According to the meaning of Big Mary, the parallel world herself often makes fun of her, and now she sees that she can't help taking revenge.

Lenis couldn't help complaining in her heart: Are you a child!Why do you even care about this! ! !And you, an adult bullying a child, do you feel good! ! !wrong! ! !She can see through what I think. . .

As soon as Lenis finished her words, Big Mary's smile brightened even more.

Then Big Mary stopped teasing Laines, and said lightly: "Okay, I won't tease you now. It's time to get down to business."

Hearing what Big Mary said, Lenis slandered inwardly: Say it earlier, and make fun of me! ! !

"Lenis, what do you think of Lin Yue?" Big Mary rolled her eyes and said.

Hearing what Big Mary said suddenly, Lenis was a little confused.

Why did she ask me how Lin Yue was?Laines began to think inwardly.

Big Mary continued: "You don't need to think so much, anyway, I can see through your thoughts. So I know your thoughts clearly."

After hearing what Big Mary said, Lenis couldn't help but pouted.

"This ability is too poor." Lenis said dissatisfied.

And Big Mary smiled, and then continued: "So what do you think of Yue?"

Hearing Big Mary's continued questioning, Lenis also gave up her resistance, and recalled in her mind the first time the two met.

At that time, people from their family went to Lin Yue to buy gems. After the family led them to Lin Yue's residence, she saw such a beautiful young man she had never seen in her life.

She swears that this is the first time she sees a man with a wave in her heart.However, this was also the beginning of her life.

Seeing such a beautiful thing, the pleasure girl in her heart began to move.I want to start teasing Lin Yue.

However, when she took action, she found that every time Lin Yue could debunk her little conspiracy.And was taught a hard lesson.

Only now did she realize that this man was simply her nemesis.

But she always had to get close to him in her heart. Even though she knew she would lose, she often went to the clock tower to play tricks. It seemed that every time she was taught by Lin Yue, she could feel that she had no sense of distance from him.

Why? !That's because after getting to know Lin Yue, she found that Lin Yue is almost a very powerful existence, which can make all magic families feel fearful.Existing like this, she, a second-rate magic family, can be said to be a high-ranking existence.

But after contact, she found that this man did not have that cold and arrogant temperament, but was very approachable, which made her feel very close to him.

Especially every time he failed in his plan, after the man had taught him a lesson, he would never forget to comfort himself, without being angry or caring at all.This moment can be said to be the moment when Lenis felt the closest to Lin Yue.

Thinking back to this scene, Lenis couldn't help showing a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.If little Mary was here, she would definitely complain, you would actually show such a smile!You are always making fun of people's smiles! ! !Of.

Chapter 277

Big Mary was not only a little surprised when she saw Lenis's sweet smile.

She didn't expect her to have such a smile, but then she understood what she thought of.

Unlike Laines of her world, Laines of this world met Lin Yue.With the charm of Lin Yue, this little girl naturally ran away.

But then Lenis's eyes darkened.

Recalling that in the past 10 years, she often went to find Lin Yue secretly and found that Lin Yue had left.Day after day, I would go to Lin Yue's house to stay at Lin Yue's house every day.I hope that one day I can see that handsome smile appear in front of me and continue the time that I miss.

However, it is disappointing that, after waiting for many years, she can hardly see it.It was only in the last month that I heard about this man again after I suddenly heard about Little Mary's house.

Seeing that Laines suddenly became sad, Big Mary couldn't help but smile.

"It seems needless to say, from your expression, you seem to like Yue very much."

The deepest emotion in her heart was pierced by the sudden voice of Big Mary, and Linice's face flashed a trace of panic.

"No... how could it be, I don't..." Lenis wanted to refute, but the last sentence she didn't like came to her lips, but she couldn't say it.

Don't you really like it?Laines kept asking herself.

Do not. . .In fact, I like it, after all, I have never had such feelings for a man.Especially seeing that Olga Marie could be favored by him, and when she was in difficulty, he took action to kill the traitors in Olga Marie's family for her.After hearing the news at that time, a trace of jealousy ignited in my heart.

Laney thought to herself.

"Haha, Sister Lenis, it seems that you really like Yue." Big Mary said teasingly.

Hearing Big Mary's ridicule, Lenis did not refute, but was slightly disappointed.

Although he liked it, the man didn't seem to care about him very much.Laney thought to herself.

"So what. He doesn't like me, maybe he thinks I'm annoying," Laines said, mocking herself.

After hearing Leni's words, Big Mary understood Lenis's scruples.Then he said with a mysterious smile: "That's not necessarily, maybe something special will happen today."

"What's the matter?" Lenis asked suspiciously, unable to understand what Big Mary said.

"You'll know in a minute, let's go, he should be here now." Big Mary then got up and went out.

Although she didn't know what Big Mary was thinking, Lenis followed up suspiciously.

On the other side, just as Webb and his party were discussing matters with Romani, a figure suddenly broke in.

"Sure enough, Kenneth."

A gentle and magnetic male voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone stopped their work and turned to look outside the door.

Immediately I saw a familiar figure, that handsome man, who else could be other than Lin Yue.

"Uh... Boss Lin Yue, why are you here!" After seeing Lin Yue, Kenneth immediately turned into an old dog and greeted Lin Yue.

"Of course I came to find you, and then I came to see here. I went to your office to look for you, but I couldn't find anyone, so I had to come here first. I didn't expect to meet you here." Lin Yue said with a shrug. .

Hearing that Lin Yue came to find him specially, Kenneth broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Because of this master, he rarely pays attention to them when he has nothing to do. Once he is found, there is something.

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, I can't say for sure.

But according to the rumors circulating in the clock tower in the past, it is basically a bad thing to be approached by the big devil Lin Yue.

After all, the last one was called to the door, and now the entire family territory is still an ice sculpture exhibition hall.It has become one of the wonders of the world in the entire corrupt country.

Now Kenneth heard that Lin Yue came to him specially, which made him a little terrified.

"But wait a minute, but what are you discussing?" Lin Yue asked Romani and Weber, who were looking to the side.

Later, Romani told Lin Yue what they had discussed with Weber, saying that apart from research, if he could cooperate with Weber and the Heroic Spirit Supervision Department, it would be helpful to both parties.

After hearing their thoughts, Lin Yue nodded.

It is true that this can improve the work efficiency of Weber and the others, and with the addition of Romani and the others, it can improve their overall combat power, and can effectively deal with some mysterious matters.

This world is no longer a simple moon world. It is a fusion of the dxd world, where a group of mythological forces already exists.The magicians of the existing clock tower alone are simply not enough to deal with emergencies.

"So Lixiang and Matthew joined in?" Lin Yue then looked at the two girls.

When Lixiang heard Lin Yue mentioned herself, she immediately turned into a serious face and said, "Yes! I also want to be an excellent magician! After all, my current magic rank is only the eldest son."

Lixiang continued to add in her heart: My mother wants to rise all the way to the crown, become the King of Magic, and marry the rich and handsome Lin Yue! ! !

Seeing his master's energetic appearance, Matthew was also infected by Lixiang's fighting spirit, and said with the same sternness: "I also want to be everyone's strength to protect everyone!"

"Haha! Not bad! Everyone is very motivated!" Iskandar couldn't help laughing when he saw the fighting spirit of the two.

Romani saw that Lixiang didn't lose his fighting spirit because his mission to save people's principles was gone, and he stopped fighting.Instead, it now has a new goal.After seeing them grow up, Romani showed a relieved smile.

And Lin Yue watched the corner of her mouth twitching slightly.

Isn't it a magic stage? . .Does it need to be so hot? . .

"You guys... Come on!!!" Lin Yue said, still cheering them on.

Hearing Lin Yue's cheer, Lixiang's fighting spirit became even stronger.

what! ! !The male god actually cheered me on!I can't wait to find a few heroic spirits to fight now! ! !Li Xiang said excitedly.

Then Lin Yue didn't bother them to discuss, and called Kenneth out alone.

Kenneth was very uneasy on the way.He kept thinking about where he had offended Lin Yue.

After thinking about it for a long time, Kenneth didn't think about where he had offended Lin Yue.

Every time I see Lin Yue, I look like a dog's leg.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that when he had won the Holy Grail War, he had borrowed a lot of gems from Lin Yue.

Is this big guy here for this? !

Kenneth understood that Lin Yue should come to him to pay back the money.Suddenly, I screamed badly in my heart.

He did some mental calculations himself, and he borrowed Lin Yue's gems worth more than 2000 million pounds, and their family could still afford it.

But what makes him feel bad is that 10 years have passed since the end of the Holy Grail War. According to this uncle's interest, the money in Dangdang's interest has now exceeded the original borrowed money dozens of times.How do you pay yourself back? !I can't afford to sell the whole family! ! !

Thinking of this, Kenneth broke out in a cold sweat and blamed himself. After the Holy Grail War, he never asked Lin Yue to pay back the money.Obsessed with marrying Sora, he didn't take it to heart at all.

The thought of the interest on that price made Kenneth's legs go soft.He really wanted to slap himself right now.Why not pay it back sooner!Why borrow so many gems! ! !

Seeing Kenneth's pale face, Lin Yue couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that you have already thought about why I am looking for you." The two came to a rest area, and Lin Yue sat down and looked at Kenneth and said.

"I know... I know..." Kenneth swallowed and said with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Based on the 2500 million pounds you owe, the interest in 10 years has come to 15 billion pounds. So you will have to pay back a total of 15.25 billion pounds." Lin Yue said lightly, something that made Kenneth's legs weak. number.

"Uh... yeah..." Kenneth said with a trembling body.

Seeing Kenneth's appearance, Lin Yue knew that he couldn't afford it at all.

As for why this happened, Lin Yue did it on purpose.He basically doesn't urge others to repay the money, he just lets them repay the money voluntarily.The purpose is to make them forget, and then slowly increase the interest rate.It can be said to be a very profiteer.

Originally, Lin Yue thought that Kenneth would come to pay back the money consciously, because this guy usually looks stingy.Since he owed money to himself, he would definitely be very concerned about it.

But what Lin Yue didn't expect was that this guy actually forgot.Then, after 10 years, it became a sky-high interest rate.

"You don't seem to have any more, Kenneth..." Lin Yue said with a playful smile on her face.

After hearing Lin Yue's words and seeing this smile, Kenneth froze for a moment.

"Yes... Even if the entire family's property is sold, I'm afraid it won't be enough..." Kenneth said with a dead face.

Different from some other families, some other families will have ordinary people's families to rely on, which can provide them with money and even have other assets in the ordinary people's world.Among them, there are many families in the ordinary world under the Luvia family, who manage their assets for them.

However, there are very few Kenneth families. After all, these people look down on some ordinary people, so they don't care about these ordinary people's families at all... Therefore, their assets are relatively small.

Sorry!I should have known more to manage these ordinary families, so that it would not cause the current situation of no money! ! !Kenneth felt regret in his heart.

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