However, this group of fairies did not know what to do, and each had a ghost in their hearts, intending to destroy this stable situation.

What a bunch of hopeless idiots!

Lin Yue shook her head and became more determined in her heart that these goblins were not worth saving at all.After Morgan's matter is resolved, Lin Yuehui will detonate the curse in person, and let these goblins experience despair.

Then Morgan took Lin Yue to the splendid palace, and Morgan immediately summoned all the courtiers to announce Lin Yue's identity.

Lin Yue sat beside the Morgan Throne, and the patriarchs of the various goblin tribes below looked at Lin Yue curiously.

After all, it's a little weird to see a big man being declared a queen.

When those patriarchs saw Lin Yue's face, they were all shocked by Lin Yue's face, which was even more perfect than the creation of God.

One of the patriarchs of the Wind Clan is a beautiful elf with long blond hair and a pair of colorful butterfly wings behind her. Her name is Aurora.

At this time, she was also stabbed in the heart by Lin Yue's appearance, and she looked at Lin Yue obsessively.

Morgan seemed to notice Aurora's gaffe and snorted coldly.

Then she woke up, noticing Morgan's dangerous eyes, she suppressed her heart, and lowered her head slightly.

But at this time, she was not convinced, and was even more jealous of Morgan.

How could this witch have such a beautiful lover? !Aurora growled inwardly.

But then Aurora groaned inwardly.Let you be proud for a while, and when the time comes, this man will be mine and your reign will end! ! !

Lin Yue herself also noticed the patriarchs present, especially the eyes of Aurora.

Lin Yue didn't like this goblin, because this Aurora gave people a feeling of blue pool. .

Chapter 239

A few days later, Lin Yue woke up from the gorgeous bedroom, and Morgan left long ago. After all, as a queen, she was still very busy, and she had to deal with various government affairs every day.

Several days have passed since he came here, and Lin Yue naturally took Morgan one night.But Lin Yue did not give Morgan the [Blessing of the Dragon] for the time being.

Lin Yue came all the way to Morgan's office. At this time, Morgan was talking to his subordinates.

When they saw Lin Yue come in, they stopped and looked at Lin Yue.

"What's wrong? Yue?" Morgan looked up at Lin Yue and asked.

"It's nothing, I just came to see your office. I heard that Aurora, the patriarch of the Wind Clan, was visiting the Mirror Clan in the north. When passing by a lake, he met a goblin born from the lake?" Lin Yue heard To a little bit of information they discussed -, that's why I asked.

Lin Yue knew that this fairy born from the lake was exactly the 'Lancelot' of this strange tape, a female fairy.Later, he was taken over by Morgan, and he and two other fairy knights formed the fairy version of the Knights of the Round Table.

Morgan nodded after hearing this, and she didn't mind revealing her plan to Lin Yue, after all, she wished Lin Yue could give her an idea.

"I plan to recruit her to form a knight order!" Morgan said his thoughts with a smile.

"But Queen, the patriarch of the Wind Clan discovered the man, and now you're going to ask for someone... I'm afraid..." a long werewolf-like courtier advised.

He is the patriarch of the Tooth Clan. Once in the war, their Tooth Clan wanted to overthrow Morgan's rule because of their ancestors.However, in the end, she was defeated by Morgan and became loyal to Morgan.

"Heh, I'm the queen of this country! Is there anything I can't ask for?! As a minister, Aurora naturally has to obey the king's arrangements!" Morgan said lightly.

Although she herself Aurora has always been dissatisfied with her, basically in terms of political ideas, Aurora often refutes her policies.But so what, all the magic powers of their fairies are regularly collected by Morgan to maintain the operation of the fairy country.

In fact, she found a way to save this Lost Records. After collecting the magic power of these fairies, she covered the entire planet with this Lost News belt without a fantasy tree.In order to prevent the god of antlers who would wake up at any time, she set up 12 holy spears against the big hole next to Camelot.

It's just that she didn't tell these goblins, she was afraid that these goblins would do something wrong.

But even if Morgan didn't tell the goblins, the goblins figured out something.So that in the end, the original Morgan died, and the C-rank Liya operated the holy spear and faced the awakened Antler God alone.

The patriarch of the Tooth Clan could only silently nodded after hearing this.

However, the other courtiers were not very optimistic about Morgan's action. They all knew in their hearts that Aurora would not accept Morgan, so it would not be so easy to send the fairy in the lake.

After Lin Yue heard it, she nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

Lin Yue felt that Morgan would definitely conflict with Aurora, so Lin Yue decided to go and have a look.

Morgan had a very surprised expression on his face after hearing this. This was the first time in many years that Lin Yue offered to help her.

This moved Morgan badly.Morgan guessed in his heart that it was probably the result of the closer relationship between the two after that night.

Morgan nodded without hesitation and agreed to take Lin Yue with him.

When the others heard it, they frowned.They felt that the queen seemed to care a lot about this so-called 'queen'.

People from other clans didn't know Lin Yue's strength and thought that he was only favored by the queen because of his good looks.However, the patriarch of the Rain Clan saw Lin Yue's strength with his own eyes, and he did not dare to be disrespectful to Lin Yue.

Then Lin Yue followed Morgan to the gate of the palace, where a gorgeous carriage had already been prepared.

"Let's go, Yue." Morgan got into the carriage and said to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue nodded, then followed him and sat up.


A few minutes later, the group came to the territory of the Wind Clan.

When the people of the Wind Clan saw that it was the Queen's carriage, they gave way, but they didn't show much respect.After all, his patriarch Aurora and Morgan have never dealt with each other, so the people of the Wind Clan don't have much respect for Morgan.

But Morgan didn't care, after all, he regularly charged the magic power of these goblins, and it was normal for them to disrespect or even hate themselves.As long as she is strong enough, she can suppress them.

But Morgan overlooked one point, these goblins are cunning guys, they don't show obvious stabbing behavior now, but it doesn't mean they never will, they are all waiting for the right time, waiting for a chance to get down.

As long as the opportunity comes, they will definitely not hesitate to stab Morgan, who is doing his best to fight against the curse of the antler god and to save the continent.

After all, these guys were able to stab even the benefactor who rescued them, the Antler God, let alone Morgan.It can be said to be extremely bad.

"Do you know why I'm obsessed with this 'Lake Fairy'?" Morgan said, sitting beside Lin Yue, looking at the scenery outside the carriage.

"Why?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.He knew the reason for Morgan.

"Because I have a hunch that the fairies born in this lake are one of the disasters of this continent!!!" Morgan said with a frown.

"Oh! Since that's the case, why not just kill her?" Lin Yue said lightly.

"No, you can only prevent disasters by suppressing your name!" Morgan shook his head and said.

Lin Yue nodded after hearing this.

Then the carriage came to Aurora's palace. After Morgan and Lin Yue got off the carriage, they heard a crisp female voice.

"Isn't this Her Majesty the Queen? Why do you have time to come to the little girl's place today?"

The fairy Aurora with butterfly wings like a rainbow walked slowly towards the two of them.

At this time, after seeing Lin Yue, Aurora couldn't help but feel excited.All eyes were on Lin Yue.

Morgan naturally saw Aurora's eyes, and couldn't help but cursed inwardly: Bitchi!Sure enough, I have an idea for the moon!

"Cough! Patriarch Aurora, I heard that you picked up a goblin born from carrion on the lake!" Morgan coughed, trying to divert Aurora's attention.

"Oops! Yes, I didn't expect Her Majesty to receive the news so quickly!" Aurora admitted without surprise after hearing it.

After all, this matter has already spread throughout the fairyland, and sooner or later it will reach the Queen's ears.So when Aurora saw Morgan's arrival, she naturally knew why Morgan came.

"Come in!" Aurora led the two all the way to her palace.

At this time, Lin Yue and Morgan saw a petite loli with long silver hair and a petite figure in the main seat.

"Is this the goblin?" Morgan asked, looking at the silver-haired little loli.

"Yes, her name is Melusine." Aurora said lightly.

"She has a very powerful force!" Morgan said lightly.

"Oh?! That's really lucky! I didn't expect to find such a powerful character." Aurora said in surprise after hearing it.

She naturally sensed that there was a powerful force in Melusine, but she didn't know exactly how.

Lin Yue looked at the goblin version of Lancelot and reached out to touch her head with a smile.

And Meilu Xin looked up at Lin Yue, she did not stop Lin Yue from moving, on the contrary, she seemed to feel an inexplicable sense of affinity in Lin Yue.

When Aurora saw that Lin Yue reached out and touched Merusin, she wanted to stop it.Because Meilu Xin was very beautiful, after she brought her back, when many people wanted to touch her, they were interrupted by her strong strength.

However, Aurora was very surprised to see that Merusine did not stop her at all, and instead showed a very enjoyable expression.

After Morgan looked at this Melusine, he immediately said to Aurora, "If I need her, she will become a member of the Knights of the Fairy Country."

When Aurora heard this, her brows frowned slightly.

"This... Your Majesty, I found this and picked it up. It doesn't seem right!" Aurora said to Morgan dissatisfied.

"What?! I'm the queen of the fairy country. Of course you are courtiers and you have to obey me, and I'm not asking, just to inform you!" Morgan said with sharp eyes looking directly at Aurora.

Morgan wanted to beat Aurora through this time, so that she could understand who in the whole fairy country had the final say.

After Aurora heard it, she clenched her fist and cursed Morgan inwardly, obviously not obeying Morgan's order.

Lin Yue noticed Aurora's mood swings, glanced at Aurora slightly, and thought to herself: I can't help it anymore?

But then Aurora controlled her emotions, forced a smile and said to Morgan, "Does the Queen really want Merusin?"

"Yes. No one can change my mind." Morgan said lightly.

"Okay, I hope the Queen can treat Merusin kindly." Aurora urged with a reluctant expression on her face.

"You don't need to tell me, I will too. She will be the Knight of the Round Table of Great Britain! Maintain the rule of Great Britain! Anyone who is an enemy of Great Britain will become the soul of her sword!!!" Morgan said sternly.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

In fact, she said this to Aurora, which was equivalent to warning her.

However, Aurora didn't seem to understand the inner meaning of Morgan's words. Instead, she looked at Merusin with a happy face and said, "Merusin, from today onwards, you will become a Knight of the Round Table of Great Britain! I'm really happy for you, Able to serve Her Lady Queen."

Melusine looked at Aurora with a puzzled expression and asked, "What is that?"

Then Lin Yue smiled and explained to Melusin.

A few minutes later, Merusin, Lin Yue, and Morgan left the Wind Clan's territory.

And Aurora looked at Morgan's carriage from a distance, and there was a haze on her face.

"Damn Morgan! If it wasn't for the time, I wouldn't compromise with you!" Aurora said slightly.

Then she returned to the room and entered a secret room from the room.

In the secret room, she took out a crystal stone for communication.

Immediately after the magic was injected, a light curtain appeared.

Although Morgan took the magic power of their fairies, he did not take all of them, but only part of them, so Aurora still had the magical power to drive the communicator.

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