Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 100: The concept of magic pattern construction and knight guard

Puppet factory.

The low roar of the magic crystal forging furnace echoed in the factory.

Sunan stood in front of the large workbench, and with a focused look, he used the magician's hand to control the silver needle to draw the enchanted pattern on the surface of the golem.

About ten minutes later, as the last stroke of the pattern fell, the whole golem body instantly had a fresh breath of magic.

"Another one is done!"

Sunan smiled with satisfaction and put the micro soul crystal into the groove on the golem's chest.

As the groove closed, the enchanted patterns flashed one after another, and the steel golem on the workbench suddenly came to life.

Under Sunan's command, the steel golem jumped off the workbench and walked to the end of the team in the corner and stood still.

In front of it were six identical steel golems.

After the second jungle hut party ended, Sunan immediately started to refine new steel golems.

A total of six micro soul crystals were refined into soul cores, and the final result was six steel golems.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Iron Golem as much as possible, the steel used for refining was synthesized and strengthened in advance to improve the quality of the materials.

The combat effectiveness of the Iron Golem that was finally refined has reached the upper level of the first-ring legendary knight, which is even stronger than the first Iron Golem that was refined before.

The cost has increased by nearly half, soaring to more than 1,500 gold coins.

Sunan now earns about 22,000 gold coins every year just by selling potions.

And the cost of these six Iron Golems is about 40% of the annual income from potions.

Of course, this is only the nominal cost.

In fact, because the cost of purchasing micro soul crystals is pitifully low, the actual cost is not so exaggerated.

"Six Iron Golems are still a little less to deal with the Hundred-Armed Monster."

The Hundred-Armed Monster is the name given by Sunan to the monster in the cave.

The main purpose of his refining six Iron Golems is to deal with the Hundred-Armed Monster.

The old Iron Golem will be kept to guard the base.

However, considering the combat effectiveness of the Hundred-Armed Monster, six Iron Golems are still slightly insufficient.

"At least ten are needed."

Only when there are enough tanks in front can Sunan feel at ease to attack from behind.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly came up with an idea.

If there are not enough steel golems, then use stone golems.

But ordinary stone golems will definitely not work.

There is no point in having a front row that can't even withstand a blow from a hundred-armed monster.

It is necessary to synthesize more powerful stone golems.

It just so happens that there are more than 20 stone golems in the Rubik's Cube, and Sunan directly takes them out and puts them into the Rubik's Cube.

[Elite stone golem (puppet/advanced knight level), a puppet creature made of granite, is extremely powerful and indestructible, and can automatically recover from injuries by consuming energy. ]

"Twenty-five stone golems are needed to synthesize an advanced knight?"

Sunan frowned slightly, but soon relaxed his brows.

After all, the initial combat power of the stone golem is only at the primary knight level, the starting point is too low, and it is normal that the number of synthesis requirements is high.

Sunan simply transferred more than ten stone golems from the patrol team and continued to put them into the Rubik's Cube.

When the number of synthesis increased to 42, the combat power of the elite stone golem on the synthesis interface finally broke through to the level of a first-ring legendary knight.

"The cost of a stone golem is about 43 gold coins, and 42 is more than 1,900 gold coins. The cost is about 300 gold coins more than the steel golem, but the combat power is a lot worse."

The elite stone golem is at most only at the lower level of the first-ring legendary knight, not as good as the newly refined steel golem.

However, Sunan thought about it and decided to synthesize the stone golem.

After all, soul crystals are really rare. In comparison, gems are easier to obtain.

It is already very good to have a channel to synthesize the combat power of a first-ring legendary knight.

"It takes 168 stone golems to synthesize four elite stone golems, and there are still 143 missing."

"Fortunately, I got a lot of gems from the jungle hut, and the materials are sufficient."

"It will take about 20 days to complete everything."

Sunan estimated the time. If everything goes well, it can be refined just before winter.

After putting the stone golem of the patrol guard back, Sunan left the puppet factory and walked towards the spell training area.

Next is the time to practice spells.

He has now mastered three second-level spells: [Elemental Protection], [Levitation] and [Mirror Image].

Considering that he will deal with the hundred-armed monster next, Sunan chose [Crushing Sound Waves] as the fourth second-level spell.

[Crushing Sound Waves] is a range damage spell that can emit a high-speed vibration sound wave, causing crushing damage to all living or non-living things.

This spell is a bit similar to the Banshee's Howl.

Of course, the damage is far from comparable.

The Banshee's Howl can even cause soul-level damage, while the crushing sound wave is only effective at the physical level.

However, [Crushing Sound Waves] can be finely controlled and accurately strike the target.

Unlike the Banshee's Howl, the lethality is completely indiscriminate between enemies and friends.

With the improvement of mental power and the use of the third-level medium-quality transcendental potion, Sunan's speed of learning spells has also accelerated.

Now it only takes more than forty days to master a second-level spell.

[Sonic Smash] The learning progress of [Sonic Smash] is now halfway through. Sunan estimates that when the stone golem is refined, [Sonic Smash] should be able to be mastered.

After practicing the spell, Sunan came to the study and took a book from the bookshelf to read.

From the jungle hut, he gradually acquired more than a hundred wizard books.

During this period, he set aside two to three hours every day to read.

Thanks to the learning progress of the panel, his current knowledge has far exceeded the level of a normal third-level wizard apprentice.

Even compared with formal wizards, Sunan is confident that he will not fall behind.

Most of the wizard books traded are just basic knowledge, and there is very little advanced knowledge.

However, there is a book that Sunan is quite interested in.

"Magic Pattern Construction"!

This is the name of the book.

The content can be roughly summarized as combining magic tattoos and magic weapons to create a special enchanted rune that can be used by wizards (apprentices) and knights.

As everyone knows, magic tattoos can only be used by wizards (apprentices).

After all, this thing must be injected with mental power to activate.

But magic weapons are different, even knights can use them.

So the author of the book took a different approach and combined magic tattoos with magic weapons, intending to create a strange weapon in the form of enchanted runes that can be activated by injecting fighting spirit or mental power, greatly enhancing the user's combat effectiveness.

To be honest, the magic pattern construction is actually similar to the magic pattern core.

Both are based on magic tattoos, and both require [Magic Item Manufacturing] as a prerequisite skill.

The difference is that in addition to [Magic Item Manufacturing], the magic pattern construction also involves [Biological Transformation], which is more difficult than the magic pattern core.

"This thing is not very useful for wizard apprentices, far less than the magic pattern core, but it is very useful for those who want to build their own forces."

The power of the magic pattern construction is only slightly higher than the magic tattoo, far less than the magic pattern core, and has little effect on improving the combat effectiveness of wizard apprentices.

But the advantage is that the cost is much lower than the magic pattern core.

If used to arm knights, a powerful knight legion can be established in an instant.

According to the description in the book, a set of the lowest level of the first level magic pattern construction is enough to strengthen the power of a primary knight to the level of a peak knight close to the great knight.

This degree of enhancement is undoubtedly amazing!

Sunan thinks he can take time to study the magic pattern construction.

"Speaking of which, it's time to form our own knight guard."

For a long time, when Sunan needed knights, he would directly draw them from the Flash City army.

Both he and Keyi were used to it.

Including the investment of funds.

At present, the Flash Territory is in a critical period of expansion, and there are strong enemies outside, so the territory and the base are inseparable.

The base can get funds and materials from the territory, and the territory can also get black rock leopards, stone golems, dragon blood fruits and potions from the base for free.

But this kind of thing can't continue forever.

If you want to develop healthily, sooner or later, the base will be separated from the territory, economically independent, and transform from an ambiguous dependent relationship to a mutually beneficial trading relationship.

This is a healthy and sustainable development relationship.

By then, the base can no longer draw from the Flash City army at will, and it must have its own knight guard.

"To form a knight guard, you must first have people."

"Draw soldiers from the army?"

As soon as this idea came up, Sunan rejected it directly.

If that were the case, the Knight Guard would inevitably bear the mark of the Shining City Army, and the division of relations would become a joke.

"It's better to train them yourself."

Sunan thought about it and decided to select a group of children from the civilians and farmers in the territory and train them from an early age.

Anyway, there is no rush to form a Knight Guard, and it can be done slowly.

The most important thing is to establish a complete training system so that knights can be continuously supplied to the base in the future.

As for why they are not selected from the children of nobles.

One is that most nobles have their own knight heritage.

The children of nobles have been taught martial arts by the knight elders in their own families since childhood, and there is no need for outsiders to intervene.

The other is that the territory recruits knights, and most of them are selected from the children and descendants of vassal nobles. Sunan does not want to compete with the Shining Territory for soldiers.

Anyway, he has dragon blood fruit and various strengthening potions, and does not value the qualifications and talents of the candidates for training.

Even if the qualifications of the children of civilians and farmers are a little worse, they can be piled up with potions and magic plants.

The key is to be clean and loyal!

"Magic pattern constructs and knight guards, now there are two more targets."

Sunan let out a long breath. Neither of these two things can be done in a short time, and it still needs to be considered in the long run.

"Let's deal with the hundred-arm monster first."

Time flies, and more than 20 days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Before the end of the Autumn Curtain Moon, Sunan finally synthesized four elite stone golems.

Now he has ten first-ring legendary knight-level combat forces in his hands.

"Ten more high-level rune gems have been made. Now there are fifteen in total, which should be enough to deal with the hundred-arm monster."

After everything was ready, Sunan put the golem into the magic cube and took Yinlong to the forest north of the city.

Fortunately, the hundred-arm monster has not come out of the cave during this period.

Only occasionally, there are sporadic underground toad monsters and ferocious rats that walk out of the cave, and then they are quickly wiped out by the garrisoned knights.

As a result, there were no major casualties during this period, which made Key very relieved.

Brad had already received a notice that Sunan would enter the cave today, and he was waiting outside early. When he saw Sunan coming, he immediately came to greet him.

"Sir, according to your instructions, the troops near the cave and outside the forest have been evacuated."

"Okay, you should leave quickly too."

According to Sunan's expectation, if he cannot defeat the hundred-armed monster, he will have to flee the cave. At that time, the hundred-armed monster may chase him out. If the army stays here, it may cause heavy casualties.

Just in case, let the army evacuate first.

After Brad left, Sunan cast [Shield Spell] on himself, put on a layer of energy particle protection, and activated an extreme protection ring before entering the cave.

As for Yinlong, he had already entered the cave in advance after his body was virtualized.

The cave still retains the appearance when he came here before.

Except that the torches on the rock wall have been extinguished, there are no other obvious changes.

The bodies of the ferocious rats and underground toad monsters killed before have disappeared, and it is estimated that they have become the rations of the hundred-armed monster.

Sunan walked forward cautiously.

Yinlong walked a hundred meters in front of him.

The cave passageway has very limited space, which cannot accommodate the huge body of Yinlong. If he does not turn his body into a virtual body, he cannot even move.

However, if he cannot fight, Yinlong can still be a spy.

Sunan did not encounter a single monster along the way, and he arrived at the basin very smoothly.

Unexpectedly, there was another group of dog-headed people in the basin, mining.

Obviously, the dog-headed people who mined last time had been killed by the black rock leopard.

"Did that hundred-armed monster capture them from somewhere else?"

Sunan's first reaction was that they were captured from the underground world.

After all, the hundred-armed monster has never left the cave, and if you want to capture dog-headed people, you can only capture them from the underground world.

But these are not what he should care about now.

Sunan shook his head to suppress his distracting thoughts, took out more than ten black rock leopards from the magic cube, and issued an order to attack and kill the dog-headed people.

In an instant, more than a dozen swift hunters appeared in the dim basin.

The sudden attack stunned the dog-headed man.

One by one, his companions died under the sharp teeth and claws of the black rock leopard.

The dog-headed man, who suffered heavy casualties, soon fell into panic and fear, screaming and fleeing.

Just like last time, the movement in the basin soon attracted the hundred-armed monster.

Accompanied by a roar that seemed to overlap countless voices. The huge body of the hundred-armed monster rushed out of the hole deep in the bottom of the basin, and saw the black rock leopard beating the dog-headed man at a glance.

Seeing that the black leopard that killed all his slaves last time appeared again, the hundred-armed monster was extremely angry, and without saying a word, he waved his weapon to kill the black rock leopard, and killed all the black rock leopards in a few seconds.

But before he had time to be happy, he was shocked to find that there were a group of huge monsters made of steel and stone around him.

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