Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 137 Divine Creatures, Surrenders and Competitors

Kasham is more like a stone pillar with holes and potholes than a city-state.

The nearly 300-meter-high towering stone pillar is dotted with holes, which looks like a large ant nest, and the internal passages are even more complicated.

Except for the insects that can communicate through pheromones, other species of creatures can easily get lost in the maze-like insect nest.

In general, this is a battlefield that is very suitable for Zerg to fight.

It is precisely because of the home advantage that Kasham has been invincible for so many years.

"Ugo has chosen a good place."

Sunan looked at the stone pillar in front of him.

Unfortunately, this place is only suitable for insects to live, and it is difficult to transform it after being dug into this state. It is not very useful after taking it, and it is estimated that it can only be abandoned and vacant.

Unless he cultivates a group of insects like Ugo.

Concentrating his thoughts, Sunan flew forward and entered the stone pillar.

After Ugo died, the remaining insect swarms broke free from control, but they still followed their instincts and returned to Kasham. When they saw an uninvited guest breaking in, they immediately hissed and attacked him.

The narrow tunnel was not suitable for golems to fight. Sunan released nearly a hundred double-bladed spiders, spread out along the tunnel, and began to clean up the remaining insects.

He was looking for Ugo's laboratory.

An important place like a laboratory must be in the deepest part of Kasham.

It didn't take Sunan much effort to find the target.

In the center of the stone pillar, a huge cave was divided and transformed into a series of areas such as laboratories, meditation rooms, and spell training rooms.

Sunan searched all of them carefully. In addition to finding a lot of wizard books in the study, there were almost no valuable gains in other places.

The last one was the laboratory.

Among all the areas, the laboratory had the largest area.

In the middle were several large workbenches, one of which still had a lot of broken shells and dried mucus.

In the corner were piled up into a small hill of insect eggs.

The fluorescent light from the top of the room shone through the pale white egg wall, and you could see some kind of creature trembling slightly inside.

Sunan took a look at the insect eggs, then strode to the workbench, and after searching, he found an experimental notebook.

He immediately opened the notebook and read it carefully on the spot.

As expected, the notebook was mostly about the cultivation and transformation of various insects and beasts.

Sunan glanced over these contents, and only slowed down and read carefully until he read the content about the death knell striker.

As time passed, Sunan's face gradually showed surprise.

According to the description in the notebook, the source of the ancient bloodline in the body of the death knell striker is not only a powerful ancient beast, but also a rare divine creature.

There are generally three ways for divine creatures to be born.

The first is that the gods personally separate a trace of divinity, integrate it into a certain organism, and transform it into a divine creature.

This is how the divine beasts of many divine churches come from.

The second is totem worship.

In some planes, some ignorant and backward tribes would regard totems, or objects such as trees and rocks as spiritual symbols. After years of worship and prayer, after thousands of years of accumulation, a trace of divine energy would gradually be born inside these objects, thus awakening spiritual wisdom and becoming divine creatures with self-awareness.

In fact, many gods grew up from this kind of divine creatures at the beginning.

The third kind is relatively special, belonging to the divine creatures born naturally, with a trace of divinity in their bodies since birth.

And this trace of divinity will also be inherited with the blood inheritance. As long as the blood concentration reaches a certain level, divinity can be awakened.

It’s just that the number of such divine creatures is very small, and because there is no way to increase divinity such as faith, the intensity of divinity in their bodies will not change much throughout their lives.

But even so, this kind of divine creature is also one of the most powerful ones among many ancient beasts.

The blood source of the bell striker is the third kind of divine creature.

"This guy is really lucky. He can actually find this rare descendant of ancient blood."

Sunan sighed.

But now this treasure belongs to him.

After reading the notes, Sunan finally understood why Wugo controlled the insect swarm to hunt everywhere.

The reason is still related to the blood of the death knell striker.

After integrating the blood of the death knell striker, Wugo's life span has been greatly increased, and the preliminary estimate is no less than three hundred years.

The only problem is that he needs to eat the blood and flesh essence of the death knell striker regularly.

However, there is only one death knell striker, which cannot meet his feeding needs.

So Wugo came up with a method of replacing quality with quantity. He extracted the blood of the death knell striker and integrated it into other insects. After multiple genetic modifications and screening, the death knell beetle was born.

The death knell beetle originated from the death knell striker, and its blood and flesh essence naturally has a certain similarity. After being refined and concentrated, it can replace the blood and flesh essence of the death knell striker.

Relying on this method, Wugo has been able to support himself until now.

Cultivating a large number of death knell beetles naturally requires a lot of food, so every once in a while, Ugo would send out the swarm to hunt everywhere until enough food was accumulated before stopping temporarily.

"Increasing lifespan through blood fusion has more or less various defects."

Su Nan thought of Avigni, who had fused the blood of the blood soul worm.

He was killed by the blood of the blood soul worm.

Although the defects of the Death Knell Beater bloodline that Ugo fused had relatively minor ones, the life span that he gained was also relatively small.

In general, the better the effect of increasing life span, the more serious the defects.

Of course, there are exceptions.

It's just that such bloodlines are very rare.

Sunan had no interest in fusing the Death Knell Beater bloodline, and he quickly scanned this part.

Even if he wanted to fuse bloodlines, he had to wait until he was promoted to a formal wizard and found a suitable bloodline.

Before that, fusing bloodlines at will would only make the future path narrower.

After reading the experimental notes, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Golem Corps suffered heavy losses in this war. A high-level stone golem and an elite double-bladed spider were completely destroyed, and the Golem Corps suffered nearly one-third of the losses.

In the end, the loss was estimated to be nearly 180,000 gold coins.

The profit of the mines since this year is almost equivalent to a waste of money.

Fortunately, the harvest is also not small, and a Death Knell Beater alone is enough to make up for the loss.

With the death knell striker, the study of blood mark can be put on the agenda.

In addition, you can also try to extract divine energy from the blood of the death knell striker.

If successful, he will have a stable channel to obtain divine energy in the future, and the speed of mental power growth will definitely increase dramatically.

As long as it can speed up the growth of mental power, it is worth spending any amount of gold coins!

Putting away the experimental notes, Sunan looked at the death knell beetle eggs in the corner, thought about it, and waved the flame to deal with them all.

Ugo was able to control the death knell beetle because he had fused the blood of the death knell striker.

But he didn't, and there was no point in keeping these eggs, so he burned them.

Anyway, the relevant information of the death knell beetle is already in the experimental notebook.

If necessary, it can be reconstructed at any time using the blood of the death knell striker.

When he walked out of the laboratory, the battle in Kashamri was over.

The remaining insects were swept away by the double-edged spider.

Leaving more than ten double-bladed spiders to guard Kasham to prevent blind creatures from entering by mistake, Sunan then returned to Youhu City.

Since the war took place outside the city, Youhu City suffered almost no damage.

The city was still quiet.

After returning to Base No. 2, Sunan rushed to the puppet factory as soon as possible.

In this war, the golems were more or less damaged and had to be repaired.

Originally, they could be placed in the ground vein node for automatic repair, but Sunan was in a hurry to deal with Matu and Orson, so he went into battle himself.

But the development of things caught him off guard.

On the third day after the destruction of Kasham, Carolina knocked on the door of the puppet factory, and after getting Sunan's permission, she walked in with a strange look.

"Master, the Red Widow asked to see you outside the city."

"She also brought the head of the Black Duke."

Sunan was slightly startled, and then showed a playful look.

"Let her go to the reception room."

Carolina responded and retreated.

When Sunan walked into the reception room, the Red Widow was already waiting inside.

Seeing Sunan coming in, she immediately stood up, with a flattering smile on her beautiful face.

"My Lord, congratulations on defeating Kasham."

Sunan glanced at her, sat down opposite her, and said, "I defeated Kasham, which is not a good thing for you."

"My Lord, you are joking. The insect plague in Kasham has always been a headache for us. This time you can completely solve the problem of insect plague, so that we no longer have to face the threat of insect plague. Matu is grateful to you."

The Red Widow smiled and said, but saw Sunan's face was half-smile, and her expression suddenly froze. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, realizing that Sunan had guessed the whole story, so she stopped talking and got straight to the point, and opened the wooden box in her hand. Inside was the head of the Black Duke.

It's just that the corona-shaped black flame above the head and the soul fire in the eye sockets have dissipated.

But judging from the breath, it is undoubtedly the Black Duke.

"Sir, after Kasham was destroyed, the Black Duke still wanted to harm Youhu City, so I killed him when he was not prepared. Orson has also been conquered by me. I am willing to hand over Matu and Orson to you, sir, and only ask you to give me a chance to follow you."

Sure enough.

Su Nan raised his eyebrows, not surprised at all.

When he heard that the Red Widow came with the head of the Black Duke, he guessed that the other party was going to surrender to him.

As for whether the Black Duke really wanted to continue to oppose Youhu City, so he was ambushed and killed by the Red Widow, it is unknown.

No matter what the truth is, it can be seen that the Red Widow is very capable of action.

This is a ruthless, courageous and cold woman!

Sunan glanced at the skull, but didn't intend to take it. He said calmly, "What can you provide me?"

"Your Excellency is very busy, but you only have Carolina under your command. It's hard for her to manage three city-states. Although I'm not particularly capable, I think I have some experience in managing city-states, so I should be able to help you."

Sunan narrowed his eyes.

He heard the Red Widow's hidden meaning.

He only has Carolina under his command, so he can't guarantee that she won't do something behind his back, but if he has one more follower, he can supervise Carolina and it will be beneficial to him.

It has to be said that the Red Widow's words hit the nail on the head.

Mutual supervision is one aspect, but the key is that if he wants to expand his territory in the underground world, he will inevitably have to recruit more local people to help manage various city-states and resource points.

After all, he can't do everything by himself, and it's impossible for various chores to take up too much time.

And the Red Widow is just the right person.

As for loyalty, a soul contract is enough.

"You convinced me."

Since the decision was made, Sunan didn't drag his feet and made a request directly.

"I allow you to become my followers, but as a condition, you and all legendary vampires of Matu must sign a soul contract."

"Follow your orders, sir."

The Red Widow agreed without hesitation.

Signing a soul contract was expected. She had been mentally prepared and convinced all the tribesmen.

Although it was difficult to bear that life would be dependent on someone else's thoughts, it was much easier to accept than death.

Moreover, the wizard in front of her was unusually powerful.

He was the most powerful existence she had ever seen in her long life.

Becoming a follower of such a strong man was not unacceptable.

Sunan then took out a gem and signed a soul contract with the Red Widow on the spot.

"I'll give you three days to deal with the aftermath. After that, I will take over Matu and Orson and sign soul contracts with the rest of the people."

Sunan waved his hand and suddenly remembered something.

"Do you still have a silver vein in your hands?"

"Yes, sir." The Red Widow did not dare to hide anything.

Sunan immediately decided: "I will send a golem to take over the silver vein and let your people cooperate."

The speed of the natives developing the vein is too slow, so the clay golem must be sent.

The earlier the silver vein is developed, the more mithril can be collected to refine the secret doll.

The Red Widow naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Sunan waved his hand, indicating that she could leave.

Walking out of the reception room, the Red Widow saw Carolina standing not far away, looking at her expressionlessly.

The Red Widow smiled at her.

Carolina snorted coldly and turned away.

Seeing the Red Widow coming out of the reception room safely, she knew that the master must have accepted the Red Widow's surrender.

This was not good news for her.

From now on, she had one more competitor.

And he was an extremely cunning competitor.

"A slut who flirts with her head and poses!" Carolina cursed inwardly.

At the same time, watching Carolina's figure going away, the smile on the Red Widow's face slowly faded, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

"Pretentious bitch!"

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