Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age

Chapter 102 - In My Shoes

"My world was.. brilliant.. magnificent with grand splendour. We humans dominated our world, exploited it and reached for the stars. Then, one day, I found myself alone inside the remains of our once proud civilization. As you can see throughout, there are only sands and sand dunes, in the distance you may even see structures. Those were built by us. I may not remember everything..

But you can bet that did not cause this mess either..

Even I can't explain what I have been experiencing this past few months in this world of yours. A world of magic, the very force that defies conventional science. If it wasn't for one of your cults, we wouldn't be here. But I'm glad they did"

The goddess was getting impatient. She knew that One was delaying her, letting her lower her guard so that he can attack her at her weakest.

But still, she was curious.

"Lately, I've been having these.. dreams. In those dreams there is always a voice.. a voice that speaks with me. Claiming that she knows me, pushing me to go on with what I have been doing. I am always impulsed to carry out what it wishes. Yet, everytime I wake, I forget. But the urge to fullfil my "mission" remains.. " are but an obstacle. I will massacre millions more that will get in my way!"

The goddess' vision blackened.

"Where am I?!" She screamed.

There was silence.

And then, her vision returned. She was standing on top of a structure that she had never seen before. She walked towards the edge and saw the gleaming city below. There were these small things moving down there, there were also these big monstrosities that occupied the sky.

She saw many humans going about their daily lives. Live she could not even begin to comprehend. They were there, wearing strange clothes. She could see their smiles, their struggles, she could even feel what they felt.

All of a sudden, the sky darkened and ravenous black clouds stormed the skies and it began to rain. The rain was a thick, black smudge that melted the city. She looked down once more, this time, she saw no harmony.

But blood.

In the distance, explosions rocked the city and the sounds of cackling and cracking filled her ears. She began to feel nauseous and anxious.

"Turn this away!" She screamed but the violence escalated further. Soon, she found herself in the shoes of a unnamed girl. She was running through the war torn streets. A thick black haze covered the air and the smell of rotting corpses filled her nostrils.

She felt afraid of something but she did not know what it was. But the fear that was ȧssociated with it lingered deep inside her. The  little girl then found herself trapped between a  huge battle.

She saw humans that flew, held strange weapons and were strange armour. They were accompanied by these metal beasts that spat out fire from their mouths and flying dragons that spewed stones the shape of rods that birthed a fiery ball.

The abominations soon swallowed the humans and their companions and they began to flee. They fled from the battle until more humans came and they battled once more.

The humans, by a slim margin, won. They slaughtered the abominations and they shouted with glory.

Then, she found herself within the shoes of a lone man.

That lone man was standing on top of a hill that overlooked a ruined city.

"It's.." the goddess said. "It's you!" She said when she realized that she was within the shoes of her enemy, One.

And then suddenly, a bright flash of light blinded her.

And she was back inside her seat, rushing for air.

"Enough of this!" The goddess screamed in a rage. She hastily stood from her chair and lunged at One with her flaming fists.

One then dashed to meet her head on, surprising the goddess as she expected One to dodge. He did not.

The goddess was blown a few hundred feet away but regained her composure right after. She scanned the surroundings but there was no sight of One.

Until he came up behind her.

The synthetic man slammed his fists down the goddess' shoulders, pounding her into the ground and causing it to crack. The ground below them gave way and the landscape tore itself apart as the two clashed in a vacuum.

With each passing momentz reality blended according to the will of the two that were in it. They hurled many objects and weapons at each other in the hope that one of them will be caught off-guard.

And as the two became evermore creative, the goddess unleashed one massive pillar of energy that blasted through One's defensive shield. The blast knocked One a kilometer away but the goddess caught up to him, a concrete floor manifested below them and the goddess pounded him into the slab, shattering in into pieces.

One was motionless all throughout. The goddess pounded her with everything she got. Until suddenly, the battle came into an abrupt halt.

The goddess felt her body tighten with no visible force causing it. Suddenly, her ċhėst began to feel heavy. She began to gasp for air as her body violently jolted in on itself as if there was something inside her pulling her together.

The goddess shrieked and began to cough up blood. She began to convulse as her eyes tried their very best to remain open. Her vision became blurry and the only thing she saw in front of herself was the silhouette of a man whom has already defeated her.

"Funny, isn't it?" One said as he stood on the same concrete slabs that the goddess pounded him through.

"You came into my mind thinking that I was only somewhat stronger than the average man. That was where you were mistaken. As you floated there helplessly, your body collapsing in on itself, I can hear your cries for help. You're crying deep inside for the other deities to save you, am I correct?..

..wait, that's right. You can't speak... are suffering because you resist, don't you know? This entire plane of existence bends according to our will. Knowing that, I placed something inside you that I know is beyond even your comprehension. A force that even light cannot escape from..

..This is the power of our dreams. I remember something called 'lucid' dreaming and it sums up everything around here. Our manifestations inside this dimension are our consciousness tied to our psyche. Hence, it's my very own vulnerability outside of external forces..

..this is where you miscalculated. You came to the realization that my willpower is stronger than yours. Broken, I know, but strong. Stronger than even that of a goddess. How can that be? You are asking while you shriek.

..There is only one explanation for your defeat. Your utter demise..

..I am no ordinary man"

The slab carrying One then approached the collapsing goddess. Her blue flames have shrunk to that of the average finger and her skin went from blue to grayish. It seemed most likely that she was, indeed, defeated.

One then extended his hand to her left distorted cheek and gently massaged it.

He then leaned close to her ear and whispered with his robotic voice.


And the goddess was suċkėd into a singularity. No trace of her was left.

One then looked around. Walking around the concrete slab that expanded to accommodate his feet, following it.

He actually paid no intention as to what the goddess hurled at him. Seeing that he is still inside the dimension even after defeating her, he concluded that he will be stuck inside for awhile.

Might as well get himself comfortable.

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