Lin Yue, and he also knows that Lin Yue killed Getia and ended all the parallel worlds except this world.

Especially when he also knew that King Arthur, who he had cultivated, had a relationship with him, he was in a bad mood.

Why? !Because he was afraid, even though he said he was a court magician, mentor and prophet of Great Britain.But those King Arthur's lives can be said to be caused by him.

He was afraid that Lin Yue would kill Liya in order to vent her anger at that time.Something like an immortal body is not easy to use in front of Lin Yue.

Unlucky! ! !I didn't expect to meet this uncle! ! !Merlin was annoyed.I started to regret it, I knew I would never come here.I've been in Avalon, isn't it fragrant? !Wait until this one slowly forgets his existence.

But now it's better, I personally brushed a wave of existence in front of him.When he kills Avalon, what should I do with my body directly.

Merlin was sweating violently on his forehead, but he still had to keep a smile on his face.

"Heh, Merlin, remember what happened to Liya. At first I almost forgot about your existence. Now that you are in front of me, I have to help Liya vent my anger." The corner of Lin Yue's mouth turned slightly. Alice looked at Merlin and said.

After Merlin heard this, he felt unlucky in his heart.

But there was no way, he couldn't beat Lin Yue at all, so it was impossible to escape.Now he can only pray that Lin Yue can give a less painful punishment.

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