Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 19 Energy Rune

After a few pleasantries, Keyi spoke up.

After hearing this, Mu Zhuo smiled and said, "How dare I ignore what the adults ordered? I have collected a lot of things. I will take you to see it now."

After he finished speaking, he shouted loudly in the middle of the tavern: "Ota, stop drinking, come here quickly!"

The beastman named Ota had drunk his opponent and was enjoying the cheers and flattery of the people around him.

Hearing Mu Zhuo's voice, he wiped his mouth and walked over with big strides.

When he came closer, Ota's eyes paused on Sunan for a moment, his pupils seemed to shrink, and then he looked at Mu Zhuo and grinned and said, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It's time to work." Mu Zhuo pointed to the backyard, and then smiled at Keyi and Sunan, "Please follow me."

The carriages and goods of the Fox Chamber of Commerce were placed in the backyard, guarded by more than a dozen fully armed men.

Judging from the uniform dress and weapons of these people, they should not be mercenaries, but private soldiers trained by the Fox Chamber of Commerce.

Sunan's eyes flickered.

These days, the chambers of commerce that have the strength to train private soldiers are all large chambers of commerce.

It seems that the Firefox Chamber of Commerce has a great foundation.

At Mu Zhuo's order, Ota took out a heavy wooden box from one of the carriages and put it on the ground with a bang.

After opening it, there were more than ten thick books and five small boxes inside.

"These are what the lord wants." Mu Zhuo smiled.

But to his surprise, Key just nodded without any movement.

Instead, Sunan walked to the box and squatted down to check the contents.

There were a total of fourteen books, four of which were duplicates of the books Sunan already had.

There was nothing he could do about it.

Ordinary people could not understand the words on the wizard books, so naturally they could not be asked to make choices when collecting, and duplication was inevitable.

The remaining eight books were also of the type that could not trigger skills.

But Sunan was not disappointed.

Although skills could not be triggered, the more new knowledge, the better.

After all, for wizards, knowledge represents power.

And he has a player identity. As long as the reading progress of a book reaches 100%, he can fully master the knowledge in the book.

This alone gives him a huge advantage over other wizard apprentices.

However, there is a book that Sunan is somewhat interested in.

"Extraction and Transformation of Green Chameleon's Ability"!

From the content of the preface, this book tells how to extract blood containing color-changing ability from a lizard called Green Chameleon, and then integrate it into the human body for transformation, so that people have the "invisibility ability" to adapt to the environment like a chameleon.

"It's a very interesting experiment."

Sunan put down the book and planned to read it carefully after returning, and then opened the five small wooden boxes one by one.

Three of the boxes contained scrolls made of parchment.

The moment he opened the box, Sunan felt the energy particle fluctuations contained in the scroll.

Obviously, the three scrolls are spell scrolls.

Moreover, the spells recorded on it are all first-level spells, namely [Freezing Ray], [Hidden Mist] and [First-level Summoning Monster].

"Good stuff!"

A hint of joy flashed in Sunan's eyes.

His current mental power is not enough to learn first-level spells, but there is no problem using first-level spell scrolls.

Spell scrolls can be activated by injecting a small amount of mental power, and any wizard apprentice can use it.

Of course, if one's own strength is insufficient, when using spell scrolls of too high a level, it is easy to be accidentally injured by the energy fluctuations caused.

However, first-level spell scrolls do not have this problem.

These three spell scrolls can fully play a good role in battle!

After a while of joy, Sunan continued to look at the remaining two wooden boxes.

The wooden boxes were also filled with parchment scrolls, but they did not record spells, but other things.

What surprised Sunan was that the first scroll actually recorded the formula of the active potion.

"The essence of the sap of the heart-clearing tree, the bone powder of the ghost python, the thousand soul grass, and the magic sound flower are all rare and precious materials."

Su Nan curled his lips secretly.

In today's Starlight Continent, it is not easy to collect all these materials.

It is still unknown how much manpower and material resources will be spent.

Even if you want to use the magic cube to synthesize a suitable substitute, you have to go through many experiments.

In comparison, it is easier to synthesize the active potion with the secondary active potion.

The second scroll records the skill called energy rune.

Su Nan has an impression of this skill.

Energy rune is a branch of enchantment. Its method is to control energy particles to condense a rune with elemental characteristics, attach it to yourself or other items, and add corresponding elemental effects to it.

For example, attaching a lightning rune to a weapon can make the weapon have lightning damage and paralysis effects for a short time.

Attaching a wind rune to the body can make the body lighter and greatly enhance agility and flexibility.

In simple terms, energy rune is actually a skill that can temporarily turn ordinary items into magic items, or temporarily bless yourself with a buff state.

Since energy runes consume very little mental energy, once mastered, they can be used in close combat to exert a good combat power, and are very practical in combat.

"To put it bluntly, it is actually an advanced technique for controlling energy particles, which has extremely high requirements for the caster's energy particle control ability, so it requires at least a third-level wizard apprentice to use it."

However, Sunan clearly remembered that in his previous life, a player had developed a special method that allowed first- and second-level wizard apprentices to use energy runes.

If this method was used, perhaps he could master energy runes in advance.

"Go back and try it!"

Sunan had a plan in mind, closed the wooden box and put it back in the box, and slowly stood up.

Mu Zhuo also realized at this time that it was Sunan who really wanted to collect these things, so he smiled and said, "These things can still be in the eyes of Mr. Sunan, right?"

"Not bad."

Sunan nodded slightly, and he could not see anything on his face, but he was actually very satisfied in his heart.

Not to mention the books and spell scrolls, the energy runes alone made him feel like he had gained a lot.

Keyi saw that his brother was quite satisfied with these things, raised his hand to call two soldiers, and asked them to move the things back to the inner castle. He and Sunan then said goodbye to Mu Zhuo and left.

Watching Keyi and Sunan go away, Mu Zhuo showed a thoughtful expression.

Books and other items related to wizards are all good collections.

Many nobles have a hobby of collecting such items.

But as far as he knows, the situation of the two brothers Keyi seems not to be very good, and it stands to reason that the two should not have the intention to collect collections.

After all, these things are not cheap, and dozens of gold coins are enough to buy several sets of armor.

But if it is not for collection, why does Sunan collect these things?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out the reason. Mu Zhuo shook his head and stopped struggling. He turned around and saw Ota staring at the direction where Sunan and the others left, so he asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Ota hesitated and said: "That noble named Sunan gives me a very dangerous feeling!"

Very dangerous?

Mu Zhuo's face moved.

Because of the blood of the beastman, Ota has a beast-like intuition, which can vaguely sense whether a person is a threat to him.

But you have to know that Ota, as his guard leader, has the power of an intermediate knight!

He can make him feel very dangerous, at least he is a peak knight.

Although Sunan doesn't look thin at all, he doesn't look like a top knight at all!

Mu Zhuo was getting more and more confused.

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