Silence appeared on Luo Shu’s face, and he glanced deeply at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and then said:

“Although I am now a half-hanged god, I still won’t levy this kind of thing for the first time.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s cheeks twitched when she heard this, and she sighed helplessly:

“Should I thank you, my Lord God?”

“Thanks don’t have to be, give me a reason to stay.” Luo Shu said as he sat back on the sofa, as if he had expressed his psychological thoughts with actions.

Joke, a beautiful girl whose appearance completely poked her good ball area invited her to spend the night at her house, if Luo Shu refused, he would definitely go to the hospital the next day to check whether the mechanism of his lower body was normal.

In the face of Luo Shu’s actions, although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also thought that she should not leave the other party in her heart, she couldn’t help the panic in her heart now:

“You just said that you want to investigate the monster that is chasing us, right?”

“That means, that kind of monster, isn’t it a rare case?”

Hearing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu mention the giant rat-like monster, Luo Shu looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a clear understanding in his heart, and then explained:

“Didn’t you remind me about this?”

“I reminded?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned when she heard this, and then frowned and thought hard about her communication with Luo Shu.

At this time, Luo Shu opposite her reminded bluntly:

“When you were blocked in the alley, you said that the monster was a ‘nuclear radiation mutant animal mentioned in the TV program’, do you remember this?”

“Ah, Asahi Shimbun at eight o’clock in the morning…”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly remembered something, took out to collect and search for news, and quickly found the morning news released by TV Asahi, then called it up and put her mobile phone on the low table between her and Luo Shu.

Looking at the small screen of the mobile phone, it was written that “all the radioactive animals in a certain island area that flooded into Tokyo have been arrested by the police.”

Luo Shu raised his head and glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Immediately after, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a very unnatural expression:

“So, there are actually many of those monsters, and not all of them have been caught?”

“It’s not obvious!” As if taking it for granted, Luo Shu popularized science to Kasumigaoka Shiyu: “The first law of politics, matters that are urgently denied by the official should be viewed from a completely opposite perspective. ”

“So the original meaning of this sentence is really ‘not all radiation animals have been arrested, but we want citizens to think that they have been arrested.'” Kasumigaoka Shiyu grabbed Luo Shu’s hand after speaking.

Luo Shu lowered his head, looked at his grabbed palm, and tried to twitch, but it didn’t use much strength.

Sure enough, Luo Shu, who couldn’t pull out his hand, sighed, and looked up at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was taut and said:

“I won’t sleep on the couch.”

“I have two rooms in my house… No, that kind of monster I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch up next door when I meet it. ”

Feeling that Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had been chased by giant rats for several streets at night, really didn’t want to encounter that kind of monster again, so she gritted her teeth and said:

“You sleep in the bed, I sleep on the ground.”


Luo Shu patted Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s hand, and then withdrew his hand and said:

“By the way, I’m a little picky about where I live, like late-night snacks, bathing needs, washing needs, and lunch boxes tomorrow before breakfast…”

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard these conditions, she only felt as if she had invited an ancestor, no, this person was really an ‘ancestor’:

“I know, I’ll provide all these things.”

“That’s good.” Luo Shu showed an expression that I didn’t force you, and smiled happily.

He turned his head to look at the wall clock on the wall that was already pointing at ten o’clock, and then looked back and said:

“Calculate the time, you should be able to prepare the floor.”

“Yes?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned her head to look at the wall, and then said, “It’s only 10 o’clock, right?” ”

As soon as Luo Shu heard this, he immediately understood the essence of Kasumigaoka Shiyu night owl, and solemnly warned:

“Going to bed around 10 o’clock is a healthy schedule.”

“… Well, I see. Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed, then stood up, and while walking to the wardrobe, preparing to take out the futon, he asked curiously: “Then again, what is the use of the energy in the mouth of your god servant?” ”

I haven’t used it again how do I know: Luo Shu complained in his heart, and then said in a serious tone:

“I don’t want to explain this kind of thing a second time to a different person tomorrow, so I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Petty.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu pouted, glanced at Luo Shu, turned his waist and walked into the bedroom.

Looking at the figure of the other party preparing to futon from a distance, Luo Shu stared for a while, turned his head, and looked at the night sky outside the window:

“I always feel that the wind and rain are coming.”


Nerima District, a roadway near a police station.

A man wearing an island security uniform arranged a cordon on the side, carefully searching for various traces on the ground.

At this time, a woman wearing a purple lady’s suit and blond hair stepped on high heels and slowly stepped into the scene.

Seeing her coming, an operator hurriedly bowed:

“Chief Tangerine.”

“Head of the room.”

“You’ve worked so hard.”

Orange Mist Xiang nodded in response, and then walked to the center of the alleyway, looked at the blood splattered twice, frowned and said to the staff who was dragging the computer with a simple box on the side:

“Did anyone show up here at the time?”

“I’m very sorry, there is no such person in the surveillance record at present, and even the whereabouts of the monsters that appeared in the previous eyewitness confessions have not been found, just like…”

“Like what?” Orange Mist Xiang frowned and asked.

The operator who was questioned hesitated, but still replied stiffly:

“It’s as if monsters and people chased by monsters don’t exist.”

“Is that so…”

The orange mist scented suddenly, and immediately took out a lady’s cigarette and lighter from his pocket, shook the cigarette pack and took a cigarette with his red lips and lit it:

“Looks like you’re restless over there again…”

Saying these words with emotion, Orange Mist Xiang calmly ordered:

“Seal the data and send it to the ‘special data sorting room’ for recording in the B-level file.”

“Yes! Head of the room. The operator hurriedly saluted, and then continued to busy himself on the computer.

Orange Mist Xiang, on the other hand, frowned at the residual blood of the monster that was reduced on both sides, and imagined in her mind what kind of power would cause this kind of damage.

After thinking for a moment, Orange Mist Xiang muttered:

“Is it a warlock who manipulates the wind element?”

No one present could answer.

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