Lin Yue shrugged helplessly and said, "Have you seen her future before?"

Lin Yue looked at Xi Du Li without leaving any traces in her eyes.

When King Xian noticed Lin Yue's tiny eyes, he realized that it was behind Siduri.

...... 0

Combined with what he said, he immediately understood what Lin Yue was referring to.

According to the original future, Tiamat stormed out and transformed a group of so-called new humans with the sea of ​​life. In fact, it was a monster transformed from the original humans - Rahem.

In the end, Siduri was captured by the Raheems and transformed into Raheem.And then sacrificed to protect Jin Gu.

After hearing this, King Xian fell silent.

He clearly had the opportunity to save his subordinates in the future, but he did not choose to save it.Obviously he could remind Siduri, but he didn't.

Because that future was the one he saw before and finally succeeded in winning.So for this victory, he chose to let the trajectory of history continue.

But now is different, the future has become blurred.The crisis is lifted.Naturally, there is no need to respect the original history.

The sage king also knows that this is a singularity. Even after the repair, they will finally correct it according to the correct history.

A person who should have died, even if he is alive now, will die in another way because of the corrective power of history.

He is not afraid, because he will continue to survive as a heroic spirit in the future.

But Siduri is different. She has not become a heroic spirit, so in the future, she can only die in another way.

"This king understands." King Xian took a deep breath.

Then he read aloud seriously: "This king announces that the great priest Siduri has made great contributions for many years, and now it is announced in the name of me! Gilgamesh, that he will be relieved of his position as a great priest, and there is no need to assist this king, and he will gain a free status from now on!"

After Siduri heard this, she stared at King Xian with wide eyes.

"What?! What's the matter, King?" Siduri looked at King Xian suspiciously and said.

King Xian looked at Siduri and said, "Thank you for suffering for so many years, Siduri. Now you should have a good rest, or find someone you love to be with, instead of working overtime with this king here."

After Siduri heard that King Xian was looking for someone she liked, her cheeks were a little red, but then she said worriedly: "But..."

"It's nothing. Now you are no longer a high priest. You have been freed. Go." King Xian waved his hand and said.

After Siduri saw it, she could only accept it helplessly.

But seeing Lin Yue's smiling eyes, she knew that the conversation between Lin Yue and Wang was for herself.

Thinking of this, under the veil of Siduri, her face turned red.

"Congratulations, Miss Siduri." Lin Yue said shamelessly.

Siduri couldn't help complaining in her heart: You didn't let me get fired!

"Miss Siduri should be able to come and work at my house now, right?" Lin Yue said with a smile.

"But..." Siduri hesitated.

Ishtar noticed that Lin Yue seemed to like this Siduri very much, and at this time she used the privilege of her goddess.

"Ahem, Siduri, come to our house at the order of this goddess." Ishtar said in the posture of a goddess.

As a former priest, Siduri naturally respects the goddess very much.Now she naturally obeys the goddess' orders.

Then Lin Yue and his party took Siduri back home.Of.

Chapter 225

Back at Lin Yue's house, Siduri found that she was not very proficient with modern furniture.

Looking at the electric stove in the kitchen, Siduri struggled with it for more than thirty minutes before learning how to use it.

Lin Yue looked a little oblivious to the side, so she had to use her abilities to instill modern knowledge in Siduri.

After receiving the knowledge, Siduri immediately turned into a five-star chef, matched with local ingredients, and made delicious dishes for everyone.

"Well, yes, this is the beef from the ancient times. It's so bouncy and juicy." Lin Yue bit a piece of beef from the ancient times from Uruk.

Since this is still the age of the gods, there will be some spiritual power in the air.The food and water that the animals eat will naturally carry these things.It is natural that those animals are generally baptized by these spiritual powers, so their flesh is naturally better than modern ones.

"Yes, as long as you like it." Siduri took off her veil at this moment, revealing her beautiful face and cherry mouth, looking at Lin Yue with a smile.

Anna ate the food silently, but she complained in her heart: There is one more person.

Ti Ma kept serving food for Lin Yue and others.

"Enough is enough! God Tiamat." Ishtar looked at the stuffed vegetables and said with shame.

If you eat so much, will you gain weight?Ishtar looked down at his belly and thought worriedly.

After eating, Lin Yue lay comfortably outside in the yard basking in the sun.

At this time, there was a loud noise from outside the door.

Then I heard the sound of stepping on wooden shoes.

"Lord Lin Yue!" A female voice said in surprise.

Lin Yue sat up and saw that it was Ushiwakamaru.

"What's the matter, Miss Ushiwakamaru is here so free?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.

As always, Ushiwakamaru, who was wearing samurai armor, and Ba Yuqian, who looked helpless, came to Lin Yue's side.

"This is because you killed so many monsters last time, and then brought the leader of the enemy to the king. Now there are basically no monsters appearing every day, and they seem to be hiding." Ushiwakamaru said with a smile, I adjusted my posture, but I didn't notice the feeling this action brought to Lin Yue.

Um. . .Small is small.Lin Yue said seriously in her heart.

"Right now, we're going to have some free time, thanks to Lord Lin Yue." Ushiwakamaru approached Lin Yue with a wink.

On the side, Ba Yuqian watched with hatred and itchy teeth.Looking at this shameless woman, she was actually seducing her husband.

Although she has hatred with Ushiwakamaru because of Kiso Yoshinaka's affairs.But not too deep.

After all, Mu Zeng Yizhong was a woman, and she was just looking for her to cover up her identity and get married.

Her orientation is also normal, and she does not have any taboo lilies with Kiso Yoshinaka.Just friendship.

Moreover, she and Ushiwakamaru were both dead, so she naturally let go of this hatred.

But what I can't bear now is that this woman shamelessly wants to seduce Lin Yue.

"Ahem, Miss Ushiwakamaru, please pay attention to your image. Dressing so revealing is not the right choice for a lady." Ba Yuqian glanced at Ushiwakamaru and said lightly.

Then his hand naturally wrapped around Lin Yue and rested his head on Lin Yue's shoulder.With a smug look on his face.

When Ushiwakamaru saw it, he gritted his teeth unwillingly.

She had noticed just now that Ba Yuqian was not a heroic spirit at this time, but a living person.

When she thought of Lin Yue's ability, she understood that it should be caused by Lin Yue helping her.

Being able to do this shows that the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds.This made her a little disappointed.

She finally met a favorite object, but now she was snatched by her former enemy, and she was provoking it in front of her, which made her a little unbearable.

Niu Wakamaru rolled his eyes and said lightly, "In order to thank Lord Lin Yue, I specially prepared some wine that the king rewarded for everyone to taste. This is a good thing."

"Oh, that's it, that's fine." Lin Yue nodded after hearing this.

In the original four battles, Kim Pika once took out the wine in his treasury, which was the wine that Iskander praised.

But now that we have come to this era, it is natural to taste the fine wine of the king that Jinpika was proud of at the time.

"Wait for me then." After Ushiwakamaru heard Lin Yue's promise, he happily ran outside to get the wine.

A few minutes later, Ushiwakamaru returned with a beautiful jar inlaid with gold and various precious stones.

"Che, that cheapskate will actually reward you with these wines!" Ishtar said in surprise as he looked at the drunken eyes.

In her opinion, Gilgamesh is a stingy person.Otherwise, she wouldn't have given her any gems at first.

"Wang is not stingy, Wang is very generous to those who have merit." Siduri snickered while covering her mouth.

Because it was Ishtar's willfulness that led to Enkidu's death, all Gilgamesh has always had no good feelings for Ishtar.That's why Ishtar is treated differently from others.

"I know that he targeted me because of what happened back then!" Ishtar also understood why he was being treated differently.

Then Ishtar looked at Lin Yue innocently, like a child who admitted his mistake, and said weakly, "After that, I also reflected on it."

"I know, you didn't mean it." Lin Yue touched Ishtar's head and said.

"When the time comes, I'll help you make up for that golden pickup." Lin Yue then said with a smile.

"Mmmm!!! You are so kind!" Ishtar hugged Lin Yue and said happily.

Only Lin Yue can directly extract Enkidu's soul from the timeline to resurrect Enkidu.It can also be regarded as making amends for the mistakes made by Ishtar.

Then Ushiwakamaru opened the lid of the wine jar, and the aroma of the wine was immediately released.

Although Lin Yue rarely drinks alcohol, the smell of this balsamic vinegar is completely different from modern industrial wine.This one more restores the taste of the raw material and adds the taste of other fermented fruits.There is no pungent taste of wine, but a faint fragrance.

"Good wine!" Ba Yuqian knew this wine as soon as he smelled it, even in their time there was no comparison.

"Indeed, this cheapskate's stuff is not bad." Ishtar said a little sour.

It is clear that she is the darling of this land, a goddess who combines beauty and love.

But in terms of wealth and treasure, she is no match for a human king.

Siduri smiled, then poured the golden liquid wine onto the glass.

Anna looked at the golden liquid and said after a long absence, "Isn't this golden wine sprinkled with gold?"

After Lin Yue heard it, she stared at Anna for a while, she never thought that Anna would tell a joke.

Anna was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Lin Yue, her face blushed and her head lowered.

Lin Yue smiled and touched Anna's head and said, "It's better to talk more, don't be bored by yourself all the time."

"I... get it." Anna Nuonuo replied.

After Siduri was divided, Lin Yue couldn't help but smile when she saw that there was more than half of it left.

This sage king is really different from that middle two.It would be nice if I could give you a cup from the former middle school.

There are still so many people left.This made Lin Yue feel a little more comfortable.

It's okay, Xian Wang Shan, although I stole Siduri, but when the time comes to give you an Enkidu, it can be considered that someone will take care of you in your old age.Lin Yue thought to herself.

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