Among them, Tiantong Mugeng and Sima Weizhi were a little strange in their hearts.

How did you get a daughter as soon as you came up? !What is it like to have such an old daughter at such a young age?

Such thoughts popped into their minds at the same time.

Although it felt strange, the two still looked forward to Chloe calling themselves Mom.

However, to everyone's disappointment, Chloe didn't call.Instead, she shrank behind Lin Yue with a nervous and frightened look on her face.

"Pfft, Orange, you scared others." Qingzi laughed directly upon seeing this.

"Why did I scare her? I'm not scary..." Cheng Zi said helplessly when she saw Chloe's expression.

"Don't say no? You are like an old witch, this kind of thing has to be up to me!!!" Qingzi was very happy to see the oranges shriveled.

Then he walked around to Chloe and said with a gentle face, "Hello, my name is Aoko Canozaki, and I'm Lin Yue's wife. You can call me mom, Chloe."

However, Chloe stuck out her tongue and said, "I don't have a mother, so you can forget it."

Ah, after hearing Chloe's words, Aoko's face stiffened, and then she shook her head helplessly.

After the others heard it, they found that Chloe didn't intend to recognize their mother, so they let it go.

At this time, Irisviel pulled Illya to Chloe, and looked at the two of them together.

"It seems. It's just the skin color and hair color that are different, and the rest are quite similar." Irisviel said looking at the two of them with a look of surprise.

And Chloe, who was placed with Illya, showed a complicated look after seeing Illya.

At this time, everyone captured Chloe's complex emotional spectrum.

Illya asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Hearing Illya's question, Chloe glanced over in disdain and didn't look at Illya.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yue remembered that in the original work, Xiao Hei appeared to kill Illya.She envied that Illya could live a happy life, but she was wiped out, which can be said to be full of resentment.

Is this the purpose of the current Xiao Hei?Lin Yue thought about it, but he didn't feel much murderous aura from Xiao Hei.It's just that in the emotional spectrum, I feel that she does have resentment and jealousy.

Seeing Chloe who ignored her, Illya felt as if she was hated by her.

Came to Karen and asked quietly, "Karen, am I being hated?"

Karen nodded after hearing this.

She naturally also felt the change in Chloe's emotional fluctuations when she saw Illya. When she thought about the relationship between the two, she could probably guess why Chloe had such emotions.

"Ah! What should I do then? I finally got a younger sister." Illya's face wrinkled, she said sadly.

"Then you should take the initiative to have a good relationship with her." Karen said lightly.

"This... can it work?" Illya asked suspiciously.

"Okay, come on! I'm optimistic about you. After all, she was born from you." Karen said with a bright smile.

Hearing Karen's words, Illya summoned the courage to find Chloe again.

At this time, everyone dispersed, each doing their own thing.

And Lin Yue took Chloe to another room.

"Chloe, do you hate me?" Lin Yue looked at Chloe and asked.

Chloe shook his head and said, "I don't resent Dad, because you didn't know that I would be born."

"Then you treat Elijah..."

"Illya... I don't know, maybe after seeing her memory, I envied her a bit. So... I am also jealous of her, why can she like her father and live such a happy life? ." Chloe said with a complicated expression.

Chloe was born when Lin Yue left and went to the dark bullet world.So Lin Yue didn't notice it for the first time.

Hearing Chloe's words, Lin Yue thought for a while and said, "I can understand, but now that you have appeared, then stay here". "

Lin Yue touched Chloe's head and looked at Chloe with a smile.

Chloe nodded.

"Illya also wants a sister. It just so happens that you can get along with Illya more. Get along well." Lin Yue said.

"Since it's my father, then Illya is forgiven." Chloe said indifferently.

Anyway, she has been born smoothly now, as long as she can have such a life, it is enough.

Then Chloe thought of something, her face was blushing, she looked at Lin Yue with a smirk and said, "Dad, did Chloe say hello just now?"

Ah, Lin Yue didn't know how to answer when she heard Chloe's words.

"'re still young, don't do this in the future..." Lin Yue said while rubbing Chloe's head.

"Not too young! Isn't Illya going to be my father's bride? I want too!!!" Chloe pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

This. . .

After Lin Yue heard this, her head grew a little bigger.

Do you really want to be a ghost? !

Just when Lin Yue was confused, Chloe smiled slyly, and then hugged Lin Yue directly.Entered the battle of words again.

At this moment, Lin Yue had only one word in her mind, I'm going to be a ghost today! ! !

However, when the two were engaged in a fierce battle of words, the door of the room opened and Illya walked in.


Before Illya finished speaking, she saw the state of Lin Yue and Chloe at this time.

Ilya stared at this scene in astonishment.


After hearing Illya's voice, Lin Yue quickly pushed Chloe away and turned to look at Illya.

At this time, Ilya saw this scene and her face was already red as an apple.

"That... Illya, actually this..." Lin Yue wanted to explain with some guilty conscience.

But then I suddenly thought to myself, why do I have to explain? !It's not real anyway! ! !

But then Illya's reaction left Lin Yue speechless.

"I haven't even kissed that place before..." Ilya said, looking at Lin Yue's lips with a look of grievance.

After hearing Illya's words, Chloe's eyes lit up.

Illya has never touched it, but I have encountered it myself. Isn't that equal to one's lead over Illya? !

Thinking of this, Chloe smiled proudly at Illya.

"Hey, Illya, I haven't kissed my father. What a shame." Chloe looked at Illya mockingly and said.

As soon as Ilya heard this, she quit.

Don't worry about Aili and the others. After all, they are older than me, but you, who are younger than me, mocked her, which made Ilya a little angry.

All of a sudden, Ilya forgot her purpose in coming to Chloe.

"So what? I'm going to marry my brother when I grow up. Look, this is my engagement ring." Illya snorted, and then showed the ring of origin on her hand.

As soon as Chloe heard it, after seeing the transparent and white Origin Ring, the jealous feeling in her heart came up again.

"It's not just you who can be a bride!!! I want to be my father's bride too!!!" Chloe hugged Lin Yue directly, glared at Ilya and said.

"What! No!!! My brother can only be mine!!! Not for you!!!" Illya hugged Lin Yue to the other side, staring at Chloe as well.

Lin Yue, who was in the middle, was pulled helplessly by the two.

So Lin Yue decided to escape from here, or to deal with the cursed children first.

Then Lin Yue grabbed the two of them, touched one's head with one hand, and said, "Anyway, let's get along with each other first, okay?"

Hearing Lin Yue's words, the two looked at each other and nodded slowly.

After seeing the two nod, Lin Yue slowly left the room and let the two get along.

When Lin Yue left, Chloe looked at Illya with complicated eyes and said, "Although I hate you very much, if Dad wants me to get along with you, I will try."

And after Illya heard Chloe's words, she also pouted her mouth proudly and said, "Che, you hate me, and I hate you too."

Then Illya left directly and went back to her room.

And Chloe quietly followed after seeing Ilya leave.

When Illya returned to her room and saw that her room was in a mess, she suddenly screamed.

"Who!!! Who messed up my room!!!"

The corner of Chloe's mouth, who was standing outside the door, was slightly upturned, and he murmured proudly, "Hey, I made you hate me."

Clearly, this is Chloe's masterpiece.


On the other side, Lin Yue came out of the earth's orbit, and then slowly released the battleship with the cursed child.

The battleship appeared in an instant, and then entered a state of invisibility, and the satellites of the earth country had no time to capture it.

After releasing the battleship, Lin Yue entered the battleship and set up a teleportation platform on the battleship to specifically teleport to a fixed teleportation point on the earth.

And this teleportation point was also set up by Lin Yue in the school he planned to use to build the cursed children.

This will make it easier for the cursed children to choose to live on a battleship or return to life on Earth.

Lin Yue didn't plan to recover the battleship, so she put it here to patrol the interior of the entire solar system.

As for the outside, there are exe evil gods patrolling, so don't worry at all.

When Lin Yue informed the cursed children, they were all very happy.

A little bit even think, live on Earth today, live on a battleship tomorrow to watch the Milky Way.

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Muroto Sumire saw Lin Yue smiled and said, "If only I could live in your house. Sister, I know a lot of tricks."

Muroto Sumire said coquettishly to Lin Yue with a sigh of relief.

As soon as Lin Yue heard this, she cursed inwardly: Goblin!What kind of tricks? !To elaborate! ! !

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