Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 146 Clues about sub-dragon species, base management personnel

Just when the graduation examination was in full swing.

Outside the cave, Moritz and a group of instructors were also discussing the graduation academy.

"Dean, I heard that after this year's graduates join the Knight Guard, they will all join the underground world exploration team. Is that true?"

"Yes." Moritz nodded slightly and said, "This graduation examination is to prepare for this, so that these students can adapt to the environment and battles of the underground world in advance."

"The underground world is full of dangers. Those students will join the exploration action right after graduation. Isn't it too hasty?" An instructor said worriedly.

Moritz smiled slightly and said, "This just shows Lord Sunan's expectations for this class of students."

"Don't look at these students with the same eyes as before. Our academy is the Principality of Stars, and perhaps the first academy in the entire Starlight Continent to train knights. Have you ever seen someone who was promoted from an ordinary person to a knight in four years?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Not to mention seeing it, I've never heard of it.

They all worked hard to practice all the way up, and it took them 20 to 30 years to be promoted to a knight.

Before entering the Dragon Heart Knight Academy as an instructor, I never thought that there was a place in the world that could train a group of knights in just four years.

"So, the knight students who graduated from the academy are different from us old guys."

Moritz's face showed emotion.

"The world they can see and touch in the future is completely different from us and the knights in the army, and the requirements for them are naturally different."

The instructors present were all thoughtful.

They all remembered the magic pattern structure they saw not long ago.

It was a magical weapon that would definitely cause a huge storm in the knight world once it was released.

And this powerful weapon was prepared for these students.

As the dean said, the future path of these students is very different from theirs, and it is no longer appropriate to look at the students with the same eyes as before.

The open space in front of the cave was quiet for a while.

Everyone waited silently.

There is no distinction between day and night in the underground world, and time can only be divided by the magic hourglass.

The ten-hour assessment time passed in a flash.

When the time was up, the human-faced lion that had been resting with its eyes closed not far away suddenly opened its eyes, took out a whistle, walked to the entrance of the cave, put it in its mouth and blew it.

The sharp whistle was heard far away in the cave.

Not long after, the sound of flapping wings and footsteps came from the cave.

One by one, the students walked out of the cave under the leadership of the red-eyed crow.

Almost every student was injured, just more or less.

But fortunately, no one died.

Moritz breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked someone to take out the healing potion for the students to take, and then began to count the points.

While waiting, Sheen found Ruger and Solano, and he was relieved to see that the two were not seriously injured.

"How was the harvest?" Sheen asked.

"I only got 25 points." Ruger was a little nervous, "I wonder how much I can rank with this score?"

"I got 24 points." Solano said, and then asked, "How about you, Sheen?"

Sheen smiled slightly: "I was lucky. I killed a toad monster at the last moment and got a crystal ball with 10 points. Now the total is 53 points."

"Fifty-three points!" Ruger exclaimed, and then showed an excited expression, "Too amazing, the first place this time must be you!"

Ruger's voice quickly attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Sheen got 53 points? Is it true?"

"Too amazing, my score is less than half of his."

"You are worthy of being the chief!"

"Rossi and Koren are both more than 40 points. It seems that Sheen will definitely be the first place again this time."

Everyone talked about it.

Rossi and Koren were both strong opponents who competed with Sheen for the position of chief in the past. Even these two were not as good as Sheen, let alone others.

Sure enough, when the instructor announced the assessment scores, Sheen won the first place as expected.

Ruger and Sorano also entered the top 50.

All three of them were filled with joyful smiles.


Moritz stood up, raised his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet, and then said loudly:

"The graduation assessment is over. From today on, you will officially graduate from the academy and become a member of the Knight Guard in the future."

"You will have a ten-day vacation next. After the vacation, you will all report to Youhu City, which is the island city you just saw. There, you will receive equipment and someone will arrange your tasks later."

"In addition, the students who get the dragon blood fruit will go back to the academy to receive the reward."

After instructing all matters, Moritz took the students away.

At the same time, the list of students who were assessed was also placed on the desk in Sunan's study.

"Xien, he looks like a good seedling."

Sunan looked through Xien's information and nodded secretly.

Judging from the information, even if there is no dragon blood fruit, Xien will most likely be promoted to a knight before the age of 30 if he follows the normal cultivation path.

In terms of talent, he is better than many noble children.

Although the overall quality of the lower class people is not as good as that of the nobles, there are occasionally very outstanding individuals.

"Prepare the magic pattern constructs and distribute them to these students when they come to report. Let them adapt for a while." Sunan ordered.

Four hundred and ninety-five sets of first-level magic pattern structures and five sets of second-level magic pattern structures have been prepared and are now placed in the warehouse, waiting for personnel to be armed as soon as they arrive.

"Yes, Master." Carolina responded respectfully.

"How long will it take for Sherman and Corey to come back?" Sunan asked immediately.

"Your Excellency Sherman and Excellency Kore just came back from a message three days ago. They are currently opening the third magic plant garden. The seeds have been planted in the magic plant garden. They will wait until the first batch of dragon blood fruits mature and confirm that there is no problem. It will take about two months to come back from the mission.”

Sunan nodded slightly.

It just so happens that these students still need time to adapt to the magic pattern structure and the underground world. When Sherman and Corey come back in two months, they can start to form a combined exploration team of wizard apprentices and magic pattern knights.

"How is the investigation of the Dark Land Traveling Dragon going?" Su Nan asked.

Carolina immediately replied: "The people sent to investigate found the entrance to an underground world in a cave north of Ruian City. They found the mark of a dragon's claw near the entrance. Now it is certain that the Dark Land Dragon came out of there."

As soon as he finished speaking, the red widow next to him immediately picked up the conversation.

"Opposite the entrance is a hilly area, where we found many paw prints of sub-dragon species."

Su Nan's eyes lit up: "Is there a Yalong race group there?"

Red Widow hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "Probably not. Most of those claw marks are different in size and shape, and they belong to different sub-dragon species. We suspect that there have been many sub-dragon species of different races there."

Sunan frowned slightly.

Sub-dragon species of different races have greatly different living habits and environments.

For example, dark land dragons usually live in dark and damp caves near lakes.

Dragon antelope usually lives in plain areas with suitable climate.

If it is a volcanic dragon, it usually lives in volcanic areas.

The living environments we are used to can be said to be completely different from each other.

It's definitely unusual for so many different races of dragons to appear in the same place.

"Search for the whereabouts of those sub-dragon species, investigate where they come from, and why they gather there."

After thinking for a while, Sunan gave the order and then added another sentence after thinking about it.

"After finding those sub-dragon species, arrest them immediately and try to capture them alive as much as possible."

Only living sub-dragon species can continuously provide sub-dragon blood.

The blood of the dark land dragon from Ruian City had already solidified when it was delivered, and it had almost no effect, which made Sunan feel a pity.

"Yes, sir." Carolina and Red Widow responded respectfully.

After the two of them retreated, Sunan looked at the list on the table with a relaxed smile on his face.

With this group of magic pattern knights, he suddenly had a lot more available manpower, and he no longer had to rely solely on vampires and man-faced lions.

Once they adapt well, they can form an exploration team with the puppets to speed up exploration operations.

Sherman and Corey can take the lead to form two ace teams. Just as the investigation of the sub-dragon species requires a large number of manpower, they will be sent there when the time comes.

After closing the list, Sunan stretched his body, stood up, left the study, and returned to the ground.

Nowadays, he spends most of his time in Base No. 2 in Youhu City, but he will return to Base No. 1 every once in a while to check on the recent development of the base.

"It would be a bit difficult for me to manage two bases by myself, and I wouldn't be able to take care of many things."

Although there are now enough manpower, Su Nan no longer needs to do many of the following things personally, but management-level work is still inseparable from him.

Red Widow and Carolina did have some management skills, but they were not wizard apprentices, and Sunan was not completely confident in them yet, so he never thought of leaving the management of the base to them.

"It would be best to find a third-level wizard apprentice to be the manager of Base No. 1. In this way, I don't need to deal with many matters. I only need to check the reports regularly."

Sunan thought secretly.

But thinking back, it’s not easy to find the right candidate.

It is not difficult to convince a third-level wizard apprentice to manage Base No. 1 for him. As long as enough benefits are given, you can definitely find a willing candidate.

The key is how to ensure that the other party will not betray.

Soul contract?

It probably won't work. No third-level wizard apprentice would sign such a contract voluntarily.

An oath contract may work, but it is not strong enough.

After all, many things in Base 1 involve the secret of synthesizing the Rubik's Cube. If you want others to manage it, you must ensure their reliability and loyalty.

All in all, the selection of management candidates for Base No. 1 is very important and must be done with caution.

While thinking, Sunan had returned to Base No. 1.

More than two years have passed, and the number of students at the base has increased by more than ten people.

There are now 284 people in the entire base.

Nearly one-third of them have already constructed the second star ring.

Ethan and Atil are currently making the fastest progress. It is estimated that in another year at most, the two of them will be able to build the third star ring and become the third and fourth level two wizard apprentices in the base after Sherman and Corey.

While walking on the road, students kept stopping to salute and say hello to Su Nan.

Occasionally, you can see various strange and alien creatures.

The number of alien creatures summoned by Sunan in Base No. 1 is almost equal to the number of students, and most of them are fey creatures such as flower spirits and flower fairies.

These alien creatures are mainly responsible for managing various areas of the base.

It is precisely because of their existence that Base No. 1 can operate in an orderly manner even if Sunan is away most of the time.

Sunan kept walking and inspected the important areas of the base one by one.

Including the two magic plant gardens that are still being developed, Sunan now has a total of 12 magic plant gardens, named from 1 to 12.

Among them, the No. 1 magic plant garden located in Base No. 1 is the top priority.

After the development of No. 7 to No. 12 magic plant gardens, the production of dragon blood fruit and silver moon flower increased significantly, basically enough to meet the needs of the base, the Knight Academy and the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment.

So Sunan moved the dragon blood fruit and silver moon flower out of the No. 1 magic plant garden and planted other rare magic plants with higher value.

Anyway, there are enough people now. If the production of dragon blood fruit and silver moon flower needs to be increased in the future, a few more magic plant gardens will be opened.

In the insect nest, the silly gem bug crawled slowly on the ground, and the gem on its back was shining.

With the precious metals supplied by the Star Alliance for making splitting nutrients, the number of gem bugs has grown rapidly.

Now there are 32 of them.

The annual output of gems in the insect nest has also increased to more than 1,100.

Converted into gold coins, it is about more than 20,000 gold coins.

Although it is far less profitable than the output of the Star Alliance mine, it is better in the long run, and there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of resources.

Moreover, this output will gradually increase over time, and the prospects are promising.

In the workshop, the magic crystal forging furnace is making a low roar.

Dozens of compartments are being used.

Sunan looked around and found that most of the apprentices were refining magic adamantium.

For apprentices who have initially mastered [Magic Item Manufacturing], the most cost-effective task in the base is undoubtedly to refine magic adamantium.

Apprentices who accept the task receive adamantium and materials from the warehouse, and hand them in after refining, and they can get a certain contribution value.

Of course, if they fail, they have to bear the loss.

It is worth mentioning that the funds for purchasing refined gold were taken from the treasury of the Principality of Stars by Sunan.

In the first few years after the war, most of the tax revenue of the Principality of Stars was used to restore people's livelihood - especially to rebuild the Ranshuang Province - and the finances were often in deficit.

It was not until recently that there was a surplus.

Sunan took a sum of money from Key without saying a word and used it to refine the refined gold golem.

The dragon blood fruit provided to the army in the past two years was not free.

Sunan was also ready to confront Key in the near future to start the economic separation of the base and the Principality of Stars and make them independent entities, which he had thought about before.

Only by transforming the vague dependent relationship into a mutually beneficial trading relationship can the base and the Principality of Stars move forward better.

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