Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 5 Spell Model

Early the next morning.

Kei led the army out of the city in a hurry, hunting the black-scaled lizardmen with great momentum.

Sunan stayed in the room as usual, doing his own things.

In the study room with closed doors and windows, the bright yellow candlelight flickered.

Sunan sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed.

After about two hours, he ended his meditation and opened his eyes.

On the panel, the proficiency of the star ring meditation technique increased by 5 points.

Mental power also increased by 0.01.

"At this rate, it will take about half a year to build the first star ring."

Sunan's eyes flickered slightly.

According to the description in the enlightenment book, without the help of external forces, most wizard apprentices will take two to three years to build the first star ring.

Wizard apprentices with excellent qualifications can shorten this time to about one year.

From this point of view, even if the buff effect of the silver moon flower essence is removed, his "qualification" is also very outstanding.

After all, in most games, players with digital panels are rare geniuses compared to natives.

However, Sunan is still not satisfied.

It takes more than half a year to build the first star ring, and the second and third star rings will take even longer.

It will probably take three or four years to be promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice.

Wouldn't it take more than ten or twenty years to be promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice?

What about being promoted to a formal wizard?

Hundreds of years?

You should know that the life span of a wizard apprentice is not much longer than that of an ordinary person.

Without physical transformation, it will not exceed two hundred years at most.

Only when the promoted wizard breaks through the shackles and the essence of life is sublimated, the life span will be greatly improved.

Sunan's goal is to be promoted to a wizard before his life ends, so that he can live until the recovery of the elements a thousand years later.

"We still need to further improve the efficiency of meditation."

Sunan got up and walked to the bookshelf, taking out the "Zero-level Potion Encyclopedia".

This book records the recipes of eighteen zero-level potions.

In addition to the dragon blood potion, there are also brute force potions, healing potions, swiftness potions, photosensitivity potions, etc.

Among them, what Su Nan is most interested in is a zero-level potion called secondary active potion.

The effect of this potion is similar to that of the silver moon flower essence, both of which increase mental activity, but the effect is much stronger than the latter, and it can be regarded as an upgraded version of the silver moon flower essence.

"If there is a secondary active potion to assist meditation, it can be promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice in one or two years at most."

Su Nan's heart is burning.

However, when he saw the materials needed to make the secondary active potion, his excitement cooled down again.

Although materials such as Suxin grass, dragon eye mint and black-spotted python bone powder are precious, you can always find them as long as you are willing to spend time.

But the juice of the Mingxin tree is a headache.

In Su Nan's limited game memory, the Mingxin tree seems to be only in the southern Cangjin Empire.

It is thousands of kilometers away and it is impossible to get the juice of the Mingxin tree.

"We can only try to see if we can use Silver Moon Flower Essence as a substitute."

The main effect of the sap of the Heart-clearing Tree is to enhance mental activity, which is similar to Silver Moon Flower Essence.

The feasibility of using Silver Moon Flower Essence as a substitute is still quite high.

The key is that Silver Moon Flower is not a particularly precious item.

One silver coin can buy one.

However, whether it is feasible or not, we have to wait until other materials are collected before further experiments.

In addition, the secondary active potion is also the most difficult to make among the zero-level potions.

Su Nan estimated that at least level 2 potion making is required to get started.

Otherwise, the success rate must be shockingly low.

"During this period, use the secondary dragon blood potion to brush proficiency. When the materials are collected, the potion making should be almost upgraded to level 2, and then we can conduct experiments."

Su Nan put down the "Zero-level Potion Encyclopedia" and took a few spell model books from the cabinet.

There are only four spell models left by the predecessor.

They are the Hand of the Mage, Acid Splash, Sleeping Spell and Flash.

Without exception, they are all the lowest level zero-ring spells.

But it just fits Sunan's current situation.

If it is a first-ring spell, it is basically impossible to master it with his current mental power.

Sunan opened the page, which was filled with dense text and various complex and complicated models.

The spell model is the basis for mastering spells.

To release a spell, you need to use mental power to compile the corresponding spell model first, and then use the model to induce energy particles, and release it in a special way, which becomes the so-called spell.

In simple terms, the spell model is a CPU processor that converts energy particles into various spells.

It's just that this processor is extremely precise and complex, and the dense spell circuits and spell nodes are enough to make people's scalps numb.

Even the simplest zero-ring spell model is far more complex than ordinary people can imagine.

And each spell model involves several branches of knowledge.

Take the Mage's Hand as an example. It involves energy circulation and force field energy conversion. If you want to master the Mage's Hand, you have to find books related to these two subjects, learn and integrate them.

Therefore, the time required for wizard apprentices to learn a spell is often measured in years.

However, Su Nan, the cheater, is an exception.

With his own player panel, he doesn't need to understand the knowledge in the book, nor does he need to master the pre-requisite knowledge. He can increase his spell learning progress by reading the spell book.

——Even if he doesn't understand it at all!

Similarly, he doesn't need to work hard to build a complex spell model in his mind.

As long as the learning progress is full, he can master the spell instantly, and the related knowledge involved can also be integrated in an instant.

This is the advantage of the player.

Opening the spell model book of the Mage's Hand, Sunan reads it attentively.

About half an hour later, a line of text slowly appeared in front of him.

[Reading "Mage's Hand Spell Model", "Mage's Hand" learning progress +0.08%]

In the following time, Sunan meditated every day and read spell books.

Occasionally, he took time to deal with the black-scaled lizard corpse sent by Keyi, and took blood to make secondary dragon blood potion.

As his skill proficiency increased, his skills in making potions became more and more proficient, and his success rate gradually increased.

Later, three portions of sub-dragon blood could make one bottle of secondary dragon blood potion.

After half a month, he had accumulated eleven bottles of secondary dragon blood potion.

When Key returned to the meeting hall of the inner castle of Black Stone City, he saw Sunan and the potions neatly arranged on the table.

"Is this the potion that can enhance physical fitness that you said?"

Key picked up a bottle of potion and looked at the bright red liquid shaking in the transparent glass bottle with a look of amazement on his face.

The knights around him also stretched their necks to look at the potions on the table, revealing fiery eyes.

After all, according to Sunan, these potions are also effective for formal knights.

Who doesn't want to become stronger?

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