The room was grand and well-decorated with banners of unknown emblems and flags of an unknown state. The colors used represented a dark and grim regime whose sole goal and aspirations are to be self-sufficient, efficient and united without the distractions of colorful human wants like culture, recreation or any related thereof which contradicts efficient progressiveness and advancement.

The emblems of which tools and symbols beyond their knowledge and understanding, symbols of a civilization beyond their world and long extinguished and the tools they used now under the control of the enemy where they stood.

This enemy not only managed to recreate one of their cities but completely and quelled any form of resistance either physically or mentally. Everyone they've encountered so far lived in relative comfort, and safety. They lived like as if they were elite, the nobility or the anyone of high status or power but no, they were merely civilians, integrated people in this new state. This new state which possessed unrivaled power.

And a plus, they didn't rely on magic.

The group sat together at the other end of the long table which stretched a few meters in length directly in the opposite position where Vilvintine sat. The chairs themselves looked odd, they looked 'poofy' and fat, but when they sat, they were stunned that the chairs had wheels under their stands, allowing them to glide with ease.

It further gave them a feeling of unease, as such Vilvintine merely smiled at their apparent mental discomfort. The group scanned the room continuously for the next several minutes of waiting, their eyes ever so wandering about and examining the walls, the furniture, the flags, and the banners. The thing that got their most attention was the large emblem embedded onto the wall behind Vilvintine. It was large and covered almost the entirety of the wall, it seemed to be made of precious metals and materials, but it was quickly shut down by Gord; who by just looking at it, determined it was made from a common material.

The emblem was a silhouette of a humanoid standing at what seems to be a pile of rubble, in the background they could see nothing short of a battlefield surrounded by other silhouettes of people who are going against with the one upfront, it could also be seen as what was a battlefield depending on one's understanding. To them, the man was standing at what was a battlefield but was now a grim wasteland with the silhouette emerging victorious of whatever things he and his army defeated.

Maybe the picture represented the Forgotten Era? Maybe they were a nation long past, forgotten in the dark and erased times but have once again stepped again into the continent to regain the glory they once had and lost.

This thought spread through their minds and made them think deeply before the two overlords of the Empire itself came in. The door behind from which they entered opened slowly, two drones were opening the two tall and heavy doors, and two other persons entered.

The two persons were a duo of a man and a woman; the man had a grim and dark aura emanating from his presence, his face was clear but absent of any emotion other than his cold and straight-forward look at what was ahead of him. They could say he was a tad handsome. The other one; the woman, was a beauty, unlike anything they've ever seen, rivaling that of even Shia and their queen. The two men in the group were obviously entranced by her presence; she was smiling as she walked with her hands placed on her front, elegantly walking side-by-side with a man that felt and looked like he was the complete polar opposite of the maiden.

The two were wearing a black uniform streaked with badges and a crest on their left ċhėst, the crest of a globe. Their boots tapped and as they made their way through the room and towards where Vilvintine was, only the woman looked at the group and gave out a warm smile while the man simply ignored their presence as if they weren't even there.

Vilvintine stood, her smile faded from her face and she gave out a salute, something never seen by the group.

The two went and sat at two chairs directly opposite from where the group was sitting, directly against Rudelf and Lily, who were seated on the other end. Vilvintine then placed her fist on the side of her ċhėst where her heart was and announced with a stern voice

"I present to you: Overall One and his state commissioner, Commissioner Hailey,"

There and then, the group immediately stood from their seats and bowed. Not out of sudden respect nor to avoid position but they were forced to do so by the ancient and most basic human emotion, fear. A striking fear struck their hearts as they heard Vilvintine's new stern voice, it was as if they were inside a room of two of the most powerful rulers in the planet rivaling even that of the privilege of seeing a lowly lord of the two great powers in the continent.

.And suddenly before them, the walls began to move and moved they did. The walls opened and formed themselves into a glass structure, and suddenly they felt themselves being jolted up. As the large windows replaced the dark walls, they could see the other rooms, and suddenly they were moving up.

Faster unlike anything they've ever experienced, they were inside what looked like a room which was ascending to the heavens. Amid their mystified and surprised reactions, their mouths once again agape, they looked at the three on the other side of the room, they had fixed expressions.

The room ascended, and the group saw the entirety of the city, and how far up they were, they finally came to the understanding that they were at the very peak of the tallest structure in the city. They towered over the rest of the city and found themselves looking down at tiny moving dots of civilians and metal men.

To further their shock and awe, two flying behemoths flew near the room and looked as if they were about to crash into them. But they floated steadily and menacingly as if they were looking at them. The man on the other end of the room stood and gestured his hands, and the two behemoths left and positioned themselves around the room.

"It's time to proceed; dear friends, you may take a seat," The group had bȧrėly noticed, but they've been standing since the room began to ascend. They sat down at the same time, and an awkward silence befell them.

"You must be the outsiders we saw coming from the swamp," Hailey said, her voice was sweet.

"Uhm.. yes, we are merchan-"

"You are mercenaries," One interrupted Rudelf, the group was terrified, why? Their cover has been lost.



Immediately, the group stood and were about to draw their weapons and summon their spells only to be stopped by the apparent lackluster response of the opposing side. The three were just sitting, staring at them as they began to sweat profusely.

"That is rude," Hailey remarked.

"Please sit down, we have something to discuss with you," She continued.

Rudelf gulped and stared at his friends before finally seating down followed by the rest of his team.

They were all shaking.

"As you can see, the Overall and the State Commissioner have no intentions of doing you any harm, for now, what we want from you is your compliance and complete honesty to our questions and inquiries,"

Vilvintine, a woman of great pride and honor. A firm believer in the Fax Religion and a woman who looks up to the pope as if he was her father. Now, she seemed more like a puppy, a complacent and devoted officer of a regime who values control and loyalty among its subjects and citizens. Whatever happened to her when she was underground with Hailey, may never be disclosed.

Surely, whatever happened to her managed to completely turn her back against her savior, her country and instead pledge her allegiance to this new state, this new country, this new empire.

"What do you want?" Lily suddenly said, surprising Rudelf and he was quick to scold her.

"Shh! Let me handle this," He scolded.

"I am sorry for my companion's rudeness," Rudelf turned his attention towards the three who just nodded except for One.

"I will answer her question, regardless if she was rude," One spoke, his voice was deep and void of any feelings. This further sent fear into the hearts of the group who listened to his authoritative demeanor.

"You've been summoned here for a test,"

"A test?" Shia said without knowing, much to the displeasure of her friends.

"Yes, your group will be sent to one of our testing areas for experimentation, and once any of you pass, you will be integrated into the country,"

"Wait wait wait; we haven't even decided or even thought! Of pledging our allegiance to you!" Lily was confused; why were they getting forcefully integrated? What test? Similar questions flooded the other's minds.

"You won't ask any more questions once we've integrated you, don't worry, I already know who will pass and who will not," Hailey added before smiling as if it wasn't anything conspicuous.

The group was terrified; they knew they only had one way out. Rudelf whispered to his team, "We only have one way, we need to fight! Even if it's in vain.."

Lily, however, her thoughts were leaning towards breaking away with her friends, she himself didn't know why she loved her friends like she loved her family before they offered her decisions which she disliked, but why now does she feel like saving herself? Is she leaving them behind?

Suddenly, Hailey clapped her hands before standing from her chair.

"The test shall now begin!" She gleefully announced. Right there and then, Vilvintine dashed towards them and slammed the table, shattering the side of it where the group was sitting. The four were shocked but managed to evade.

Vilvintine sported her pose, her arms ready with no weapons but magically enhanced fists and limbs.

She has become a body amplifier.

The group were snapped from their thoughts and immediately went to combat mode.

"This is it!" Rudelf shouted.

The other three nodded as they stared at Vilvintine; her expression was cold and dead. Her eyes were locked at Rudelf, grimacing at him.

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