Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age

Chapter 112 - Devil's Apple

One was curious as to what was actually in there.

One grabbed the handle and slowly pushed the door open. As he peeked through the dark room, his eyes glowed and formed their own shadows. 

One then activated his night vision.

There he was, Wog, his temporary liege. Sleeping on a mattress on the floor, mouth open, snoring, his axe and sword scattered about. He then explored the room further and found several pots, a primitive stove, a big cauldron he was using for the soup and several wooden utensils. 

There wasn't anything suspicious. 

One was satisfied and slowly closed the door behind him.

"Maybe he is just some normal exiled nobleman," One thought.

After shutting the door closed, he went to the wooden chair by the side of one of the windows and sat there. He made sure to face both the window and Patricia from time to time, monitoring both.

One had his thermal scanning and nigh vision activated to immediately detect any intruder that would dare to trespass while he was on watch.

As One glanced over to Patricia, her ears intrigued him. Did the ears serve any function like increased sensitivity to hearing? 

One then used hisx-ray vision and looked into Patricia's internal organs and body makeup. She was, like, Wog, normal in terms of organs. The elf's organ size were similar to that of an average ȧduŀt female human and the only differences were the long ears she had and something bulky in her eardrums.

One then saw a bulge that was forming in the sole of her right leg.

"Is that.." One said. He stood up from the chair and walked towards Patricia and leaned over to her foot.

"The hell," One wasn't wrong. Patricia had a tumor forming inside her right foot. 

One then looked further into other parts of her body to see if she had more tumors. Thankfully, it seemed like the tumor was benign and wasn't malignant. 

When he looked into her stomach, One did not find any tumor but instead, he found what appeared to be small parasites the size of a cut toenail around her rectum and lower large intestine.

"She was a tumor and parasites, this girl must have been through a lot," One thought. "For parasites such as these to form, that would mean that the food or water she has been drinking was contaminated. Don't they have some sanitation magic?" 

One looked further, her kidneys, her liver. There wasn't too much damage. She was indeed suffering from malnutrition but excluding the fact she had a tumor and had parasites, she was all good.

The other thing to note was that she was no longer a pure maiden. Although One had expected this since the elf seemed to be at the age where she would engage in such activities, well, according to Hailey, but he noticed noticable tears in her wȯmb.

"Tragic," One whispered as he realized the horror this young elven woman must have had to go through before trying to escape.

The wounds were also fresh according to his thermal scanner, which meant that it happened closely to a week prior.

"Okay then.. Hailey's lessons come in handy after all," He whispered to himself as he took out a pair of scissors and a roll of thread he had inside the back of his right leg. 

He opened the compartment and pulled the materials he needed out and removed the sheet that covered her right feet. He then took a pillow from one of the chairs and placed it below her right feet to elevate it.

"But Wog had the magic to cure any illness, then what about this?" He thought.

He remembered that the woman had bruises, scars, and many more wounds at the surface of her body but now they were all gone. Maybe Wog could only heal less complex ailments?

One then thought.

A tumor, though being an illness itself, was a result of damaged DNA. Maybe, he thought, maybe Wog could only heal injuries and any illness but could not fix corrupted DNA.

The tumor must had been shielding itself from the healing magic as though it was a natural part of the tumor and likewise, if it was to be damaged itself, maybe healing magic would actually heal it instead. 

It was quite a dilemma for One but the sooner he had the tumor removed, the better it was for Patricia.

But One was short on one thing he needed before he did his surgery.

He needed to make sure Patricia did not wake whilst she was being operated on.

One then realized that Wog may have what he needed and so, without a second thought, he stood up, entered Wog's room, and shook him awake.

"Wa, huh, woah there, what is it, Ben?" Wog stuttered.

"I need your help to save Patricia," One said.

"Wait! Was she kidnapped? Were we attacked?! My god I did not hear anything," He said as he hurried tried to get up but stumbled on his feet.

"No, no, but she has an illness that will kill her if not acted upon quickly, please," One tried to make Patricia's situation sound dire as possible. This was working as intended, Wog nodded and they both headed to Patricia.

Wog then saw One's materials and Patricia's exposed right foot.

"Is there something wrong with her foot?" Wog asked.

"Yes, please take a closer look," One said.

Wog then knelt down and noticed the bulge that was forming in the sole of the foot.

"Oh no, she has the Devil's Apple," Wog said.

"Devil's Apple?" One asked.

"Y-you don't know? Well, it's the most incurable ailment in history! Not even my magic could heal it," Wog said. "Patricia may as well be dead, my boy," 

One shook his head, surprising Wog.

"Milord, I know how to remove this 'Devil's Apple' I only need your help," One said.

Wog was shocked by the confidence One was showing. But he was still skeptical, nonetheless, he wanted to help.

"Can you make sure that she stays asleep throughout the operation?" One asked as he sat down next to the foot. 

"Ah yes, why? What operation?" Wog asked.

"To remove the devil's fruit," He said. Raising the pair of scissors he had.

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