Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 150: The epitome of energy deficiency, Dragon Skeleton Tower

Jungle Hut!

The traveler was slightly stunned, and then quickly recalled in his mind.

Scepter? Dead body? Or red heart?

It seems that none of them!

It doesn't look like Black Forest and Night Owl either.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to the traveler's mind, and he blurted out:

"You are the player!"

Not long ago, Night Owl contacted him and asked about the long absence from the party.

I remember that Night Owl said that the new member of the Jungle Hut was called the player, and he was a very powerful third-level wizard apprentice.

Could it be the person in front of him?

"It seems that you have heard of me from Night Owl, so it will be much easier."

Sunan said and took out the key of the Jungle Hut.

Seeing the unique trading house-shaped key, the traveler finally confirmed the identity of the person in front of him, and he was relieved, and the vigilance in his eyes disappeared.

In any case, everyone is a member of the Jungle Hut. Even if they are not friends, at least they are not enemies.

"Did you see the battle just now?" The traveler asked.

"Just met." Sunan walked to the opposite side of the traveler and sat down.

"Then you should have heard that those two guys are from the Eternal Life Society."

The traveler looked at Sunan deeply.

"You also know the style of the guys in the Eternal Life Society. It's not a good thing to approach me at this time. You came to me, not because we belong to the same organization, so you want to help me?"

Sunan laughed and said, "I just want to ask you for some information, about this ecological park."

"You have been here for quite a while, right?"

From the fact that the traveler was able to attract the polycervical dragon silently and find this canyon without stopping, it can be seen that he is very familiar with the situation here, and he has been here for at least several months.

The traveler nodded, which was regarded as tacitly agreeing with Sunan's statement.

"Time is tight, I won't beat around the bush."

"I can tell you about the ecological park, but as a price, you have to help me repel the magic hand and the blood mouth, and ensure that I can leave the ecological park safely."

"Deal!" Sunan agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that Sunan agreed so quickly, the traveler looked at him in surprise, thinking that Night Owl was right. The player was very strong, otherwise he would not have agreed so confidently after seeing the strength of the Demon Hand and the Blood Mouth.

The two immediately signed the oath contract.

After the contract was reached, the traveler felt relieved.

Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

With a powerful helper, even if the Demon Hand and the Blood Mouth catch up again, they will have the strength to fight.

Even if they can't beat them, it should be no problem to get away.

With the guarantee of the oath contract, the traveler completely let down his guard against Sunan and continued to meditate in front of him.

About two hours later, the traveler opened his eyes, his eyes were as clear as a god, and it was obvious that his mental strength had recovered to its peak.

"Can you tell me about the ecological park now?" Sunan said.

The traveler smiled heartily and stood up.

"It's hard to explain with words alone. I'll show you some things and we'll talk as we go."

The two walked out of the cave and came to the sky above the canyon.

After slightly identifying the direction, the traveler took the lead and flew forward.

"According to my investigation, this ecological park should be divided into three different areas."

"The outermost area is Area 1, where most of the sub-dragon species appear. For example, the polycervicosaur is at the top of the food chain in Area 1."

"The next place we are going to is Area 2, where the creatures are much stronger than those in Area 1."

A creature stronger than a high-level sub-dragon species?

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be a pure-blooded dragon species?

If so, then the two of them entering Area 2 would be no different from seeking death.

Adult pure-blooded dragon species are only something that formal wizards can deal with!

But looking at the relaxed expression on the traveler's face, it seems that it is not what he guessed.

Seeing Su Nan's puzzled look, the traveler smiled and didn't explain, saying in a suspenseful way:

"You'll know when you get there."

Not long after, the traveler pointed to the front and said: "After that is Area 2."

Su Nan looked in the direction he pointed, and after careful observation, he found that there was a very light film in the void hundreds of meters away.

Under the sunlight, it was almost the same as transparent, and it would not be found if you didn't concentrate.

From a distance, the scenery behind the film was nothing special, it was still a lush forest.

But the moment you passed through the film, the scenery in front of you suddenly changed.

From the vibrant forest to the desolate wilderness in an instant.

The cracked ground like a spider web, the scattered bare dead trees, and the pale bones.

Everything you see is full of desolation and silence.

It forms a sharp contrast with the vibrant Area 1.

Just a layer of light film, but the environment is completely different. This sudden change made Sunan stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He looked at the traveler, who spread his hands.

"When I came, Area 2 was already like this."

"I haven't investigated the specific reasons yet, but it is probably related to insufficient energy."

Sunan was thoughtful, landed in front of a pale skeleton, and observed it carefully.

At first glance, he suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment.

"Dragon skeleton!"

Now it was the turn of the traveler next to him to be surprised.

"Have you seen the skeleton of the dragon?"

He knew that these skeletons were dragons before they entered the ecological park because he already knew some information. But how did the player know?

It is difficult to distinguish the skeletons of pure-blooded dragons and sub-dragons just by looking at their appearance.

"I've seen it in a book." Sunan said casually.

For an 'experienced' person like him, it is still easy to distinguish between sub-dragons and dragons. There are many differences in details between the two.

The traveler obviously didn't believe such a perfunctory reason, but seeing that Sunan didn't intend to say more, he didn't ask more.

"So the creatures that you said live in Area 2 and are more powerful than sub-dragons are these dragons?" Sunan pointed at the skeletons and said.

"That's right." The traveler nodded, looked around, and sighed. "Zone 2 of this ecological park was originally supposed to be the area for breeding dragons. Perhaps because of insufficient energy, this area has gradually become deserted, and those dragons have gradually died."

Su Nan raised his eyebrows: "What about the barrier you just came in?"

The traveler understood what he meant and said, "I have tested it. It seems that only humans can pass through the barrier. Sub-dragon species cannot pass through. I think those dead dragons should also be."

"Also." The traveler pointed to the surrounding bones, "You can see that the essence of these bones has been completely extracted."

Su Nan checked it out. Sure enough, as the traveler said, the essence of these dragon bones had been drained, and they would crack with a slight touch.

He suddenly felt a little sorry.

The bones of pure-blooded dragons are very rare materials, but they have been turned into worthless waste in this way.

But on second thought, if it weren't for this, these dragon bones would have been taken away by the traveler long ago, and they would not be left there like now.

"According to my speculation, this eco-park should have been built by a wizard thousands of years ago, and the builder is likely dead, leaving only this eco-park."

"There should be some kind of magic array in the eco-park that can extract biological energy. After the sub-dragons and dragons here die, their souls and physical energy will be extracted by the eco-park to supply the operation of the eco-park."

"It is precisely in this way that the eco-park has formed a nearly perfect energy circulation system, which can continue to operate for thousands of years."

"However, no matter how sophisticated the energy circulation system is, there will be losses during the energy circulation process. After a long time, the energy of the eco-park begins to be insufficient, and it has to reduce the energy supply according to the set program, resulting in a decrease in the density of energy particles, causing various creatures in the 2nd area with the highest energy consumption to die in large numbers, and their deaths have fed back a lot of energy to the eco-park, allowing the 1st area with lower energy consumption to support it until today!"

The traveler talked freely.

This is his speculation based on the intelligence he got outside and the clues he got from exploring the eco-park these days.

He is confident that this speculation is very close to the truth.

I thought that after hearing these words, Su Nan would be very shocked.

But when he turned around, he found that Su Nan had a calm face, as if he already knew the information.

". You don't look surprised at all?"

Su Nan glanced at him and said lightly: "When I saw the dragon skeletons, I guessed what you said. Do you have any other information?"

Traveler: "."

The traveler was already very surprised at this time.

If it can be said that it was a coincidence to see the dragon skeletons at a glance just now, but now the truth of the ecological park can be inferred with only a little clue, this can no longer be explained by coincidence!

The player must be very familiar with large-scale breeding facilities such as the ecological park!

I accidentally got the wizard book about the ecological park, is it the same for the player?

In fact, as early as after seeing the blood light and the abnormality of the slender jaw dragon corpse, Su Nan roughly guessed the reason why the ecological park could operate for thousands of years.

The appearance of the dragon skeleton made him more convinced of this.

"Let's go to Area 3 next. It's the center of the eco-park and the location of the energy supply system."

After coming back to his senses, the traveler looked at Sunan with a complicated look, and then flew into the depths of the wilderness.

There were many skeletons along the way, and one could be seen almost every few dozen meters. People couldn't help but imagine how lively and prosperous Area 2 would have been when the eco-park was still intact.

Is there probably tens of thousands of dragons living here?

This time, Sunan's guess about the builder's rank has risen to a higher level.

The only one who can raise so many dragons is a true spirit wizard!

"The entire eco-park is actually a microcosm of the lack of energy in the Starlight Continent."

"If those wizards didn't have the ability to explore the multiverse and were trapped in the Starlight Continent, they might have ended up like these dragons."

About half an hour later, the two passed through another barrier.

The environment in front of them changed again, from a desolate wilderness to a lush green grassland.

In the distance stood the outline of a suspected tower.

It was too far away, and Sunan couldn't see the specific appearance.

"That's the core of the ecological park." The traveler pointed to the outline of the tower in the distance and said.

The two flew towards the outline of the tower.

As the distance got closer, Su Nan gradually saw the true face of the outline, and was shocked to find that the so-called tower was actually a huge skeleton with white bones!

A huge dragon skeleton that was thousands of meters high!

The entire skeleton was winding and coiled, standing upright like a giant tower. The huge dragon head skull and the ferocious dragon horns on the top of the head pointed straight to the sky, with a strong and majestic aura.

The empty dragon eyes stared at him, as if there was a charm in the dragon eyes, as if it was really watching him across time and space.

"This dragon skeleton tower should be the control center of the ecological park, but there is a formation inside, and I can't get in without the key."

The traveler said with some regret.

Sunan went straight to the dragon skeleton tower.

Below the dragon head is a dragon pillar like a spine, and at the bottom is a tightly closed white bone door.

Sunan took out a stone golem and ordered it to push the door forward.

As a result, the moment the stone golem's palm touched the bone door, it was engulfed by the flames that emerged out of thin air.

The flames with a strong smell of sulfur instantly burned the stone golem to ashes.

Sunan's eyes condensed slightly.

This power is more than one level stronger than the dragon breath of the sword crystal dragon!

Even if an elite stone golem goes up, it will probably be burned to ashes in an instant!

"It's useless. The defense array of the dragon bone tower is very powerful. I have tried many times but couldn't break it."

While the traveler was speaking, his eyes swept over Sunan's hands with some surprise.

Where did the stone golem come from?

The space magic items of the glimmer level can't hold the stone golem, right?

Sunan was not surprised.

After all, the builder of the ecological park is likely to be a true spirit wizard. The defense array set up by a strong man of this level cannot be easily broken even by a third-level wizard apprentice, let alone a third-level wizard apprentice.

It is estimated that this is only the outermost defense array.

Of course, if you insist on breaking it, Sunan can do it.

Use the stupidest and simplest method.

Use a large number of puppets to continuously consume the energy of the ecological park until the energy is exhausted, and the defense array will naturally lose its effect.

Just don't think that the ecological park is currently in a state of insufficient energy, but the remaining energy is still a huge number. If you use puppet tactics to consume energy, I am afraid that the number of puppets to be consumed will be an astronomical number.

Sunan estimated that even if the current base and the entire Star Principality's finances were filled in, it would not be enough.

Or he could wait another hundred years, until the ecological park's energy shortage became more serious, and then take action.

But first of all, not to mention that the ecological park's food chain and ecological environment would be greatly damaged, more importantly, the Eternal Life Society has already discovered this place.

You can tell with your toes that those guys will not let the ecological park go!

It's best to take it into your hands before the Eternal Life Society intervenes in this ecological park.

"It seems that I have to find the key to enter."

Sunan thought secretly.

But the question is where is the key?

He turned his head to look at the traveler, who spread his hands.

"Don't look at me, I said, I don't know where the key is?"

"How do you know this information?" Sunan asked.

The traveler is not like him, who has opened a cheat. It is impossible to know so much information about the ecological park by exploration alone.

Restricted by the oath contract, the traveler did not hide it and said frankly:

"I accidentally got a wizard book describing the knowledge of the ecological park, from which I got the clues of this ecological park, and I searched for a long time in the underground world before I found this place."

"But the book did not write the whereabouts of the key, otherwise I would have controlled the ecological park long ago."

Su Nan believed this.

If the traveler had the key, there would be many ways to drive away the magic hand and the bloody mouth, and he would not have to be chased by the two so embarrassedly.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly looked at the same direction.

Even in the distant sky, two figures were flying towards this side at a high speed.

It was the magic hand and bloody mouth that the traveler had just thrown off not long ago!

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