Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 55 It can be called a miracle

Based on the materials used, golems can be roughly divided into flesh golems, clay golems, stone golems, metal golems, and supreme golems, etc.

Among them, flesh golems are more special. Their power depends on the quality of the flesh and blood used to make the golems, and the upper and lower limits are extremely wide.

From low-level flesh golems made of beasts, their combat power is not much stronger than that of primary knights.

From god-body golems made of the flesh and blood of gods, even true spirit wizards have to retreat when they encounter them.

Clay golems are more often used as laborers. Their combat power is not particularly strong. At most, they can bully apprentice knights.

Stone golems are slightly better, but they are only at the combat power level of formal knights.

There are much richer types of metal golems.

Iron golems, adamantium golems, shadow steel golems, diamond golems, etc.

Generally speaking, the more expensive the materials, the more powerful the golems made.

Even the lowest-level iron golems have the combat power of legendary knights.

Such as Shadow Steel Golem and Diamond Golem, they are more than enough to fight against formal wizards.

Of course, the manufacturing cost of such golems is also astronomical.

Sunan doesn't know whether Starlight Continent can find all the materials to manufacture Shadow Steel Golem and Diamond Golem now.

As for the Supreme Golem, it is the original form of the magic energy construct.

On top of this original form, wizards have also developed legendary construct life such as Arcane Guardian, Magic Energy Mecha, Tower Spirit Construct, Mithril Sage, etc.

This kind of legendary construct life is generally used to deal with gods.

In addition to the above golems, there are also special models of golems such as Deep Dark Golem, Strangling Golem, Skeleton Golem, etc.

However, because the function is relatively simple, generally only wizards with special needs will make it.

In general, the combat effectiveness of golems varies greatly depending on the type.

Many wizards will make golems to serve as labor or guards.

Sunan has had similar ideas.

But if you want to make a golem, the soul core is indispensable.

Soul cores can give golems simple intelligence, allowing them to do less complex repetitive work.

Clay golems and stone golems are fine, as they do not require high quality soul cores, and gemstones can be used as soul cores.

But higher-level metal golems must use soul crystals.

According to mass energy and quantity energy, soul crystals can be divided into five levels: micro, small, medium, large and legendary.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of soul crystals used, the smarter the golems made.

The soul crystals that Sunan got from the Kubero Manor before were only the lowest-grade micro soul crystals.

It is okay to make steel golems, but it is beyond the ability of higher-level golems.

However, Sunan is already very satisfied with having a steel golem at this stage.

"Once the magic crystal forging furnace is built, start making golems."

The second book that interested Sunan was about how to artificially make secondary magic stones.

The so-called secondary magic stones refer to energy crystals that are artificially made and contain less energy than magic stones.

Although it is not as versatile and functional as real magic stones, it can be used as a substitute for magic stones in many places, so it is called secondary magic stones.

In the heyday of wizards a thousand years ago, the scope of use of secondary magic stones was not very wide.

However, with the sharp decline in the concentration of energy particles, all the magic stone veins in the Starlight Continent have been exhausted, and there is no more naturally produced magic stone, so the importance of secondary magic stones has become prominent.

It can even be said that secondary magic stones are now the only choice for wizard apprentices when choosing energy crystals.

"This is good."

"For secondary magic stones, real magic stones should be synthesized using magic cubes!"

Sunan's eyes lit up.

If there are magic stones, it will be much easier to build a magic crystal forging furnace in the future and set up an energy particle gathering array when opening a magic plant garden.

Putting the sorted books aside, Sunan turned to look at the last box.

The box contains some things that look very old.

However, after checking them, Sunan found that most of them were antiques and had no meaning to him.

There were only two objects with some lines on the surface, which showed that they were once magic items.

However, due to the erosion of time, these two items are now completely destroyed.

"Magic items from thousands of years ago are basically unusable now. I was lucky to get the protection ring and magic coin before."

"It seems that I still have to be self-reliant and make magic items myself."

Su Nan packed up the useless things, ordered the servants to clean them up, and then walked to the laboratory.

This time, a lot of rune gems were used.

Considering that he would attack the Flashing City next, he had to make another batch of rune gems for self-defense.

He exchanged all the more than 2,000 gold coins he got from the Spark Cult's stronghold for various gems, and he planned to use half of them to make rune gems.

Baron Owen's attack on Black Stone City attracted the attention of many nobles.

When Baron Owen took advantage of his brother's death in battle, disregarded his face and directly seized the title, and exiled his two nephews to Black Stone City, it caused quite a stir in Jinyan Province.

Many people speculated that once Baron Owen had integrated the Shining Territory and had secured his title, he would be free to wipe out the root of the problem.

And the development of the situation was not unexpected.

Baron Owen could not wait to send troops almost as soon as winter was over.

The accusation used was that Black Stone City colluded with the Spark Cult, which was a lie that anyone with a discerning eye could tell was nonsense.

Many nobles could not stand Baron Owen's shameless behavior and felt sympathy for the Key brothers.

But no one thought that Black Stone City could defeat Baron Owen.

After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was so great that it was almost obvious at a glance.

But the final result surprised everyone who paid attention to this matter.

Baron Owen was defeated!

And it was a miserable defeat!

The 5,000-strong army was beaten to pieces, and only about half of them escaped.

The elite cavalry regiment was completely wiped out.

The leading Knight Martell and three lords died on the spot!

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as heavy casualties!

After this battle, the strength of Baron Owen and Black Stone City can be said to have been completely reversed.

For a time, all the nobles in Jinyan Province had a new understanding of the strength of Black Stone City.

And the name Sunan also officially entered the vision of many nobles.

According to the fleeing soldiers, the three lords and Knight Martell all died at the hands of Sunan.

The latter can release lightning, wind blades and summon bloody vines, and his methods are amazing.

He also has a giant beast that can be invisible.

It was because of the sudden attack of the giant beast that the army quickly collapsed and eventually led to defeat.

It can be said that the defeat of Flash City this time was mostly due to Sunan.

He changed the outcome of the war with his own strength!

All the nobles who heard this information were dumbfounded.

You know, even a strong knight can't do such a thing.

Unless a legendary knight takes action, there may be some possibility.

At the age of less than 20, he can do something that even legendary knights may not be able to do. It can be called a miracle!

It was from this incident that the nobles of Jinyan Province knew that the legend about wizards was true!

For a time, except for the small group of nobles standing at the top of the pyramid who already knew the wizard's secret, everyone else began to collect information about the wizard.

And on the fourth day after the war ended, an even more shocking news came out, causing an uproar in Jinyan Province.

Black Stone City officially sent out troops, aiming directly at Flash City!

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