Irisviel looked at all kinds of monsters walking on the street with gleaming eyes.

"Wow...that dog demon is so cute..." Irisviel sighed as she stared at a dog demon.It's like the strange milf who kidnapped the little loli.

The monsters around were startled, this human being is so strange that he is not afraid of us monsters.

"Irisviel, you will make people misunderstood." Liya said to Irisviel with a headache.

Jiu Zhong nodded heavily, just like in the morning, he was a little flustered by being stared at.

"Ugh...why..." Irisviel said dissatisfied with a small face.

You are so beautiful, why are you kids so afraid of me? .Irisviel said helplessly.

Yasaka and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

"Okay Ellie, let's go." Lin Yue shouted.

"Yes yes yes!!" Irisviel responded when she heard the call, and quickly ran to Lin Yue's side in front.

"It's beautiful and harmonious." Genji looked at this monster capital with a peaceful look.It feels very incredible.

After all, youkai have always represented this killing and all kinds of violence.

As a result, it was peaceful here, and some vaguely related humans also traded and traded with monsters here.This is something that is hard to imagine in their world.

"Actually, Yasaka managed it better." Lin Yue squeezed her Genen-style small hand, looked at Yasaka and said.

"Ah, thank you husband for your appreciation." Yasaka was very happy when she heard Lin Yue compliment herself.Come to think of their original policy is correct.

As the group of people continued to visit this monster capital, a little fox demon from the Yasaka family called out in the distance.

"Yasaka-sama!! Yasaka-sama!!!"

After everyone heard the sound, they stopped and waited for the fox demon to run over.

"What's the matter?" Yasaka asked curiously.

"Yes... There is news from Lord Yatengu that the earth spiders are bringing their subordinates to our side!!!" said the fox demon panting.

"What!! The soil spider has attacked so quickly??!!" Yasaka said in surprise.

Originally thought that the soil spider attacked after three days, but unexpectedly it was earlier.

Lin Yue frowned slightly, then turned on the [Super Vision] and saw the soil spider and Orochi troop in the distance, rushing to the capital of monsters.Then it became clear why they were ahead.

"It was the gift and the dragon roar from before that made them panic, so they moved ahead." Lin Yue then turned off the [Super Vision], looked at Yasaka and said.

After hearing this, Yasaka thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then let's go to the battle. It's better to solve it as soon as possible."

Yasaka has now been strengthened by Lin Yue's [Dragon's Bounty], which has directly made her strength surpass the transcendence (surface level), and is close to the strength of Orpheus.

The Orochi and the Earth Spider are only close to the national level.I can handle it myself.

"Yue, can we help?" Liya looked at Lin Yue and said.

"Okay, Liya, your hands are itchy." Lin Yue said jokingly.

Even though Liya is usually quiet after all, in fact, she really wants to fight, which is the same as Skaha, so when there is usually no fighting, the two often learn from each other.

After being dismantled by Lin Yue, Liya nodded with a blushing face.

『'';若;.!水.?资,;源,:群:'』,6.5;,,6!;?6!"1:8?!!8.9'!6.:『.;若;水!"中,;轉,群;,』,;!7,.6!6.0'.1,8.3."2'0  “哦呀,这种事情怎么能少得了我呢。”斯卡哈也同样手痒了,直接掏出了‘贯穿死翔之枪’。

"Since...since...then this king will also come to help..." Lolita said dumbly.

The root style did not speak, but directly switched personalities.The two instruments are woven.

"Then sisters, let's go and chop people." Liang Yizhi directly took out his beloved sword 'Nine Characters Kanding' and called out.

"Then I'll protect you." Joan of Arc took out a flag spear and said.

"Ah, then I'll accompany my husband to supervise the battle. Migu~" Yuzao Qian didn't want to fight.

After everyone heard it, they looked at Yuzao Qian speechlessly, and the good blood atmosphere was directly destroyed by you.

When Yasaka heard that everyone was here to help, he was very moved, as expected of sisters who served the same man together.

"Thank you sisters for your help, Yasaka, I am very grateful." Yasaka bowed in thanks, and Kunou also bowed like his mother.

"That's out of the way, we're all good sisters, aren't we." Liang Yizhi said carelessly.

"Let's go." Lin Yue directly took everyone to the defensive fortress in an instant.

Yasaka's retainers were shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of the group, and then they were relieved after seeing clearly that it was Yasaka and Lin Yue.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this one is really amazing.Looking at other strange women at the same time, I couldn't help being curious about their identities.

But now is the time to fight, and they have to concentrate to deal with it.So I didn't think much about it.

After a few minutes, looking at the black humming that was approaching in the distance, Yasaka knew that the soil spiders and the others were coming.

After the soil spider approached the fortress, he roared: "Yasaka, we haven't surrendered yet, and now we are here. If we surrender, we can still treat you well."

The soil spider stared at Yasaka above the fortress, stared at her giant panda, and swallowed.

The same is true of the eight-headed snake, the eyes of its eight heads are all staring straight.I thought to myself, the earth spider really didn't bother me, this is really a superb nine-tailed demon fox.

At this time, Yasaka had long since stopped wearing the clothes that exposed more than half of the clothes in the original book, but had changed to one that was covered tightly. After all, Lin Yue didn't like to show so much in front of others.

But even if it is tightly covered, people can see the exaggerated shape.

"Turtle spider, don't think about it. I already know your own thoughts. You only gathered these people to find a reason to turn against your concubine just to force your concubine to commit itself to you."

"I don't blame you for those who were deceived. As long as you surrender now, the concubine will consider letting you go." Yasaka said directly to the other subordinates of the earth spider.

Hearing Yasaka dismantling himself directly, the soil spider felt hot on his face.Dang still bit the bullet and said, "So what, you are just a woman, don't even think about being the general of this Kyoto. Women should give me a good baby at home."

"As long as you become my person, then what you want is not what you want." The soil spider said.

"I'm really sorry. Concubine has long been attached to her heart. Standing beside her is her lover. You should die of this heart." Yasaka said sarcastically, hugging Lin Yue beside him.

"What!!!" The earth spider and the eight-headed snake were shocked, but they didn't expect their prey to be cut off.

The earth spider and the eight-headed snake looked at Lin Yue carefully, and found that there was no fluctuation in his body, and he felt like an ordinary human being.

They didn't expect that they had planned for so long, and seeing that the prey was about to fall into their hands, they were actually cut off by a human being.This cannot be tolerated.

"Damn!! An ordinary human little white face actually fascinated you. Yasaka, wait, when we come up and grab your little white face, I will torture him in front of you." The soil spider said gloomily.

"Oh, it's really too much." Skaha said directly mockingly.

Want to deal with Lin Yue? ? ! !I don't know how to write dead words.

"Well, I thought he had so many eyes, but he was blind." Liya agreed.

The earth spider only noticed Liya and Skaha after hearing their words.

Looking at these beauties, the soil spider swallowed.I didn't expect to be able to give so much this time.Simply posted.

Thinking of this, the spider cola broke down and said directly: "I didn't expect there are so many beauties, brothers, beat them down for everyone to enjoy. Go!!!"

When the others heard it, they slammed into blood and rushed forward frantically.

However, they had no idea what they were about to face.

Lolita directly unfolded [Treasure of the King], and all kinds of treasures fell directly into the army of soil spiders like rain.

Skaha's eyes flashed dangerously, he licked the corner of his mouth, and directly carried the 'Spear of Death Flying' through the crowd, turning into a red flash.

Liya is even more unreasonable, and directly liberates the Noble Phantasm.

"Holy spear! Pull out the anchor!"

"The Spear of Shining and Doom!!!"

The light cannon of the holy spear directly opened a big mouth to the dense army, and a crack several hundred meters deep was blasted directly on the ground.

And Joan of Arc directly opened the Noble Phantasm, and a layer of light covered the girls, which could protect everyone.

Liang Yizhi even waved the 'Nine Characters Kanding' directly in the crowd, and his eyes turned into [Dead Eyes], and every person he cut became a pile of meat.The scene was terrifying.

Irisviel used the eagle made of the hair on it to continuously attack those people.

"Husband, it seems that someone has come to fish, Migu~" Yu Zaoqian noticed that there was another group of people hiding nearby.

"Well, I see." Lin Yue looked at the deep forest on the other side.

Yasaka looked at it and said, "It seems to be a member of the five great clans."

After Lin Yue heard it, she thought about it, the five major clans seemed to have the Himejima clan.He remembered that Himejima Akeno had a cousin named Himeshima Suzaku, and he was also somewhat interested in it.

"I'll go back when I go." Lin Yue said to Tamamo-mae and Yasaka.

The two nodded, they knew that Lin Yue might go to see the group of five great clans.

Then Lin Yue flashed and appeared in the hiding place of the five major clans.

The people from the five major clans were shocked when they saw Lin Yue who suddenly appeared.Then got on guard.

Lin Yue had no interest in them, and then looked around and found a girl with long black hair tied with a tress, who looked a bit like Himejima Akeno.

It's just that the girl looked at Lin Yue with an incredible look on her face.

"You... finally appeared..." Himejima Suzaku looked at that familiar figure, that familiar face in disbelief.Covering his mouth, he cried out in disbelief. .

Chapter 90

Lin Yue looked at Himejima Suzaku with a bewildered expression.

What the hell, this girl actually knows me?

When the others heard Himejima Suzaku's words, they all looked at Himejima Suzaku, their eyes swept back and forth between Himejima Suzaku and Lin Yue.

" know me??" Lin Yue slowly approached Himejima Suzaku and said.

The other members of the Himejima family became vigilant when they saw Lin Yue who was slowly approaching.

But Himejima Suzaku was indeed still shocked, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin Yue, don't be joking." Ji Dao Suzaku seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Lin Yue's question, feeling that Lin Yue seemed to be playing with her, rolled her eyes and said coquettishly.

After Lin Yue heard it, there were constant question marks on her head.

Then I thought of the point of crossing the world, maybe I met her at a certain point in time.

Just looking at the girl's reaction, it seems. . .

It seems that time travel can only be carried out as soon as possible. The ghost knows how many people know him and he doesn't know himself.

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