Chapter 68: The First Member of the Shadows.

The other party is a madman who thinks he is a god?

If she hadn’t experienced the possession just now, Sharon would definitely be so suspicious, but after experiencing the perspective of “peeping into the future, peeping into destiny”, she began to half-believe.

Perhaps, the man in front of him is really a god who is “retrieving” his power, and the so-called astronomical society is also a tool created by the other party to help him return to the divine throne.

Thinking of this, Sharon began to laugh at herself for how rich her imagination was.

A still weak deity… If this were to be known to the people of truth, I am afraid that they would not hesitate to give up the opportunity of those “demons” to seek their blasphemy instead, right?

“I see what you mean, so do you need the service of a nun?”

Although Sharon still had some doubts in her heart, she understood that she was valuable to Luo Shu. And since it is valuable, it means that her life is safe.

After surviving from the perverted abyss props of SDS and the official squad, Sharon didn’t want to die so easily.

As for whether the nun could change her surname to other gods, Sharon never considered it.

After all, the church she originally believed in was separated from this place by a world, so couldn’t the gods she originally believed in still cross the world to snipe at her treachery?

If this is the case, Sharon feels that she will be happy even if she dies, because doesn’t this prove the existence of “God”?

At this time, in the face of Sharon’s inquiry to become his own “nun”, Luo Shu shook his head slightly: “It’s not just a simple nun. ”

If it was Kasumigaoka Shiwa here, he would definitely say it

“It’s not a nun, is it a bed partner?”

Luo Shu complained in his heart, and at the same time affirmed his reason for opening another “Astronomy Society”.

After all, Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri, who grew up in a peaceful environment and have more auxiliary abilities, may be more suitable for spreading faith, but “combatants” like Sharon who live in the world of secret organizations are suitable for private work in the shadows.

This is like the church on the surface and the Inquisition in the secret, Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri are the teachings on the surface, and Sharon is the executor of the Inquisition in the secret… Luo Shu added positioning in his heart, and immediately controlled the system, allowing it to

“Contract, manifest.”

Not a simple nun? Just as Sharon wondered what this meant, a roll of tan parchment suddenly appeared in front of her.

The parchment was suspended in the air in front of her, wrapped in a soft and rich wind, and the textures all over it, although not words, allowed Sharon to “read” the content on it.

“To become… God’s dependents? ”

Sharon read the information on the parchment in front of her, and her heart was indeed shocked.

Because this piece of paper was like Luo Shu when he appeared, it appeared in front of him “out of thin air”. Is it a spatial transfer, or… Creation out of thin air?

Is this place where she is now a different space, or the “kingdom of God” of the gods?

With such doubts and apprehension, Sharon took a deep breath, and immediately looked at Luo Shu, who did not hide her face in front of her, as if she didn’t care about leaking secrets at all, and her tone was much weaker: “Isn’t it too preferential for a nun like me to become a god?” ”

That’s right, when Sharon saw the gods, the first thing she thought was not honor and righteousness, but worry and nervousness. In her original church, only big figures like the Pope could call themselves “God’s favorites,” and even then, the Pope she remembered did not show much power.

It is true that the invitation sent by the self-proclaimed “god who has lost his power” in front of her is a trap, and the other party may be an evil god who hopes to cheat the blood sacrifice, but Sharon also understands that she has been possessed by the other party, and it is like a delicious meal that cannot escape the table of the gods.

In this case, the status of the divine dependent brought Sharon not joy, but heavy pressure in her heart. However, on the other side, Luo Shu did not hide his confusion and glanced at Sharon: “In addition to the dependents, are there any lower-level existences?” ”

Sharon was stunned when she heard this, and then explained the church hierarchy in which she used to live: “In addition to the pope as a god, there should be cardinals, archbishops, archbishops, auxiliary bishops, bishops and priests, a total of 7 ranks, so these ranks are also called the seventh order of the holy goods.” ”

After listening to these contents, Luo Shu paused slightly, and then, he said with a smile: “The church belongs to the church, and the gods return to the gods.” ”

The implication is that the church is not the same as the gods.

And in fact, in the system, it is.

Under the gods to which the gods belong are the gods, and all the people in them are called the gods, they are the servants, assistants, and even extensions of the divine power.

This is the positioning in general.

Internally, the spiritual rank of the dependent, that is, the level of life, is used to distinguish the level of the individual dependent. Ordinary, excellent, elite, heroic, demigod, and the closest to the gods, or angels.

The ranks of these six dependents, plus the gods who are the highest ranks, also happen to be seven ranks, which also correspond to the so-called seventh order of holy products and the seven heavenly desires of the creation of the gods.

Therefore, for Luo Shu, the divine dependents are indeed a very ordinary status in his eyes, because as long as they join his dependents, they are all his divine dependents, and they are the shepherds who spread his glory.

Although even Su Jin himself felt that his god was a little crotch-pulling.

“To the church to the church, to the gods to the gods..”

Sharon chewed this sentence, and then thought of what she saw in those churches after she came to this world, so she said quite self-deprecatingly: “It is also said, after all, the church is an organization created by man to herd people, and the dependents controlled by the gods themselves will naturally not be this structure.”

Speaking of this, Sharon exhaled a turbid breath, looked at the “parchment” in front of her, which symbolized the gods, and also lost the filter of the “Pope” in the past.

She touched the parchment and signed the contract to become a god’s dependent.

And with the conclusion of the contract, a ritual array depicting the pattern of the sun at her feet is rapidly generating winter. Seeing this scene, Luo Shu was relieved to be hidden and undetectable.

After a long night’s work, he finally tricked Sharon into signing this dependents’ contract.

And once this “deed of sale” is signed, even if Sharon wants to repent, wants to kill him, the “god” has a systematic protection, I think it is impossible to do it.

Although Miss Sharon, you think of me very much, but I’m sorry, I’m just a little god whose physical fitness is a step worse than yours, just relying on my special ability to maintain deterrence, weak and helpless and have no money to spend.

With a groan in his heart, Luo Shu focused his attention on the screen of the system.

He had to take a good look at what kind of evolution would happen to Sharon after becoming his dependent.

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