Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 105: We have no choice but to do it

As soon as Su Nan finished speaking, the gray-robed man froze.

After a long while, she slowly spoke, and her voice had returned to the original pleasant female voice.

".Scepter? Or a player?"

Su Nan touched the mask on her face and smiled slightly: "I am a player."

"How did you recognize me?"

Qiang Wei was a little confused. She was obviously not wearing the Rose Mask, and her voice was also concealed. How did the player recognize her?

"The staff you used just now." Su Nan answered concisely.

The staff that can release spell missiles was the item that the staff took out for trading in the second gathering.

Su Nan clearly remembered that the staff was traded by Qiang Wei.

Therefore, the moment he saw the staff, he guessed the identity of the gray-robed man.


Qiang Wei was silent for a while.

She really didn't expect that it was because of the staff that her identity was exposed.

Fortunately, the only people who could recognize the staff were the people in the jungle hut, not the enemy.

"Why are you here?" Qiang Wei asked.

"Just like you." Sunan got straight to the point, "You also want to enter the city, right?"

A hint of surprise flashed across Qiangwei's eyes, as if she didn't expect that Sunan's purpose was the same as hers.

Her eyes flickered for a moment, and she suddenly said, "How about we cooperate?"

"You just saw that the island city is heavily guarded, and there are soul-eating hunters who can see through invisibility and illusion. None of us can sneak in alone. Why don't we cooperate and get what we need?"

"Soul-eating hunter?" Sunan quickly reacted, "You mean the black lion?"


Qiangwei nodded.

"I tortured it out of a human-faced lion. It is said that it is a rare beast raised by the human-faced lion. It can sense the breath of the soul. Unless even the breath of the soul can be changed, all disguises are useless in front of it."

"I thought the human-faced lion was exaggerating, until just now the invisibility and magic disguise seemed useless."

Sunan suddenly realized, and then he was a little speechless again.

The lion-faced lion is indeed very cunning.

The two lion-faced lions who were tortured just now actually concealed such important information at the same time. They wanted him to run into it head-on.

Fortunately, Qiangwei stepped on the landmine for him first.

"Cooperation is fine. I also have a way to sneak into the city, but you have to tell me the purpose of your sneaking into the island city first." Sunan stared at Qiangwei with a sharp gaze.

Qiangwei hesitated and gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, but you must sign a vow contract with me and promise not to tell anyone else!"

"No problem."

The two then signed a vow contract.

After that, Qiangwei slowly explained.

"I found a wizard inheritance in the underground world. According to my investigation, the key to open the wizard inheritance is hidden somewhere in that city, so I want to sneak in."

Wizard inheritance!

Sunan's pupils shrank slightly.

There is actually a wizard inheritance nearby?

"You told me this news, aren't you afraid that I will also want to get involved in that wizard inheritance?" Sunan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Rose chuckled and said, "If you are willing, we can work together to explore the wizard heritage."

".Will you be so generous?"

"No way." Rose sighed, "The guards there are too strong. There is a golden golem guarding the entrance alone. I can't beat that thing alone."

Golden golem!

Su Nan was a little surprised.

This is a metal golem that is higher than the steel golem, and its combat power is not inferior to the hundred-armed monster.

Even if he wants to deal with the golden golem, it is not so easy.

"The golden golem guards the entrance alone, and the guards inside will be even stronger. I can't take down the wizard heritage alone."

"Originally, I planned to invite one or two people to cooperate at the party in the jungle cabin after getting the key. Now it's a coincidence that I met you."

"How about it, do you want to cooperate?"

Rose looked at Su Nan expectantly.

Although the player's specific strength is unclear, judging from the fact that he has so many resources and has defeated Heb, he is definitely not weaker than himself.

If the player can join the exploration, the chance of winning the wizard's inheritance will undoubtedly be much greater.

"How to distribute the things in the wizard's inheritance?" Sunan got to the point.

He certainly would not miss the opportunity to explore the wizard's inheritance.

Even if it is worth taking some risks.

Besides, he has many trump cards, and he is very sure of self-protection.

"I'll take two-thirds, after all, I provided the information."

Sunan rejected without hesitation: "I want half."

Seeing that Qiangwei was about to speak, he interrupted her and said: "I will find a way to sneak into the city, and I can also solve the adamantine golem, but the price I have to pay is not small, and I must take half of the things in the wizard's inheritance."

".Okay, half each."

After hesitating for a long time, Qiangwei finally agreed.

If Sunan can solve these two problems that give her the most headaches, then the half ratio is reasonable.

After finalizing the most important distribution ratio, the next thing was much simpler.

After discussing the details, the two then signed the oath contract again.

After the contract was reached, the two looked much more relaxed, and the atmosphere between them also became relaxed.

With the restrictions of the contract, they don't have to worry about being betrayed and attacked by each other during the exploration process and after getting the things in the wizard's inheritance.

The power of the contract is absolute for wizards!

- At least for wizards who are not strong enough.

"By the way, why do you want to sneak into the city?"

"I want to explore the situation inside." Sunan said.

Rose was still a little confused, but seeing that Sunan didn't intend to explain in depth, she didn't ask much and started to talk about business.

"What are you going to do next?"

Rose was very curious about how the player planned to hide from the Soul Hunter's perception and sneak into the city.

However, Sunan didn't plan to do this at all.

Since it can't be hidden, don't hide it.

Directly break in and fish in troubled waters!

The two then came to the shore of the lake again.

When she saw Sunan take out a hundred stone golems out of thin air, Rose almost popped her eyes out.

"Where do you put these stone golems?" Rose's tone was full of surprise.

Even a glimmer-level space magic item can't hold so many stone golems.

As for alchemical-level space magic items, they can't even hold a stone golem.

How did the player do it?


Sunan said perfunctorily, and then looked at the island city.

More than a hundred huge monsters suddenly appeared on the lakeside, which was in full view. Anyone who was not blind would notice it immediately.

The man-faced lion guards discovered the stone golems almost immediately, and there was a commotion on the city wall.


The next moment, the stone golem army launched a charge, carrying rolling dust and rushing towards the city wall in a mighty manner, with an extremely amazing momentum.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"They are rushing over!"

"Blow the horn quickly, there are invaders!"

The sudden change made the man-faced lions in a mess.

Soon the man-faced lion took the horn and blew it, and the long and low horn sound instantly spread throughout the cave.

At the same time, the army of stone golems had already arrived at the bottom of the city wall, crashing into it like a tidal wave.

The solid and thick bluestone city wall collapsed almost instantly, and the human-faced lion on the wall fell down with a scream, and his head was broken and bleeding. Before he could get up, he was stepped on by the stone golem, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The shrill screams resounded throughout the cave.

In the distance, Qiangwei was already stunned.

It's not that she had never seen stone golems before, but it was the first time she saw the power of a large-scale stone golem charge.

The amazing momentum and power made her secretly frightened.

"Is this the golem army?"

For a moment, Qiangwei couldn't help but think of learning puppet refining.

"Now, let's go into the city."

The voice of Su Nan came from her ears, awakening Qiangwei from her shock.

The two maintained their invisibility and rushed towards the city wall quickly.

The human-faced lion was busy dealing with the stone golem and didn't notice the invasion of the two uninvited guests.

Sunan and Qiangwei nimbly avoided the place of fighting and crossed the battlefield lightly.

At this moment, Sunan suddenly raised his hand, and a silver light flashed in an instant, and a sudden thumping sound came from not far away.

Qiangwei looked in the direction of the sound, and what came into her sight was the Soul Devourer Hunter lying on the ground.

Its head was pierced by a silver spear and nailed to the ground, dead and dead.

In Qiangwei's surprised eyes, the silver spear suddenly broke and disappeared into the air.

Sunan retracted his palm and signaled Qiangwei to continue moving forward.

After coming to her senses, Qiangwei followed Sunan closely, but she was more and more amazed in her heart.

Whether it was the hundreds of stone golems or the thunder-like sharp attack that she didn't even have time to react to just now, the means displayed by the players so far made her terrified.

Even when facing the Night Owl who founded the Jungle Hut, she didn't have this feeling of being completely unpredictable.

What kind of person is the player?

Taking advantage of the chaos, Sunan and Qiangwei successfully sneaked into the city and passed by a group of lions who came to support them.

However, after running forward for a distance, the tall lion in the lead suddenly looked back, and a puzzled expression appeared on his handsome face.

"Lord Angus?" The lion next to him cast a puzzled look.

".It's okay."

The lion named Angus shook his head and continued to rush towards the city wall.

After passing through the buffer zone adjacent to the city wall, Sunan and Qiangwei finally entered the city.

It's called the city, but it's actually an island full of low stone houses.

This seems to be the outer area where slaves live. Sunan saw many dirty dog-headed people and ogres peeking out of the low houses and looking towards the city wall.

There was a stench in the air, which made Qiangwei frown.

"Where is the key?" Sunan turned his head and asked.

"In front." Qiangwei pointed to the front and said.

The two ran forward for a distance and soon entered a clean and spacious street.

It seemed quiet and gloomy here, and everything was in good order.

There were all kinds of taverns, shops and entertainment venues on both sides of the street.

Almost all the people walking on the street were human-faced lions, and the other races that were occasionally seen had their hands and feet chained.

Obviously, this area was where the human-faced lions, the rulers of the city-state, lived.

Sunan looked up.

In the center of the entire city, there is a towering stone pillar with a diameter of about three or four hundred meters, connected to the top of the cave. There are a lot of runes engraved on the surface, and the interior is full of intricate holes, rooms and vertical tunnels.

There is the palace where the lion nobles live.

This is the information that Sunan tortured out from the two lions before.

"The key is placed under a lion statue. I only know that the statue is in the upper city, which is here. I don't know the specific location."


Sunan frowned slightly.

Although they successfully sneaked into the city by taking advantage of the chaos, no one knew when the lion would react. Now they don't have much time to slowly search for it. They must find the location of the statue as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Sunan looked around.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This way."

After whispering, Sunan rushed to a building on the side of the road and went in through the window.

Qiangwei was startled, but still followed immediately.

After entering the building, she saw Sunan grabbing a short figure by the neck, holding his neck tightly with his palm to prevent him from making any sound.

"Gray dwarf!"

After seeing the man's short limbs, gray skin and long beard, Qiangwei's expression changed.

Compared with other dwarves, gray dwarves generally have a worse reputation and are often regarded as "evil".

They are therefore hostile to other dwarves.

Judging from the dwarf's clothes and living environment, his status in the city is not low. He is most likely a subordinate of the man-faced lion, not a slave.

After a little thought, Qiangwei's eyes lit up.

Unlike the man-faced lion, the gray dwarf is included in the humanoid creatures.

In other words, Charm Human can have an effect on the gray dwarf.

Sure enough, Sunan then cast Charm Human, and the gray dwarf quickly stopped struggling and his face became dull.

Sunan let go of the gray dwarf and whispered, "Where is the human-faced sphinx statue in the upper city?"

"There is a huge statue in the central square of the human-faced sphinx statue."

"Anything else?"

"No, no more."

Sunan and Qiangwei looked at each other, and both of them were happy.

It seems that if nothing unexpected happens, the key is under the statue in the central square.

After asking about the location of the central square, Sunan directly broke the gray dwarf's neck.

The two then left the house without stopping and rushed to the central square.

The location of the central square is only five or six hundred meters away from the towering stone pillar.

Looking down from the room at the top of the stone pillar, you can have a panoramic view of the situation in the central square.

Sunan and the others quickly arrived at the central square, but then they frowned together.

Because the human-faced sphinx statue in front of them is extremely huge, with a height of more than ten meters, and the whole body is made of obsidian. Just looking at it, you can feel that it is not light. I am afraid that even if the knight comes, he can't lift it alone.

Such a heavy statue, whether it is moved or pushed down, the noise it makes will definitely attract the attention of the Sphinx.

"Speaking of which, why is the key of the wizard's inheritance placed in such a ghost place?"

". I don't know either."

"I found the information about the wizard's inheritance in a biography, but the author is not the wizard who left the inheritance. I think someone else must have placed the key here."

"Then he really has a bad taste." Sunan's mouth twitched.

To put the key in the city-state of the Sphinx, the person who can do this must be very powerful, but also very bad taste.

He really can't understand that mentality.

"What should I do?" Qiangwei asked.

Sunan sighed.

"I can only do it."

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