Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 61 Clay Golem

Jodon was very efficient and delivered the materials that Sunan needed the next day.

Sunan immediately asked the workers to move the materials to the temporary laboratory, and then began to prepare to make the first golem puppet.

The main material of the clay golem is clay.

A kind of sticky soil with little sand, water is not easy to pass through it, and it has good plasticity.

It takes about 0.5 tons of clay to make a clay golem, plus a small amount of silver, crystal, and the most important soul core.

The lowest-level clay golem can use gems as the soul core, but the intelligence level of the clay golem made in this way is extremely low, and it can only be competent for simple tasks.

For example, cleaning a certain area, moving things, or hammering people.

Sunan had made many clay golems in his previous life. Now he is revisiting the old work and soon becomes familiar with it.

More than half an hour later, there was a clay body about two and a half meters tall on the wide workbench.

Its face is square, without a neck, and its chest is broad and strong. The thick arms attached to its shoulders hang down to the knees. Its fingers are short and thick, but relatively flexible. Its legs are only one-third of its body length, and its feet are wide and flat.

The chest of the clay golem is still open at this time, revealing the extremely complex enchanted runes inside.

Sunan put the gem with the runes engraved into it, then closed the groove and began to chant the spell.

The last step in making a golem is to activate the golem and give it vitality.

As the spell sounded, the surrounding energy particles suddenly became active, quickly gathered from all directions, and rushed to sink into the body of the clay golem.

At the same time, the elemental magic power from the earth vein node also flowed in.

With the infusion of energy, the body of the clay golem gradually changed, and a vitality that was completely different from flesh and blood life was growing and growing in the clay body.

The whole process lasted for more than ten minutes.

Then the magic power gradually faded, and the energy particles gradually returned to calm.


The clay golem on the workbench suddenly moved, and then sat up with its huge and burly body, staring blankly at Sunan with its stiff face.


Sunan showed a happy expression, pointing to the box next to him and giving an order.

"Move the box outside."

"Yes, master."

The clay golem responded with a dull sound, and then jumped to the ground with a muffled bang.

Its movements were a little clumsy, but it quickly adapted to it and moved the heavy box outside without any effort.

Sunan nodded secretly.

The clay golem is a very useful laborer, and the key is that it consumes less energy.

Once the energy is fully charged, it can do hard labor for four or five days in a row.

When the energy is about to run out, as long as it enters the connection array of the earth vein node, it can quickly recharge.

It can be called the most useful cow and horse!

"The most expensive material for making clay golems is the gem. The rest of the clay and a small amount of silver, brass, and crystal are not worth much."

"The cost of making a clay golem is only a dozen gold coins. In the long run, it is more cost-effective and more efficient than hiring workers to do the work."

Sunan immediately decided to make ten clay golems in one go in the next two days so that the base can be built as soon as possible.

As for the steel golem, we have to wait until the puppet factory is built before making it.

After all, metal golems require higher skills and equipment.

Unlike clay golems, they can be made with just a simple workbench.

Time flies, and it is the month of recovery.

The snow melts, and there are more touches of spring in the fields.

With the 10 clay golems put into the project, the construction speed of the base has soared a lot.

The heavy stone that requires several workers to carry together can often be carried by clay golems at once, which makes those workers who can't read a single word stunned.

Key had come to see it several times, and after seeing the clay golems working, his eyes lit up.

"This thing is simply a natural baggage soldier!"

Key immediately had the idea of ​​forming a clay golem baggage unit.

Even after learning that the cost of making a clay golem was as high as more than ten gold coins, he did not give up

"This thing is not as expensive as the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment, but it is subversive to the improvement of war logistics capabilities."

"If you use this thing to form a baggage unit, the logistics pressure during the war will definitely be greatly reduced!"

Unable to be entangled by Key, Sunan had to agree to supply him with a batch of clay golems after meeting the manpower needs of the base.

It is worth mentioning that after retaking the Flash Territory, Key immediately stopped the export of black stone iron due to the substantial increase in territory income.

The black stone iron produced in the Black Stone Mine has since been supplied only to the Flash Territory to arm the army and expand the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment.

Expanding military power is still the top priority for the current Flash Territory.

After all, there is a Marquis of Jinyan next to him who is eyeing them covetously.

The first problem facing the expansion of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment is that the supply of secondary dragon blood potions cannot keep up.

There are only sixty or seventy black-scaled lizardmen captives in the Flash Territory now, and the amount of blood that can be extracted each month is limited.

The secondary dragon blood potion that was finally produced is far from enough to support the rapid expansion of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment.

For this matter, Keyi was worried a lot and consulted Sunan several times.

In this regard, Sunan also thought of many solutions.

For example, drawing blood from the hidden dragon.

The blood concentration of the hidden dragon is far higher than that of ordinary black-scaled lizardmen.

It alone can obtain much more blood materials per month than the group of black-scaled lizardmen captives.

However, after thinking it over again and again, Sunan finally rejected this idea.

If blood is continuously drawn from the hidden dragon, the speed of its blood concentration will inevitably be greatly reduced.

This is unacceptable to Sunan.

It is important to help the territory grow, but his own strength improvement cannot be ignored.

The appearance of Hodge reminded him.

Although the Starlight Continent is an elemental desert today, there are many hidden strongmen.

Hodge, who is at most a legendary knight of the first ring, forced him to consume nearly thirty rune gems to solve it. If a stronger enemy appears, he may not even be able to escape.

So for the sake of his own safety, the improvement of strength must not be slowed down!

After thinking about it for a while, Sunan finally came up with a feasible solution.

That is to find a substitute for the secondary dragon blood potion!

Considering that the scale of the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment will be further expanded in the future, this substitute must be able to be mass-produced and cheap enough.

This rules out potions.

After thinking again and again, Sunan finally set his sights on magic plants.

Although there are no magic plants that meet his requirements in his memory, it doesn't matter. Since there are none, he can cultivate them himself.

With the synthetic magic cube in hand, he naturally has a greater advantage than other wizard apprentices in cultivating new magic plants.

"I have some ideas about potions. Give me some time and I will find a way to solve it." Sunan said.

Key trusts his brother very much. When he heard him say this, his expression relaxed a lot.

Then, Key suddenly remembered something and asked Sunan: "You said you wanted to recruit apprentices from the territory before. What's the matter?"

"After I complete the construction here, many places will need special manpower to maintain. I plan to cultivate them myself and see if I can dig out a few wizard apprentices."

Hearing the last sentence, Key was immediately refreshed.

Black Stone City was able to grow rapidly and eventually regain the Flash Territory because of the wizard apprentice Sunan.

Facts have proven how important a wizard apprentice is to the development of a territory.

If there were a few more wizard apprentices in the territory, it would definitely be a great thing!

Thinking of this, Key immediately patted his chest and agreed to the matter, promising to do it beautifully for Sunan.

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