Although the two are the same person, they are not the same character after all.

"What's the matter? Yue?" Medusa asked Lin Yue.

Then Lin Yue explained this singularity to Medusa.

Medusa, who understood the cause and effect, looked at Anna pitifully.

Anna was a little flustered by Medusa's eyes.Don't dare to look up at Medusa.

"So, if the singularity disappears, then Anna and the others will disappear too." Medusa asked.

She remembered that Lin Yue had already taken down her body spirit base from the Heroic Spirit Sit, and restrained all of herself.

Therefore, the existence of Anna and Gorgon now depends on the particularity of the singularity.

If these things are resolved, then the singularity will disappear, and Anna, the heroic spirit of her own body at different times, will also disappear.

"Yes..." Lin Yue nodded and said.

When Anna heard this, she couldn't help trembling in her heart.The body stiffened unnaturally.

When the others heard it, they fell silent for a while.

Although they have not been in contact for a long time, everyone has established a deep friendship with Anna.

When they heard that their friends would disappear, everyone's heart became heavy.

Lin Yue noticed everyone's atmosphere, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's easy to stay, have you all forgotten my strength?"

When they heard Lin Yue's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, with Lin Yue around, there is nothing that can't be solved.

When Anna heard this, her heart couldn't help beating violently, and her breathing became rapid.

But then looking at the glamorous grown-up self on the screen, Anna flinched a little.

Medusa also noticed Anna's expression and looked at Anna thoughtfully.

"It depends on Anna's choice." Lin Yue said lightly.

Then he looked at Anna and asked, "Anna, do you want to be independent from now on?"

When Anna heard this, her body trembled.

She really longed to stay in her heart, but when she saw that she was an adult, she and Lin Yue were already husband and wife.

She didn't know how to deal with this.This time she couldn't measure it.

"Yue, let me talk to Anna alone." Medusa saw Anna's concerns and looked at Lin Yue and said.

After hearing Medusa's words, Lin Yue put the mother box mobile phone in Anna's hand.

"Let's have a good conversation." Lin Yue touched Anna's head and gave her a friendly smile.

Anna looked at Lin Yue's smile, hesitated for a while, left the living room with the mother box, and returned to her room.

After ten minutes, when Lin Yue and others were eating at the dining table, Anna slowly came out of the room and came to the living room.

Anna sat next to Lin Yue, and after returning the mother box to Lin Yue, her face flashed a little red.He lowered his head and said shyly.

"Need... what do you need me to do? If you stay."

Anna said hesitantly.

After Lin Yue heard this, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

Sure enough, the only one who knows him best is himself. I didn't expect Medusa to convince Anna.

When the others heard it, their faces were filled with joy.

"You don't have to do anything. All I need is little Anna to stay by my side." Lin Yue said while rubbing Anna's head.

"Sure enough... as she said, you... are too gentle." Anna looked at Lin Yue with a complicated expression.

After hearing this, Lin Yue smiled awkwardly, but she complained in her heart: The kind of Asaxi of some male protagonists is not good.

After lunch, Lin Yue began to deal with Anna's affairs.

Lin Yue took out the Holy Grail after a long absence, gave Anna the flesh, and then cut off the direct connection between Anna and Medusa.

Since then, Anna has become unique, no longer someone's childhood form.

"From today onwards, my name... is no longer Medusa, but Anna. Please give me more advice!" Anna said bowing to the others.

"Well, give me some advice, Anna sauce!"


Everyone accepted Anna, and seeing this, Anna couldn't help feeling the warmth of home.

"Okay, you guys continue to talk, I'm going to find Jinpika." Lin Yue said lightly.

After saying goodbye to the girls, Lin Yue came to the palace.

Looking at King Xian who was still working, Lin Yue said coldly, "You will die sooner or later if you are like this."

After hearing Lin Yue's voice, King Xian raised his head and glanced at Lin Yue, then waved his hand to let his men back out.

"You didn't come here to curse this king, right?" King Xian said lightly.

As if he had given up his struggle, Jin Gu sat on the side of the throne. After glancing at Lin Yue, he continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Of course not, but it's really interesting, this Jin Gu was actually tamed by you?! As expected of you!!!" Lin Yue touched his chin and looked at King Xian and Jin Gu with a smirk.It always feels as if the two of them are having an unspeakable secret.

"Cough, I always think you are thinking of some bad idea. What kind of person is this king, so naturally he can make people surrender!" King Xian coughed and said with a hint of redness on his face.

After Lin Yue saw it, she couldn't help but spit out in her heart. If that's the case, why are you blushing? !Could it be that some unethical means were used? !

Jin Gu also had a ruddy complexion on the side, and did not dare to look at the two of them.

Seeing this, Lin Yue was very clear.

After all, the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu is a bit strange from any point of view, and now Jin Gu is wearing the face of Enkidu.

It is inevitable that in the hard nights of work, looking at the people around you, I think of the old people, and then. . .

Lin Yue silently gave King Xian a thumbs up, and at the same time felt that En Qidu's hair color was chosen very well.

"Okay, let's be serious. I'm here to inform you that Ushiwakamaru is mine now. You understand." Lin Yue said lightly.

"Oh! Just for this? I can't stop watching." King Xian said with a wise light in his eyes.

"Of course, I know about Enkidu. Ishtar did something wrong. So I'm going to give you a gift." Lin Yue said with a smile.

When King Xian heard this, his pupils zoomed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, snapped her fingers, and a brand new body of the lock of the sky appeared in front of the three of them.

King Xian felt as if he understood what Lin Yue was going to do next, and stood up with a squeak.Staring at the body of the lock of the sky.

Then Lin Yue reached out into the void, and then pulled hard, pulling out the soul of a phantom.

Then put it into the new body of the lock of the sky.

King Xian widened his eyes and stared at this scene.Afraid to miss any detail.

Then Tian Zhisuo opened his eyes and stood up.

Seeing the trembling Gilgamesh standing up on the throne, he asked, "Gilgamesh? When did you change into such an ugly dress?"

" are...Enkidu???!!!" King Xian asked.

"Yeah, by the way, am I dead?" Enkidu asked curiously. .

Chapter 229

King Xian trembled when he heard that it was really Enkidu.

"Gilgamesh?! What's the matter with you?" Enkidu asked as he saw King Xian's face about to cry.

King Xian didn't say anything and hugged En Qidu directly.

"Just come back!!!" King Xian closed his eyes and said.

Jin Gu looked uncomfortably at King Xian holding En Qidu.

Then Lin Yue quietly left.

"What are you doing, Gilgamesh?" Enki asked the King Xian in confusion.

"Also, what happened?" Enkidu asked.

"I'll explain to you later." King Xian said.

"Okay..." Enkidu said helplessly.

But then he caught a glimpse of another man on the throne who had grown up exactly like him.

And also saw the lock of heaven on him.

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King Xian was asked by En Qidu, and he didn't know how to answer.

The three looked at each other, and the whole palace was filled with a strange atmosphere.


After Lin Yue had done a good job here, Lin Yue returned home.

I found that Anna has become much more cheerful at this time, and can be friends with Ishtar, Ailey and others.

Lin Yue called out Niu Wakamaru alone, cut off her heroic spirit contract with King Xian, and then Lin Yue gave Niu Wakamaru meat.

Wrap her up again.So far, Ushiwakamaru has become a real person.

"Thank you, sir." Ushiwakamaru bowed respectfully to Lin Yue.

" don't need to do such a big ceremony." Lin Yue was not used to such a solemn ceremony of ancient neon, and waved her hand quickly.

"This can't be done, this is the traditional etiquette of our era." Ushiwakamaru said firmly.

Hearing that Ushiwakamaru was so determined, Lin Yue could only let her go.

Afterwards, Lin Yue told Ushiwakamaru to change her outfits, it didn't matter at home, but when she went out, Lin Yue naturally didn't disagree with her outfit.

Ushiwakamaru also readily accepted this.

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