After listening to everything in the recording.

King Austral’s face was completely black.

“Daring! Extremely daring! These bastards are actually planning to assassinate the prince! They actually want to kill King Ben’s child!! Xiao Mo said that yes, these bastard nobles are really better dead! ”

Austern clenched his fists and slammed it on the table, smashing his usually beloved desk out of a pit, but his anger did not diminish in the slightest.

The only good thing is that the third prince Argard was not involved, fratricide is an absolute taboo! This time it was only privately decided by the nobles in his camp, otherwise… Then it is not a question of succession to the throne.

But the gaffe of the subordinate is also the mistake of the superior.

King Ausfen is already thinking about it, is there still a need to continue the trial? Just scrap it! It is strange that even his own subordinates cannot be well restrained, and it is strange that they can be a good king!

“By the way, Xiao Mo is okay!”

“Your Majesty, since His Highness can send this to you, it means that he has known for a long time, and there is definitely no need to worry.”

“Say, it’s also said, then how should these nobles deal with it, after having such decisive evidence, how our side handles it is reasonable.”

Just as the king was thinking about how to deal with this matter, a knight hurriedly ran over, just looking at his panicked appearance, Aufin had subconsciously suffered a stomachache.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Big things are bad! ”

“Count XXX, Marquis XXX, Baron XXX and several other nobles were found assassinated!”

“! @#¥%! @#.”

Austern only felt dizzy.

Accidentally did not stand firmly and fell directly on the chair, His Majesty suddenly felt that his heart was so tired, this world should be destroyed quickly, it seems that his good son did not plan to discuss with himself at all, and sending this recording was just to block the mouths of those nobles.

In other words, this is too decisive, right? I heard that he also cut off two noble heads before leaving this morning, and I am afraid that he will really become a tyrant in the future.

However, although the killing was decisive, they all killed seamlessly, and the killing was justified, and there was no place for people to blame, which made His Majesty the King not know how to open his mouth if he wanted to lecture.

When those two noble heads were killed.

Information about their crimes was also sent to the king, and the evidence on them was enough to behead more than ten times.

“Your Majesty, a large number of nobles have come to ask for explanations, and they are already waiting outside.”

“Okay, okay, I know, let’s go and clean up the aftermath of that smelly boy.”

King Austern stood up and Prime Minister Glanz helped him put on his cloak.

At this moment, this king, who always has a stomachache because of what his children have done, also reveals a kingly temperament, which makes people dare not raise their heads and look directly.

Glanz who is familiar with the king understands.

Your Majesty is angry.

The assassination of Prince Moge has undoubtedly touched the king’s backscales, and I am afraid that a few people will not be able to stand and leave, and I am afraid that a few nobles will lose their footing and fall into the river tonight.

“I don’t know what happened to His Highness Moge, did Euphie help His Highness well.”

He said to himself.

Euphelia’s whole body was numb.

The black prince in front of him is really terrifying! In less than half a day, the problem of insufficient water sources, dry land, and dead crops has been solved.

And the means that are called rude and direct and effective.

Not enough water? Then directly summon a large amount of water with water magic, and then create a small river.

Land drought? Now there is water, and then inject magic into the earth itself, and suddenly the dry land becomes extremely fertile.

Crops withered? Mo Ge directly cast a large wide-area healing magic to inject life force into the crops, and suddenly the half-dead crops were revived.

“Lord Duke Qianjin, may I ask where His Highness is going now? I’m done.”

Joel, who had already killed all the nobles and came back to life, tilted his head and asked.

“Huh? So fast? ”

Euphelia was surprised.

“Yes, because those people want to know the result immediately, they wait for me at a nearby hotel, which just saves a lot of time to rush.”

“Yes, yes.”

Euphelia was a little embarrassed, looking at Jolbly, who was covered in blood and didn’t care, who would have thought that she was still an enemy a few hours ago.

“And what about Your Highness?”

“He said he was going to open a path.”


Euphelia showed a speechless expression, Mo Ge just said this [This city extends in all directions, it is too wasteful not to become a trading city].

Although she didn’t know what the adult was going to do, she only saw Mo Ge heading in the direction of the mountain, and Emphelia thought to herself that it was impossible to break through the mountain, right?


A loud earth-shaking noise came.

The silver-haired Qianjin looked messily not far away, for some reason there was a big hole in the middle of the mountain, she wanted to ask now, what could this person not do?

“I’m back~”

Mo Ge walked back easily, he clapped his hands and dusted off the little dust that had been stained.

The basic big problem has been solved, and then the buildings in the territory are destroyed and rebuilt, then the roads on the ground are also repaired, and finally a new territorial decree is issued to correct those harsh and heavy taxes.

To be honest, Moge was a little disappointed.

That’s it? That’s it?

At first, I thought how difficult it was, but it turned out to be not challenging at all, I won’t already have to win, right?


Euphelia looked at him speechlessly… She was able to tell Moge very clearly.

You have already won, you have won too much, His Majesty the King can already directly declare your victory, His Highness Argard has no point in compareing.

“Euphie, why are you looking at me like that?”

“No, I’m just thinking that His Highness is really powerful, and can actually solve these troubles by magic, then… How much magic do you have?”

He is also known as a magical genius, but even if Euphie squeezes the last drop of magic power in her body, I am afraid that she can only fill a small well.

But Mo Ge directly built a river out of thin air, and even healed the earth and crops, and pierced a high mountain, is he really a person? It won’t be a humanoid dragon, right?

“Hehe, it’s just a small meaning, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Mo Ge raised his chin very proudly.

“It’s better to say that I really don’t understand, obviously there is such a convenient plug-in for magic, why people in this world are still living so hard and hard.”

He sighed and shook his head.

If people in the previous life knew it, they would definitely envy death, if there is magic, directly flood the desert, directly fill the sea, many things can be easily solved, and there are no environmental problems.

But the people of this world do not use such convenient power, Mo Ge himself can create a river, but as long as thousands of nobles use water magic together, they can even create a river!

Moge can give life to a piece of land, but if all the nobles are united together, they can even make the entire land of the kingdom come to life.

Mo Ge can heal crops, but even if it doesn’t take so many people, ordinary nobles can bring a small piece of crops to life at a time.

“It is clear that as long as you want to do it, you can solve it, the road to prosperity is so simple, why are these stupid nobles just unwilling? It’s incomprehensible.”

His purple pupils were sharp when he said this.

Mo Ge was angry and puzzled, he couldn’t understand the thoughts of these nobles, but he had a determination.

“If these nobles really can’t use magic power well, then don’t ask for it at all, sooner or later I will take the magic power of the whole world for myself, except for me, the world is mortal!”

Section 13 more.

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