In the king’s study.

His Majesty King Offense was enjoying a moment of peace after a day of government affairs, holding a cup of goji tea and staring at the ceiling to empty his brain.

“Your Majesty, it’s rude.”

“Oh, here you are, Glanz, accompany me a little / pour bitter water, my friend.”

“Yes, no… Okay, Offens.”

The silver-haired man who walked into the study bowed his head slightly, and suddenly the sense of distance between the two disappeared, changing from a relationship between monarchs to an atmosphere of being a good friend.

Glanz Mazanta, the prime minister of the kingdom, was also the best friend of King Offense in the prince’s time, and the first loyal courtier.

“Recently, my stupid girl has done a lot of things, eh”

“I’m so tired, obviously they are all daughters, why is there such a big gap between Anise and your family’s Euphelia.”

“I think Her Royal Highness is very similar to Her Majesty when she was young… Please don’t show such an expression, I mean seriously.”

“No, don’t say it, even if it’s true, I don’t want to admit it.”

His Majesty the King covered his face with his hands and was tired.

He took a sip of tea and changed his posture, looking at the expression of his best friend in front of him with more apologies.

“I’m really sorry to say, I forced you to make a marriage contract in the first place, I know that Glanz actually didn’t want to marry Euphelia, right.”

“Yes, I originally wanted to support His Royal Highness Moge of the Second Prince, but… Oh, that prince doesn’t seem to need my support.”

The Duke Prime Minister shrugged his shoulders.

“Please don’t say this outside, eh, I thought that unlike Anise was a child who could make me feel at ease, but I didn’t expect him to do something like that.”

Offense showed an extremely complicated look.

“It’s incredible to really completely eradicate the [Sect], I really don’t know how Moge did it, those tumors have secretly eroded our country for hundreds of years.”

“…… Yes, the second prince Mo Ge, his strength is unfathomable, if he is the child of the princess, then everything does not need to be troubled.”

Glanz nodded earnestly and regretfully.

As Moge speculated earlier, the king actually knew about the [Diablos Order].

At the same time, he also pays close attention to this organization that is secretly trying to poison the kingdom all the time.

Therefore, he also discovered that an organization had recently emerged and hammered the Order to the ground, and had almost completely eliminated it from the country.

Offenses even vaguely guessed that this was a force formed by Mo Ge, and it was precisely because of this that he did not do anything, pretending that he could not do anything

“And he also showed interest in the throne, eh, coupled with the merits created in recent years, this kid is too good, and now Argard is completely unable to compete with it.”

“Yes, it is impossible for His Highness Argard alone to win His Highness Moge, even with your support, so His Majesty asked me for this marriage contract.”

“I’m really sorry, Glanz.”

“It is the honor of my clan to serve the royal family.”

“Thank you, but this is also my last support for Yalgard, what happens after that is his business, whether he can keep his first inheritance is up to him.”

Offense said with a sigh.

After all, it is the child of himself and the princess.

And he still poured the most heart and soul, and he planned to be cultivated as a king at the moment of birth, so even if he finds that he has no talent now, he doesn’t want to give up easily.

At least become an ordinary king.

Duke Glanz wanted to say nothing, he really wanted to say, don’t expect too much.

Even if the third prince is supported by his daughter and the duke’s family, the winning rate against that black prince will not be higher than two percent at most, after all… The great deeds and achievements achieved by His Highness Mo Ge are already too high.

“Anyway, let’s take a step and look at it.”

“yes, let’s see how it goes.”

Knock knock knock!!!

At this moment, the door of the study was slammed, and the knight of the guard ran over in a panic, and said with an indescribable subtle expression.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Big things are bad! Prince Moge, and the daughter of King Anise arrived, and also brought…”

“What! What happened? What did those two do? What did you do again this time?! ”

Offens’ face contorted.

A strong sense of bad premonition hits.

The Duke of Glanz also reacted immediately.

“Guard, summon the doctor to stand by!”

“Prime Minister, do you want to summon a doctor from the cardiology department or a doctor from the gastroenterology department?”

“Fool, think with your common sense, this time the two highnesses came together, and His Majesty’s heart and stomach will undoubtedly be challenged, so invite both doctors over!”

“Yes, yes!”

The knight secretly cursed himself for his stupidity.

Lord Anise came to call the gastrologist.

Lord Mo Ge came to call the cardiologist.

This is already the custom, but now that the two of them are coming together, then of course they have to shout together!

On the other side, almost instinctively, the king took out the usual heart medicine and stomach medicine from the drawer, prepared to listen to the report of the riot caused by the two, and then fainted.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that this is His Majesty’s [life-saving medicine], but when he knew that the producers of this medicine were also Moge and Anice, the king almost fainted.

The same two people who are responsible for healing themselves and those who are responsible for making themselves uncomfortable, this is simply…

“Guian, Father, good evening!” x2

“Meet Your Majesty, Lord Father is also there?”

Mogo, Annes, and Euphelia came to the king’s study.

“What is the situation, and have you done any trouble? This time it actually involved Euphelia… Wait, why is Euphelia here? Wasn’t he supposed to be at the dinner party announcing the engagement?! ”

King Auster, who suddenly discovered the key point, only felt that his abdomen was already faintly painful, and he wanted to escape the next reality if he could.

But human beings can escape from anything, but they cannot escape reality.

“Well, it’s going to be complicated to explain, so I’m going to put it simply… Yalgard announced his withdrawal in public, and then I lectured him a lesson and snatched the bride over.”


His Majesty the King fell.

If you can escape reality like this, maybe this fainting is also a kind of happiness, but it’s a pity that the strongest magic in this kingdom is here.

Mo Ge directly came with a superlative healing magic, forcing Offense to wake up from fainting to face reality.

“Give, give me more elaboration.”

“Okay, but I suggest that Father you can take the medicine first, because there are a little more twists and turns in the middle, and it will be late when it takes effect”

“! @#¥%……*”

Offense took a deep breath and realized that this was probably the biggest trouble by far and took two sips of medicine without hesitation.

A few minutes later, His Majesty the King covered his stomach with one hand and clenched his fist on the table.

“Abandoning the marriage contract in public? Yalgard, what the hell are you thinking!! ”

Offensis held his head in his hands, and he felt like he was going to have a nightmare tonight.

The marriage contract is abandoned, the declaration of the king, the public ruling… Each item alone is super invincible trouble, and now it is actually packed in one piece and hits itself.

This king fell into autism.

What did you give birth to?

Why doesn’t everyone let themselves worry!

The king stared at the two children in front of him, and there were some black emotions hidden in his eyes, as if he was saying, “Lao Tzu should have shot your unfilial children at the wall in the first place!”. 】

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