She already knew what happened to the parallel world herself from Big Mary, and she sympathized with the parallel world herself very much.

He was actually sacrificed by his own father as a container, for the dream of reaching the root.

However, because her father passed by and destroyed all this, she was relieved.That's how the two became sisters.Little Mary has since had a sister.

"I have to go back there after a while, there are some things to deal with, and then I will destroy that world." Lin Yue said lightly.

That world can be said to be rooted like a tumor, and the singularity and strange tapes are like viruses in the tumor, constantly being created.

Like strange tapes and singularities, they are neither parallel worlds nor dimensional spaces of the same world, so Lin Yue doesn't look down on Maris Billy's idea of ​​​​understanding in the fgo world.

By herself, Lin Yue holds the 'World Crucible' to be able to fuse the heavens and the world. There is no need for such a tumor-like method, nor does she need to pursue the so-called root cause.

"Are you dealing with things, trouble?" Orange asked after thinking for a while.

"No, it's not a hassle for me." Lin Yue shook her head and said lightly.

"That's it, then we'll wait for you to come back." Orange said with a smile.

"Well, by the way, I'll introduce some people to you, so everyone can get along well." Lin Yue said, remembering that her mother was still in the furnace.

"Ha, I knew, there must be more than these two." Cheng Zi looked as expected.

When Big Mary heard this, she thought to herself, could it be God Tiamat? !But it always feels like it doesn't stop.

Then Lin Yue released the mother and them and introduced them to everyone.

Big Mary is exactly like that.This is not only God Tiamat, but also several goddesses and several generals.

"This... it really looks a lot like Rin." Orange said looking at Ishtar and Elle.

"Rin?" Ishtar asked suspiciously.

Alley looked at the orange curiously.

"Ah, it's... um... you'll know when you meet." Cheng Zi felt that it was a little troublesome to explain, so she just let the two meet.

"Okay, now Chengzi, take them home when it's time. I have to go over there." Lin Yue said lightly.

Orange nodded after hearing that.

Tim came up and said to Lin Yue, "Come back early, husband."

The others did the same, looking at Lin Yue.

"I will." Lin Yue nodded with a smile.

After everyone gave a kiss, they opened the [sonic boom channel] and returned to the fgo world.

After Lin Yue disappeared, Cheng Zi clapped her hands and said, "Okay, now it's time to take you back to meet the sisters, girls."

When Little Mary saw that Big Mary followed, and then saw that Big Mary was wearing the same ring as other Lin Yue women, she immediately knew what was going on.

"Sister, you...don't...really..." Little Mary looked at Big Mary shyly and said.

Big Mary knew what little Mary asked, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's true. When little Mary grows up, there will be."

Big Mary touched Little Mary's head.

"Okay... Then you go first. I have to go home and report something to my father." Little Mary said.

"Goodbye, little Mary sauce." Orange waved to little Mary, and then opened the space crack.

Then everyone followed the orange and walked in (of).

After watching the others leave, little Mary also turned to leave the house and headed back to her family's territory.

Suddenly, she saw in front of her a girl with beautiful long blond hair, white skin like a ceramic doll, blue pupils, a petite figure, a hat on her head, and a dark blue aristocratic dress.

The girl's name is Lenis El-Melloi Archizorti, the niece of the Clock Tower monarch Kenneth.He is also a good friend who plays with little Mary after all.

"Lenis?! Why are you here?" Little Mary asked in surprise.

Lenis's blue pupils flashed a hint of joy, and she said lightly: "I heard a passage in the courtyard just now during class, and then a large group of people came out. I heard that I saw someone who looks like you after all. The person appeared. So I wanted to ask you what happened."

"That's it?" Little Mary couldn't help but said speechlessly.

"Of course it's more than that. I heard that someone found out that they saw that man, and he came back?" Lenis said with a hint of complexity in her eyes.

Little Mary naturally knew that the man Lenis was talking about was Lin Yue.

When Lin Yue lived in the Clock Tower for half a year, Lynis knew Lin Yue at a very young age.

Laines, on the other hand, has a distorted personality and takes pleasure in the fall or slips of others, especially when serious people veer gloomily off course.

Faced with such Lenis, little Mary had naturally suffered a lot before.

However, even with this kind of Lenis, in front of Lin Yue, she couldn't get any favors at all.Instead, they are often counter-educated.

Either he was taken care of by Lin Yue here, or he was played by Lin Yue there, and he often collapsed.

"You're late, he's gone, he may not be back in a while." Little Mary said lightly.

"Oh!" Lenis was relieved when she heard this, but she didn't know why she was a little disappointed.

For Lin Yue, she had a love-hate relationship, which she didn't even notice.

She only knew that she had nothing to do with him.In front of others, she is like a mastermind behind the scenes, playing with the fate of others.But in front of Lin Yue, she felt like a tame little lamb.

And after the arrival of Aige, I was constantly being tricked by Aige.Make her not happy at all.

"If I have nothing to do, I'll go home first." Little Mary said that she wanted to leave when she saw that Lenis was silent.

"Oh?! Mary-chan, you seem to be afraid of me." Lenis said with a happy expression on her face when she heard little Mary hurriedly leaving.

"Ah?! No. I just remembered that there are still things to do at home." After seeing that bad smile, Little Mary couldn't help but say a little frightened.

As a child, she was often teased by Lenis.For Laines, she naturally has some shadows.

When she saw Lenis in this state, she knew that this guy was going to start messing things up.

"Hoho, Mary-chan, it's dishonest. It seems that the content of the sleep talk that Mary-chan said in bed that day would be troublesome if it was accidentally exposed." Lenis said with a smile on her face.

When little Mary heard this, her whole face turned bad.

That day, when she was sleeping with Lenis, she accidentally had a dream, in which she succeeded in ascending the throne and became Lin Yue's only favorite woman.Then he said it directly in his sleep.

The content is even more incomparable and arrogant.Make her want to die after hearing it herself.

Then it was recorded by Lenis, and it became the handle of her life. Lenis held it in her hand and held it tightly.

"You...don't..." Little Mary said in a hurry to cry.

"Hoho, Mary-chan. If that's the case, can you tell me what happened today?" Lenis said happily.

Seeing such a little Mary, Linice felt a sense of joy again.

"You... well, I'll say..." Little Mary helplessly could only talk about the parallel world, big Mary.

But in his heart, he secretly swore that Lenis would pay the price.

If you can't deal with her by yourself, can't you find brother Lin Yue? !Little Mary said in her heart.

A few minutes later, after listening to this, Lenis looked at Little Mary in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it is such a thing, people from parallel worlds come to live in this world.And Lin Yue is going to destroy that parallel world.

What made her even more unexpected was that Lin Yue's strength had already reached this point.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'm leaving." Little Mary looked up at Lenis and said.

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Today's news is too shocking for her.She also needs time to digest these things.

Looking at Lenis, who was in deep thought, little Mary rolled her eyes and left.

And after watching Little Mary leave, Linice looked up at the sky, and murmured, "I seem to have heard something incredible."

Laines then left in the opposite direction.


On Lin Yue's side, when he returned to Chaldea, he found that there were a few more people around the demon.

A red-haired boy who looks very much like Emiya Shirou, his name is Muramasa.

A pink-haired fox who looks a bit like Tamamo before, her name is Goyanskaya, she is Beast, the incarnation of human evil.And has the power of five of the nine tails that Tamamo had cut off before, plus the tail of the Tamamo cat.His real name is 'The Playful Beast'.

There was also a priest who looked no different from Kotomine Kirei, whose name was Ras**.

The last word is Seimei, a famous neon onmyoji, and to be precise, Doman Ashiya, the dark side of Seimei Anbai.

The four of them are Alien God apostles, and they came here, it seems that they have become Alien God demons for this incarnation.

At this time, the four of them looked at Lin Yue who suddenly came out of that passage, and looked at Lin Yue alertly.

"Hmph, you guys actually delivered it to your door? It seems that you want to die sooner." Lin Yue looked at the four of them lightly and said.

Alien Star God, in fact, like Yu Xing, does not belong to the species on the earth in essence, but comes from the accident of the Milky Way.

Therefore, Lin Yue will naturally eliminate these guys. After all, the entire Xingyue world can be regarded as his own back garden, so these guys are naturally not allowed to exist.

"You... who are you. Your tone is not small." Seimei looked at Lin Yue with a gloomy face and said.

Lin Yue didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and a teleport came to him.

At that moment, Seimei didn't even see clearly, only to see Lin Yue appearing in front of him, his pupils shrunk.

"Die." Lin Yue spat out two words indifferently.

Then, with a bang, Lin Yue punched Seimei.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the three, Seimei instantly disintegrated, leaving nothing behind.

Under normal circumstances, the silver superman can punch people through time and space with one punch.And Lin Yue's punch is already a power that surpasses everything.Let Seimei disappear directly, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Moreover, Lin Yue's power was well controlled, so that the world was not shattered by the impact of Lin Yue's punch.All the power was well absorbed by Seimei, and there was no waste. .

Chapter 237

The remaining three people watched this scene with numb scalps.

A good person, being beaten and evaporated by one punch, this kind of power makes them very scared.

"Okay, it's you next. I didn't expect to put a fantasy tree, and it really attracted you." Lin Yue said lightly.

Originally, in addition to testing whether he could build a strange tape, and then by the way to see if he could fish out those alien god bugs.

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