Chapter 92: That’s Fake News [3/3].

“Will the motorcycle be?”

In the underground garage, Inoue Takina walked up to a modified motorcycle and threw his helmet to Luo Shu. With a snap, Luo Shu took the helmet and asked hesitantly, “Is it okay without a certificate?” ”

He can ride a motorcycle and has a certificate, but that is from the Celestial Empire, and the island country seems to have to retake the exam.

“Just ride it.”

Inoue Takina put on his helmet, and his voice became addicted: “If you want to move quickly in the city, a car is not convenient, on the contrary, a motorcycle is more convenient.” ”

“Of course, this convenience is at the expense of the sedan defense, but considering that this mission is a fixed-point elimination, I recommend using motorcycle mobility.”

Saying that, Inoue Takina looked at Luo Shu without blinking, as if waiting for his reply.

“Drag racing? I don’t care, as long as I don’t get caught in the police station again. ”

Luo Shu said as he put on his helmet, and then stepped over the blue and white motorcycle that the staff on the side had made.

“Just agree, then about the next point…”

Inoue Takina paused, then said, “I hope to do my best to eliminate suspected targets, and if you can, I hope that you will agree to act separately when time is of the essence.” ”

“Of course, the danger of doing so will definitely be high, but, I..”

When Inoue Takina said this, her heart beat a drum, because she knew that if it was Nishiki Chibuki, she would never agree to her request.

Two-person cooperative dispatch is the minimum dispatch requirement of SDS, and solo action has always been prohibited, she said this, it is already under the lower limit of SDS’s mission rules, if discovered, the punishment is certain.

However, when she thought that so many lives were involved in the Chiba Prefecture area, she suddenly hesitated. At this time, Luo Shu put away the motorcycle and reminded: “I also think that it is more appropriate to act alone, after all, although I don’t want to admit it, my ability seems to be more convenient for single reconnaissance.” ”

On the one hand, although Luo Shu has not used the wind element’s warlock means, he also clearly knows how to use the wind element to detect, and these have information in his mind after the ability is advanced.

On the other hand, the one-man action is also convenient for Luo Shu to make up a “report” at the right time to throw the old base of Yakushiko Katsuhiko to the SDS.

At this time, Luo Shu had already thought clearly, he could arrange Sharon to capture the demon, and then use SDS to contain the people on the side of Yakushiko Katsuhiko, so as to make a profit behind the scenes.

Therefore, he naturally wants to find a suitable opportunity to throw out the intelligence reasonably. The solo cooperation proposed by Inoue Takina at this time coincided with Luo Shu’s wishes.

“Huh? Oh… Right. ”

Inoue Takina took a moment, before reacting, this is a wind warlock, the elemental technique that is the best at controlling airflow detection, in other words, compared to her to be cautious to lurk close to the target, determine the suspected target, in order to check a place, Luo Shu only needs to arrive near the destination, throw the wind element to the target, you can roughly check the situation, the safety guarantee is extremely high, the efficiency is also high.

“Sorry, I was abrupt.”

Inoue Takina immediately understood that she was stupid at this time, she directly dropped her motorcycle and walked towards Luo Shu: “Next, I will drive for you, and you maintain your energy for target investigation.” ”


Luo Shu was a little confused when he heard this.

By this time, however, Inoue had leaned forward and tried to push him back and hips into the back seat of the motorcycle.

“What are you doing stunned?”

Inoue Takina didn’t realize how irritating his behavior was to a man at all, but instead frowned and wondered: “Wind elemental exploration is very draining on mental power, in this case, making sure that your energy is enough is a natural task, so it is more reasonable for me to be responsible for driving.” ”

“I think Mr. Mika arranged for me to come and lead the team because of this.”

Speaking of this, Inoue Takina added: “Chishu and Sister Rishi’s car skills are too poor, only I will make you more comfortable when driving.” ”

“.. It’s quite comfortable indeed. ”

Luo Shu, who was rubbed a few times, was particularly responsible, and said that he would act alone? Girl, you change so fast!!

Inoue Takina reminded Luo Shu a little impatiently when he heard this: “In that case, then sit down, hold me tightly, lean back a little, you are a little tight.” ”

You know it’s a little tight… In Luo Shu’s belly, he moved the distance, and then watched helplessly as Inoue Takina crossed his legs and got into the car, got on a motorcycle, and drove Luo Shu towards the first destination.

Luo Shu helplessly hugged Inoue’s slender, but fleshy waist, and thought divergent in his heart: “Although it is said that there is a saying that you would rather cry on a BMW and laugh after not riding a bicycle, but it is me who sits behind the bicycle, which is a bit subtle…”

Then 400 and the next second.

“Well, Takina’s waist is so soft…”

Chiba City, in a villa in the rich district.

A man is sitting on the couch, slowly peeling an apple.

The man has a high hairline, a round face, relatively shallow wrinkles, and a hygienic beard on his lips that an older islander has. And he is the target of the blockade of Chiba Prefecture by the army, Yakushiko Katsuhiko.

At this time, Yakushiko Katsuhiko looked at the news broadcast on the LCD TV, which occupied almost half of the wall in front of him.

“20 minutes ago, the United States released a photo of the head of the terrorist, and now I will read the relevant information.”

“Yakushiji Katsuhiko, male, Yamato, 71 years old, born in Showa 25, once served as a staff officer in a pond organization in the Middle East…”

Yakushiko Katsuhiko Tera cut the apple, took a bite, and while the juice overflowed, he turned his head and looked at the family of four standing on the side against the wall, with a frightened face, and said calmly to the older woman: “Please rest assured, the head of the Yukinoshita family, the content broadcast on the news is fake news.” ”

Saying that, Yakushiko Katsuhiko raised the corners of his mouth little by little, revealing eight teeth mixed with flesh.

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