Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 43 High Concentration Energy Area


The sword blade with fighting spirit tore through the air, stirring up a piercing sonic boom!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Sunan fell into the deadly danger of being besieged.

However, there was no panic on his face. His right hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed the sword blade attacking from the right.

There was a dull sound, and the sword blade seemed to hit the tough leather. The fighting spirit and the yellow halo fought fiercely, but they could not break through.

On the other side, the long sword attacking from the left was also blocked by an invisible shield and could not advance an inch.

The fierce attack of the two great knights, which had been prepared for a long time, was easily resolved.

"Are the remaining two priests here? It's just right to deal with them together."

Sunan stood up and glanced at the two people on his left and right with indifference.

The two priests who were in shock saw that the enemy did not take them seriously at all, and they were immediately enraged. They shouted and rushed forward again.

Sunan threw out two rune gems without hesitation, and the blazing flames and dazzling lightning suddenly erupted, rushing forward like a long dragon, instantly submerging the two people.

After the deafening roar, there were two more corpses on the ground.

"Meow, Sunan is so powerful!" Amy shouted 666.

Although the little guy was simple, he looked accustomed to the bloody death scene. It was estimated that his previous owner had blood on his hands.

After solving the two priests, the remaining Spark Cultists seemed to be afraid, and no one jumped out to stop Sunan.

Running wildly with wind energy particles all the way, after more than ten breaths, one person and one cat arrived at the main building deep in the manor.

"The thing is on the second floor!" Amy pointed to the middle room on the second floor with her fleshy claws.

Sunan jumped high on the spot, broke through the window and entered the room, and then blasted a wall under Amy's guidance and found a secret room.

There was only a stone platform and three boxes inside.

On the stone platform was the divine blood amber he was looking for.

There were twenty-four in total!

Sunan accepted them all without hesitation.

Including the previous ones, he now had twenty-six divine blood ambers.

When Sunan opened the other three boxes, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Golden coins!

The three boxes were all filled with gold coins, estimated to be no less than two thousand!

"I didn't expect these guys to be so rich."

Sunan sighed, and then put all the gold coins into the magic cube.

After doing all this, he quickly left the main building and ran out of the manor.

Not long ago, the hidden dragon sent a message that the three people chasing it seemed to have discovered something wrong and were rushing back to the manor.

Unfortunately, they were destined to miss it.

Rushing out of the manor, Sunan's footsteps did not stop, and disappeared in the night in a blink of an eye.

Not long after, three figures rushed into the manor and headed straight for the main building.

When Casper saw the emptied secret room, his eyes almost went dark.

"Damn thief! Beast!"

After coming to his senses, Casper, who was extremely angry, smashed the desk next to him with a sword.

The two priests behind him lowered their heads in fear, not saying a word, for fear of touching bad luck.

At this moment, a Spark cultist rushed in and said in a panic: "Priest, it's bad, we found the bodies of Priest Braun and Priest Lori in the warehouse."

Before he finished speaking, Casper's figure flashed in front of the cultist, grabbed his collar, and asked with a sullen face: "What about the underground warehouse, is there any trouble?"

The cultist was startled and stammered: "The bodies of two priests are in front of the door of the underground warehouse, and everything in the warehouse has been emptied."

"A bunch of trash!"

Before the cultist finished speaking, the extremely angry Casper had already slapped him on the forehead.

The unlucky guy didn't even have time to hum, and died tragically in an instant.

"Damn you, I will find you!"

Casper's angry roar was heard far away in the middle of the night.

Just as Casper was furious, Sunan had quietly returned to the tavern room.

At the same time, Yinlong also returned to the vicinity of the tavern and found a place to hide.

After checking and making sure that no one had entered the room since he left, Sunan sat down and took out all the spoils he got tonight.

Looking at the more than 20 pieces of divine blood amber on the table, Sunan was full of joy.

Opening the Rubik's Cube and putting the divine blood amber in one by one, Sunan stared at the information on the synthesis interface.

After putting in six pieces of divine blood amber in a row, the information on the synthesis interface finally showed obvious changes.

[Divine blood amber, divine blood content 0.4 ml, carrying it with you can greatly increase the attraction to energy particles, with low mental pollution, long-term close contact will lead to changes in thinking and cognition, and generate faith in the source of divine blood. 】

Compared to before, the attraction of the divine blood amber to energy particles has increased significantly, and the mental pollution has also been significantly weakened.

In joy, Sunan put all the remaining divine blood amber into the magic cube in one breath, and the synthesis interface information changed significantly again.

[Divine blood amber, with a divine blood content of 1.3 ml, can attract free energy particles after contact with the air, forming a high-concentration energy area. When in this area, slight auditory and visual hallucinations will occur, and mental strength above 18 can be immune. 】


Sunan was delighted.

After the synthesis of the God Blood Amber, the side effects of mental pollution have completely disappeared, leaving only a little side effect of auditory and visual hallucinations.

Sunan guessed that it was the prayers he heard before and the magnificent hall he saw.

However, as long as there is no mental pollution, a little slight auditory and visual hallucinations can be completely accepted.

Moreover, when the mental power reaches 18 or above, this side effect can also be immune.

Compared with the initial God Blood Amber, the final synthetic product is undoubtedly much better.

Without hesitation, Sunan decisively chose to synthesize.

When the synthesized God Blood Amber was taken out of the magic cube, he clearly felt that the free energy particles in the surrounding air quickly gathered together, with the God Blood Amber as the center, forming a dense area of ​​energy particles with a radius of about two meters.

Bathed in the dense energy particles, Sunan felt that his mind was unprecedentedly clear and active.

Even without his active absorption, many energy particles had already sunk into his body and the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, strengthening his body while filling the star ring.

"In this case, meditation can be at least two or three times more efficient than before, or even more!"

Strong joy surged in Sunan's chest.

The effect of the synthetic product is much better than he expected!

With the God Blood Amber, the time he needs to advance to the third-level wizard apprentice can be shortened by at least half!

With the God Blood Amber alone, his trip to Stone Bell City was not in vain!

"Meow, what's going on? How come all the energy particles are running to you?"

Amy soon noticed the strange phenomenon around Sunan, jumped up from the table in surprise, and stared blankly at the God Blood Amber in the latter's hand.

"That God Blood Amber is strange. Why does it seem to be different?"

"I made a little modification to it."

Involving his own secrets, Sunan did not explain too much. He said a vague perfunctory sentence and put away the God Blood Amber, and turned to look at the things on the table.

The things left by Amy's mysterious master were basically books or magic items.

He had already read the books roughly, but as for the magic items, because time was tight at the time, he did not have time to carefully identify them. Now he had time, so he picked them up one by one and looked at them carefully.

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