The trump card is the trump card, but the attitude towards people is really irritating.

Even his study room was occupied by him.He bowed down like a servant.

But for the sake of his own root dream, he endured it.

When he saw the people at the scene, he was not too surprised. After all, he also had his own information sources and knew some information about the Master.It was also expected to see Lin Yue.

I just didn't expect that Lin Yue could actually suppress Jin Shan, and then it was okay to see Lin Yue being bombed by 'Treasure of the King'.

Tohsaka Rin watched silently from the side and said something silently.Big bad guy, so strong.

She knew the strength of that golden glitter, after all, when she was summoned, she almost fought with A Zhouna.

Moreover, this golden glitter is very arrogant, and he has wanted to ask A Zhouna to kill him several times.But for her father's wishes, she could only endure it.

Tokiomi looked at Lin Yue with a serious face after seeing it, and he realized that he seemed to underestimate Lin Yue.Lin Yue's strength seems to be even more powerful than his ace.

Tokiomi was shocked when he saw Jin Shining was about to draw out his ea, and he was about to draw out his trump card so soon.

Just when Tokiomi wanted to stop it, he saw the scene of Lin Yue now.

Tokiomi vomited old blood in his heart, and his Servant's Noble Phantasm was actually copied by someone else.And take out a bunch.

Everyone at the scene watched Lin Yue perform his unique skills.

At this time, a figure came here, went straight to Lin Yue, and plunged into Lin Yue's arms.

"Lord Prince, I finally see you."

Lin Yue looked at the little girl with a dazed expression, and saw the face like a porcelain doll and a curse mark leaking from the back of her hand.

Could this girl be Sajo Aika?The root queen.

"Who are you???" Lin Yue asked tentatively.

"Ah, I almost forgot, my name is Shajo Aige." Aige said cutely, sticking out her tongue.

Sure enough it was her.But I don't seem to have an intersection with her, so how could I know me?Lin Yue looked at Sha Tiao Aige and thought.

Then Lin Yue brought her down to the ground and came to the side of the girls.

At this time, Jin Jingjing was still in a sluggish state.After not seeing Lin Yue, he found that Lin Yue had fallen to the ground and ignored him.

"Lin Yue!!!!! Why do you have ea!!!!" Jin Twinkle looked at Lin Yue who was ignoring him, and saw that the women around Lin Yue were all holding ea, his anger rose, and he roared.

"Death to me!!!!" Then Jin Shao liberated ea, the blade of ea quickly turned, and the tyrannical energy continued to rise.

Tokiomi saw that Jin Shining was about to liberate the Noble Phantasm, and quickly discouraged him.

But Jin Shining doesn't care, now Jin Shining seems to have lost his mind.I just want to use ea to kill Lin Yue.

"Ah, I almost forgot about this guy." After being interrupted by Aige, Lin Yue remembered that there was still a golden spark.

Lin Yue launched [Teleport] and came to Jin Shining, Jin Shining's pupils shrank.

I didn't expect Lin Yue's speed to be so fast.Then Lin Yue stretched out her hand, her fingers slightly bent.

'Bang' Jin Shining's forehead directly ate one of Lin Yue's brains.The golden glitter turned into a meteor and flew there.

The people below "hiss" took a breath of air when they saw this scene.This man is more powerful than Heroic Spirit.

"Okay, it's settled, let's go tonight." Lin Yue said to the others.

Lin Yue looked at the time. After playing for so long, it was too late to go back to sleep with his wives, wouldn't it be fragrant.

Kenneth and Webb nodded frantically like chickens pecking at rice.They wanted to leave for a long time, what if this master went crazy and ripped them apart.

"Goodbye then, little brother Lin Yue." The emperor smiled and said hello and left with Weber.

"Lin Yuejun, then let's go first." Animusfia said.Lin Yue nodded.

Kenneth smiled and left with Brother Brush, Animusfia and Karna.

Then, Siegfried nodded to Lin Yue and left.

And just when Siegfried didn't take a few trips, he found that he and his master had been disconnected.

Unable to perceive the position of his Master, Siegfried felt a sigh in his heart.Something must have happened.


Back in time a few minutes ago.

Emiya Kiritsugu rushed to Maiya's location, an abandoned building.

After hearing about Maiya's accident, Emiya Kiritsugu hurried over to save people, but because he was too anxious, he lost his balance.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the building, a dark shadow who was not paying attention was knocked unconscious.

When Emiya Kiritsugu woke up, he saw that his hands and feet were tied.

Then he saw a man dressed as a priest standing in front of him, but his eyes seemed to be looking at him with a trace of something wrong.

"Who are you?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked.

"My name is Kotomine Kirei, Emiya Kiritsugu, do you want to save this woman?" Kotomine Kirei stepped aside and saw Maiya Hisa who was bound.

There are a few people with skull masks and black tights next to them.Holding the knife, it was placed on Kuyu Maiya's neck.

This is Kotomine Kirei's servant, Hundred Majestic Hasan, the nineteenth leader of the assassination cult who inherited the name of the famous 'Hassan Sabah'.

On the other hand, Maiya Kuu was covering her mouth with a towel, and kept making a 'uuuuu' sound.He kept shaking his head at Emiya Kiritsugu.

Seeing this, Emiya Kiritsugu knew that Kotomine Kirei was a participant in the Holy Grail War, and wanted to contact Siegfried through a Command Spell.

However, when he contacted him, he found that his Command Spell was gone.

"Don't think about it, Emiya Kiritsugu, your Command Spell has been captured by me. Your heroic spirit is already under my control." Kotomine Kirei looked at Emiya Kiritsugu with fiery eyes. (I don't know if there is any other way to snatch it other than C's mother's knife, you can just think I can do it here. If you can't, please don't spray me.)

Emiya Kiritsugu's heart skipped a beat, it was over, there was nothing left.

Emiya Kiritsugu felt the darkness in front of him, as if the sky was falling.The ideal he pursued has now turned into a phantom.

"Ask you again, do you want to save her?" Kotomine Kirei asked impatiently.

Emiya Kiritsugu thought that the most important thing now is to keep his friends for many years.

"Save!!" Emiya Kiritsugu said.

Kotomine Kirei burst into ecstasy in his heart.Take a bottle with clear liquid directly out.

After opening it, it poured directly into Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth.

Emiya Kiritsugu choked.

"Cough, what did you drink for me?"

"What makes you happy, I know you Emiya Kiritsugu, you want to be a partner of justice."

"I want to save the world, but those are not important. Only with me can you experience true happiness." Kotomine Kirei let out an idiotic smile.

"Sa, Emiya Kiritsugu, let's get started. I will show you the philosophy of life."

Kotomine Kirei directly carried Emiya Kiritsugu into another room.

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't know what would happen next, but he felt his whole body hot now.

Kuyu Maiya, who was beside her, kept 'uuuuuu', tears streaming down her eyes.

The Hassans next to them looked confused. In fact, they didn't know what their master wanted to do.

Then came a voice full of philosophy one after another in the room.

"Obviously ♂Stand up!"

"Deep ♂ Dark ♂ Fantasy."

"Ah♂ Gensokyo."


Everyone outside was full of question marks. .

Chapter 38

On Lin Yue's side, when the others left, only Lin Yue and the others and Sha Tiao Aige were left.

All the girls were looking at this cute Sha Tiao Aige like a porcelain doll, and the two ceremonies looked at Sha Tiao Aige thoughtfully.

Both of them are characters who are connected to their roots, so their breaths are relatively similar.

"Well, can I call you Aige? You can call me Lin Yue." Lin Yue looked at the cute girl in front of her.

"Ah, yes, you can call me anything, Lord Prince." Aige smiled sweetly.

Seeing Aige's cute appearance, Lin Yue said that she was in love.

In the original Aige story, Aige fell in love with the old sword, and was crazy.That work is literally a Mary Sue show.

But how come this love song is in love with me now?Lin Yue's face was full of question marks.

"How did you know me?" Lin Yue asked curiously

"Ah, I saw Lord Prince at the root that day. I wanted to say hello, but Lord Prince disappeared in a blink of an eye." Brother Ai recalled his expression.

Ah this. . .See it at the root and only appear once?Isn't that.

Lin Yue remembered that when she was deeply in love with the root style, she naturally began to discuss life. That was the first time Lin Yue entered the root cause.When going in and out of the root, the two rituals suddenly came out, which also cut off the connection of the root.That was also the first time that Lin Yue and the two ceremonies met unfriendly.

Lin Yue couldn't help but remember that the girl who was going to beat and kill her at the beginning has become a little girl.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue looked at the two ceremonies, and the two ceremonies felt Lin Yue's gaze, she knew what Sha Tiao Aige said.

Looking back now, when she first met, her face turned reddish and she glanced at Lin Yue.

Lin Yue smiled when she saw it.

Then, seeing the Command Spell on Ai Singer's back, Lin Yue stared, and actually gave Ai Ge a Command Spell.

If I wasn't here, she would probably be able to get through the level by herself.Lin Yue thought to herself.

"Oh hoo, prince, when did Yuechan become a prince?" Irisviel and the others winked at Lin Yue and joked with a smile.

"That, Aige, don't call me Lord Prince. Just call me by my name." Lin Yue scratched her head embarrassedly and said.

"Well, can I call you Yue?" Aige asked cautiously.

Lin Yue was a little helpless when she saw that Aige was so humble.It's really Mary Su, who puts herself in such a humble position in front of love, and will suffer sooner or later.

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