Chapter 75: The World of Adults.


The sound of the water and the touch of icy water droplets splashing on her face were simultaneously transmitted to Yakushiji Ryoko’s head.

The cold and cold feeling, mixed with the wound on the shoulder that had undergone emergency treatment, but was still faintly painful, made Ryoko Yakushiji’s sanity gradually return.

She slowly raised her head and looked at the pale face reflected in the mirror in front of her.

Yakushiji Ryoko wiped her lips, let the vermilion lipstick spread on her face, she stared at herself on the mirror, the focus was on looking at her vermilion enchanting eyes: “Is it that pill…”

Yakushiji Ryoko immediately remembered the pill that “Sharon” forced to take.

Within half an hour of taking the pill, she rushed to the secret hospital for vomiting and gastric lavage, but she still failed to spit out the ingredients of the pill.

In less than an hour after that, her body appeared abnormal, and there was a faint strong desire in her heart, but what kind of desire it was, it was impossible to know.

Think of those will

“Probably the pill doesn’t have any harmful ingredients”

Such a report was handed over to his incompetent doctors, and Yakushiji Ryoko’s face remained angry.

Her own body, she can still not know, that vicious nun must have used mysterious means to put means on her, but because the other party thought that it was not yet the time to use her, so she did not use it.

“If you have an opportunity, [let Meihua arrange for those doctors to go abroad.”

The eldest lady of the Yakushiji family was drugged by members of the secret organization to control this kind of thing, and once exposed, even if she is the heir of the family, there will be a risk of being abolished.

And with the power she has now, it is not enough for the members of the family to pay for the sacrifice that the family may be remote-controlled by others. Thinking of this, Yakushiji Ryoko couldn’t help but think of the culprit who made herself into what she is now: “Yakushiji Katsuhiko!” ”

Ryoko Yakushiji angrily hammered the edge of the sink and shouted a name through gritted teeth, like an angry female wolf. If it weren’t for the brainy medicine master Katsuhiko Tera who concealed the cooperation between the family and Truth Astronomy, she would not have quickly intervened in Tachibana Kirika’s actions and tried to kill Sharon as an insider, thus being eaten back like this.

The solipsistic medicine master Ryoko Tera can’t stand the fact that he is subject to others, especially since this matter is caused by the behavior caused by the pit of incompetent elders, then it is even more unbearable.

Although she doesn’t want to anger others, she doesn’t want to be burdened by incompetent pigs.

Ryoko, who was resentful in her heart, indifferently picked up the mobile phone that had been set aside and was a little wet, and dialed a number. After the busy beep, a cold voice sounded.

“Ryoko, the doctor has already arranged it, are there any other instructions?”

Hearing this cold voice, Yakushiji Ryoko did not talk nonsense, but said indifferently: “Plum Blossom, go to the dark web to release an assassination mission against “Yakushiji Katsuhiko”, if you can, let those wind teeth take orders.” ”

For letting the guard’s maid Plum Blossom issue a mission to assassinate her uncle, Yakushiji Ryoko did not have any hesitation, and even arranged for him to die at the highest price.

The Wind Fangs are a dark organization of the kamikaze clan of the island warlock family, and all the members are warlocks who are good at wind arts, and they are experts who specialize in dirty work.

By their hand, even the Medicine Master Temple family will not act rashly, behind Bi Jingfeng Tooth stands the kamikaze of the strongest Yan Warlock family, plus she operates in the clan, it is easy to suppress the matter of Medicine Master Temple Sheng’s death.

Of course, this kind of designated assassination, or the assassination of the big family members, the price must be extremely high, each order will be in tens of millions of dollars, but she Yakushiji Ryoko has not much else, that is, there is a lot of money, and she is willing to spend this kind of money.

“I see.”

The maid Meihua hung up the phone after receiving the command, without the slightest hesitation.

After giving the order, Yakushiji Ryoko finally relaxed a little, and looked at the tile of the sink with a little effort, which was cracked by the patting she had just beaten.

Seeing those textures, Yakushiji Ryoko suddenly turned her head and stared at herself in the mirror, her pupils blood-red: “My body.”

Yakushiji Ryoko, who noticed something, immediately fell silent.

Outside the door of the Metropolitan Police Department’s ladies’ bathroom.

* Ask for flowers.

Tachibana misty chewed on the lady’s cigarette, leaned on the gray transparent tile wall, and gently spit out a smoke ring: “So it is, it is the power of the devil…”

Thinking of Ryoko Yakushiji, who was in the lady’s bathroom at this time, Yakushi finally understood the origin of the strange energy she had just sensed during the meeting.

“It seems that Miss Yakushiji has hit the calculation this time.? Is it the astronomy of truth, or… That pure Sharon? ”

In fact, Orange Fog tends to the latter.

Although the specific report, Yakushiji Ryoko did very real, and may even have made a series of confessions, but intuition told Tachibana Kirika that something must have happened to the two during the time when Yakushiji Ryoko was kidnapped by Sharon.

Only in this way can we explain the abnormality of Yakushiji Ryoko’s now.

As for why Ryoko Yakushiji was faintly polluted by the power of demons, Tachibana Kirika could also understand.

“Truth Astronomy is a recognized demon warlock organization, but doesn’t this mean that the demon hunters who are mortal opponents will not have the means to deal with it, but this reminds me.”

Thinking of this, Tachibana glanced in the direction of the bathroom and smiled. She did not debunk the idea of Ryoko Yakushiji, even if there was a contradiction between the two sides. Even if she exposed Yakushiji Ryoko at this time and let the other party lose power?

In addition to her Ryoko of Yakushiji, can the Yakushiji family still thank her? Could it be that the Metropolitan Police Department could still give her a prize? Since she won’t, then why did she report it?

Wouldn’t it be better to take this weakness and force Ryoko Yakushi to make a compromise in her favor at a critical time?

“The adult world doesn’t just look at feelings~”

Biting on the lady’s cigarette, Tachibana did not make any sound, like a black cat, calmly walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

She also had to make a report to explain to the eldest lady behind her why she used the “Caoyong Sword”, but she didn’t have time to toss with Ryoko Yakushiji.

“But then again, Luo Shu’s kid can actually force that Sharon back? Am I underestimating him a little too much? ”

Thinking about whether to add some burden to Luo Shu, and hesitating whether this would help the seedlings, in the complicated entanglement, Tachibana Mist Xiang entered the parking lot and drove out of the Metropolitan Police Department Five.

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