Seeing the seniors talk so well, Steno and Yurielle felt relieved.He was soon integrated into the big family.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Lin Yue naturally felt relieved.

The two sisters have been given the [Blessing of Dragons] by Lin Yue, so their eyes are naturally no longer limited to their own Greek gods.

They know that anyone here can kill their Greek gods in seconds.So they don't have the slightest goddess air.

Then Lin Yue looked at the game and had already finished one game.The result was no surprise, it was Jin Twinkle who won.

To Lin Yue's surprise, King Xian, En Qidu, and Jin Gu all joined Zhong Ershan's team.

With the existence of three [Clairvoyance] in a team, there is no doubt that the opposite side no longer needs to play.

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Mo and the others with some sympathy.

Just when she was resting, Lin Yue thought about it, her points had reached 50, and she could draw the next world to go to.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue immediately contacted the system.

system, draw across the world!

'Ding, the test master has 50 points, 1000 points are now deducted, and the remaining 499000 points.The world is being drawn. . .please wait. . . '

What world is this time?Let Lin Yue look forward to it for a while.

'Ding, draw the world [dark bullet]'

As the sound of the system fell, Lin Yue couldn't help frowning.Of.

Chapter 248

Lin Yue herself did not expect to draw a dark loli. . .cough cough. . .The world of bullets.

Lin Yue has no good feelings for this world.

A monster called gastrula appeared in this world. Under the attack of this monster, the human world was destroyed and almost destroyed.

And just when human beings thought they would be destroyed, a group of cursed children were born.

They are all children born to the mother's ingestion of gastrula virus during pregnancy, resulting in the accumulation of the virus in the fetus, and they have a certain ability of gastrulae.The sex of the original fetus cannot be selected, but due to some influence of the gastroenterovirus, all known children with gastroenterovirus are girls.

It's been around since the gastrula war, so now the cursed children are all within 10 years of age.When they use their abilities, their eyes will turn red, and when they release their abilities or are injected with body fluids, the gastrulation virus erosion rate will gradually increase. To inject inhibitors.

So these cursed children are hated and persecuted by most people, and most of them are excluded from living in the outer area.

This is also the reason why Lin Yue hates this world. He obviously relies on the cursed child to survive, but the cursed child has not been treated properly, but has been persecuted and rejected.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue couldn't help shaking her head. Since she's drawn into this world, she'd better give these people a glimpse of despair.

As for the innocent cursed children, Lin Yue planned to discuss with the girls how to arrange them.

Then Lin Yue told the girls about the world she was going to go to next, and told them the information of this world.

When they heard it, everyone fell silent.

I didn't expect that there is such an outrageous world, and the people in this world are simply rotten to the root.

"This... is really a world that makes people feel uncomfortable." Sheng frowned and said with some displeasure.

"Is this human nature?" Morgan exclaimed.

"No... these are not human nature, and they are not even comparable to beasts." Gurefia said lightly.

"In a sense, more demons than us demons." Cana said, pushing her glasses.

"These people will go to hell!" Fujino said with a trace of anger on his face.

"No... Hell probably won't accept it..." Sheng shook his head and said.

"The underworld won't accept it either..." Even Elle, who has always liked humans, said with a sigh.

"What should be discussed now is how to deal with these cursed children." The two ceremonies looked at the excitement of the crowd and said the main point of the discussion.

"Oh... yes oh..."

When the others heard it, they all laughed awkwardly.Almost off topic.

Then everyone began to think about how to deal with these cursed children.

Since there must be a lot of them, there must be an environment suitable for them to settle in.

"At this time, you should first ask Yue, how to deal with the world." Ti Ma saw everyone was thinking in distress, and then put forward her own opinions.

When the others heard it, they all nodded and praised Ti Ma's ingenuity.

Then everyone looked at Lin Yue.

When Lin Yue saw everyone looking at her, she smiled and said, "Naturally it will be destroyed."

"Except for the cursed children, everyone will be judged!!!" In the end, Lin Yue's tone changed, as if she was the destroyer who judged the world, she said coldly.

All the girls were shocked by the Destroyer-like temperament that Lin Yue suddenly exuded.

Especially the girls with [Dragon's Gift] on their bodies can feel Lin Yue's inner emotions.

"Sister... is it so terrible for your husband to be angry?!" Yurielle asked in a low voice, approaching Medusa.

Medusa shook her head and said, "It's the first time I've seen such a moody Moon."

Whether it's Medusa or the two ceremonies she's been with for a long time, it's the first time she's seen Lin Yue's mood fluctuate so much.

The two rituals stretched out their hands and held Lin Yue's hand to reassure them, "What do we need to do?"

The girls also nodded and their eyes were full of firmness. As long as Lin Yue said it, they would do it.

Then Lin Yue noticed that she was too emotional, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I was too excited."

"It's okay... we can understand." Irisviel said with a smile.

"Yeah! Brother Yue, it doesn't matter." Xiao Ying also comforted Lin Yue.

Others also let Lin Yue not worry too much, after all, it is normal to have emotions, even Sheng himself is a little angry.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Yue said emotionally.

After adjusting her emotions, Lin Yue then continued: "I intend to destroy this world, and only take away some worthy people and cursed children."

After the girls heard it, they nodded and agreed with Lin Yue's approach.

"But now it's mainly about arranging the cursed children. Those who are worth saving are relatively simple. When the time comes, modify the reality to make them lose their memory and integrate into this world perfectly." Lin Yue said after thinking for a while.

"Of course, the children of the curse can also choose to eliminate their ability to be ordinary people or eliminate the negative aspects of their ability, and then let them belong to us." Lin Yue then continued.

"This is indeed possible. I can let them enter the underworld and be cultivated on the site of the Luciferian family." Gurefia said sternly.

"Since this is the case, then my Sidi family can do it too!!!" Seraph said at this time, not admitting defeat.

Grafia and Seraph looked at each other with fighting intent.

"Uh... Actually, we can do Gremory..." Rias raised her hand weakly at this moment.

When Grefia and Seraph heard this, they glared at Rias.

Rias was frightened by the eyes of the two and shrank into Lin Yue's arms.

"Okay, okay, let's make arrangements when the time comes. Don't scare Rias the two of you." Lin Yue touched Rias comfortably and shook her head helplessly.

After hearing Lin Yue's words, the two stopped competing.

Morgan asked at this time, "So when do we leave?"

She seemed to be impatient to go to other worlds. After all, Lin Yue had explained it to her, but she had not experienced it herself, so she had some expectations in her heart.

Steno and Yurielle also looked at Lin Yue with the same expectant eyes. As soon as they heard that they could go to another world to play so soon, they were also looking forward to it.

Others also looked at Lin Yue expectantly, especially Cheng Zi and the others who had not followed Lin Yue to the dxd world before.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow." Lin Yue said slowly.

"Wuhu! I can finally go out to play!!!" Cheng Zi cheered happily.

After the time is determined, everyone will continue to watch the game.

There is no doubt that the Knights of the Round Table were still unable to defeat the team with three [Clairvoyance] hanging in the game.

Gilgamesh successfully won the championship again.

Xiao Mo on the stage slapped the table angrily, "Damn!!! Why can't you beat these guys!!!"

After hearing this, Lancelot shrugged helplessly and said, "I said it earlier, that guy probably has inherent skills like [Clairvoyance], so it's impossible to win."

If it wasn't for Xiao Mo's love of fun and fun, Lancelot and the others would have given up long ago.

If it wasn't for their king, that is, Liya, who had told them privately, let them play with her.They won't continue to be embarrassed here.

"Okay, Mordred, excluding the opponents on the opposite side, we have defeated so many opponents, and it is considered a success." Gawain comforted Xiao Mo with a smile.

But Xiao Mo quit. After all, Liya was watching from above, which made her feel that her father looked down on her even more at this time.

Out of breath, Xiao Mo ran out.

"Alas!!! Mordred!!!" Gawain looked at Little Mo who was running outside and shouted.

"Forget it, let her go." Lancelot shook his head and said.

When Lin Yue in the viewing room saw it, she looked at Liya and asked, "Aren't you going to comfort her?"

Liya thought about it for a while, then shook her head and said, "If it's only this level, then she should forget it."

"Humph! I agree with this point." Lolita said hummingly with her arms in front of her.

After hearing Liya's words, Lin Yue didn't say anything else.

"Okay, since it's over, then leave." Lin Yue then looked at everyone and said.

"Steno and Yurielle will stay with us." Lin Yue looked at Sister Steno and said.

After hearing this, the two nodded.Then he took out his phone and called his agent.

When the agent heard it, he immediately agreed.After all, she had already received news that the two idols were already at the level of Miss Medusa, so she did not dare to go against the wishes of the two sisters.

Then a group of spectacular teams reappeared on the streets of Tokyo.

After returning home, Violet and Akiba officially moved into Lin Yue's house and became one of the hostess here...  

That night, Violet got what she wanted, and finally took the last step.Of course, because of lack of physical strength, Akiba finally came in and rescued Violet.

The next day, Lin Yue saw that only Alaya and Gaia were left at home, while the others entered Lin Yue's 'world melting pot'.

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