Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 59 Waiting for a Storm

At the end of the month of Winter Qin, the snow has not completely dissipated.

There is still some time before the arrival of the wind of revival, but the entire Jinyan Province is quietly restless.

Two major events that have happened recently have made the aristocratic circles of the entire Jinyan Province boil.

The first thing is related to the Storm Territory.

After being in a coma for more than half a year, the Count of Storm was finally announced dead.

The title was unexpectedly inherited by the youngest son of the Count of Storm.

At the subsequent inheritance ceremony, the Marquis of Jinyan attended and gave his blessing to the new Count of Storm.

The second thing is that the position of the Flash Baron has changed hands again.

To be honest, many nobles have been mentally prepared for this result.

It's just that the course of events was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Black Stone City almost captured Flash City without bloodshed.

According to the battle report, the Black Stone City army just arrived at Flash City before the city gate was shattered, and several generals were torn into several pieces in the public eye, and died tragically on the spot.

So before the war even started, the defenders of Flash City collapsed.

The Black Stone City army then marched straight in and took over the entire Flash City without much effort.

This result really shocked many people.

And more discerning people, when they saw this battle report, guessed the role played by Sunan in this victory.

After the war, many nobles were waiting for the reaction of Marquis Jinyan.

After all, everyone knew that Marquis Jinyan was behind Owen.

Now that Owen was hanged and the position of the Flash Baron changed hands, if Marquis Jinyan did nothing, his prestige would inevitably drop sharply.

But what is surprising is that Marquis Jinyan did not react at all after the war for a long time.

Let the new Flash Baron Key Yanest easily conquer the entire Flash Territory and gradually sit firmly on the position of Baron.

Many nobles were puzzled.

Only a few nobles who were close to Marquis Jinyan, such as Earl Winter Frost, Viscount Black Ze and Viscount Feathered Serpent, knew what the latter was afraid of.

Jinyan City, Inner Castle.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, two men in cloaks walked through the courtyard and entered the spacious and bright corridor.

The corridor was hung with expensive oil paintings on both sides. The sun shone through the window, making the gilded frames sparkle.

Casper was the last one, and his eyes swept over an oil painting, and his mouth twitched slightly.

He remembered that this oil painting of Princess Jinghua had appeared at a large auction not long ago, and it was sold at a high price of 3,800 gold coins.

And such a precious oil painting is now hanging on the corridor.

Looking at the dozens of oil paintings on the corridor whose value is not much worse than that of Princess Jinghua, Casper couldn't help but sigh secretly.

It is said that Marquis Jinyan is rich enough to rival a country, and now it seems that the rumor is true.

In this world, gold coins represent strength, and it is no wonder that Marquis Jinyan is unwilling to be just a hegemon.

While thinking, the three of them have come to the room at the end of the corridor.

The butler raised his hand and knocked on the door gently, saying, "My Lord, the two distinguished guests have arrived."

"Come in."

A deep and deep voice came from inside.

The butler gently pushed the door open, then turned sideways and motioned the two to come in.

Walking into the study, Marquis Jin Yan was standing sideways in front of the window, staring at the sky outside, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just two months ago, Marquis Jin Yan had just celebrated his sixtieth birthday, but his black hair was still as shiny as before, and his facial skin was tight and rosy. Anyone who saw him would think he was only in his early thirties.

"Master Yoris, long time no see."

Marquis Jin Yan turned around, a smile appeared on his tough face, and raised his hand to motion the two to sit down.

"Long time no see, Marquis, I am very happy to see you are well."

After Marquis Jin Yan sat down, Yoris also sat down opposite him.

As for Casper, he consciously stood aside.

He was not qualified to sit in front of these two.

"I'm old, and my health is starting to decline. The hidden injuries left by previous battles flare up from time to time. Time is unforgiving."

"You're joking, Marquis. You're much healthier than me."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries like ordinary friends, and then Marquis Jinyan got down to business.

"Master Yoris came all the way to see me. It's not just to chat with me about family matters, is it?"

Yoris's smile faded, and he said solemnly: "This time I came to see the Marquis, mainly because of Sunan's matter."

As soon as the word Sunan came out, a trace of haze flashed across Marquis Jinyan's face, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Casper on the side subconsciously tensed his body.

At this moment, Marquis Jinyan truly revealed a trace of the overlord of Jinyan Province and the sharp edge of the old legendary knight.

"Sunan? Did he offend your church?" Marquis Jinyan raised his eyebrows and asked.

In his impression, the only intersection between Sunan and the Spark Cult was the incident when the Spark Cult sent people to sneak into Black Rock City to assassinate.

Before, he couldn't figure out why the Spark Cult assassins failed, but after the Black Rock City battle report was made public, the facts were very clear.

Even Hodge died at the hands of Sunan, so it was normal for the assassination of two junior knight assassins to fail.

It was just that the assassination was commissioned by Owen, so even if it failed, the Spark Cult would not be angry with Sunan.

But what Yoris said next surprised Marquis Jinyan.

"To be honest, Lord Marquis, two months ago, our sect suffered heavy casualties in the base of Stone Bell City, losing a total of six priests and hundreds of believers, and the murderer who caused all this was a wizard."

"The other party also happened to have an invisible beast."

Marquis Jinyan's eyes flashed with realization.

Invisible beasts are so rare that the possibility of two appearing at the same time in Jinyan Province is too low.

In addition, the controllers are all wizards, so the probability is even lower.

No wonder the Spark Cult is sure that the man is Su Nan.

"But how did Su Nan know your base in Stone Bell City?"

Marquis Jinyan knew that the people of the Spark Cult had means to prevent torture, and it was impossible for others to interrogate any information from this group of fanatics.

If not for this, he would not be at ease to cooperate with the Spark Cult and assassinate nobles.

".We haven't investigated this clearly yet."

Yoris's eyes twitched slightly, and then his expression turned cold.

"But Sunan has killed so many of our believers, we will never let him go."

"I came to see the Marquis this time, and I also want to deal with Sunan with you."

"If you want to send troops to attack the Flash Territory, we are willing to lend you a hand!"

Marquis Jin Yan tapped the table with his fingers and smiled slightly: "I am naturally very happy that your church is willing to help, but now is not the time to deal with the Flash Territory."

"Then when will we wait?" Yoris frowned slightly.

He was not really in a hurry to kill Sunan, but the God Blood Amber was still in the other party's hands.

This thing is of great significance to the sect. One day, he will not be at ease until he finds it back.

Marquis Jin Yan stood up and walked to the window, looking deeply to the south.

"Wait for a storm."

"A storm that sweeps across the principality."

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