Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 7 The Fighting Power of the Wizard Apprentice

At the end of the month of Frost Descent (November), the first snow fell.

The Black Stone City was covered in silver and white.

Sunan's learning progress of the Mage's Hand also reached 100% on this day.

[The learning progress of 'Mage's Hand' has reached 100%, and 'Mage's Hand' has been obtained]

A large amount of information suddenly flooded into his mind. Sunan closed his eyes to digest it for a while, then opened his eyes, looked at the book on the table, and uttered a series of strange syllables with his lips slightly opened.

The moment the sound sounded, the book suddenly trembled slightly, and then slowly floated up, slowly moving up and down and left and right as his eyes moved.

The effect of the Mage's Hand is to make distant objects float and move at will.

To outsiders, it looks like an invisible ghost hand is moving objects.

The name of the Mage's Hand comes from this.

Among many zero-level spells, the Mage's Hand is one of the most practical spells.

Whether it is a surgical experiment or making potions, using the Mage's Hand to assist can save a lot of effort.

In battle, the Mage's Hand can also be used to remotely control weapons to attack enemies.

As for the effective distance and weight that can be controlled, it depends on the caster's spellcasting attainments and mental strength.

This is also the reason why Sunan chose the Mage's Hand as the first spell.

With the Mage's Hand, it will be much more convenient to make potions and extract lizard blood in the future.

"Which spell should I choose for the second spell?"

Sunan's mind moved, and three spell books automatically floated out of the bookcase and landed on the table.

Acid Splash, Sleeping Spell and Flash.

The effects of the three spells are easy to understand, and you can see the clues from the names.

After thinking for a while, Sunan finally decided to learn the Sleeping Spell first.

In order to improve the learning progress of biological transformation, he caught a lot of small animals for experiments.

If you master the Sleeping Spell, it will undoubtedly be much more convenient when doing experiments.

Anyway, the black-scaled lizards have retreated, and the territory does not need him to participate in the battle now, so there is no need to rush to learn attack spells.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of first-level wizard apprentices is generally not strong.

When they are just promoted, the first-level apprentice is actually just a novice whose mental power is stronger than that of ordinary people, who can attract energy particles from the outside world, store them in the body, and form the concept of mana.

Later, as meditation improves mental power, the body will gradually become stronger due to the subtle infiltration and improvement of energy particles.

At this time, the first-level wizard apprentice is actually not much better than the trainee knight.

Compared with the trainee knight, it is just a little more spell resistance, far inferior to the knight-level characters.

After mastering two or three attack spells, the first-level wizard apprentice can be considered to have real combat power and have the strength to fight against the formal knight.

This situation will continue until the promotion to the second-level wizard apprentice.

The second-level wizard apprentice can initially control energy particles, which is enough to strengthen the physique to a very high level. If combined with spell assistance, even the peak knight will find it difficult to match, and only the strong at the level of the great knight can resist.

In addition, the second-level wizard apprentice can also contract magic pets and use magic items.

A second-level wizard apprentice with a pet and combat magic items, even a great knight would not dare to confront him directly.

At this time, the gap between wizard apprentices and knights really emerged.

Concentrating his thoughts, Sunan picked up the "Sleeping Spell" and began to read.

[Reading "Sleeping Spell Spell Model", "Sleeping Spell" learning progress +0.08%]

[Reading "Sleeping Spell Spell Model", "Sleeping Spell" learning progress +0.08%]

Time flies.

After the Frost Descent Month, the coldest and most difficult sleeping month of the year (December) has also passed.

On the fifth to last day of December, the black-scaled lizardman finally retreated in a panic on the snow.

This war that lasted for more than two months came to an end.

After a five-day rest, Black Stone City then ushered in the first day of the Winter Qin Month (January) in the Starlight Calendar 1249.

This day is the New Year of the Principality of Stars.

The cold wind howled, but it could not cover up the joyful atmosphere in the city.

Houses decorated with lights can be seen everywhere on the street, and children are running in groups among the crowd. Their little faces are red from the cold wind, but they are still giggling.

In the inner castle, the banquet hall.

The young maids are busy, constantly bringing fragrant ham, cheese, dried fruits and fine wine to the table.

The knights are drinking and talking around the table, and burst into laughter from time to time.

Old Geller directed the servants to decorate the hall. He glimpsed this scene from the corner of his eye and couldn't help feeling emotional.

At this time of year in previous years, because of the losses caused by the black-scaled lizardmen, the former lord and generals were all exhausted and had no intention of holding a New Year's banquet.

But this year is completely different.

I heard from Knight Joton that they beat the group of lizard bandits so badly this year that they couldn't even survive the first snow and fled back to their nest.

The surrounding villages suffered almost no losses.

Because of this, on the first day of the new year, the serfs sent all kinds of agricultural products to the inner castle to express their gratitude to the lord.

But what puzzled Old Geller was that he heard that this was all the credit of Young Master Sunan?

The knights and generals he knew all meant this, and they all spoke of Young Master Sunan with a respectful tone.

This puzzled Old Geller.

Having been in Blackstone City for decades, he could vaguely feel that some kind of positive changes seemed to be taking place in this city.

"The Lord and His Excellency Sunan are here!"

A cry of surprise suddenly sounded.

The hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned their heads to look at the door.

Keyi and Sunan walked into the hall side by side.

Both of them were dressed in formal attire, and they were handsome with faces that were 70% similar.

As the eldest brother, Keyi was tall and strong, with full and round muscles and hard lines, as perfect as an ancient Greek statue.

As the younger brother, Sunan still looked thin, but he no longer felt weak, and his whole body exuded a capable aura.

Especially a pair of eyes, as deep and bright as stars, making people dare not look at each other.

The arrival of the two brothers immediately attracted everyone's attention.


"Your Excellency Sunan."

The knights bowed one after another.

The address for Sunan also changed from the previous young master to Your Excellency to show respect.

Keyi strode to the front of the crowd and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work last year. Let's enjoy the wine and food tonight!"

The knights cheered loudly, and the noise almost overturned the roof.

Sunan watched this scene quietly, picked up a glass of fruit wine from the table and took a sip.

After more than two months of energy particle infiltration, his physique has now increased to 2.79, almost reaching the peak of the trainee knight.

Because he can absorb energy particles, he doesn't have a big appetite like other trainee knights, and needs a lot of food to replenish the energy consumed by training.

If necessary, he can even go without food for several months.

Now he eats more to satisfy his appetite.

As soon as Sunan finished a glass of fruit wine, Keyi walked up to him.

"Why don't you go drink with everyone?"

"I still like to be alone and quiet."

Kai knew his brother's temper, and he didn't say much after hearing this. He smiled and said, "I have good news for you. I have found what you want, and it should have been moved to your yard now."

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