Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age

Chapter 18 - Goodbye, S213

Severed metallic joints of what was S213 were spread all over the forest floor. The joints were riddled with frozen shards that pierced through the thick layer of armor while the metallic skin was completely frozen, S213 was no more.

Vilvintine was examining the joints and the peculiar humanoid that she had destroyed. It wasn't anything she had ever seen, everything was completely alien to her. Vilvintine chased down S213 and cast a tier 6 freezing spell which shattered the drone after the sudden temperature drop froze its joints and it fell from the treeline and into the ground.

"What.. are you.." Vilvintine continued to examine each piece of the drone, repeatedly calling it a metallic beast whilst also showing signs of curiosity and disgust. She was baffled by the fact it fell after such a simple spell and that it ran other than fight, she was expecting a usual response from an enemy mage.

She then inspected the head of S213, the advanced components of the drone coupled by its alien experience made Vilvintine conclude that it was indeed the demon that the Pope was referring to. An odd demon, she thought.

She went through all the parts under the blistering day, she didn't realize it at first but the sky was suddenly clear, no clouds could be seen from afar and the temperature under the shade was equivalent to that of direct sunlight.

Using her magically enhanced senses, she began to track the sudden heatwave. It was not a natural process but could be the legendary Heat Fox, though creatures like that only existed in legends and hightales. Unbeknownst to her, she was being surrounded by a pack of Blister Wolves, monsters who mutate from regular foxes when exposed to unbearable hot temperatures along with high concentrations of magic.

The Blister Wolves were rare monsters, the heat that escapes their ridged and lava-like bodies produce a high temperature equivalent to that of the sun's rays. The Blister Wolves could be easily spotted if they can penetrate through the illusion magic their skin cast as means of camouflage. In Vilvintine's case, the camouflage was a tad too strong for her senses to detect.

The wolves easily blended into the surrounding vegetation but were also slowly burning the leaves and branches forcing them to move continuously which also risks them being detected if a bush or a branch suddenly rustled or moved.

The rarity of the wolves didn't help them as they were easily spotted regardless of their efforts when in thick vegetation. Vilvintine noticed the peculiar rustling of nearby bushes, she crouched and drew her small dagger whilst scanning her surroundings. A few moments of eerie silence passed with no movement from either side against the other.

Then, the wolves all lunged at Vilvintine from all directions, Vilvintine expected this. She jumped a few meters from the ground, dodging the menacing wolves.


The Wolves had rocky skin similar to that of cooled magma while a searing heat escaped the miniature cracks spread all across their surfaces. Their mouths dripped of magma which resembled a sort of saliva that gave an eerie sight to those who would come face to face with them.

Vilvintine quickly jumped into the treeline and scurried off, the wolves were in hot pursuit. Her frost magic directly countered the blistering wolves but they were far too many for her to take on all at once and so she decided to carefully deal with each.

There were ten wolves in total, three were just a few steps away from her and this presented an oppurtunity to turn around the numerical disadvantage. Using her forst magic, she called forth ten ice shards from her 'Frost Shard Spell' the shards appeared a few meters above her head and levitated, the wolves noticed this and quickly changed directions, with a slight flick of Vilvintine's index finger, the ice shards suddenly moved from their positions.

The ice shards which were floating in the air suddenly moved at frightening speeds and struck the wolves from their backs, causing the monsters to screech in pain. The ice shards pierced through their tough skin and somehow froze their insides. The ice shards were cold, too cold for even the Blistering Wolves could bear.

Vilvintine was no ordinary mage, an ȧssassin and an expert in Frost Magic made her attributes even more deadly than they should be, causing simple spells like Ice Shards to massively improve in lethality.

The three wolves lied on the forest floor, the cold frost enveloped their bodies and started to slowly spread on the forest floor, freezing plants and the soil. The remaining wolves then jumped from the bushes and continued the chase, seemingly unfazed by their downed comrades.

It transformed into close combat, Vilvintine was forced to use her ȧssassin skills. As the wolves jumped on her in pairs and groups, she gallantly swung her dagger to block and slice the wolves, enhancing the weapon with frost magic. The wolves however proved to be tough, the monsters continued to pounce on her, she blocked and blocked each attack which grew in ferocity, the rising temperatures and the magma-like saliva sprayed by the wolves' tears and mouths slowly tore through her cloak.

As the scuffle raged on, the sounds of clanging metal and numerous footsteps echoed through the silent forest, the two sides were unrelenting, preventing each other's escape. Then, the wolves suddenly stopped their attacks. Vilvintine then was able to catch her breath, she was sweating profusely, her eyes locked onto the wolves which were now clumped together in a group.

The wolves themselves were injured, visible tears in their rocky skin by the dagger along with small specs of ice attached near the tears were evidence of the wolves' weakness.

The wolves were all clumped together and began to growl at their surroundings, Vilvintine also sensed a disturbance within the treeline. She then used her enhanced senses and was shocked.

Hundreds of unknown entities were surrounding them, all of them seem human in appearance but she couldn't see the hearts nor the magic energy from them.

Vilvintine fell silent, anxious of the sudden appearance of an unknown group. Were these the demons? she thought as she readied her frost magic once more. The wolves were jumpy, growling at their surroundings while also continuing to clump together.

Both sides were finally silent, only the single chirp of a bird was heard before it flew away from the branch it was on, the sounds of dancing trees replaced the carnage which was only a few seconds ago.

Three figures then appeared from within the treeline, silhouettes under the shadows of the tall trees which stood up high against the ground.

One appeared along with his two elite drones, the two drones were aiming at Vilvintine's head and if given the order, would obliterate Vilvintine from existence.

Vilvintine was confused about who he was until she realized, there was no magic within the three 'men'

She immediatelty took a cautionary stance while taking a few steps back, the wolves behind her curled up even further whilst growling as they looked towards One and the two drones.

"You're no man" Vilvintine announced, her voice sounded tired.

One only stared at Vilvintine, clenching his fists. A stoic expression took over the synthetic's face as he confronted S213's murderer.

"I lost a valuable personnel because of you," One said, drones were easily replaced but One was connected with every drone. The connection had an effect of causing One to have emotional feelings with the drones, giving him genuine care of their safety and well-being which was disadvantageous at times.

"You're the demon!" Vilvintine whispered. One clearly heard her words.

"In your world, yes. I am, a demon" One said as he tore a part of his face, revealing the metallic skin underneath the facade of flesh. His eyes glowed daring blue as he frowned on Vilvintine.

Around Vilvintine, hundreds of pairs of blue lights shimmered through the shadows. She looked around in utter defeat, she tried to jump out but realized if she did, she would be killed. She didn't understand the weapons they were holding nor did anything make sense. What she did know was that they were not something to take lightly.

One's face struck fear within Vilvintine as she had never seen a demon in the body of a human which was only but a facade of what was really underneath the flesh. A dark metallic skin of unknown material and origin which was completely alien to her, a demon from hell indeed.

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