Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age

Chapter 136 - The Monster Within

One and the man crashed down onto the wheat fields just outside of the western wall in full view of the William and his men. 

One spared no time in the fight, he stood up and began pummeling the man with his fists. 

With a left and right jabs, he punched the man's face, knocking out some of his teeth before proceeding to kick him on the groin.

The man was unable to react fast enough because his reflexes were lacking. One, on the other hand, was being as fast as possible. 

He landed more than a hundred punches in less than a minute and he showed no signs of stopping. 

To prevent the man from casting any spells or magic, One broke his two hands by twisting the wrists into terrifying angles. 

The man screamed in agony, he was helpless. 

His magic was his strongest point but that was the problem with mages. They tended to underestimate those whose magic they could not sense since inept people were usually disregarded as the weakest of peoples.

They relied more on enhancing their own bodies with their magic instead of doing physical training. 

And this was his undoing. 

"AUGHHHHHH" his screams echoed in the night.

The soldiers from the other sections of the outer wall ran to the western half to watch the ongoing battle. 

But when they arrived, they saw not a battle, but what could he described as the equivalent of torture. 

William and his men were all frozen in their place as they watched the man in black mercilessly pummel the man whose magic was enough to piss their pants. 

When One began repeatedly hitting the man I  the groin, the men on the walls that were watching it all felt the pain in the man's screams for help. 

The evacuated peasantry that were now cramped inside the inner district also heard his screams. 

The night was silent. Although there was supposed to be a battle taking place, there was only this one distinct voice that cried for help.

"Ma, who is that?" A curious child asked his mother as they huddled together in the middle of the crowd.

"I don't know, sweety," The mother told his son.

"Are we going to be okay?" The child asked, hugging his mother tightly.

"We will be," King Wog appeared in the midst of the crowd, shocking the people therein.

"You're majesty! What are you doing outside?" Jorn ran towards him with some knights.

"Take all of these people inside the castle and secure the halls! I am your King, I know many of you do not trust me or believe in me yet, I am determined to prove myself to my people!" King Wog announced as he pulled out his signature axe from his back.

"Patricia, go help Ben," Wog ordered. 

A lone elf was standing on one of the rooftops, she smiled as soon as she heard Wog's orders. 

As she leapt into the air, she was accompanied by her friend, a human mage. 

"Uhm, Pat, what are you doing?" A confused Patricia leapt along side her.

"I overheard your conversation, I know there is something inside me that you're trying to prevent from coming out but I can't stand by in the sidelines while people like him are trging to make a difference in this otherwise stagnant world," Patricia said. 

But thinking deeper, were those reports actually true?

Were the metal men really the monsters the Imperial and Republican authorities said they were? 

If so, then why is such a power metal man such as Ben risking his life to defend this otherwise useless human settlement from the encroaching Imperial army?

Surely he would've just abandoned the people the moment he heard of news about the retaliation.

But instead, he actually uplifted the lives of the peasantry. Gave them work, gave them new meaning in life and placed a new monarch that was benevolent and wise. 

And now her mission was going to put herself onto harm's way just so she could repay the same metal man that was feared by many.

She sighed. Confused as she was, she did not want to destroy the delicate bond that had formed between the metal man and the people he had interacted with.

She was an idiot, yes, but she was smarter than what she let on at times.

They leapt towards the western wall where most of the garrison was. 

One was still not finished with the man.

After tearing out his joints, One then stripped his cloak and began breaking the rest of his ribs. 

One was no longer himself.

For some reason, an uncontrollable emotion has taken over him and it wasn't stopping.

"Something's wrong!" Patricia shouted. 

The garrison and William turned towards her, shocked that they were even there in the first place. 

But William also sensed something horrible was building up within the man in black.

One's eyes began to change color.

Slowly but surely, a bloodshot red took over his once blue and tranquil glow.

And just as he bashed the man's skull open. He cried out in a scream that was similar to that of a giant's cry for help.

"Is.. is he asking for help?" Patricia said.

"What is happening," Stacy asked herself. Jusr a few hours ago, the metal man was the calmest person she had ever seen.

His roar tore through the hearts of the invading army as they saw two bright eyes that glowed bloodshot red approaching them at such high speeds.

"H-hey.. what's that?" The lead commander looked in the distance.

But before they could even act. It was already too late. 

Like a werewolf on a rampage, One tore through their first line of spearman and broke through each layer of formation they had.

Screams and wails filled the night sky as the invading Imperial army was massacred. 

Back at the Fortress City, all were in shock. The western forces, William, Patricia, and Stacy witnessed a being run faster than they could imagine and now he was taking on an entire army all by himself.

Using his brute strength alone. 

"His eyes turned red," Patricia said, her eyes fixated on the lights of the enemy army on the horizon.

The lights would sway violently before disappearing. Signifying the death of the men and women who wielded them.

One by one, the lights disappeared until there was none left. The screams followed soon after.

The night was a long one. They wouldn't know what happened until the next morning sun.

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