As long as it can be fused with Big Mary, the alien god Mary in the original work can be born.And it is also because of this thing that the subsequent fantasy tree is constructed.

Then, the top of the fantasy tree was born, and the Lost Tape was born.

Lin Yue now wants to do an experiment to see if other carriers are used to merge with it, and a strange tape will be born.

"Yue, this thing is so strange." Tima said while looking at the celestial sphere curiously.

"Of course, this thing is something he has planned for a long time. It's just because of an accident." Lin Yue said lightly.

"That's it..." Tim said, seemingly understanding.

Then Lin Yue snapped his fingers, and a humanoid monster with a pair of metal wings behind him and a pair of metal wings appeared beside Lin Yue.

This is the biological weapon that Lin Yue saw from the technology on Apocalypse - a demon.

The biggest feature of this technology is that it can transform any creature through the technology of Apocalypse, and the transformed unit is called a demon.Not only are they huge in number, they can also give birth to demons of different intensities through the transformed Primarch.In other words, as long as you transform a Kryptonian, it is equivalent to having a demon with Kryptonian abilities.

This is why Dakseid in DC is so keen to catch Dachao and transform it.

Without any free will thoughts, only loyal to his master, it can be said to be the perfect biological weapon.

Lin Yue didn't need to use the original body transformation, he directly used [Super Creation] to create a monster, and then transformed the monster, and got a magic circuit EX on it.

When the demon saw Lin Yue, he immediately knelt down and spoke a string of alien languages.

After Lin Yue heard it, she instantly knew that this was the language of the new Protoss on Apocalypse.

And this monster speaks the same language as Darkseid's monster.Long live Lin Yue!For Lin Yue!

After all, they have no independent will, only loyalty and orders to their masters.

"What a strange creature! What is this, Moon". "Tima asked curiously looking at the demon.

She herself has the power to create life, but she has never seen such a creature as a demon.So very curious.

"This is a biological weapon from another world, and its name is Demonoid. So it looks a little ugly, but it's a frightening existence in that world." Lin Yue touched Ti Ma's head and said with a smile.

In the DC Universe, the Demonoid is a terrifying biological weapon that can exist side by side with Doomsday.It's not that it can evolve like Doomsday, but that they are simple to make and plentiful.

They are very weak in single combat, and basically even mortals like Batman can easily defeat them.But can't stand the number.Thousands of demons are rushing towards you, and you have no power to fight back.

Darkseid also used such soldiers to conquer countless universes.

"Is that so." Ti Ma looked at this ugly demon, and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.It's so ugly after all.

"Go in. Then let that power enter your body. Don't move, do you understand?" Lin Yue ordered the demon.

After the demon-like quack said an alien language, he walked directly into the celestial sphere without even frowning.

This is the characteristic of demons without will, even if Lin Yue let it kill on the spot, it would execute it without hesitation.

When the demon entered the celestial sphere, the entire celestial sphere emitted bright light, and the temperature began to gradually increase.

A few minutes later, a brand new demon, the alien god demon was born and appeared in front of Lin Yue.

Lin Yue carefully looked at the alien gods and demons in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.

There should be a strange tape by now.

Lin Yue sensed it with her consciousness, and as expected, she discovered the existence of the fantasy tree, and then saw many strange tapes.

Among them, Lin Yue discovered a strange strange tape.Britannia Lost Tapes.

Lin Yue suddenly remembered that there was a character Lin Yue wanted in this strange tape.Fairy Queen - Morgan.

Unlike the Pan-Human History, Artoria did not become the king, but Morgan became the king of Great Britain and became the fairy queen.

But that was Morgan in order to save the world, constantly using the power of the fantasy tree to save the world many times.

As for why this broken world has suffered many disasters.In fact, it is inseparable from the death of those fairies.

In ancient times, Yuxing attacked, the earth issued a warning, and asked the six-winged fairy to build a holy sword to prevent Yuxing's invasion.

But the six-winged fairy was lazy, and felt that it was okay to be lazy, and as a result, they did not create a holy sword.

When they returned to the earth, they found that the surface of the earth had been destroyed by the wandering stars, and the history of mankind had been destroyed.The six-winged fairy can only wander alone on the boundless sea.

However, an antler god appeared on the sea, and on the shoulder of the antler god sat a 'miko' - she was the last human being to survive in Britain.The antler god helped the six-winged fairies to block the waves and meet their various needs.

But gradually the six fairies felt dissatisfied, and they wanted land.So they poisoned the antler god, and used the huge corpse of the antler god as the land to multiply and survive, while the six fairies used the witch as the mother to create an artificial man.

The androids became the goblins' slaves, or a 'resource' for the goblins.

The six fairies created their own six clans.

However, fairies also die, but after death they reincarnate and reappear somewhere in the fairyland.Their death did not completely disappear, and the corpses would remain, so the territory of Britain used the corpses of the goblins to reclaim the sea and expand the land.

Although the soul of the Antler God is dead, the curse on the six fairies still exists, so there will be a small disaster every few hundred years, and a major disaster every thousand years.

One day, a 'Paradise Fairy' floated along the water in Orkney, the region of the Rain Clan - because 'Paradise' can only be passed by innocent people.

Therefore, the six-winged fairies and their descendants who have committed the original sin (not forging the holy sword + killing the antler god) cannot return to the 'Paradise'.Paradise sent this goblin to save the goblins of Britain and make them repent, but then Britain would cease to exist.

Among them, the Rain Clan understood their crimes, protected the savior, raised her as a princess, and named her Morgan.

However, on Morgan's way to save the world, he was backstabbed by these goblins, and these goblins had no intention of repenting at all.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while, and realized that this place in the strange news tape was before the Yuxing attack.Lin Yue plans to let it go for a while.After Morgan came out, go over and let Morgan see clearly that the world is actually hopeless.Not worth her saving.

Afterwards, Lin Yue asked the demon-like creature to stand by here, and after it was not allowed to go there, she left with Ti Ma.


The atmosphere of the whole Chaldea fell into a lively atmosphere.Some people are reluctant to leave, and some say goodbye to every instrument they have used.

Lin Yue stood in the corridor, looking at the white snow outside.

Tim has returned to the 'forge of the world'. After all, he has not forgotten that he is going to find Big Mary tonight.

Just as Lin Yue was looking outside, there was a sound of treading footsteps.

Lin Yue turned her head and saw Joan of Arc dressed in black coming to Lin Yue's side.

"I didn't expect it to be you?!" Lin Yue said in surprise.

"Why... why can't it be me." Black Joan said falteringly.

"Yes, yes, it seems that we had a good conversation that night, Black Jeanne." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"What night?! I don't remember it!" Hei Joan said shyly, with red clouds all over his face when he heard that night.

"Oh, I forgot so soon. I remember it. And... I know exactly how it feels." Lin Yue said with a smile, looking at the shy Black Jeanne.


Black Joan let out a whimper, and the whole person's head was smoking.

That night, Lin Yue was inexplicably let into the room and still slept together.

Then he was attacked by Lin Yue's claws on the grounds of checking his health.

"Hahaha, it's really cute, Black Jeanne." Lin Yue took Black Jeanne's hand directly and said with a smile.

"You... why do you call me Black Joan." Black Joan changed the subject in order not to let herself continue to be shy.

"Oh, aren't you a Joan of Arc Alter Avengers agency? It's the opposite of Joan of Arc, and has the opposite personality, so it's not wrong to call her Joan of Arc." Lin Yue looked at Joan of Arc and said with a smile.

"...You seem to... know that me very well." After hearing that, Black Jeanne thought for a while and said.

"Of course, do you want to know why?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.

"Hmmmm!!" Black Joan nodded, looked at Lin Yue like a curious baby and said, "Want to know!"

"Then... just be my wife." Lin Yue raised Black Joan's chin and looked into her eyes with a smile.

"Huh?!" After Hei Joan heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.The whole person became red, and the heart continued to make a violent thumping sound.


Black Joan of Arc glanced out hesitantly.

Is this a confession? !I was actually confessed! ! !Great! ! !Joan of Arc cheered inwardly.

Ha ha! ! !The other me, as expected, I am more attractive. I didn't expect such a man to take the initiative to confess to me.Be envious! ! !Black Joan said inwardly.

"What? Don't you like me?" Lin Yue smiled and looked at the woman with the best strategy.

"No...just...I don't know you yet...I..."

Black Jeanne pretended to be reserved.

"Okay, then I'll go." After Lin Yue heard this, she pretended to be sad and let go of Black Joan, and turned around and was about to leave.

However, Joan of Arc panicked when she saw that Lin Yue was going to leave.He immediately grabbed Lin Yue's hand and said, "Don't go... I mean... We need to get to know each other."

After Lin Yue heard it, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, and then she hugged Black Joan and said, "Then let's get to know each other in depth now."

Immediately after he finished speaking, he went to Black Joan of Arc's room.

"Wait... What is in-depth understanding???!!!" Black Jeanne was hugged by Princess Lin Yue with a dumbfounded face.

It wasn't until almost 2 hours before Lin Yue came out of Joan of Arc's room.

Lin Yue looked at the time, it was only 10 o'clock, and it was too late, so she quickly rushed to Big Mary's room.

On the way, Lin Yue thought for a while, whether this is a master of time management.

When she came to the door of Big Mary's room, Lin Yue called.

"Hey, Big Mary, here I come."

When Big Mary heard it, her eyes trembled.Look at yourself in front of the mirror.

Li Nuo's)

Tonight, she wore a very gorgeous princess dress.

At this time, she was constantly looking at the mirror and wiggling her skirt.

"It should be fine." Big Mary murmured.

Then he opened the door and saw Lin Yue's surprised eyes.

Looking at Lin Yue's eyes, the corners of Big Mary's mouth turned up slightly with satisfaction.After preparing for so long, this is the effect.

The parallel world's self is still small, and it is estimated that it is impossible to pass through this body and show it to Lin Yue.So she was considered a city breaker.

Lin Yue couldn't help being a little surprised when she looked at Big Mary who was like a beautiful star at this time.

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