Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 90: Promoted to Level 3 Wizard Apprentice

Just when the war in Jinyan Province was heating up, Sunan stayed alone in the meditation room of the base, oblivious to what was happening outside.

Under the soft light, he sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed, and took a long breath.

After two months of meditation, his mental power had increased to 29.99.

Now he was only one step away from a breakthrough and promotion.

At this time, the meditation room was peaceful.

Only Sunan's slight breathing could be heard.

After an unknown amount of time, the energy particles in the room suddenly fluctuated violently, as if they were attracted by an invisible force and rushed to Sunan, quickly sinking into his body.

In just a moment, the rich energy particles that Sunan had gathered in advance using the energy-gathering array were absorbed.

More energy particles rushed in frantically from outside the meditation room.

With Sunan as the center, an invisible vortex of energy particles seemed to have formed within a radius of hundreds of meters, and Sunan was the eye of the vortex.

Not long after, a wave that seemed to come from the soul level suddenly broke out from Sunan.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a faint light seemed to flash in his eyes.

A familiar feeling of clarity and sublimation surged into his mind.

Sunan had also experienced similar feelings when he was promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice.

But this time the feeling was particularly obvious.

His perception seemed to have become much sharper all of a sudden.

The whole world seemed to become vivid in an instant, and countless information rushed into his mind.

Although he could not see the situation outside the room, Sunan could clearly sense that Amy, who was fifty or sixty meters away, was lying on the tree, sipping ice mint with relish.

Not far away, two newcomers hid in the corner of the corridor, secretly looking at Amy on the tree with curiosity, hesitating whether to go up and talk to her.

In the distance, the cheerful singing of the flower spirits and the melodious violin of Glee could be vaguely heard.

This state of controlling everything around him made people particularly intoxicated.

It was a pity that it lasted for a short time.

Not long after, Sunan woke up from this strange state.

He heaved a long sigh of relief, and with a thought, he summoned the panel.

[Sunan Yanest, human male]

[Spirit 30.00/Constituent 22.21]


Star Ring Meditation Lv10 (228429/300000)

Potion Making Lv4 (2012/10000)

Biological Transformation Lv2 (2338/3000)

Puppet Refining Lv3 (4528/6000)

Magic Item Manufacturing Lv2 (2140/3000)

Looking at the panel, Sunan showed a happy smile from the bottom of his heart.

It has been almost four years since he traveled to this world, and he has finally been promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice!

Counting the days, he will be twenty years old in two months.

A twenty-year-old third-level wizard apprentice, even in the wizard heyday a thousand years ago, can be regarded as an excellent qualification.

After a long time of joy, Sunan calmed down and put his attention back on the panel.

Judging from the data alone, his strength has not increased significantly compared to before the promotion.

But in fact, compared with the second-level wizard apprentice, the combat power of the third-level wizard apprentice can be said to have made great progress.

The first is that the ability to control energy particles has been greatly improved.

Sunan stretched out his palm, and his mind moved slightly. In an instant, a mysterious and strange yellow rune appeared above the open palm.

The next second, the yellow rune suddenly broke apart and turned into a layer of light yellow halo that enveloped his whole body.

"Now, even if I don't use rune gems, I can condense energy runes at will."

Sunan smiled slightly.

In the future, when facing enemies like the Great Knight, you don't have to use rune gems all the time.

Energy runes alone can kill, and at most spells can be used.

The second change is the greatly accelerated casting speed.

The third-level wizard apprentice can already try to master the sentence-by-sentence casting.

Just like Heb before, each spell casting only needs to read one or two syllables, and the casting is extremely fast.

The most inconvenient part of spells in battle is that the casting time is too long, and it is easy to be interrupted by the enemy at close range.

However, after mastering the spell casting, this weakness is greatly improved.

This is also the main reason why the combat effectiveness of the third-level wizard apprentice has been greatly improved.

And the spell casting is further developed, which is the silent casting of spells.

Spell casting, as the name suggests, does not require reciting the spell when casting a spell, but only needs to be silently recited in the mind (the length of the spell is equal to the spell casting).

Although the silent casting of spells cannot shorten the preparation time for casting, it can prepare the next spell while casting, thereby greatly improving the efficiency of casting, which is an extremely practical skill.

Above the silent casting of spells is the instant casting of spells.

The wizard apprentice who has mastered the instant casting of spells can complete the casting in an instant, without any preparation for casting, and can be called a human turret.

Both the silent casting of spells and the instant casting of spells are super magic skills.

Other super magic skills include spell extension, which increases the casting distance.

Spell delay, which extends the duration of spell effects.

Spell expansion, which increases the range of spell effects.

Compound casting, which casts multiple spells at the same time.

Spell construction, which improves the control of spells and allows each spell to exert the maximum effect.

After being promoted to the third-level wizard apprentice, you can master super magic skills through training.

Each super magic skill can significantly enhance your combat effectiveness.

Therefore, super magic skills are also skills that every third-level wizard apprentice strives to master.

However, super magic skills are extremely difficult. Without sufficient talent, it is difficult to even touch the edge.

Most wizard apprentices have never been able to master even one super magic skill in their entire lives.

Just like Heb, who only mastered the most common sentence-casting.

"Fortunately, I have a player panel. As long as I turn on the training progress of super magic skills, I can work hard to master it!"

Su Nan thought for a moment, then opened his lips slightly and uttered a syllable quickly.

The surrounding energy particles fluctuated violently, but returned to calm the next second.

The sentence-casting failed.

But Su Nan didn't care.

The information prompt he wanted has appeared.

[Complete a sentence-casting exercise, 'sentence-casting' training progress +0.05%]

Su Nan nodded with satisfaction.

Next, as long as you keep practicing, you can master the sentence-casting.

After mastering the sentence-casting, you can start the training of silent spell casting.

Then comes the instantaneous casting of spells.

Sunan must first master the two super magic skills of silent casting and instantaneous casting of spells.

The rest of the super magic skills can be slowly trained later.

"Now I have the strength to fight against the first-ring legendary knight."

"Once I master a sufficient number of second-ring spells, it will be no problem to easily kill the first-ring legendary knight."

"If I add magic items, I don't have to be afraid of the second-ring legendary knight."

Sunan's mouth raised.

And he also has the trump card of high-level rune gems.

As long as you are willing to spend money, the second-ring legendary knight can be easily killed.

The strength range of the third-level wizard apprentice is extremely large.

The weaker third-level wizard apprentice can only bully the first-ring legendary knight.

But the powerful third-level wizard apprentice can be easily crushed by the third-ring legendary knight.

Shaking his head, Sunan gathered his distracting thoughts and began to think about the next arrangement.

First is the second-ring spell.

He now has more than ten second-ring spell books in his hand. Considering that the difficulty of second-ring spells is much higher than that of first-ring spells, he may not have to worry about not having spells to learn in the next two or three years.

"There is also a magic pattern core, which can also be prepared."

The two major conditions for integrating the magic pattern core, the mental power of a third-level wizard apprentice and the physique of a junior knight, Sunan has already met one of them.

And the third-level wizard apprentice can already start to store a small amount of energy particles in the body. While the body's resistance to spells and physical attacks becomes stronger, the speed of physical strengthening will also become faster than before.

If combined with taking dragon blood fruit, Sunan estimates that it will not take long to strengthen the physique to the level of a junior knight.

"It's a bit difficult to find materials."

"So far, only 48 of the 89 metals have been collected, and there are some clues for 12 more. The rest should have to study the corresponding substitutes."

Sunan sighed. This is another time-consuming project.

In addition, there is the skill level of [Magic Item Manufacturing].

According to Sunan's estimation, in order to refine the magic pattern core, [Magic Item Manufacturing] must reach at least level 4.

And he is still a little short of level 3.

"It seems that I have to make more magic items to upgrade my skills in the future."

"It just so happens that there are more than a dozen new people in the base, so prepare more alchemical magic items and put them in the warehouse for their convenience in future exchange."

"And I have to synthesize more glimmer-level magic items."

In the previous battle, Sunan was able to defeat Heb, who was higher in level than him. In addition to the high-level rune gems, he relied largely on the three glimmer-level magic items, the Ring of Extreme Protection, the Frozen Necklace and the Ring of Disaster.

The great improvement of glimmer-level magic items in combat power does not need to be proved again.

In order to strengthen one's own strength and have the power to protect oneself when encountering stronger enemies in the future, it is imperative to make more glimmer-level magic items.

The only thing to note is that even if you carry multiple magic items with you, you can only use one of the same magic item at the same time.

For example, for protective magic items, any wizard apprentice can only activate one at the same time.

Activating multiple protective magic items at the same time will only cause the energy of each other to conflict with each other, making all protections invalid at the same time.

Even if they are the same kind of magic items, the protective effects cannot be superimposed.

Of course, even with this defect, the more magic items, the better.

"If you want to make more magic items, material consumption is also a problem."

Sunan thought about it and didn't take it too seriously.

At worst, after Keyi conquers Jinyan Province, he can take advantage of the territory.

Although the second-ring spells and magic pattern cores are also important, the most important thing is meditation.

From the third-level wizard apprentice, it is the wizard realm that countless people dream of.

And if you want to be promoted to a formal wizard, the first condition is to build eighteen star rings.

That's right, eighteen!

In other words, you have to upgrade the star ring meditation method to level 19!

Considering that the 10th level star ring meditation method already requires 300,000 proficiency, Sunan estimates that the proficiency of the next 9 levels will add up to at least 30 to 40 million proficiency.

If we calculate it based on 1,000 proficiency points per day, it would take eighty to ninety years or even hundreds of years.

This is when he has the divine blood amber and super potion to assist him in meditation.

For other wizard apprentices without resources, it is almost impossible to achieve this condition before the end of their lifespan.

Secondly, the mental power must reach 60 points.

Needless to say, this is more difficult than building eighteen star rings.

After achieving the two conditions of star rings and mental power, the wizard apprentice can start to try to build a talent model (crystallization).

This is also an extremely difficult step.

Only by successfully building his own talent model (crystallization) can the wizard apprentice truly break through the boundaries and become a formal wizard.

"Eighteen star rings, 60 points of mental power, and talent model, each of them is not something that can be achieved in a short time."

"There is a long way to go."

Su Nan couldn't help but sigh.

Although he successfully promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice and took another important step forward on the road to becoming a wizard, the road ahead is still long and he has to continue to work hard.

"Super magic skills and second-level spells are both slow and laborious, just learn them step by step."

"But you can find a way to improve your meditation efficiency."

"It's time to synthesize higher-level potions."

Su Nan estimated that there was exactly half a month before the next batch of silver moon flowers would mature, and then he could try to synthesize higher-level potions.

"Now let's choose the spells to learn."

Su Nan took out all the second-level spell books from the space ring and placed them on the floor in front of him.

There are a total of seventeen second-level spells.

Most of them are auxiliary spells such as [Mirror Image] and [Levitation], or gain spells such as [Light Spirit] and [Brute Force], and there are very few offensive spells.

However, Su Nan now has high-level rune gems, disaster rings and ice necklaces, so he is not in urgent need of offensive spells.

After thinking for a while, Su Nan decided to master [Elemental Protection] first, followed by [Levitation] and [Mirror Image].

[Levitation] The name tells you the effect, which allows the caster to gain a short-term flying ability.

[Mirror Image] can create a clone that is exactly the same as the caster.

The stronger the caster's mental power, the more clones there are, with an upper limit of eight.

The clone has no ability to cast spells and cannot fight, but can make any movements according to the caster's will, and when moving, it can also merge with the clone and separate at will, making the enemy unclear about the caster's actual location.

Once it is hit or the caster actively cancels it, the clone will disappear.

This is undoubtedly a very practical spell.

Especially for the caster.

If used well in battle, it is enough to buy enough casting time for yourself.

It is worth mentioning that there is also [Second Level Summoning Monster Spell] among these second-ring spells.

As the name shows, this is an advanced spell of [First Level Summoning Monster Spell].

But to be honest, [Second Level Summoning Monster Spell] is a low priority in Su Nan's heart.

After all, he summoned alien creatures to find helpers for the base, and he valued whether they were suitable and whether they had the ability to be used together.

As for strength, it was secondary.

Therefore, the characteristic of [Second Level Summoning Monsters] that can summon stronger alien creatures is not an advantage, and it even consumes more mental energy, which has become a disadvantage.

[Read "Elemental Protection Spell Model", "Elemental Protection" learning progress +0.08%]

Looking at the text prompts that appeared in front of him, Su Nan sighed with emotion.

"Next, I will be busy again."

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