Chapter 62: Dirty Adults.

After nightfall, a pole street lamp glows incandescent, illuminating both sides of the road near the apartment.

In the parking lot, Orange Mist Xiang, who had just resealed the Kusanagi sword in the freezer, held a cigarette in his hand, leaned on the compartment of the minivan, and looked at the shining apartment not far away that was hit by searchlights and said, “There seems to be a gunshot just now, are you still struggling?” That Sharon. ”

“It depends on the situation, it is indeed so, and it seems to be the sound of a sniper rifle just now.”

Nishiki Qianshu took a box of mixed flavors, solemnly, and said with a mouthful of bubble noodles: “Dragging such a body, without protection, facing an action team, it can actually last so long, very tenacious, that Miss Sharon.” ”

Hearing Nishiki Chishu’s words, Inoue Takina immediately corrected: “That’s because the A team that broke in frontally was completely wiped out, and only the B team responsible for encircling and the C team responsible for sniping were still working, and she could hold on for so long.” ”

Inoue Takina glanced at the support vehicle on the opposite side of the road, looked at the A team that had begun to organize the equipment over there, and immediately said 01: “The A team that returned earlier has been repaired, there is no intelligence advantage in the first battle, and she is injured, Sharon she should not last long.” ”

“That’s what I said.”

Nishiki Qianshu took another sip.

Ruishi Zhongyuan, who was in the truck on the side, couldn’t help cursing: “Qianshu, I said not to eat this too fragrant thing on the spot, and the taste came in.” ”

“But I’m hungry!”

Nishiki Qianshu suddenly shouted: “You know, I just retired from the front, and I have consumed a lot of physical strength.” ”

“It’s not good to stand in the wind and eat ah, the taste is flowing in.”

Glancing at Riki Nakahara, who was arguing with Chishu Nishiki, Inoue Takina approached Orange Mist and asked, “Chief.” Are we just on standby? ”

“Isn’t it bad to have someone to help?”

Orange Mist Xiang leaned on the carriage of the truck, her tone was very casual, and there was no yin and yang strange aura that she had faced with Ryoko Yakushiji before: “In the end, although there is a reason why Sharon ambushed us first, the reason why things have become like this now is because our SDS is currently insufficient in deterrence, and we need a “famous” person to serve as a prestige target.” ”

“In the end, if when we recycle those abyss props, those strange organizations dare to stop us at random, then we don’t want to work, for this reason, I only moved my dead hand.”

Speaking of this, Orange Mist Xiang raised her hand, took a puff of a cigarette, and slowly spit out: “Originally, I wanted to take the time when the Kusanagi Sword took effect and kill Sharon, but to be honest, in the face of that guy’s temporary counterattack, I don’t guarantee that there will be no loss of personnel in the end.” ”

“So since that woman in Yaoshiji Temple wants to kill people and kill people, then let her extinguish, as long as our people are safe, it will be fine, and if the action team loses, then it will be recorded on her head..”

“As long as it can cause the problem of deterrence afterwards, although Ryoko Yakushiji is crazy, she also knows that she is not reasonable, and this time she is strong, it is estimated that the people in her family have made a mess and have to silence.”

“Hehe, that guy is completely wiping his own family elders’ asses, so he definitely won’t want to ambush the reputation of the demon hunter cadre, so in the end, the reputation still falls on our heads.”

Orange Mist Xiang said this, and looked around the crowd with a playful expression: “Also, Takina, do you think why should I let you be here on standby?” ”

“Once Sharon dies, can she get the treasure on her body from Ryoko Yakushiji, or can we get it?”

Hearing this, Inoue Takina was stunned, together, the purpose of their stay here is actually to intercept the beard of Ryoko Yakushiji, and take away the abyss props after Sharon is killed?

“Oh!! Worthy of being a big sister, as dirty as ever! ”

Nishiki Qianshu, who was eating noodles and listening on the side, suddenly gave a thumbs up to the orange mist incense.

“Eat your noodles.”

Orange mist gave Nishiki a white look, and then raised his hand and pressed the earphones hanging on his ears: “Walnut, is it linked to the communication channel of that guy from Yaoshi Temple?” ”

“Linked, do you want to play it?”

Walnut’s lazy voice came out of the headphones.

Hearing this, Inoue Takina, Chishu Nishiki and Riki Nakahara on the side all raised their hands and pressed the headphones.

“Play it.”

Orange Mist Xiang said lightly, and at the same time narrowed his eyes and looked at the apartment not far away. And at this moment, Ryoko Yakushiji’s indifferent voice came out of the earphones: “After Team A is repaired, two groups 1 and 2 are equipped with Type 20 assault rifles, forming a crossfire network at points A and B in the hall, and when the target appears on the first floor, empty the magazine as soon as possible.” ”


“The remaining 3,4 groups of Team A are equipped with FN light machine guns, cooperate with 1,2 groups to form a fire network, and Group 5 is equipped with M203 grenade launchers on standby.”

“Team B divided into two groups to build fortifications at the front and back door of the apartment, set up machine guns, and the remaining 12 people of Team C stared at the door.”

“The mortar squad is ready, and if the ABC three squad fails again, you immediately perform a cover strike.”

“Sniper team on the lookout, report the target whereabouts once in 5 seconds.”

Hearing these arrangements of Ryoko Yakushiji, Nishiki Chishu couldn’t help but glance at Inoue Takina, and Qi Qi saw each other’s strange expressions.

After a long while, Nishiki Chishu said in a very subtle tone: “This kind of firepower… Dealing with the wounded, is it too much? ”

The orange fog next to the 220 also couldn’t help but complain at this time: “Using mortars in the city, that crazy woman, is really messy as always, and the police officers and media responsible for road closure are afraid that some are busy”

After complaining, Orange Mist Xiang watched Team A bring equipment, surround the hall on the first floor of the apartment, and set up fire points, and also saw Team B on both sides of the road, which was hurrying to build temporary fortifications with sandbags.

In the air, the atmosphere of slaughter permeated.

Time passed minute by minute, and about 2 minutes later, a gunshot rang out.

Inoue Takina heard the gunshot, looked up, frowned and judged: “This sound, M24 sniper rifle?” ”

In the second of the gunshot, the first report sounded.

“The target appeared at the corner of the stairs on the first floor, the C1 sniper failed, the sniper rifle was destroyed, the target went to the first floor, repeatedly, the target went to the first floor.”


Hearing the report, Nishiki Qianshu judged it with experience, and immediately hesitated: “The gunshot just now should have been fired 450 meters away, right?” At the same time as the sniper failed, Sharon also countered and destroyed the sniper rifle 450 meters away? This…”

At this moment, not to mention Nishiki Qianshu, everyone present noticed something strange, and strange thoughts welled up in their hearts.

“Is it really that Sharon who is surrounded now?”

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