Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 161 Clues to divine creatures, secret puppets

In the brightly lit laboratory.

Sunan looked at the winged statue in front of him with a strange look on his face.

Having come into contact with the God's bones and the sacred objects of the Starfire Church, he immediately noticed the power of faith contained in the statue.

Although it was very meager, not even one percent of the God's bones at the time, it was indeed the real power of faith.

"This should be some kind of divine creature."

Sunan was thoughtful.

In the current environment of the Starlight Continent, it is impossible for new gods to be born.

And the ancient gods have existed for at least tens of thousands of years, and he recognizes them all.

The body of the statue in front of him does not belong to any of them.

So it can only be some kind of divine creature.

New divine creatures are born every moment in the multiverse, and most of them do not belong to a specific race. They themselves are a brand new race, so it is normal for some divine creatures that he does not recognize to appear.

"I just don't know if this divine creature is a native creature born on the Starlight Continent, or if it has traveled from other planes."

Sunan is more inclined to the former.

After all, in the current environment of the Starlight Continent, no divine creature would be stupid enough to come here on its own initiative.

The divine creatures that can perform plane jumps have a life level far beyond that of wizard apprentices. Entering the current Starlight Continent is like humans entering an environment with thin air. Every moment they stay there will cause more pain.

"But the believers were all wiped out, so why didn't the divine creature show up?"

"Or does it not care about those Eye Demon believers at all?"

This possibility is not impossible.

If it is a divine creature born naturally, the power of faith will do it no good, so it naturally does not need believers.

Perhaps the Eye Demon of the Giant Eye City just believed in the divine creature without authorization.

In any case, the clues of the divine creature found near the Star Alliance should not be taken lightly, and the whereabouts of the other party must be found.

Now the exploration team has one more task.

Coming back to his senses, Sunan took out the divine skeleton finger and tried to extract the power of faith from the statue and introduce it into the divine skeleton finger, but failed.

After all, it was not the power of faith against the divine body, and the two were fundamentally incompatible.

Helplessly, Sunan could only let the power of faith slowly dissipate.

The power of faith that could not be transformed into divine energy was useless to him.

Fortunately, this power of faith was too meager. Even if it was transformed into divine energy, it would probably only increase his mental power by 0.02 to 0.03 at most, so he didn't feel sorry for it.

Putting away the statue, Sunan came to the study.

Carolina and the Red Widow were already waiting for him here.

"Master." The two women bowed together.

"You did a good job this time."

After sitting down at the desk, Sunan praised the Red Widow.

"This is what I should do, Master."

The Red Widow smiled brightly, her beautiful eyes shone, and she glanced at Carolina next to her without leaving a trace.

Carolina curled her lips and snorted secretly.

Sunan turned to look at Carolina and asked, "The graduation examination of the six knight academies will be held in two months. How are the preparations going?"

Carolina immediately replied, "It's ready, Master."

Sunan nodded slightly, "After the graduation examination, all students will join the Knight Guard and form a new exploration team with the new second-level wizard apprentices. It's all up to you to arrange. The expansion of the Star Alliance must be accelerated."

After Sherman and Corey, several people such as Atil and Ethan have been promoted to second-level wizard apprentices.

Now the number of students in the entire base has exceeded 300, reaching 303.

There are a total of six second-level wizard apprentices.

This number will increase faster and faster in the future.

Originally, Sunan was planning to form a third small golem army, but he has been busy making magic pattern structures recently and has no time to refine puppets.

In addition, the magic pattern structures are expensive, and most of the Star Alliance's income is now invested in them. There is no extra cash flow to form a new golem army for a while.

The only consolation is that the newly added 3,000 knights, equipped with magic pattern constructs and magic weapons, are as powerful as a small golem army, and the purpose of expanding military power has been achieved.

"After the graduation assessment, the Knight Guard will have 3,500 people, and it will continue to increase every year in the future. It is no longer appropriate to call it the Knight Guard. Let's change it to the Magic Pattern Knight Corps."

Su Nan made the final decision.

From now on, the Magic Pattern Knight Corps will become one of the most important armed forces of the Star Alliance.

Starlight calendar 1259, Xialong month.

The six knight academies of Dragon Scale, Dragon Horn, Dragon Claw, Dragon Eye, Dragon Bone and Dragon Blood welcomed the first batch of graduates.

On the third day of the month, 3,000 knight students gathered on the island of Youhu City to prepare for the graduation assessment.

"This year's scale is much larger than last year!"

Looking at the dark crowds of people on the island, Ruger couldn't help but sigh.

Solano chuckled and said, "After all, there are six Knight Academy this year."

Sheen looked at the students who were excited and nervous, and smiled a little more.

"After the assessment is over, our Knight Guard, ah, now it should be called the Magic Pattern Knights, will increase six times in number."

"Now I should call you the captain." Ruger laughed, "The larger the Magic Pattern Knights, the higher the status of Captain Sheen in the Star Alliance, and he will be no less than the wizard apprentice."

Xian laughed and shook his head.

He doesn't attach much importance to power, but feels a heavy sense of responsibility.

Master Sunan appointed him as the leader of the Demon Pattern Knights and entrusted him with the management responsibility of thousands of people. He must be able to live up to this trust.

"Enough with the small talk, let's get to work."

Xian took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Starting from this year, our Magic Pattern Knights will take over every graduation assessment in the future. This graduation assessment is our first time to hold it, so there must be no mistakes."

Luger and Solano suppressed their smiles and looked solemn.

The Star Alliance spent the entire month of Xialong busy.

Time flies into the Moon of Flowing Fire.

In the magic training room.

Sunan stood in the middle of the wide field, standing still.

With the slightest movement of his mind, ten spell missiles emerged out of thin air, and then quickly transformed into arm-long sharp spears. They spread out and whizzed out. After tracing strange trajectories in the void, they finally gathered together at one point. , while penetrating the human-shaped target a hundred meters away.

"The attack power has increased by about 30 to 40%."

Sunan nodded with satisfaction.

After nearly two years, the training progress of the spell structure finally reached 100%.

The difficulty of this metamagic skill was second only to compound casting and instant spell casting, and its power did not disappoint him.

Although the effect is only 30% to 40%, after a battle, the damage output is enough to skyrocket, and the improvement in actual combat ability is immediate.

The key is that spell structure can also greatly enhance the flexibility of spells.

For example, controlling the flight trajectory of spell missiles.

Or change the shape of the shield from a tower shield with a limited protective area to a 360-degree shield with no blind spots.

Wizards (apprentices) who have mastered the structure of spells can often bring many unexpected 'surprises' to their enemies during battle.

"Which metamagic skill should I continue to train next?"

At present, the only metamagic skills that Su Nan has not yet mastered are spell range increase to increase the casting distance, spell delay to extend the spell effect duration, and spell expansion to increase the spell's range of influence.

In fact, the practicality of these three super magic skills is not much different, no matter which one you choose, they are almost the same.

And the difficulty is much lower than the previous super magic skills.

With his current mental strength, it would probably take him at most a year to master it.

Therefore, Sunan did not hesitate for too long and decisively chose the spell delay.

[Complete a spell delay exercise, ‘Spell Delay’ training progress +0.02%]

After practicing for a while, Sunan left the spell practice area.

There are still important things to do today, so you can't waste your mental energy on practicing.

After capturing Giant Eye City, Sunan immediately arranged for manpower to develop the silver veins controlled by Giant Eye City.

During this period of time, he has harvested a lot of mithril one after another. In addition to what he had accumulated previously and what he obtained from the Beholder Warehouse, he finally had enough mithril needed to refine the marionette.

Next, we can finally refine the marionette.

Entering Longlin, Sunan teleported directly to the workshop area and entered his own large workshop.

With the elemental pool continuously providing energy, he installed three magic crystal forging furnaces in the workshop in one go, greatly improving work efficiency.

Turning on the magic crystal forging furnace, Su Nan came to the workbench, took out the materials from the space ring and placed them on the table. He took a deep breath, his expression instantly became extremely focused, and he started refining.

Years of refining large quantities of puppets have long since accumulated a wealth of experience for him.

The [Puppet Refining] skill has also been upgraded to level 5.

When it comes to puppet refining skills alone, Sunan is confident that he is not inferior to some formal wizards, and far surpasses wizard apprentices.

No matter now or in the past, no wizard apprentice has such superb puppet refining skills as him.

Although the difficulty of refining the secret puppet is high, it is just a little troublesome for him, not yet difficult.

When you concentrate on refining, time flies by.

It was not until evening that Su Nan released the mage's hand, breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked at the results on the workbench with excitement.

They were human-shaped metal bodies, about the same size as a human being, glowing with a slightly bluish silver light under the light.

It looked like a strong warrior, with muscles all over his body and his eyes closed.

If the color of his body wasn't obviously different from ordinary people, he would look just like a real person.

Su Nan's thoughts moved slightly, and the marionette suddenly opened its eyes. It bounced off the workbench quickly and flexibly, and shot into the distance like a cannonball. It rolled in mid-air and landed steadily.

At the same time, a section of it suddenly protruded from the palm of its hand, and quickly turned into a knight's sword with cold light. It stabbed into the void several times, causing a harsh air-piercing explosion.


Sunan nodded with satisfaction.

One of the main materials of the marionette is diamond. Its body strength is much harder than that of the adamantine golem. Its strength and reaction speed are also very good, and its close combat ability is extremely excellent.

Of course, what's even more outstanding is its spellcasting ability.

Mithril itself is a material with excellent malleability and magic conductivity. In addition, a large number of high-level rune gems are added to the body of the secret puppet, so it also has the ability to control energy particles.

In addition, Sunan also stabilized a large number of zero-level, first-level and second-level spells in the marionette's body, giving it the ability to cast spells in disguise.

The key is that it casts spells just like activating spell-storing magic items. There is no need to recite incantations, and there is only an imperceptible stagnation, which is almost equivalent to mastering the instant spell.

And as long as the energy is not exhausted, spells can be cast continuously.

From this point of view, Secret Puppet's spellcasting ability completely overwhelms most third-level wizard apprentices.

Although the secret puppet finally refined could not reach the level of a formal wizard, it was already much more powerful than the average third-level wizard apprentice.

After some testing in the spell training area, Sunan was satisfied that the marionette already had power comparable to the four-ring legend.

Even if he doesn't use the magic pattern core and many magic items, he is no match for Marionette.

If you want to kill the Secret Puppet, you will definitely have to use many trump cards such as high-level rune gems and bloodline marks.

This shows the strength of Secret Puppet!

"Fighting against the third-level wizard apprentices of Demon Hand and Blood Mouth, Secret Puppet should be able to win easily."

Su Nan looked at the marionette in front of him with clear outlines that looked like a real person, and his thoughts moved again.

In an instant, the marionette in front of him melted into a ball like hot butter, and the next moment it quickly transformed into a thin and slender beautiful girl with silver hair shawl.

The skin also loses color and becomes milky white and smooth.

Marionettes have no concept of gender, and have no fixed shape. Their body and appearance can be changed at will, and they can easily pretend to be a living person.

Even for a third-level wizard apprentice, it would be difficult to tell the difference without careful inspection.

After a moment of joy, Sunan calmed down, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes again.

The cost of refining the secret puppet is much higher than originally expected.

In order to improve the marionette's combat power, he added more spells and added many enchanting features, causing the cost to soar to one hundred thousand gold coins.

In the past few months after the refining of the magic pattern structure was completed, almost all the accumulated cash flow was consumed.

If it weren't for the mithril he had already accumulated, he really wouldn't have been able to spend so many gold coins to refine the marionette.

"It took me so long to accumulate sixteen kilograms of mithril. I won't be able to accumulate enough materials to refine the second marionette in a short time."

Even so, Sunan didn't care.

As long as you successfully refine the marionette and prove that your idea is feasible, it is enough.

At worst, if I save a few more years, I can always get enough materials.

"The next step is to continue to improve the Secret Puppet."

Sunan's eyes flashed brightly.

Compared to ordinary puppets, marionettes are structurally closer to humans and have a much wider space for growth than ordinary puppets.

The successful refining of the Secret Puppet is only the first step, and there are many other ideas that can be researched and verified.

For example, fusing the magic pattern core or bloodline mark to the Marionette.

If successful, the marionette's combat effectiveness will definitely increase dramatically.

After refining four or five marionettes and then synthesizing them, you might be able to create a puppet as powerful as a formal wizard!

Thinking of this, Sunan couldn't help but feel excited.

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