Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 30: Blood transfusion due to bug

The brightly lit study room was peaceful and quiet.

Occasionally, the sound of pages turning could be heard.

Sunan sat behind the desk, flipping through the books intently.

In the void that others could not see, a reminder of the progress of spell learning flashed by every once in a while.

[Shield Spell] Sunan had already mastered it successfully.

Now he was learning [Charm Human], and the progress bar had exceeded 90%, and he would be able to master it successfully in two or three days.

But after that, he had no more spells to learn.

"Although I have entrusted the Firefox Chamber of Commerce, it is not so easy to find a suitable first-ring spell. I wonder how things are going?"

Sunan closed the book and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he looked up at the door of the room with a smile on his face.

"Where have you been going again? Are you kidding me?"


He was responded to by a hoarse cry.

As if an invisible curtain had been lifted, a giant lizard appeared out of thin air near the door, shaking its head at Sunan.

Perhaps because it was locked in the cage for too long, after coming out, Yinlong completely let himself go and ran around the inner castle every day.

It was also thanks to its perfect stealth ability of changing color and switching between reality and illusion that it did not cause panic.

No one has noticed its existence so far, including Key, the great knight.

Sunan had to sigh that his luck was really bursting, and the first contracted magic pet could awaken such a powerful ability.

In terms of physical strength alone, Yinlong is at most at the level of a junior great knight.

But with the ability of changing color and switching between reality and illusion, even a high-level great knight would die under the attack of Yinlong if he was not careful.

Moreover, Yinlong's physical strength still has a lot of room for development.

The reason lies in the dragon lizard blood in its body.

According to the information given by the magic cube, the current concentration of the dragon lizard blood in Yinlong's body is only 18.35%.

If the concentration of its dragon lizard blood can be increased, the power of Yinlong can naturally be greatly enhanced.

"Increase the blood concentration?"

Sunan's eyes flashed with a thoughtful look.

He had tried to give Yinlong a dragon blood potion, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.

Although the dragon blood potion contains sub-dragon blood, the effect has been modified to strengthen the physique. Even if Yinlong takes it, it cannot increase the blood concentration. At most, it can only slightly strengthen the physique.

So after thinking for a long time, Sunan decided to find another way and directly give Yinlong a blood transfusion.

With the synthesis cube, he can completely extract dragon lizard blood from Yinlong, synthesize it into higher-level sub-dragon blood, and then inject it into Yinlong's body to achieve the goal of blood transfusion.

Blood extraction, synthesis advancement, and blood transfusion, as long as this process is repeated continuously, the blood of Yinlong can be continuously improved!

Worth a try!

"Is this a bug?"

Sunan laughed at himself.

Of course, this process must be relatively long.

After all, the amount of blood after synthesis will be greatly reduced, and transfusing it back into Yinlong's body cannot make up for the blood that has been drawn. It is necessary to wait for Yinlong to generate new blood and recover by itself.

So blood transfusion can only be done once in a while.

As for extracting blood from the black-scaled lizard captives, not to mention that the amount of blood after synthesis is just a drop in the bucket, the fact that the repulsion of blood from different individuals will increase the difficulty and risk of blood exchange surgery is enough to make Sunan give up this idea.

In any case, blood exchange seems to be quite feasible, and Sunan thinks it is worth a try.

"It just so happens that the biological transformation has been upgraded to level 2 some time ago, so it shouldn't be difficult to do a blood exchange surgery."

Under Sunan's sharp gaze, Yinlong, who was lying on the ground, shuddered suddenly, recalling the fear of being dominated by blood extraction before.

Late at night.

The silver moon hung high in the sky, casting a veil-like moonlight.

In the darkness, two figures quietly climbed over the wall and sneaked into the yard.

Looking at the silent courtyard, the two looked at each other, both of them were a little confused.

How could the younger brother of the lord of Black Stone City not even see a guard where he lives?

The guards of the inner castle of Black Stone City were so lax?

If the guards of the other target were in the same situation, their assassination mission would be much easier.

After a brief eye contact, the two men in night clothes held the hilts of their swords and walked towards the corridor deep in the courtyard in tacit understanding.

According to the intelligence of the spies, Sunan rarely let servants enter the yard, so they didn't know which room he usually slept in. Now they could only search one room at a time.

Fortunately, there were no guards here, and there was no need to worry about being discovered if the search took too long.

Under the cover of the night, the two people's actions were very smooth and they were not blocked at all.

But for some reason, they always had a sense of uneasiness in their hearts, and their backs felt cold, as if they were being stared at by some dangerous existence.

But looking around, there was no one around.

The two thought they were too cautious, shook their heads to suppress the strangeness in their hearts, and continued to sneak in.

After crossing the courtyard, the two arrived in front of the corridor.

Looking at the closed door deep in the corridor, the two men grasped the hilts of their swords at the same time and silently took down the long swords on their waists.

However, at the moment of drawing the swords, the uneasiness in their hearts suddenly magnified, and a chill suddenly rushed up from their backs.

At this moment, the two men felt the fear of death at the same time.

With their rich combat experience over the years, the two men did not hesitate at all and decisively jumped to the left and right.

However, the man on the right had just jumped out three or four meters when his body suddenly solidified in midair. Several blood holes in an arc suddenly burst out of his chest, and his head and feet twisted into a strange and unnatural angle.

After the other killer landed and stood firm, he looked up and saw this scene, and his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

The bright moonlight shone through the spraying blood mist, vaguely reflecting the figure of a giant beast that was more than ten meters long, covered with scales all over its body, and on all fours.

Its mouth full of sharp teeth bit its companion tightly, and blood flowed from its twitching body.

It was obvious that his companion was no longer alive.

"Star God, what kind of monster is this?!"

The man took a breath of cold air.

It's not that he had never seen ferocious beasts before, but a monster like this one that was more than ten meters long and could be invisible, so that the two knights could not detect any breath, was simply unheard of!


The monster vomited out the corpse, hissing from its mouth, and its huge body slowly disappeared in the moonlight.

The man's scalp suddenly numbed, and he turned around and ran without thinking. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the wall of the courtyard and jumped over the wall.

But the next second, he was suddenly hit hard by a high-speed flying boulder, and his bones made a "crackling" sound. He screamed and flew more than ten meters away and fell to the ground.

After being hit hard, the man still did not give up. He roared and spit out a mouthful of blood and flesh, struggled to get up and wanted to escape, but then he felt his body sink, as if something stepped on his back.

The next second, severe pain came like a tide, drowning his consciousness.

Thank you for the reward from Xianyouan, thank you!

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