【Um!Glass believes that Brother Lin Yue must be Kamisama who came to save Glass. 】

Nishinomiya Glass raised his head and looked at Lin Yue with big shining eyes.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

[Okay, Nitro will go there and wait for a while.I'll deal with these people who bully you first. 】

Lin Yue pointed to the place where there was a chair under the corridor on the other side, and asked her to wait for her.

【This. . .Brother Lin Yue. . .Can you let them go? 】

Nishinomiya Glass looked at the few classmates behind her who had been bullying her just now, and looked at their fearful eyes at this time, the kind-hearted she couldn't bear it, and pleaded with Lin Yue.

Hearing Nishinomiya Glass' words, Lin Yue sighed slightly.

Sure enough, he was still the kind-hearted glass, who even pleaded for the perpetrator now that he was bullied.No wonder the original can endure hearing aids that have been damaged so many times by the scumbag male protagonist.

You know, the better stuff costs tens of thousands of soft sister coins.In the original work, the mother of the glass kept paying for the glass to buy new ones, and the husband also ran away after knowing that he had given birth to a daughter with a disorder.Leaving a mother alone to support the two sisters by working part-time.

So Lin Yue had to let this group of people see the beatings in society.

[Don't worry, I won't do anything to them.But they must be corrected, otherwise they will bully the second glass in the future. 】

Lin Yue touched Nishigong Glass's head to reassure her, and went there to rest and wait for herself.

After getting Lin Yue's assurance, Nishinomiya Glass was slightly relieved.After nodding, he walked to the shaded corridor to rest.

After seeing Nishinomiya Glass leave, Lin Yue turned her head and looked at a few bear children.

After a few bear children saw Lin Yue's eyes, everyone was stunned for a moment, their eyes kept widening, full of fear.

"Okay, what do you think I'm going to do with you now?" Lin Yue looked at several people with a smile.


After seeing Lin Yue's smile, several people were very scared as if they had seen a demon.

Since they couldn't speak, they could only rely on their eyes flashing constantly begging for mercy to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue ignored their eyes and looked at Ishida Masaya, who was the male protagonist.

To be honest, Lin Yue doesn't have a very good impression of him. In the original work, as the perpetrator of school violence, he finally became a victim himself, which can be said to be ironic and deserved.

When General Ishida saw Lin Yue's eyes, he was stunned.Very empty inside.

"Which one of you took the lead? Bullied the glass and broke her earphones." Lin Yue then looked at the others and asked, and quietly lifted the restriction that they could not speak.

Hearing Lin Yue's question, several people blurted out in unison.


"Shogun Ishida!"

When they said it, everyone was stunned.

I thought they couldn't speak anyway, and then I answered subconsciously in my heart.Instead, it came out.

On the other side, the accused Ishida General also stared at several people with wide eyes.

Did they sell themselves like this? !

When General Ishida also looked at them, everyone was embarrassed to look at him.

The girl who was interested in him in the original work, Naoka Ueno, did not dare to look directly at Shogun Ishida, as if out of shame, and could only turn her head to the side.

At this time, Ishida will also realize that he has been ruthlessly abandoned by his companions.

A cold air came out of my heart, as if I saw a picture of myself being alienated from everyone, being pushed aside, and being told that I was a murderer behind my back.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yue couldn't help but slightly upturned the corner of her mouth.This is what he wants. Only after the abuser has experienced the pain of the abused can they wake up.

"It seems that you were abandoned by your comrades. It's really a fragile friendship." Lin Yue looked at Ishida Will and said with a playful look.

And these words, like a heavy blow, hit him in the heart, making Ishida's heart extremely painful.

Although there was a trace of guilt in the other people's hearts, most of them still believed that General Ishida was the mastermind.

Looking at a few friends who used to be good friends, they all testify against him now, and they don't even dare to look at him.Ishida will also realize that the so-called friends around him, friendship turns out to be so simple and fragile.

Ishida will also smile miserably, laughing like a madman hahaha.

In the ears of several people, how harsh the laughter was.

Lin Yue was satisfied after seeing one who had left a shadow on her mind, and then looked at the other people, the corners of her mouth curled up.

"You think it's over like this?" Lin Yue looked at a few people and smiled.Then he snapped his fingers, and the vision of everyone including Ishida General suddenly changed.

The surrounding scenes were all replaced by a fiery red, as if there were flames in the air.The floor under my feet seemed to be on fire, a scene like hell.

They saw that there was a blue light film around them, and Lin Yue was standing outside the light film and looked at several people with a smile.

"This is where?"

"What the hell is this place?"

Feeling a burning sensation, they all looked at Lin Yue in a panic and asked.

"Welcome, in the sun! Sa, let's play a game." Lin Yue said with a slight smile to several people.Of.

Chapter 311

After a few people heard Lin Yue's words, their faces changed dramatically.

sun? !Is it the sun in the sky? !Stellar Sun! ! !The sun that can burn the earth to ashes? !

The faces of several people became ugly, and fear spread in their hearts.The body could not help but tremble.

Two of the boys were even more frightened and sat on the ground.

"Cheat... lie... how is it possible..." a girl said with a very ugly face.

"But...how to explain this..." Naoka Ueno's eyes filled with fear, she pointed to the top and said.

When the others saw Naokana Ueno's actions, they all raised their heads.

When they entered their eyes, they saw the deep cosmic starry sky, and saw a gray celestial body in the distance.

"That... looks like Mercury?" They had seen the shapes of several celestial bodies in the solar system in their textbooks, so they quickly guessed what this gray celestial body was.

"Really on the sun?!"

"No way... No!!! I want to go home!!!"

A boy called out directly, and another boy could not help seeping out a little liquid where he was sitting. Although it was covered by a blue light film, the temperature on the ground was still a little warm, and all the liquid evaporated quickly. A strange smell of sao drifted into the noses of several people.

Others saw the water on his crotch, and immediately understood that this person was frightened | incontinent.

"It stinks!"

"You guy, you are really timid! This is incontinence?!"

Being ridiculed with disgust by his companions, the boy lowered his head in shame.

Lin Yue, who was outside, also saw this scene and couldn't help but smile.Then he smiled and said, "Now let's play a game."

After hearing Lin Yue's words, several people fell silent and looked at Lin Yue very nervously.

They were already very sure that the man in front of them was like a god.To be able to snap them all here and to stand in the sun without being burned.It was simply beyond their comprehension.

"See the blue light film around you. That's to protect you from being vaporized by the heat of the sun."

Lin Yue slowly came to the front of the light film, and poked lightly.

Seeing Lin Yue's action, all the people inside became nervous, afraid that Lin Yue would directly stab the light film.Without this light film, they would be burned to death.

But this scene did not appear, only the light film was like a circle of ripples on the surface of a calm lake.Seeing this scene, a few people were relieved.

Seeing a few people relax, Lin Yue couldn't help sneering.

"But! There is a limit to this thing, it weakens every minute until it disappears at the end."

Lin Yue looked at several people with a wicked smile.

When the others heard Lin Yue's words and saw that smile, all of them looked horrified.

Weakening every minute and disappearing in the end, doesn't that mean they will die too? !

Realizing this, everyone's hands and feet became cold, as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

"Don't...I don't want to play anymore!!! Take me back!!!" A girl cried out directly and came to Lin Yue, kneeling and begging.

"We were wrong! Nishinomiya-san will never be bullied again... So please spare us..."

"No...please forgive us..."

The two boys were crying and begging for mercy at Lin Yue.

On the other side, Ishida General and Ueno Naohua were trembling, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, if you want to delay the fading of the light film, you only need to pick one person out and you can delay it for a minute." Seeing this, Lin Yue said lightly again.

"Until there is only one person left, then everything will be fine and return to Earth."

After Lin Yue said the rules of the entire game, everyone was stunned.

Those who are pushed out are equivalent to dying.Until the last person left, then the remaining person will be able to live.

I have to say that this game made everyone feel a cold air all over the body.

Although they are good friends, in the face of this life test, each of them is selfish, after all, everyone wants to survive.

『:"?若.水"'资'.源'群",』.!6!5?!,6!6,"'1:8?:"8',!9":6,『,若;水;"中,.转?.群:』.'7,?6?6'0".'1,8';3';2"0  “撒!开始吧。现在开始计算时间。”林月看到里面沉默了,开始宣布游戏开始。

As Lin Yue fell, the atmosphere in the entire light film became dull, and everyone stood on one side.The good friends who used to be able to rely on each other have all become strangers who keep their distance.

The eyes that everyone looked at each other were as cold as looking at a stranger.

Seeing this scene of mutual suspicion and mutual jealousy made Lin Yue feel a little joy in her heart.

And this also made Lin Yue a little surprised, good guy, is he going to become a happy weirdo?No no no!How can I become like Father Mapo? !I'm just giving these little brats a taste of the beatings from society.

Lin Yue felt that she had thrown away the joy in her heart, and then reminded the following people.

"There are 20 seconds before a minute. Have you made your choice?"

When several people were nervous, they were suddenly reminded by Lin Yue, everyone woke up, and time was running out.If they can't pick a single person, the film will fade.

Several people looked at each other, and then everyone turned to look at Ishida Masaya.

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