Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 37 Poor Cubero

Late at night.

The deep night enveloped the entire alley.

Standing in the shadows, Sunan stared at the brightly lit mansion in the distance.

This ordinary-looking mansion, which seemed a little inconspicuous compared to the many magnificent noble houses in Shizhong City, was one of the bases of the Spark Cult in Jinyan Province.

After arriving in Shizhong City, Sunan squatted in the vicinity for three days and tracked many people in and out, but unfortunately, it was finally discovered that they had nothing to do with the pursuit of magical creatures.

He didn't intend to waste too much time here, so he simply decided to catch someone tonight for interrogation.

Not waiting too long, the right target soon appeared.

A man in a cold-proof cloak walked out of the mansion, first looked around calmly, and then hurried into the night.

Sunan did not follow him immediately, but waited patiently for a while, and then walked out of the alley naturally and walked in the direction the man left.

Yinlong had already followed him in advance. With it, there was no need to worry about losing the target.

This distance would not arouse the target's vigilance.

Following the man from a distance, after circling around for almost half an hour, Yinlong finally received a message that the target had stopped.

Sunan immediately quickened his pace.

Not long after, he arrived at the place where Yinlong was.

"What is this guy doing here?"

Sunan raised his eyebrows and looked at the residential house in front of him.

This is just an ordinary house located in a civilian residential area. What is that Spark Cultist doing here in the middle of the night?

Signaling Yinlong to stay on the spot and let out the wind, Sunan immediately blessed himself with a layer of wind energy particles, and then his body lightly crossed the courtyard wall and landed silently on the ground in the courtyard.

As soon as he landed, his powerful perception captured the sound coming from the room, and his face suddenly showed an extremely strange expression.

".My dear, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, dear Honey. The old man Kubero has been so busy with the manor recently that he has no time to pay attention to me. We will have a lot of time to meet next time."

"That's great. Now let me taste the taste of Lord and Lady Kubero."

Then there was a burst of ambiguous and intimate voices.


Su Nan couldn't help but feel a little pity for Lord Kubero, whom he had never met.

It was miserable enough to be involved with evil spirits, and his wife also put a hat on him, which was really pitiful.

Shaking his head, Su Nan didn't hide his tracks and strode towards the room.

He had already sensed that there was no other life fluctuation in the whole house except the two people inside.

Come to think of it, these two people came to have a tryst, so it was naturally impossible for them to bring extra people.

"Who is it!"

The man in the room soon noticed Su Nan's undisguised footsteps.

When Su Nan pushed the door open, the man had already jumped off the bed, reached out to take the weapon on the table, and stared at the door with vigilance.

On the bed behind him, a beautiful woman with heavy makeup wrapped in a quilt, huddled at the head of the bed in panic.

"Who are you?" the man asked sternly.

Su Nan did not answer, raised his hand and shot out a flash of lightning to hit the man.

The man had no time to react at all, and fell to the ground with convulsions, his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Seeing this scene, the lady on the bed was so scared that she covered her face with her hands, took a deep breath and prepared to scream, but it was a pity that the pre-casting of taking a breath took too much time. Su Nan threw his hand and shot out a flash of lightning, and the lady also convulsed and fainted.

Closing the door casually, Su Nan used the magician's hand to pick up the unconscious man from the ground and wake him up.

Before the man could speak, he had already cast the charm of humans, and the man's eyes suddenly became sluggish.


"Honey Diomand."

"Position in the Spark Church."

"Three-star believer."

Su Nan was slightly disappointed.

Below the Spark Church priests, ordinary believers are divided into one-star to five-star believers from the lowest to the highest.

Three-star believers are still at the bottom of the Spark Church, and they probably don't get involved in too core affairs.

"Do you know about the capture of magical creatures?"


Su Nan's spirits lifted slightly: "Tell me in detail."

Honey paused, then said with a dull look: "The people in charge of this matter are Priest Troy and Priest Ryan. They go out almost every day, but they haven't been able to catch the magical creature so far. The priest is very annoyed about this."

"Go out every day? Then why haven't I seen anyone entering or leaving the manor?"

"Those people enter and exit the manor through the underground secret passage."

Su Nan patted his forehead, speechless.

Come to think of it, this is a secret stronghold. It is naturally impossible for the people of the Spark Church to frequently enter and exit the gate in a swaggering manner, otherwise people would have noticed something wrong long ago.

It is normal for a stronghold to have a secret passage.

It is just that he has been in a blind spot and has not thought of this.


Sunan laughed at himself, and then asked:

"Where do those who capture magical creatures usually go?"

"North of the city." Honey said blankly, "For some reason, the range of activities of that magical creature has always been limited to the north of the city, so Troy priests have been searching in the north of the city."

Sunan understood.

It seems that the search range will be transferred to the north of the city.

Although he knew there was a secret passage in the Xinghuo Sect's base, who knows where the exit of the secret passage leads to. What if the exit is in a remote abandoned well or a residential building? It is unknown how long it will take to find it.

In comparison, it is better to try your luck in the north of the city.

Once the Xinghuo Sect finds the magical creature, the pursuit process will definitely be very noisy. He and Yinlong search separately, and the probability of finding it is still not small.

Yinlong's ability to convert reality into reality is very suitable for finding people in towns with complex terrain.

While thinking, Su Nan had already made a plan in his mind.

He asked for a while, until he was sure that he could not get any more valuable information, he was ready to get rid of Honey.

But at this moment, Su Nan's expression suddenly moved, and he turned his head abruptly to look at the table next to him.

The doors and windows of the room were all closed, not opened, and only a trace of moonlight came in through the gaps in the doors and windows, like silver lines printed on the ground and the table.

A kitten was standing on the table, just crossing the silver line in the middle of the table. The bright moonlight illuminated its slender body, shiny and smooth snow-white fur, and gem-like ice-blue eyes.


Sunan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly fixed. He turned his wrist, and an earth rune gem appeared between his index and middle fingers, ready to be activated at any time.

The doors and windows of the room were closed. How did the cat get in?

Besides, with his own perception, how could he not notice a cat approaching him?

There is a problem!

Just when Sunan was in doubt, the kitten walked towards him naturally.

The slender body showed a graceful curve while walking, and the steps were light and vigorous, with a dreamy brilliance.

There was also a delicate and small golden bell tied with a red lace around her neck.

For a moment, Sunan actually had the illusion that he saw a rich lady taking a lazy walk in her own yard.

Walking to the edge of the table, the kitten jumped down and landed lightly on the ground. He raised his head and looked at Sunan and Honey with his gem-like ice-blue eyes, revealing human curiosity.

"Meow, what are you doing?"

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