Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 21 Mu Zhuo's Show of Good Will

On the training ground.

More than 20 knights stood in a circle, looking at the black rock leopard in the middle with shining eyes, just like seeing a naked beauty.

As long as they are knights, there is no one who does not want to own a fine warhorse.

Although the black rock leopard is not a warhorse in the strict sense, it can also be used as a mount.

The key is that this mount has the combat power of a junior knight, isn't it much stronger than a warhorse?

How majestic it would be to ride it!

On the battlefield, it is simply invincible!

"My lord, sir, can you give me one of these black rock leopards first?"

Qiaoton rushed to Keyi and Sunan with excitement and said in a voice so loud that the whole training ground could hear it.

After hearing this, the other knights were immediately dissatisfied.

"Why should I give it to you, a drunkard, first?"

"I'm an intermediate knight, I should go first!"

"Bah, I'm the best rider, you should give it to me first!"

"You're riding a horse, this is a leopard!"

"They're almost the same!"

"Bullshit, I'm also good at riding women, shouldn't the Black Rock Leopard be given to me first?"

Seeing that everyone was about to start a quarrel, Key rubbed his brows with a headache and waved his hand, saying, "Shut up, everyone, give this Black Rock Leopard to Brad first."

Brad, who was standing quietly aside, didn't expect there would be such a surprise, and he smiled immediately.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Joton and others looked at each other, curled their lips and said nothing.

Brad's prestige among the knights was not low, and his strength was one of the best. The first Black Rock Leopard was given to him first, and the others had no objection.

As for Key, Sunan had already said that he would refine a more powerful Black Rock Leopard for him later.

Sunan threw a necklace to Brad and said, "This is the key to control the Black Rock Leopard. As long as you wear it, the Black Rock Leopard will be under your command, but it can only accept some less complicated instructions."

"I know, thank you, sir!"

Brad put on the necklace excitedly, and rode the Black Rock Leopard around the martial arts training ground in the envious eyes of others.

Key turned his head to look at Sunan and asked, "How long does it take to refine a Black Rock Leopard?"

"Three or four hours will do."

Seeing that Key and the knights were happy, Sunan poured cold water on them again.

"The materials of the Black Rock Leopard are black iron and gemstones, and the cost of one is about thirty-eight gold coins."

Hearing this, Key frowned, but soon relaxed.

Compared to the increase in military strength, the cost of thirty-eight gold coins is nothing.

As long as the Black Rock Mine is there, Black Rock City will have a steady stream of gold coins.

In contrast, what Black Rock City is more in need of now is military strength.

Only with a strong army can we defend the cash cow of the Black Rock Mine.

"Don't worry about the money, I'll take care of it. Next, you will have to work hard to refine the Black Rock Leopard."

Sunan nodded calmly.

In addition to meditating and making secondary active potions every day, he spends the rest of his time reading books, and his sleep and rest are basically replaced by meditation. It is not difficult to take a few hours out of it to refine the Black Rock Leopard.

Moreover, refining the Black Rock Leopard can also increase the proficiency of puppet refining. When more and more puppets are refined and the level is improved, the time spent will become shorter and shorter.

This matter will not take up too much of his energy.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

In the summer hazy month (June), the rising temperature burned the leaves, and the scorching sun licked the ground day after day.

Although the weather was very hot, the faces of the residents in Black Rock City were covered with smiles.

With the restart of the Black Rock Mine, a large number of caravans were attracted to Black Rock City.

The prosperity of business has raised the living standards of the people to a higher level.

Although the city had just absorbed a large number of refugees not long ago, the Black Stone Mine, the army and the reclamation of wasteland were three places that absorbed these refugees very well, greatly eliminating the impact of the refugees on Black Stone City.

Everyone can see the prosperity of Black Stone City and are more hopeful about the future.

It is worth mentioning that Sunan's birthday is also in the month of summer.

Although Sunan said no, Keyi still insisted on holding a 17th birthday party for him.

All the knights of Black Stone City and several chambers of commerce that have close cooperation with Black Stone City sent representatives to attend the banquet.

Mu Zhuo, the president of the Firefox Chamber of Commerce, came in person and presented Sunan with a precious gift - twelve rubies!

Perhaps he heard that Black Stone City was purchasing gems.

In any case, this gift worth hundreds of gold coins is unique among all the gifts of the guests. The generosity of the gift has surprised many people secretly.

Sunan was also a little surprised.

He could sense that Mu Zhuo wanted to build a good relationship with him, but he just didn't understand why he did that.

Could it be that Mu Zhuo noticed his identity as a wizard apprentice?

And he also understood the meaning of this identity?

Although he was confused, Sunan did not reject Mu Zhuo's offer and had a warm conversation with him during the banquet.

"I heard that Mu Zhuo, the old fox, likes to invest in young people with potential. He probably knows that you are a wizard apprentice, and he probably understands the power of wizard apprentices, so he gave you such a big gift."

After the banquet, Keyi and Sunan returned to the study and sat down to talk about Mu Zhuo's actions tonight.

"However, the Fire Fox Chamber of Commerce has influence throughout the Jinghua Principality, and has cooperative relations with many chambers of commerce in the Star Principality. If you make friends with him, it will be much easier for you to collect wizard books and materials."

"Indeed." Sunan nodded and glanced at Keyi, "What happened? You seem to be a little absent-minded tonight."

"You saw it."

Key smiled bitterly, then looked serious.

"The spies I arranged for in Glitter City received information. Zolf, Norwood and Devon will all attend the harvest celebration held in Glitter City three months later!"

Zolf, Norwood and Devin were all subordinates who followed Baron Arnest on the battlefield, and they were promoted to lords by him.

However, when Baron Arneste died unexpectedly on the battlefield and Owen broke out to seize the title of baron, the three of them were intimidated by the power of the Marquis of Jinyan and chose to protect themselves wisely.

It was precisely because of the silence of the three that made Owen scrupulous and did not eliminate the two brothers immediately.

However, Key would not be grateful or forgive the three of them.

"If it weren't for my father, how would those three guys have the chance to obtain the title of Lord? But they have no gratitude at all, and now they have turned around and joined that bandit. Damn it!"

Compared to Keyi's anger, Sunan seemed calm and calm, and said calmly:

"Except for Black Rock City, Owen has now completely controlled the entire Flash Territory. I think he will attack us soon."

Key suppressed his anger and frowned.

What Sunan said was also what he was most worried about now.

After thinking for a while, he quickly made up his mind, slapped the armrest of the chair hard, stood up and said solemnly:

"We can't delay it any longer. We will attack the black-scaled lizard lair in three days and deal with the nearest threat first!"

After two months of training, the cavalry regiment formed by Key has begun to take shape.

Although there were only more than sixty people, there were twenty knights, and the rest were all trainee knights.

What's more, the entire cavalry regiment is equipped with a Black Rock Leopard as a mount.

Although he was a little behind on time, with this cavalry regiment in hand, Key was still somewhat confident in wiping out the black-scaled lizards.

"Let's do it. I'll go with you." Sunan stood up and said.

If the war is postponed to the Moon of Scrolls (August), and he is promoted to the second-class wizard apprentice before taking action against the black-scaled lizards, the losses will be minimized.

Now, even if we can win, the losses will inevitably be relatively large.

But that's not necessarily the case, after all, he still has the magic scroll as a trump card.

If you're lucky, you might get a good result.

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