When Tiantong and Guang saw this scene, they immediately said loudly: "Tiantong Mugeng! Dare to fight me!"

Tiantong and Guang realized that now is not the time to worry about their mother, but to protect the entire Tiantong family is the top priority.He thought of holding Tiantong Mugeng by himself, and then secretly notified the family's guards.In this way, Tiantong Mugeng can be subdued with the advantage of more people.

Tiantongmu even heard Tiantong Heguang's words, and looked at him with scrutiny in his eyes.

And Tiantong and Guang were a little flustered when Tiantongmu looked at them.

Did she see through my plan? !Tendo and Hikari thought inwardly.

However, Tiantong Mugeng's answer made him panic.

"You don't think you can hold me back and wait until the other guards from Tiantong's house arrive to subdue me, right?! You are too naive." Tiantongmu said even more disdainfully.

"If that's the case, then I'll give you a chance. You can get in touch now. I'll leave you to the end." Tiantongmu said more indifferently.

Afterwards, instead of looking at Tiantong and Guang, he looked at some relatives around him.

It can be said that none of the people present were innocent, and all of them either directly or indirectly caused the death of their parents.

The others were shocked when they heard Tiantong Mugeng's words.There is only one thought in my head: it's over! ! !

『!若.!水?资;源:.!群!』!?6;'5!,:6'"!6?':1:8;8?9;6",?『;!?若.:"水,'中",转';.群;』,!7?,'6"6;,0?.'1;?8!;3."?2:,,0  随着天童木更拔出刀,对着靠近自己的两个人砍了过去。

In an instant, two silver lights flashed, and the two heads rolled in front of everyone like balls.On their heads, the expressions of the two of them were still stunned.

Looking at the billowing head, everyone started to flee around like a bird with a startled bow.

"Don't!!! Let's go!!!"

"Don't step on me!!! Let me go first!!! I am an elder!!!"

"Save me!!! Father!!! Don't leave me!!!"

"Don't squeeze!!! Get out of the way!!!"

For a time, everyone in the entire conference room rushed out the door, and some even wanted to jump out of the window.

However, Tiantongmu didn't give them a chance at all. She walked slowly in the conference room, raising her hand and slashing at the person.

A minute later, as a scream passed by, the entire conference room turned into a purgatory on earth, with broken limbs and human heads rolling everywhere.

Only Tendo Kazuki and his mother were left behind by Tendoki.

At this time, the two of them couldn't help feeling disgusted when they watched this scene, and they vomited directly.


Seeing the shameful appearance of the two of them, Tiantongmu even showed a look of contempt on his face.

"Where's your reinforcements? Have I finished killing them yet?" Tiantongmu sat down directly in front of the two and said lightly.

"Mu Geng... Can you spare us... I'm also your mother. This is your brother." Tiantong and Guang's mother's face was not very good, and she pleaded with the nausea in her stomach.

"I don't have a mother and brother like you. My mother died ten years ago. You killed me." Tiantongmu said coldly.

Hearing Tiantongmu's words, the two of them understood that Tiantongmu would not let them go today.

So the two of them also gave up, and now they can only rely on the arrival of the family's guards to subdue her smoothly.Otherwise, they would never have walked out of this room alive today.

Two minutes later, with the sound of the door opening, a group of uniformed guards with guns all poured in.

The guards watched the terrifying scene in the conference room, and some couldn't stand it and vomited on the spot.

A captain came to Tiantong Heguang and asked, "Master Heguang, what's going on here?"

"This person, hurry!!! Kill her!!! She is killing her here!!!" Tiantong and Guangjian savior came, and immediately pointed at Tiantong Mugeng and said.

After the guards received the order, they immediately raised their guns and aimed at Tentong Mugeng.

"Give up resistance now, or we'll shoot!!!"

The captain of the guard warned Tentong even more.

Then he saw Tiantong Mugeng, and also knew that the girl he was looking at was the eldest young lady of Tiantong's family, but she had already run away from home, and was regarded as giving up by the family by default.So he was not polite at all.

Seeing this, Tiantongmu couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, I really got used to the lackeys of the Tong family that day. Forget it, let's kill you all by the way today." Tiantongmu said more calmly, as if he was talking about trivial things.

But Tiantong and Guang couldn't believe it. After all, dozens of guns were pointed at her. How fast can you have a gun? !

However, Tiantongmu gave Tiantong and Guang a lesson. Tiantongmu was not only faster than the gun, but also killed all the guards in an instant.

I saw Tiantongmu move more instantly, turning into a black shadow, flashing across the room.

Reappeared beside Tiantong and Guang, and then slowly closed the knife.

With the sound of the closing knife, all the guards' guns were split in two, and the heads rolled to the ground. .

Chapter 263

Tiantong and Guang and his mother stared at this scene, their lips began to tremble, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

I didn't expect so many guns, so many people couldn't take Tiantongmu.

"That's why I said it, it's meaningless. Well, if you don't have the means, get ready to go." Tiantongmu even saw that the two had lost their patience, so he pulled out the knife without waiting for the two of them. In response, he was beheaded.

After hacking the two to death, Tiantongmu breathed a sigh of relief.

A wish that has been going on for so many years is now finally fulfilled.The sense of relief and relief made her feel like she was reborn.

This feeling made Tentong Mu understand better that if he had believed in Rantaro Satomi and gave up revenge for his parents, he would probably live in this shadow for the rest of his life, without such a sense of relief and ease.

Thinking of this, her gratitude and love for Lin Yue became even stronger in her heart.After all, Lin Yue supported her to seek revenge.

"Father, mother, I have finally avenged you, and you can rest in peace." Tiantongmu muttered.

Then he looked at his blood-stained clothes, and couldn't help complaining: "It's really dirty with blood on it. Clean it up."

Then the ring of origin on Tenten Mugeng's hand lit up with a ray of light, and then the blood stains on Tentenmugeng's clothes disappeared.

"It's really convenient. As expected of the moon." Tentong Mu cherished the ring of origin on his hand even more.

This is not only a powerful force, but also a symbol of herself and Lin Yue, so this will be the most cherished item in her life.

"Right?! Sima Weizhi doesn't have this yet. I'll have to show it off later."

Tiantongmu, who suddenly thought of something, said with a wicked smile on his face.

Ten minutes later, Tiantongmu came to the Sima family.

At this time, Sima Weizhi was organizing people from his family to come to several demons to check if they had bullied the cursed child.

A young man with a dodging expression came tremblingly in front of the demon, and the device on the demon directly lit up.

"Detected eligible for elimination."

A mechanical voice sounded, and the demon immediately raised the gun and shot the young man immediately.

His parents just wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.The young man was hit by a laser in front of everyone and disappeared instantly.

"Woooooo!!! My son!!!" The woman knelt down and cried.It should be the mother of this young man

And a middle-aged man comforted her with a regretful sigh.

The others looked at each other in dismay when they saw this scene.Everyone knows that he should have bullied the cursed child, so he failed the test.

Thinking of this, some people who have had such behaviors trembled involuntarily.

Some members of the Sima family did not know whether it was fear or what, and began to question Sima Weizhi's decision.

"Miss, is it wrong to do this?"

"Yeah, if it goes on like this, the clan will all die."

Until now, two-thirds of the entire Sima family had died, and most of the younger generation had basically died.

This caused some people to resent Sima Weizhi, because some of the children who died were their children.

Under the protection of several demon-like creatures, Sima Weiwei sat on the high platform and looked at these people lightly.

Hearing their words, Sima Weizhi's expression couldn't help showing a hint of irony.

"Heh, what do you think even if you survive now, Lord Husband intends to destroy this world. At that time, the only way for you to stay is to die." Sima Weizhi said lightly.

"But... miss... can't you ask that lord to forgive these people?"

An old man came to Sima Weizhi and said.

However, Sima Weizhi shook his head.

"This is your husband's bottom line. It's better to exclude these people, so as not to go to the new world and cause trouble for them." Sima Weizhi refused.

She found out from Chengzi that there are some fantasy things on the main world, such as the mysterious side. If her family accidentally provokes these people, although her husband can solve it, she does not want to cause trouble to Lin Yue, so these The potential danger should be removed.

After all, even those who boarded Noah's Ark had to be screened, not to mention Lin Yue here.

The others didn't say anything after seeing Sima Weizhi's rejection.After all, in front of life, everyone is very selfish.

After that, they could only obediently face the detection of the demons.

At this time, Tiantongmu even walked into the courtyard of the Sima family.I saw a scene where many people gathered in the compound.

Since the entire Sima family was now surrounded by demons, Tiantongmu came in more easily.After all, the demons knew that Tiantong Mugeng and Sima Weizhi were their other masters besides Lin Yue.

"Isn't it resolved yet? I've finished it here". "Tiantongmu sat on the other side of Sima Weizhi and said.

"That's really congratulations. After all, you are going to kill people. Many people on my side are testing it, of course it's a little slower." Sima Weizhi said after seeing Tiantong Mugeng coming, he opened his fan and covered his chin and looked at Tiantongmugeng.

She found that the temperament on Tiantongmu's body has changed a bit since she just saw it. It seems that she has become more beautiful, and the skin on her body has become more crystal clear.

"You... plastic surgery?" Sima Weizhi asked hesitantly.

No way? !In order to compete by Lin Yue's side, she actually went for plastic surgery? !Sima Weizhi thought secretly in his heart.

Tiantongmu almost choked to death when he heard Sima Weizhi's words.

"What do you mean the old lady went for plastic surgery?! I'm pure natural, okay!!!" Tiantongmu cast a whiter glance at Sima Weizhi and said.

"But... your skin wasn't so supple before, it was dry, like an old woman." Sima Weizhi said with a shriveled mouth.

Listening to Sima Weizhi's words made Tiantongmu even more speechless.

"You are the old woman!!!"

But after thinking about it, she should have lost her kidney function before turning into the dry skin that Sima Weizhi said.

However, now that she has entered Lin Yue, her kidney function has been restored, and she has also received the [Blessing of the Dragon], which has made her skin so good now.

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