Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 163 Ambush and Alliance

Three days later.

The jungle cabin opened again as scheduled.

The hunter informed everyone of the location of the ambush on the Eternal Life Society.

Unexpectedly, the ambush site was chosen in the underground world, and it was in a cave more than 200 kilometers north of the Star Alliance.

This was good news for Sunan, after all, it was near his own territory.

He guessed that the hunter might have considered this.

If the ambush on the Eternal Life Society failed, they could still escape to Sunan's territory to seek shelter.

The ambush site was decided, but the ambush operation did not start immediately.

After all, the members of the jungle cabin were located in different places, and it would take a lot of time to rush over from other places.

After some discussion, it was finally decided to implement the plan in five days.

Sunan, who was close to the water tower, saved the time of rushing on the road and decided to use these five days to make some preparations.

Although he was confident with the secret puppet, his opponent was the notorious Eternal Life Society after all, so it was always safe to make more preparations.

In the meditation room.

Sunan checked his personal panel.

His mental power is now close to 52 points, and he will be able to build the seventeenth star ring in about five months.

With the addition of four super magic skills, even if he does not use various trump cards, his real combat power is enough to rank in the upper middle of the third-level wizard apprentice.

"Without using trump cards, I should be able to compete with the likes of the magic hand and blood mouth."

"That is the level of the three-ring legend."

"If you add the magic pattern core and various magic items, it should be no problem to fight against the four-ring legend."

Sunan looked down at the back of his hand, where five bright red marks were engraved.

Death knell mark!

A blood mark made from the blood of the death knell striker.

In addition, there are more than a hundred high-level rune gems in the space ring.

With the growth of mental power, the energy intensity that Sunan can bear now has also risen.

Thanks to this, the number of high-level rune gems synthesized has now skyrocketed to 37, and the power has been greatly improved.

Sunan had done a test, and a high-level rune gem was enough to break the defense of the Ring of Extreme Protection!

The power was almost equivalent to the superposition of more than ten offensive second-level spells!

It was even enough to kill a high-level stone golem in seconds!

With so many trump cards in hand, Sunan was confident that even if he met the top third-level wizard apprentice, he would have a great chance of winning.

However, just in case, Sunan still stuffed a whole army of small golems into the magic cube, filling more than half of the grids of the magic cube.

In addition, he also ordered the Magic Pattern Knights to stand by in the Giant Eye City and be ready to attack at any time.

After doing all this, Sunan was completely relieved and stayed in the Giant Eye City waiting for the action to begin.

Five days passed in a flash.

Sunan arrived at the ambush site as agreed.

What he saw was a huge cave, extremely wide, with a rare smooth top, not covered with dense stalactites like other places.

This also means that there are no other entrances and exits at the top of the cave.

Similarly, there were no other openings deep in the cave, and all you could see were thick rock walls.

The huge cave was completely closed except for the entrance when you came in.

Sunan understood secretly.

In this way, once the people of the Eternal Life Society were lured into the cave and the exit was blocked, the Eternal Life Society would be trapped.

"Not a bad place." Night Owl commented.

When Sunan arrived, everyone except the hunter had arrived at the Jungle Hut.

It is worth mentioning that everyone was wearing robes and masks, just like when they were in the Jungle Hut, covering their bodies and faces tightly.

Only Sunan didn't wear a mask, revealing his original appearance openly.

When everyone saw him like this at first, they were stunned.

Coming back to their senses, the scepter smiled and said, "You are frank."

The traveler also smiled and said, "After all, he has the confidence."

The player's true identity is no longer a secret in the Jungle Hut.

Just because they didn't want to offend Sunan, no one had taken the initiative to reveal his identity, and they avoided talking about it.

But now that Sunan has taken the initiative to reveal it, it means that he doesn't care, so they don't hide it anymore.

After listening to the traveler's words, everyone looked at Sunan with a sigh.

Only Sunan can be so frank.

With his current strength and power, even if he reveals his true identity, he is not afraid of being targeted.

Apart from anything else, the golden statue alone is enough to make many people with bad intentions retreat.

"Where is the hunter?" Sunan looked around and said.

"Calculate the time is almost up."

As soon as Ye Xiao finished speaking, his eyes suddenly condensed and turned to look at the cave entrance.

"Here we come."

Accompanied by the sound of light footsteps, seven or eight figures walked into the cave.

The leader was the hunter.

Following him were six men wearing heavy armor and with a strong aura.

Su Nan took a quick look and saw that the six people were all legendary knights. The armor they wore and the long swords on their waists were also magic weapons.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

When he came closer, the hunter apologized first, then pointed to the people behind him and introduced them:

"This is Puvido and Moss, the top leaders of the Holy Fist. They are both second-ring legendary knights with rich combat experience."

"This is Kurt and Berger."

The hunter introduced the remaining four people one by one.

However, except for nodding slightly to Puvido and Moss, Night Owl and others greeted them, they had a faint reaction to the other four people.

After all, in their eyes, the first-ring legendary knights were just cannon fodder, and only the second-ring legendary knights were worthy of their attention.

The hunter also understood this truth. After the introduction, he did not exchange pleasantries and went straight to the point.

"I deliberately exposed some traces along the way. I believe that the people of the Eternal Life Society will soon catch up here. Everyone should ambush in advance."

The specific details of the action had been discussed once before. At this time, there was no delay and they immediately took action.

Except for the hunter, the night owl, the staff and the people of the Holy Fist Organization who stayed in the cave, the rest of the people left the cave and hid in a hidden place around in pairs. After the people of the Eternal Life Society entered the cave, they appeared again to block the cave entrance.

With Sunan was Rose.

Both of them performed the invisibility spell, sprinkled some odor-eliminating potions, and began to wait.

"The Holy Fist is over." Rose suddenly said softly.

Sunan glanced at her and nodded slightly.

The huge legendary knight organization was slaughtered by the Eternal Life Society, leaving only six people.

And after this battle, there might be only a few people left. Even if the threat of the Eternal Life Society is successfully resolved in the end, the Holy Fist with only a few people left will exist in name only.

But Sunan is thinking about other aspects.

According to the intelligence collected so far, there are only two third-level wizard apprentice organizations in the southeast region of the continent, namely the Jungle Hut and the Eternal Life Society.

The third-level wizard apprentices of these two organizations together occupy at least half of the third-level wizard apprentices in the southeast region of the continent.

And after today's battle, only one of the two will be left.

The number of third-level wizard apprentices in the southeast region will also decrease sharply.

"Speaking of which, I have killed four third-level wizard apprentices so far."

Sunan suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a significant contribution to the sharp decrease in the number of third-level wizard apprentices in the southeast region.

But this may not be a bad thing.

The resources of the continent are limited, so the fewer third-level wizard apprentices, the better.

"The Cangjin Empire has recently made frequent military mobilizations, and it is vaguely aimed at the Principality of Stars. Do you know about this?" Qiangwei suddenly brought up another topic.

Sunan glanced at Qiangwei and raised his eyebrows slightly, saying, "Why, Jinghua Principality asked you to be a lobbyist?"

"I can't say I'm a lobbyist, after all, it's related to my interests." Qiangwei admitted frankly, "The Cangjin Empire has dominated the southeast region for hundreds of years, and has been exploiting neighboring countries and using them as nutrients for its own growth. Many countries have long been full of resentment, but they dare not resist because of the powerful military force of the Cangjin Empire."

"If the Star Principality takes the lead in resisting the Cangjin Empire, I believe many countries will respond."

Sunan looked strange: "We are now cooperating to deal with the Eternal Life Society, but you are digging a hole for the Scepter behind the scenes?"

Rongwei shrugged and said indifferently: "I don't know about others, but when the Scepter was young, he had some conflicts with the royal family at that time, so he has never felt much belonging to the Cangjin Empire. If you take action, I believe he will abandon the Cangjin Empire without hesitation and switch to other countries. After all, with his strength, he can still be a guest of honor if he cooperates with another country."

Sunan's eyes flickered slightly, and he pondered slightly.

As Qiangwei said, except for a few examples like the scepter, most wizard apprentices who come from a certain country's royal family or royal family have their interests tied to the country.

The prosperity of the Principality of Stars is also good for the development of him and the Star Alliance.

Apart from anything else, if the Principality of Stars expands outward, it will inevitably purchase a large number of materials such as potions, puppets and weapons from the Star Alliance, and the Star Alliance can make huge profits from it.

And looking at the current covetous behavior of the Cangjin Empire, even if the Principality of Stars does not take the initiative to attack, sooner or later a war will come to its head. It is better to take advantage of the current alliance and take the initiative to take the initiative.

His thoughts turned rapidly in his mind, and Sunan quickly made a plan in his heart.

"Okay, I will convey your intention for you."

Hearing Sunan's agreement, Qiangwei looked happy.

At this time, her eyes suddenly condensed, and she turned her head abruptly to look into the distance.

Before her, Sunan had already noticed it.

Silently, four figures appeared in front of the cave out of thin air.

Except for the man in the robe who looked normal, the other three looked very strange.

A woman with a graceful figure and elegant temperament, but only a pair of eyes on her face.

A guy whose whole body was made of flames and looked like a vague human figure, and whose gender was unknown.

There was also a man covered with an obsidian shell, with only a blue-gray face exposed.

He also had a multi-section tail behind his buttocks, and the end was an opening shaped like the mouth of a lamprey.

Obviously, these four people were Sauro, Yiluo, Yujin and Shixie from the Eternal Life Society.

Sunan couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Including Ugo, Blood Mouth and Moshou who died in his hands, the people of the Eternal Life Society really like to make themselves look like neither human nor ghost.

The human body is dispensable to them, as long as it is for the pursuit of power, they can be abandoned at any time.

Only Sauro looked normal, but it was not necessarily.

Who knows what is hidden under that robe?

Being able to suppress a group of demons, Sauro himself might be a more powerful demon.

Perhaps because they were afraid that the hunters they had finally caught would escape, or perhaps because they were confident in their own strength, the four of them only looked around and rushed into the cave without hesitation.

However, after entering the cave, they found that there were seven or eight people besides the hunter.

A group of people were watching them leisurely.

Sauluo and the other four immediately realized that something was wrong. Looking back, they saw a group of people coming in from the cave entrance, blocking their retreat.


Sauluo immediately recognized Sunan without a mask, and understood the current situation after a little thought.

"So that's it, you guys in the jungle hut are going to go to war with us."

Night Owl said coldly: "It's about the Star Tower and the hope of being promoted to a wizard. No wizard apprentice can resist this temptation."

"Indeed." Sauluo nodded calmly.

Although they were surrounded by enemies several times their number, both Sauluo and the other three were unusually calm.

"Stop talking nonsense."

The mouth made of ember flames cracked upwards in a curved arc, revealing a mocking smile.

"Since we are all here for the key to the Tower of Stars, let's fight. The strong man who survives will get the spoils he deserves. Isn't it fair?"

The moment the last word fell, Yu Jin's entire flaming body suddenly expanded and grew as if oil was poured on it, turning into a raging flame and sweeping towards the Night Owl and the Hunter in front.

The Night Owl's eyes twitched, and he secretly thought that this guy was really a lunatic.

Before the ambush, the hunter provided everyone with the information he had on the Eternal Life Society.

One of the points is that most members of the Eternal Life Society have the problem of blood rejection, which leads to a big change in temperament, and they have more or less extreme, crazy and psychological distortion tendencies.

Among them is Yu Jin.

He has merged with an ancient bloodline called Magma Worship Ghost, which has the ability to control fire elements and souls. He is bloodthirsty and manic, and enjoys torturing the souls of others.

He is a real lunatic!

And his actions at this time also confirmed this.

Only a madman could do such a thing, to take the initiative to attack and rush towards the enemy alone when he was surrounded by an ambush.

Although they complained in their hearts, Night Owl and Hunter were not slow to act. They cast the spells they had prepared in secret at the same time and focused their fire on the embers.

The battle began.

At the same time, the other members of the Jungle Lodge and the Holy Fist members such as Puvido also rushed towards Saullo and the other two.

"Stone Scorpion!" Saullo shouted suddenly.

The moment the voice fell, the stone scorpion covered with obsidian shells suddenly opened its mouth and let out a piercing scream that almost pierced the eardrum!

The scream turned into a sound wave that seemed to be real and spread out. In an instant, there were cracking sounds, and dense cracks appeared on the surrounding rock walls and the top of the cave, and broken stones fell straight down.

Before everyone could react, there was a loud bang, and the cave collapsed!

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