"No? Then why are you hiding?" Lin Yuebai glanced at Yue Dusi who had moved from the bed to the head of the bed.

"Uh... I... I was bounced here by this soft bed." Tsukiyomi glanced at the seat where he was sitting, looking a little embarrassed, and said for himself a reason to curl his feet.

Lin Yue was speechless after hearing this, this bed is so soft, what a fart!

However, Lin Yue didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes.

At this time, Tsukiyomi quickly changed the subject and said, "Ah, that's right. The lady boss said that there is something we need in the cabinet. What is it?! I'm a little curious!"

After that, Tsukiyomi came to the bedside table, and put her slender hand on the door handle, intending to open it to find out.

After hearing it, Lin Yue realized what the lady boss said.

Just when he was about to remind Tsukitouji, Tsukitouji quickly opened the cabinet door and took out the box of things inside.

Seeing the packaging, Lin Yue secretly said in her heart: It really is this thing.

"Is this? Ultra-thin? Strawberry? This is?"

Yue Dusi looked at Lin Yue with doubts in his eyes.

Lin Yue scratched her head and gave Yue Si Dui a look.

Tsukiyomi quickly thought of what this was, and his face turned red with a swipe.Just threw the box away.

"Bah! Why is there such a thing! We don't need it!!!"

Although she has not used this kind of thing, but after seeing her, she still understands this knowledge, and also knows under what circumstances this thing is used.

When I thought of how to use this thing, I thought of the look in the boss's eyes saying that the two of them needed this thing.

Tsukiyomi's heart couldn't calm down for a long time, and it was beating violently.

Doesn't this mean that the boss thinks the two are in that kind of relationship? !And then come late at night to do this kind of thing! ! !

Woohoo!What a shame! ! !Shame! ! !

Tsukiyomi wailed inwardly.

Lin Yue shrugged and looked at Tsukiyomi, now she's embarrassed.

"That... we don't need this..." Yue Dusi looked a little flustered, and asked Lin Yue weakly.

Hearing the words of Reading Secretary Yue, Lin Yue raised his brows, and slowly approached Secretary Yue reading with a hint of playfulness on his face.

"Why...don't come here...we don't need this thing!!!" Tsukiyomi saw Lin Yue approaching, and suddenly became more messy.

"Oh?! I don't think it is necessary. After all, the experience will be better without this thing."

Lin Yue looked at Tsukiyomi with a wicked smile and said.

Tsukiyomi was even more confused after seeing it.

Does he want to not wear this thing!How can this be! ! !

If he uses force, I can't seem to resist!What should I do? Could it be that my years of purity have to be explained here today!It doesn't look good here!Can't we change the place! ! !

Yue Dusi felt like a sheep in the tiger's mouth all of a sudden in his heart.Apart from the panic, Tsukiyomi didn't notice that he didn't seem to have any rejection in his heart, but just complained about the venue.

Looking at the constant approach, Yue Dusi had mixed feelings, and there was still a little bit of joy in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Yue suddenly felt something, and frowned slightly.

Lin Yue stopped, his face became serious and said to Tsukiyomi.

"...Okay, I won't tease you, you should rest early. I have to go out."

"and many more..."

Then, without waiting for Yue Dusi to reply, Lin Yue disappeared from the room in an instant.

At the moment Lin Yue disappeared, Tsukiyomi suddenly felt empty in his heart.

Yue Dusi murmured with a somewhat resentful expression: "Why are you walking so fast... Where are you going so late?!"

Then I thought about my performance just now.

"Is it because he resisted, he was angry?"

Thinking of this, Yue Dusi pouted.

"Really, why are you so stingy? You will definitely resist the first time. Just be patient... Maybe... I'll just follow!"

After speaking, Tsukiyomi suddenly realized that his thoughts were a little scary.

Not good, not good!What is it, what am I thinking! ! !

Yue Dusi was in a panic, and she found that she didn't seem to resist Lin Yue at all.

Think of this.Tsukiyomi immediately lay on the bed, buried his flushed face in the pillow, and kept wailing.

"Wow~~~ what happened today!"

Lin Yue's figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"Maybe... if it's him, it's not impossible..."


Tsukiyomi kept rolling on the bed holding the pillow, trying to hide his shame.

After 10 minutes of venting that month, Yuji sat up with a little emptiness in his heart, with a look of loss and resentment on his face.

"(Wang's) Where did you go, why haven't you come back?"

On the other side, on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, Lin Yue's figure appeared here.

At that moment, Lin Yue felt the feeling that a space somewhere in this world was torn apart.

Following the sense of space, Lin Yue sensed this.

Coming here, Lin Yue saw a space crack about half an arm's length.

Seeing this space crack, Lin Yue frowned slightly.

This world goes out of his own, and the rest of the people with 'adolescence syndrome' will have supernatural powers, and there is no other supernatural power.

The power of 'adolescence syndrome' is not enough to tear such a space, so Lin Yue ruled out the possibility of these 'adolescence syndrome' patients.

And looking at this situation, it seems that this space crack is not torn from the inside of this world, but from another world, forcibly creating a channel connecting the two worlds.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue had some guesses, if he didn't deal with it, or if he didn't come to this world, it would probably take a while.People from the world on the other side of the crack will invade this world county.

Then Lin Yue turned on [Super Vision], wanting to see how such a space channel was created.

You must know that the strength with the ability to cross the world must have something like DC Supreme God or oaa.

Therefore, in Lin Yue's mind, there are not many characters in the works that he can think of.

And when Lin Yue saw this space passage, her face was a little weird.

"It turns out that the other side is this world! And it seems that the formation of this space channel has something to do with me!!!"

Seeing this, Lin Yue scratched her head.

"It seems that I have to solve it myself." Lin Yue murmured.

After adjusting the passage of time in the synthesis of the daily world, he stretched out his slender hand, directly opened the crack, and walked in. .

Chapter 285

The world on the other side of the crack.

In a building that looks like a prison, in a row of cells, in a room, there are not only neat beds, but even soft sofas and other furniture.It doesn't look like a prisoner's cell at all.

Inside the cell, a purple magic circle lit up with a very dazzling light.And beside the magic circle sits a shadowy figure.

A long brown hair fell like a waterfall, and the black kimono set off against the woman's snow-white skin.

At this time, the woman's purple eyes like purple gems were full of excitement.

Her name is Xiandumu Aye.

She is a witch in this world and belongs to an organization called the Library.

Outside, she has a frightening title: the secretary's witch.

This is a world where there are many races, and all races live together.

There are all kinds of power, magic, spiritual power, etc., but also the true ancestors who have the power to stand at the top of the world and occupy one side of the power.

And she herself is a witch.

As for why witches, it is because they sign contracts with demons from other worlds for their own desires, and pay the price to obtain the powerful power bestowed by demons - guardians.

She herself signed a contract with a demon, a black knight, who was her guardian.

And Xiandumu Aye gained power, and the wish she wanted to fulfill was a lie that wanted to prove the world 'magic does not exist, and this world is fictional'.

Simply put, she wants to remove the magic of this world, the supernatural power that removes everything.And all the races such as True Ancestor, Demon Race, etc. are all eliminated.Because she believes that the world is only full of ordinary people, there will not be so many fights and chaos, and the world can be peaceful.

In her opinion, magic and other extraordinary powers are the source of all this.

So as early as ten years ago, she planned to launch a dark oath on Itogami Island to eliminate all the extraordinary powers in this world.

As for why this Isogami Island, because it is a special administrative region 'Demon Special Zone' with an independent political system.It is used to protect the endangered demons and study their body tissues and special abilities.

However, she failed and was stopped by her friend Nangong Nayue, who was also a witch, and she was imprisoned in this prison barrier that existed in a different dimension.

However, she has never given up her plan for so many years, and has been and has already made plans to help herself escape from this place in the future.

However, just a while ago, she had an accident.

That day, after she felt the vibration of the entire space, Xiandumu Aye found a wave of space fragmentation in her room.

Following her perception, she saw a space crack the size of a marble in the corner of her room.

At this time, Xiandumu Aye realized that this might be his hope of escaping the prison barrier.

After realizing this, Xiandumu Aye immediately placed the shielding barrier on this crack with his remaining magic power.Because she was afraid of being noticed by her friend Nangong Nayue as the manager of the entire prison barrier.

After doing all this, she began to slowly wait for the crack to widen.And set up a summoning magic circle, I want to try here to see if I can summon a powerful creature from another world to help myself.

This had used up all the magic she had left.

And just today, finally, she saw the crack open.The perception magic circle also lit up.

"Coming! What will appear? Demons?"

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