"No!" Miyu hurriedly shouted after hearing this.

Hearing Miyu shouting, Chloe and Illya were stunned.Why are you reacting so much! .

Chapter 281

After Miyou shouted, she looked at Lin Yue and Yangdaizi with a guilty conscience.After realizing that the two of them didn't notice their side, I felt relieved.

Then met the doubtful eyes of Illya and Chloe, a faint blush appeared on Meiyou's face, and she said with a little guilt in her heart.

"Lin Yue...Brother...No..."

Hearing Miyu's words, Illya~ was relieved.

Originally, my brother only had himself as a little cutie, how good it would be to pamper him alone.Later, Chloe came, and then she no longer enjoyed being alone, which made her a little uncomfortable.

If Miyu joins in now, my brother's love will be divided again.

And Chloe looked at Meiyou, fell into thinking, then understood something, and said with a smile: "Does Meiyou also want to be the bride of Lin Yue's father?"

As soon as Chloe's words came out, Miyou was instantly shocked.He looked even more nervous!

Ilya was taken aback by Chloe's words.

"No... I..." Miyu hesitantly denied, but the faint blushing and shy look on her face betrayed her.

"It doesn't matter, being the father of Meiyou doesn't necessarily mean that you can't be your father's bride in the future, right?" Chloe said with a smile.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Meiyou asked suspiciously. In her common sense, her father was her father, so how could a daughter marry her father.

"No problem, they all say that my daughter is my father's sweet little padded jacket. And you have no blood relationship, so what is the relationship? Take me as an example, I will be my father's bride in the future. By the way, stupid Illya is also." Chloe then said with a smile.

"Everyone said Lin, don't call me an idiot! I'm not stupid! And Xiao Hei, don't mess with Meiyou!!!" Illya complained, then looked at Meiyou and said.

"Cut, I'm doing this for Meiyou. Meiyou doesn't want her mother to be alone. How pitiful." Chloe said disapprovingly.

Hearing Chloe's words, Miyu fell into deep thought.

My mother, who has been raising her alone until now, all her life revolves around her, as if she never had her own life.Now that I think about it, I'm not a little selfish.

It is rare for a good man to appear, and Miyu feels that her mother also has the right to pursue happiness.

"What should I do?" Miyu thought for a while, then looked at Chloe and asked.

Chloe's mouth turned up slightly when she saw that Meiyou was crippled.

Then he attached to Meiyou's ear and whispered.

Ilya looked a little angry.

Why are you talking quietly!Why don't you tell me!Excessive! ! !This sister has nothing to do! ! !

After listening, Miyu hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Then the three came to Lin Yue and Yang Daizi, and Meiyou flew directly into Lin Yue's arms.A blush flashed across his face, and his mouth trembled slightly as he said, "Dad... Dad..."

After speaking, Meiyou shyly left Lin Yue's arms, hurried to the door, and left.

After Chloe saw it, a hint of slyness flashed in his eyes, and then he waved at Lin Yue and Yangdaizi, pulled up the confused Ilya, and chased in the direction of Miyu's departure, leaving a confused look on his face. Lin Yue and Yang Daizi.

Lin Yue herself suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Meiyou actually called her father, didn't she always call her brother?

When Yangdaizi heard Miyou's voice, waves of waves appeared in her heart.

Meiyou called Lin Yue as her father, and she was Meiyou's mother, so she was equivalent to Lin Yue. . .wife! ! !

Thinking of it, Yang Daizi's face flushed.

Lin Yue was a little embarrassed. She didn't know what to say, so she scratched her head and said, "Maybe... Meiyou made a mistake for a while."

And after Yang Daizi heard it, he secretly complained: If you say something wrong, you can't just make it wrong!Bah, scumbag, he didn't say anything after taking someone's first kiss.

Yangdaizi puffed up his cheeks in dissatisfaction, turned his head and left with a snort.

Seeing Yang Daizi's angry look, Lin Yue was speechless.

The temper of this woman is really strange.

Lin Yue then caught up with Yang Daizi and asked cautiously, "That...Miss Yang Daizi, are you alright?"

Yangdaizi ignored it and continued to speed up his pace, wanting to run faster.

Lin Yue could only continue to speed up and keep up.

After seeing Lin Yue following, Yang Daizi secretly complained: Then why are you walking so fast, don't lean so close to me, I'm afraid I can't bear it! ! !

After finally pressing down the waves in her heart towards Lin Yue, the words from Miyou just now made her rise again.

So she hurriedly wanted to escape.

Seeing Lin Yue following up, Yang Daizi could only speed up his pace again.

Afterwards, the two kept walking, chasing and chasing, until an accident happened suddenly.

Yangdaizi accidentally stepped on the empty stairs, and he lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Lin Yue immediately came to Yang Daizi's side, and directly pulled Yang Daizi into her arms and hugged him.

Yangdaizi opened his closed eyes and found that he did not fall to the ground, but entered a warm embrace.

When she raised her head, she saw Lin Yue looking at her, looking at her seriously and distressedly and said, "Why are you so careless, what if you fall and get hurt."

Looking at Lin Yue's eyes, Yang Daizi's heart trembled even more violently.

The suppressed emotions could no longer be held back.


Lin Yue saw Yang Daizi looked at her and didn't speak. Just when she was about to speak, she was suddenly attacked, her mouth was blocked, and she could only make a whimpering sound.

There was only one thought left in Lin Yue's mind: Gan!Did you get stronger? !

Can this be tolerated?Lin Yue immediately picked up Yangdaizi, a white light flashed, and the two disappeared in place.


The next day.

Lin Yue felt the strangeness in the throat of her own destiny, opened her eyes, and found that Yang Daizi was lying on top of him at this time and looked at herself with a smile.

"Good morning, Anada." Yangdaizi said with a sweet smile.

"Well, good morning, Yang Daizi." Lin Yue touched Yang Daizi's head and said.

And Yang Daizi enjoyed Lin Yue's head-touching killing, which made her very addicted and comfortable.

At this moment, she realized that it was such a happy thing to have a lover.Thinking of this, Yang Daizi's strength became even stronger.


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After seeing Lin Yue's expression, the smile on Yangdaizi's face became even more intense.

Then yesterday was a spur of the moment, but she didn't regret it.

When she received the [Blessing of the Dragon], she understood how powerful Lin Yue was, and it also broadened her horizons.She understands that her man will be the supreme existence in the future.

This also made her understand why there were so many confidantes around Lin Yue.After all, this man is too easy to attract people.

And on the other hand, she also felt that Lin Yue really needed so many women.After all, he is too strong. As the saying goes, if a man is strong, a woman will support the wall.When it comes to Lin Yue, it's not as simple as supporting the wall.She had a deep understanding of this.

While enjoying it, Lin Yue stroked Yangdaizi, and then focused on the system.

The long-lost sign-in time came, and Lin Yue couldn't wait in her heart.

Although they are all points or props recently, yes, they are all surprises. They are all things that Lin Yue longed for before. Although these can only be called toys relative to her own strength, it still makes Lin Yue very Happy.

For example, three Gundams have been signed before; 00Q, Strike Freedom, and the very unscientific Unicorn No. 3 machine.Sure enough, driving Gundam is a man's romance.

Of course, not only Gundam, but also Ultraman's Transformers.A shapeshifter that can transform into the mysterious four arcanas.

And now, Lin Yue began to look forward to what he could sign in today.

system!Sign in!

'Ding!The master signed in successfully and obtained the first sword 'Superman's Sword' formed at the beginning of the universe in the DC universe! ! ! '

Hearing this sound, Lin Yue's face became surprised.

This thing is not a toy, it is a sword formed at the beginning of the DC universe, and the power of the holder of the sword can be drawn infinitely.

In the dc comics, this sword is owned by Dachao. The fusion of Superman's sword and Dachao tries to turn Dachao into an omniscient protector who knows everything about creation, so that Dachao can extend and know everything.

However, Dachao refused. He felt that it was better for him after all, so he threw the remaining hilt into space and let it continue to travel the universe.

But when Dachao felt and rejected the power of the Superman sword and refused to integrate with the universe, there was a voice that only Dachao could hear, and that voice indicated that Superman had obtained the name of Superman.

As for the deity of that voice, some people say that it is the God of DC, and some people say that it is another great god of the DC universe called Origin.

But there is no doubt that it is such Dachao that has become an irreplaceable existence in the DC universe.

But now Lin Yue signed the sword himself, which surprised him.

He is Dachao, so he will not refuse the power of this sword.

But now is not the time to acquire the power of this sword and focus on what is in front of you.

Then Lin Yue looked at Yangdaizi who was still busy and couldn't help but smile.I didn't expect that just after confirming the relationship with Yangdaizi, I got such an artifact. It seems that I have to thank Yangdaizi.As for how to thank, of course, it is tens of billions! ! !

And Yang Daizi, at this time, the more and more resentment, her hands are exhausted, why is this man not over yet! ! !

It's no wonder that every time she gets up in the middle of the night to drink water, she can always hear dozens of different voices passing by Lin Yue's room.In this situation, it would be too difficult to handle without dozens of helpers.

Seeing that Yang Daizi was gradually losing strength, Lin Yue asked with a smile, "Tired?"

"Yeah! You're not human!!!" Yangdaizi grumbled, grumbling.

"Oh?! You actually think I'm not human?! Then let me show you the strength of my husband." Lin Yue raised an eyebrow and said jokingly.

Then, under Yang Daizi's exclamation, Lin Yue turned over and pressed down.

At this time, the three little cuties who got up early outside the door were sticking to the door with blushing heartbeats, constantly eavesdropping.

"No, I didn't hear it!!!" Chloe said hurriedly.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

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