Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 45 Bloody Mandala

The night passed and the dawn arrived.

As soon as the sky was light, Sunan took Amy out of the tavern.

The residence of Amy's master, the mysterious wizard, was located in the Sharp Stone Valley east of Shizhong City.

More than ten kilometers out of the city is a pine forest. Following the dense trees all the way east, over two hills, you will enter the scope of the Sharp Stone Valley.

After entering the valley, the further you go, the more desolate the environment becomes, and the terrain gradually becomes rugged.

There is almost no vegetation on the surface, and there are jagged sharp rocks everywhere. Dead grass and thorns grow out of the cracks in the rock wall, making a creaking sound as the cold mountain wind blows.

Sunan was a little puzzled why the wizard chose to live in such a desolate place.

But then he thought that it was a thousand years ago, and maybe a thousand years ago, the Sharp Stone Valley was not what it is now.

Amy lay quietly on Sunan's shoulder, licking her paws boredly.

It was not until the sun rose from behind the distant mountains that the man and the cat finally arrived at a river beach.

"Meow, walk along the river and you will reach the place." Amy pointed to the front and said.

Sunan did not leave immediately, but ordered the hidden dragon hiding nearby to explore the front first.

This place has long been known to the Xinghuo Sect. If the latter wants to catch them, they will most likely send people to squat here, so it is better to be careful.

However, after a round of search, no one was found hiding nearby.

"It seems that those guys have not recovered from the battle last night."

Sunan was relieved and walked towards the upper reaches of the river.

Under Amy's guidance, he soon found a cave in the middle of a rock wall.

With the blessing of wind energy particles, Sunan easily climbed up the rock wall and entered the cave.

The cave was dark, but the passage was very flat and spacious, and traces of artificial construction could be seen everywhere.

Sunan casually took out a night-shining pearl as a light source and walked inside.

At the end of the passage was an extremely spacious circular hall, with square granite bricks on the ground, engraved with dense and strange patterns, like some kind of large magic array.

However, many of the patterns have faded and blurred, and the magic array has long been unable to start.

There are more than ten doors on the surrounding walls.

"Behind that door is the apprentice living area, where wizard apprentices basically rest."

"That leads to the plantation, which used to have many strange magic plants and many elves, but now they are gone."

"That is the warehouse, and this is the magic experiment square."

Amy introduced to Sunan where the doors led one by one, and she knew them all.

The area of ​​the entire building is unusually large, with passages extending in all directions and countless rooms. It can be said to be a castle built inside the mountains.

Judging from the runes that look like crystal marks left on the wall, this should have been a building similar to a wizard tower.

But now it has been destroyed and fallen.

Sunan originally thought that he could find a bargain here, but he got nothing along the way.

The Xinghuo Cult's ability to act was higher than he expected. They emptied the place directly without leaving anything valuable.

"It's a pity that this place is too remote and the surrounding environment is a bit desolate, otherwise we could build a laboratory and magic plant garden here."

Sunan thought with some regret.

Since he couldn't find anything valuable, he didn't stay any longer and turned around and left with Amy.

After walking out of the cave, Sunan suddenly remembered something and asked Amy: "The people of the Xinghuo Cult said that you had been wandering around the north of the city before. Why?"

Amy was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Meow, I almost forgot, there is still something I haven't brought back!"

Sunan was surprised: "What is it?"

"It's the bloody mandragora. After the bad guys took this magic plant away, they didn't know why they put it in a big house. I wanted to take it back, but there was a very powerful evil spirit guarding it, and I couldn't beat it!"

Bloody mandragora!

Sunan was surprised.

In his impression, this is a very evil magic plant that feeds on the blood of living people. As it matures, its rhizomes become brighter red, and eventually they will become as red as blood.

Once fully mature, the bloody mandragora will emit hidden mental fluctuations, creating illusions to lure nearby creatures and devour their souls.

When it has devoured enough souls, terrible evil spirits will be born in the bloody mandragora, and they will start to kill nearby living people and devour souls to strengthen themselves.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that places where bloody mandragora are cultivated generally have to set up corresponding restraining arrays.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause evil spirit disasters in the end.

Thinking of the ghost rumors he heard in the tavern before, Sunan suddenly understood.

The big house that Amy mentioned is most likely Lord Kubero's manor.

"It seems that it is most likely that the Spark Cult designed to get the bloody mandragora into that manor, but what is their purpose in doing so?"

After a little thought, Sunan quickly figured out the joints.

Shizhong City is the central city of Yinyue Territory, and Viscount Yinyue happens to be one of the nobles who does not get along with Marquis Jinyan.

If an evil spirit appears in his territory, Viscount Yinyue must find a way to deal with it. Otherwise, if he leaves it alone, the harm of the evil spirit will soon expand and eventually endanger the entire Shizhong City.

And relying solely on the power of the knights to eliminate the evil spirit, it is unknown how many lives will be lost.

Even if the evil spirit is finally removed, the Silver Moon Territory will certainly be seriously injured.

By then, Marquis Jinyan and the Spark Cult will be able to take advantage of the situation.

This evil spirit incident is most likely another part of Marquis Jinyan's conspiracy to control the Jinyan Province!

"This guy is really not quiet at all."

Su Nan secretly complained, and then his mind became active again.

Although the bloody mandragora is very harmful, it is also a very rare magic plant with a wide range of uses.

For example, the formula of the evil hallucination potion that can increase mental power that I saw in Angel McLean's diary before, its main ingredient is the juice of the bloody mandragora.

Angel McLean has been looking for the bloody mandragora for decades but has not found it, but he found it under such circumstances. It must be said that fate is playing tricks on people.

"Among the materials for making evil hallucination potions, the bloody mandragora is the rarest. Other materials can be synthesized through the magic cube. As long as I get this bloody mandragora, I can make evil hallucination potions continuously."

Su Nan was excited for a moment, but soon calmed down.

"Evil spirits are not easy to deal with. It's better to prepare more trump cards before going."

Su Nan thought of the two half-damaged magic items he had just obtained last night.

If these two magic items can be repaired, it will undoubtedly be more certain to deal with evil spirits.

In addition, he can't help Yin Yueling solve the problem for nothing, and he still has to get the reward he deserves.

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