Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 98 Hundred-armed Monster

Brad is very efficient.

The next day, the results of the investigation were presented to Key.

According to the investigation, it was most likely a herd of beasts that attacked the village. Many beast furs and incomplete claws and fangs were also found at the scene.

After confirming this, Brad immediately started searching around the village, looking for traces of the herd.

Soon he found a mess of footprints and then blood.

Finally, following these traces, he found a cave deep in the forest.

However, while investigating the situation inside the cave, they were attacked by monsters and had to temporarily withdraw.

After leaving some manpower to seal the cave, Brad immediately rushed back to report the results of the investigation.

"This is the monster Brad and the others encountered in the cave."

Key pointed to some portraits on the table.

Su Nan picked up the top portrait and looked at it, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Isn't this the Dire Rat?

Dire rats are ferocious beasts and mutants. They are extremely ferocious and fast when attacking. They are good at biting and chewing their opponents with their sharp incisors.

But in reality, Dire Rats are about the same strength as ordinary people. If they are careful, ordinary adult men can deal with them.

A single dire rat is nothing. The key is that dire rats usually appear in groups, with hundreds of them appearing.

In addition, they carry a variety of germs, and there is a certain chance that people will be infected with diseases such as rotten fever and plague.

Therefore, even if a knight encounters a swarm of ferocious rats, he must avoid their sharp edges.

The second portrait showed a monster with a toad's head and thick limbs.

"Underground Toad Monster!"

Sunan was really surprised now.

If it was just a dire rat, he wasn't sure yet. After all, dire rats could appear in many places, but underground toad monsters only existed in the underground world. Could it be that the cave was still connected to the underground world?

Sunan couldn't help but be stunned.

Not long ago, he was still thinking about where to find the entrance to the underground world, but before he could take action, the goal was delivered directly in front of him.

Is his luck considered good or bad?

"Do you know this monster?" Key asked.

Su Nan nodded: "This is an underground toad monster, a monster living in the underground world. I suspect that the depths of the cave are probably connected to the underground world."

"Underground world?" Key became even more confused.

"A vast but very dangerous place where many powerful and terrifying monsters live."

After hearing this, Keyi's face suddenly became very solemn.

"Will that threaten Glitter City?"

Su Nan pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Probably not."

"The creatures in the underground world live in the dark underground all year round and cannot adapt to the environment on the surface. At most, they occasionally come to the surface to enjoy the autumn wind, and they will not attack towns."

Key's expression suddenly relaxed a lot, but he still frowned: "In other words, those monsters may continue to attack other villages?"

"It's possible."

"What should we do? Seal the cave?"

"No, leave this matter to me." Sunan waved his hand.

After finally finding the entrance to the underground world, he was not willing to just block it.

At least explore it first.

"Send people to seal off the forest and cave to prevent the monsters inside from coming out to hurt people again, and don't let irrelevant people enter. As for the cave, leave it to me."

Seeing that Sunan had said so, Keyi agreed.

Half an hour later.

The Glitter City army was dispatched and sealed off the forest in the north, prohibiting anyone from entering or exiting.

Sunan also arrived in the forest with the army.

"Sir, this is the cave where the monster appears."

Deep in the forest, Brad pointed at the dark cave entrance under the mountain wall and said.

"Let people watch outside. If any monster comes out, kill it immediately."

Leaving behind an instruction, Sunan then walked into the cave alone.

There are torches hanging on both sides of the cave, left behind by soldiers who previously explored it.

But there is only a section of the road near the entrance of the cave, and beyond that there is darkness.

Su Nan picked up a stone and cast [Light Technique]. The gray stone suddenly glowed like a torch, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

As he moved forward, Sunan observed the signs around him.

It can be seen that the cave is not formed naturally, but is dug manually.

If nothing else, it was mostly residents of the underground world who did it.

Dire rats and underground toad monsters obviously do not have this ability. They should be some kind of humanoid creatures, such as kobolds, gray dwarves or myconids.

Going further, Sunan soon discovered a silver mine.

Now there is a bit more certainty in the speculation that the cave is connected to the underground world.

After all, the most abundant resources in the underground world are undoubtedly various mineral veins.


At this moment, a group of ferocious rats rushed out of the darkness ahead and attacked Sunan like a tide.

The number is estimated to be no less than a hundred.

Sunan didn't panic, stretched out his palm, and faced the rats with his palm.

Burning Hands!


A raging wave of flames spurted out in an instant, covering almost the entire cave passage.

The swarm of rats that came to kill hit the blazing wave of flames, and instantly turned into balls of fire, rolling on the ground and wailing fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of ferocious rats were wiped out.

Several underground toad monsters that were driving the rats from behind were stunned on the spot, as if they didn't expect the visitors to be so ferocious.

When they reacted, they saw six fist-sized missiles.

Puff puff puff!

The missiles penetrated the heads of the three underground toad monsters one after another, and then pierced through their hearts and passed out from the back, leaving only two shocking holes.

After just one encounter, the three underground toad monsters fell to the ground and turned into corpses.

Sunan slowly retracted his palm.

The underground toad monsters are not particularly powerful creatures. The strength level of adult underground toad monsters is generally between primary knights and intermediate knights, and a few elites can reach advanced knights.

In a dark environment, if suddenly attacked by multiple underground toad monsters, even a great knight may suffer.

However, for Sunan, who relies on spiritual perception rather than naked eye observation, the power of the underground toad monsters is not enough.

Without even looking at the corpse on the ground, Sunan continued to move forward.

The deeper you go, the wider the cave becomes, and the more dim silver is exposed on the rock walls on both sides.

Sunan was slightly delighted.

It seems that the silver mine reserves here are not low. If all of them are mined, it will also be a considerable income.

In addition, many silver mines are accompanied by gold mines. If gold mines can be found, it will be a fortune.

Along the way, underground toad monsters and ferocious rats kept jumping out to attack Sunan, but they were all easily solved by him.

In the end, Sunan became impatient and directly released more than ten black rock leopards to let them deal with the monsters.

As a puppet creature, the black rock leopard is born with dark vision. It is like a fish in water in the dim cave, and it is good at coordinating pincer attacks, which is just right for dealing with underground toad monsters and ferocious rats.

After the experience of sneaking into the storm army camp before, Sunan is now used to putting dozens of black rock leopards and stone golems into the magic cube in case of emergency.

Not long after, Sunan found some bones with blood on the ground of the cave.

It is not difficult to identify that these are human bones. Judging from the traces, they are still very fresh. Most of them are the disappeared villagers.

Sunan sighed. It seemed that the people who were captured were in danger.

After walking more than 300 meters forward, there was a faint sound in front.

It sounded a bit like a puppy barking.

Sunan's expression changed, and he cast a language-savvy spell on himself.

The moment the spell took effect, the strange sound in front turned into a clearly recognizable strange language.

"Don't be lazy, you idiots! Dig quickly!"

"The food has been eaten. If I can't dig enough ore to exchange for food today, I will use you to fill my master's stomach!"

This is the language of the dog-headed man.

Sunan looked down and found many plum-shaped footprints on the ground.

"So that's it."

Sunan understood vaguely in his heart.

Before, he thought that omnivorous creatures such as underground toad monsters and fierce rats should not lack food in the underground world, and there was no need to risk running to the surface to hunt. Now seeing the dog-headed man, he suddenly realized it.

Gnolls are common humanoid creatures in the underground world, and they multiply everywhere like rats.

They are natural miners and are often used as slaves by other races.

It seems that there may be other masterminds behind this incident.

Sunan had an idea in his mind.

At the end of the passage, there is a steeply open basin.

A group of gnolls are waving pickaxes and digging ore.

Their heads are very much like dogs, with two light-colored horns, shining eyes, and tails straight like rats.

There is a bonfire burning not far away, and next to them is their simple tent. There are some mushrooms and unknown meat scattered on the ground. The air is filled with the smell of feces. It seems that these gnolls have been eating, drinking and defecating here for a long time.

There are some mined ores piled up in the corner, and the silver is full of golden light.

"It seems that this silver mine is indeed accompanied by gold mines."

Sunan was delighted and gave orders decisively.

More than a dozen black rock leopards rushed out of the cave and pounced on the dog-headed men.

"There are intruders!"

"Black leopards!"

"Can we eat them?"

The intelligence of dog-headed men is very low, and they are often driven by instinct.

When they saw the black rock leopards attacking, their first reaction was to rush forward and kill these monsters that suddenly appeared to see if they could be eaten.

It was not until the black rock leopards killed more than a dozen of their companions that they became terrified and screamed and fled.

"Don't run away!"

"Kill the intruders!"

A dog-headed man leader who was one size larger and had dark brown scales stood up, waving a whip to whip the fleeing dog-headed men, forcing them to fight.

But the next second, he was pounced on by the black rock leopards and torn into pieces.

The fighting power of dog-headed men is much weaker than that of underground toad monsters.

Even the dog-headed man leader is only at the level of an apprentice knight.

He is no match for the black rock leopard.

Hundreds of dog-headed men were quickly killed.

At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded.

It sounded like many people roaring at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a hideous monster suddenly rushed out of the hole deep in the basin.

The monster looked like a big tree with many branches protruding from the surface, and also like a centipede with long limbs. It was extremely large, with an upright height of more than 10 meters, and was covered with dense arms and heads.

Each of its arms held a sword or a heavy hammer, and its lower body, or should I say the torso, was wearing half armor.

From the enchanted runes on the surface of the armor, it turned out to be a magical item.

"What kind of monster is this?"

In the shadow behind the cave entrance, Sunan widened his eyes in surprise.

I have never seen a monster like this before!

"A giant with a hundred arms? No, that's not right. A giant with a hundred arms is at least humanoid. This monster has many arms, but no feet, only roots."

Just as Sunan was in doubt, the monster had already moved its dense limbs like tree roots and rushed to a black rock leopard quickly. Countless giant swords and heavy hammers struck down at the same time, smashing the black rock leopard to pieces.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The strength of the monster with a hundred arms seemed to be much greater than that of the black rock leopard, and it was a one-shot kill against the latter.

In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen black rock leopards were chopped or smashed into rubble all over the ground.

Sunan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"What a terrible power!"

The real Hundred-armed Giant has almost the same combat power as the second-ring legendary knight.

The physical strength of the monster in front of him is no worse than that of the Hundred-armed Giant, and the number of arms is even more. The key is that he can use weapons and wear armor, and his combat power is probably stronger than that of the Hundred-armed Giant.

Even if he is not as good as the three-ring legendary knight, it is probably not much worse.

A monster comparable to the three-ring legendary knight!

Sunan never thought that there was such a terrible thing hidden in the cave near the Flashing City.

If this monster ran to the surface and killed people, the consequences would be disastrous.

Sunan suddenly felt that it was very wise for him to send the Black Rock Leopard to test first instead of showing up rashly.

Otherwise, he might have to flee now.

Even if he had five high-level rune gems on his body, he could not guarantee that he could defeat this Hundred-armed monster.

Taking a deep breath, Sunan retreated silently and retreated to the way he came.

Fortunately, after the hundred-armed monster dealt with the black rock leopard, it looked around and found no one, so it grabbed a few dog-headed corpses and went back to the original cave entrance while chewing them, without noticing that there were other people nearby.

A moment later, Sunan walked out of the cave safely.


Brad, who was guarding outside, immediately came up to him.

Sunan said in a deep voice: "Seal the cave and don't let anyone in. If something comes out of it, tell me immediately!"

"Yes, sir."

Brad didn't ask any more questions and immediately agreed.

Back in the Flashing City, Sunan found Key and briefly told him about the situation in the cave.

Hearing that there was a monster comparable to the three-ring legendary knight inside, Key's face suddenly became very solemn, and he immediately decided to dispatch troops into the cave to kill the monster.

After all, if he left such a powerful monster next to the Flashing City, he couldn't sleep well.

But he was stopped by Sunan right after: "That monster has hundreds of arms, and it is least afraid of human wave tactics. Besides, the cave space is limited, and the army can't move freely inside."

"What should we do?" Keyi was worried.

"We have to think about it in the long run."

Sunan also wanted to kill the hundred-armed monster so that he could develop the silver and gold mines inside.

The same is true for finding the entrance to the underground world. If you don't kill the hundred-armed monster blocking the way first, you can't go deeper.

But it's not advisable to act rashly.

The two discussed for a while and finally decided to send more troops to garrison near the forest first, and never let the monster get close to the Flashing City.

As for the rest, we will slowly think of a way.

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