Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age
Chapter 82 - Outside Bulbon
"Bear with me for a second, we have no identification of any sorts, we are not aligned with any kingdom or state, we are just from a far off village near your borders. We're here to stay for the night and buy some things before we eventually head off," One said.
"Hey, hey, mister, don't you be acting rash. I am sorry but orders are orders, you need the crystal ball to determine your identity, and you and the little girl don't appear in it. So, no can do," The guard replied.
The two have reached the city of Bulbon and have been barred from entry. They were at the eastern gate, there were many people lined up on the dirt road. One and the little girl had to cover themselves with torn clothing they found on the abandoned carriages they came across along the way. It seemed like bandits have been running rampant around these parts, causing numerous troubles for the travelers.
One failed to negotiate his way through despite waiting in line for half an hour. He could not resort to force himself in, lest he provokes the city against him and the little girl. Upon closer inspection, the city was heavily defended. Soldiers manned the walls and the towers, eyes fixated on the people, city and the lands beyond the wall.
The two walked away from the dirt road and settled under a lone tree in the middle of a field just a few meters from the wall. As they sat down under the shade, the archers on the wall watched them, their eyes fixated on One.
They are suspicious of everything, One thought.
The little girl lied down on the grass, rolling about under the shade of the tree. She was having fun while One was planning on how to get it. Should he raise a few red flags at night? As long as he does not get tracked by the garrison, he and the little girl should be fine.
But One was still anxious about the fact that he lacks much understanding of magic. The crystal ball was something he had not heard of ever since coming to this world, not even from the intelligence reports of Hailey or his drones. The Machine Empire was still faced with the vast opposition of the unknown and mystery of magic.
"Hey" The little girl said as she rolled next to One.
She bumped her head on One's knee as she stood.
"Careful," One said. Eh? Careful? Why did I say that?
The little girl was wearing the ragged brown gown that they found on a carriage. Her hair was dancing with the breeze that was blowing from the east, her eyes glowing as she stared at One.
One, seeing her determination, waited for her to say what she wanted of him. Whatever it was, he was actually willing to do it. As long as he had the capability to do it, that is. Should he force themselves inside the city? Knock down the guards and create confusion and then exploit it? What was it? One waited.
"I.. am.." The girl stuttered.
"Eh," It escaped One's mouth.
The little girl did not need anything, she was just hungry, again.
One sighed, for some reason, he wanted justification to force themselves inside the city if the little girl actually told him to do so, but he remembered, why would a little girl whose age is most likely lower than ten years, tell him to do something complicated.
"I don't understand children," He said as he stood. The little girl extended her arms at One, sending a signal that she wanted to be carried by One. One was reluctant at first but ultimately folded when the little girl persisted. Why was he reluctant? Well, because he did not want to carry a child.
One took her by the shoulders and carried her. He stood up to analyze the integrity of the walls and t search for possible points to exploit but the little girl sidetracked him. Instead, One and the little girl just stared at the wall, gazed at the gate and the long line that stretched to as far as the eye can see.
While they gazed, One began to feel something inside him unlock. He felt it but could not determine what it was to be exact. There was a clue, however, laid down before him by the little girl. The little girl turned her head and looked at One. At first, she had a curious look on her face and then she smiled at him.
And One smiled at her too.
One had his first genuine smile over something that was not killing, that was not destruction, that was not bloodshed or war. He smiled because of a little girl.
Then he remembered, he still addressed her as 'child' or 'little girl' or 'Little One' . One did not know her name, and so, he asked her.
"Little One, tell me your name," He said.
The little girl's smile faded and she looked down on the ground.
"I don't have a name," She said.
One was stunned, a little girl without a name. No wonder she did not bother to correct One when he called her in general.
"Then, I'll give a name. If you wish?"
The little then looked up and her eyes glowed once again. She smiled and said.
Seeing the happiness of the girl, One came to the conclusion that a name must be very special for a village girl. Maybe it was some sort of tradition? To be given a name must be a sacred practice. Huh, a random stranger like me giving her a name, how awkward that is, he thought.
One thought for a second, if he was to name her, it should be something that would strike fear into the hearts of any enemy. One had made up his mind at this point, he would personally oversee this young one and along with her, train in the arts of magic. She would be a great pawn for him in the future, but for now, he needed to cultivate her talent, if she had any.
"I will name you.." After much deliberation in his head, he named her:
Wait! He thought. He just realized that Chloe did not really sound as threatening as he had hoped it would when he said it. No! Wait! Not that! He wanted to take it back and choose another.
The little girl had just embraced it.
"I am, Chloe!"
Her smile was even brighter than before and her eyes glowed like the sun, they literally glowed. They glowed a yellow light that shined brighter than the sun in the sky. It would have blinded One if he was a normal man. But he could bear it, it was no big deal for him.
The same thin could not be said for the others in the vicinity. The soldiers on the walls covered their eyes and cowered behind whatever the could hide. The people in the line on the dirt road turned their backs and screamed in pain while the guards covered their eyes and also turned around.
Her light was visible, even from space. One of the Machine Empire's satellites detected the burst of light and tracked it down, sending its results to Hailey.
Back on the ground, One knew this was something that would get them into trouble. As the light from her eyes faded and the normal man could see again, One found himself surrounded. Jumping over the walls came a group of individuals, dressed in golden white armor and a single cloaked man.
The archers over the walls lined up and readied their bows and aimed at One. The group that came down from the walls then encircled One, preventing any escape. The little girl was terrified and she covered her head on One's shoulder.
"Surrender that girl!" A voice rang out from the cloaked man. He removed his hood and revealed himself to be a young man with fair skin and black curly hair. One then looked at the ones that surrounded him who wore the golden armor that reflected the shine of the sun. They were all ladies. Was this a strictly girl knighthood or special forces group?
One could not risk endangering the little girl, and so he tried to talk his way through.
"I mean you no harm, but this girl stays with me," One said.
"You dare challenge the authority of her majesty? I will have the Queen's Guard execute you on the spot if you dare not surrender the girl!" The man threatened.
One did not like his attitude. Why was everyone that he met always hungry for blood? Always looking for a fight. He began to see that he had no choice but to actually fight back.
Then, someone came from behind the man.
It was Grand Mage Kjol of Bulbon. He was a middle-aged man but due to his constant training in magic, has left him looking older than his age. He was wearing a white clock lined with golden stripes. He walked at the side of the man.
"Master!" The man said after being startled by his arrival. He then knelt before the grand mage and explained the situation to him.
"I very well know, it was good of you and the Queen's Guard to respond to it immediately. Such power could not be left alone," Kjol said.
Kjol noticed that the man he was staring at was no ordinary man. He felt no magic coming from his, but judging by his stance, his eyes and his body, he was someone they should not mess with. And the little girl he was with, she was something of great power herself.
Kjol then came to the wrong conclusion that One was actually the little girl's guard, a holy angel sent down from heaven to defend the girl who could be part of a "divine intervention" of the gods.
"Lower your weapons, Queen's Guard," Kjol said.
"W-Why!?" His apprentice voiced his objection.
"My apprentice, you need not to worry. For he is not here to do harm and I very well believe that the little girl he brings is actually of great importance, but speaking of that, she must be given under the direct rule of any nation or organization, not even the church," Despite the blasphemy that he was spouting, Kjol had good reason.
Since he suspected the girl to be sent by the heavens themselves, it would be foolish and disrespectful to the gods above if a mortal were to try and take control of their divine servant. This was also backed up by One's presence. He saw him as a guard sent by the gods to guard the girl and keep her away from any mortal influence that may corrupt her.
Well, his conclusion was very far from what was really the truth.
"Tsk, the master has spoken, lower your weapons!" The man announced.
From then on, One referred to the man that was about to fight them as "Silly Apprentice". the queen's guard lowered their swords and the archers over the walls withdrew their bows.
"I apologize for the actions that my subordinates undertook against you, I ȧssure you you'll be under my care. Come with me into the city, I may very much wish to speak with you two in private." Kjol said.
Perfect, One thought. They got their ticket in, though unexpected was the outcome of their visit to the city. This man may be able to help him in cultivating Chloe's power. judging by the incident that had just occured, her eyes shining brighter than even that of the sun, One had a powerful card he was eager to unlock and exploit.
"Hey, hey, mister, don't you be acting rash. I am sorry but orders are orders, you need the crystal ball to determine your identity, and you and the little girl don't appear in it. So, no can do," The guard replied.
The two have reached the city of Bulbon and have been barred from entry. They were at the eastern gate, there were many people lined up on the dirt road. One and the little girl had to cover themselves with torn clothing they found on the abandoned carriages they came across along the way. It seemed like bandits have been running rampant around these parts, causing numerous troubles for the travelers.
One failed to negotiate his way through despite waiting in line for half an hour. He could not resort to force himself in, lest he provokes the city against him and the little girl. Upon closer inspection, the city was heavily defended. Soldiers manned the walls and the towers, eyes fixated on the people, city and the lands beyond the wall.
The two walked away from the dirt road and settled under a lone tree in the middle of a field just a few meters from the wall. As they sat down under the shade, the archers on the wall watched them, their eyes fixated on One.
They are suspicious of everything, One thought.
The little girl lied down on the grass, rolling about under the shade of the tree. She was having fun while One was planning on how to get it. Should he raise a few red flags at night? As long as he does not get tracked by the garrison, he and the little girl should be fine.
But One was still anxious about the fact that he lacks much understanding of magic. The crystal ball was something he had not heard of ever since coming to this world, not even from the intelligence reports of Hailey or his drones. The Machine Empire was still faced with the vast opposition of the unknown and mystery of magic.
"Hey" The little girl said as she rolled next to One.
She bumped her head on One's knee as she stood.
"Careful," One said. Eh? Careful? Why did I say that?
The little girl was wearing the ragged brown gown that they found on a carriage. Her hair was dancing with the breeze that was blowing from the east, her eyes glowing as she stared at One.
One, seeing her determination, waited for her to say what she wanted of him. Whatever it was, he was actually willing to do it. As long as he had the capability to do it, that is. Should he force themselves inside the city? Knock down the guards and create confusion and then exploit it? What was it? One waited.
"I.. am.." The girl stuttered.
"Eh," It escaped One's mouth.
The little girl did not need anything, she was just hungry, again.
One sighed, for some reason, he wanted justification to force themselves inside the city if the little girl actually told him to do so, but he remembered, why would a little girl whose age is most likely lower than ten years, tell him to do something complicated.
"I don't understand children," He said as he stood. The little girl extended her arms at One, sending a signal that she wanted to be carried by One. One was reluctant at first but ultimately folded when the little girl persisted. Why was he reluctant? Well, because he did not want to carry a child.
One took her by the shoulders and carried her. He stood up to analyze the integrity of the walls and t search for possible points to exploit but the little girl sidetracked him. Instead, One and the little girl just stared at the wall, gazed at the gate and the long line that stretched to as far as the eye can see.
While they gazed, One began to feel something inside him unlock. He felt it but could not determine what it was to be exact. There was a clue, however, laid down before him by the little girl. The little girl turned her head and looked at One. At first, she had a curious look on her face and then she smiled at him.
And One smiled at her too.
One had his first genuine smile over something that was not killing, that was not destruction, that was not bloodshed or war. He smiled because of a little girl.
Then he remembered, he still addressed her as 'child' or 'little girl' or 'Little One' . One did not know her name, and so, he asked her.
"Little One, tell me your name," He said.
The little girl's smile faded and she looked down on the ground.
"I don't have a name," She said.
One was stunned, a little girl without a name. No wonder she did not bother to correct One when he called her in general.
"Then, I'll give a name. If you wish?"
The little then looked up and her eyes glowed once again. She smiled and said.
Seeing the happiness of the girl, One came to the conclusion that a name must be very special for a village girl. Maybe it was some sort of tradition? To be given a name must be a sacred practice. Huh, a random stranger like me giving her a name, how awkward that is, he thought.
One thought for a second, if he was to name her, it should be something that would strike fear into the hearts of any enemy. One had made up his mind at this point, he would personally oversee this young one and along with her, train in the arts of magic. She would be a great pawn for him in the future, but for now, he needed to cultivate her talent, if she had any.
"I will name you.." After much deliberation in his head, he named her:
Wait! He thought. He just realized that Chloe did not really sound as threatening as he had hoped it would when he said it. No! Wait! Not that! He wanted to take it back and choose another.
The little girl had just embraced it.
"I am, Chloe!"
Her smile was even brighter than before and her eyes glowed like the sun, they literally glowed. They glowed a yellow light that shined brighter than the sun in the sky. It would have blinded One if he was a normal man. But he could bear it, it was no big deal for him.
The same thin could not be said for the others in the vicinity. The soldiers on the walls covered their eyes and cowered behind whatever the could hide. The people in the line on the dirt road turned their backs and screamed in pain while the guards covered their eyes and also turned around.
Her light was visible, even from space. One of the Machine Empire's satellites detected the burst of light and tracked it down, sending its results to Hailey.
Back on the ground, One knew this was something that would get them into trouble. As the light from her eyes faded and the normal man could see again, One found himself surrounded. Jumping over the walls came a group of individuals, dressed in golden white armor and a single cloaked man.
The archers over the walls lined up and readied their bows and aimed at One. The group that came down from the walls then encircled One, preventing any escape. The little girl was terrified and she covered her head on One's shoulder.
"Surrender that girl!" A voice rang out from the cloaked man. He removed his hood and revealed himself to be a young man with fair skin and black curly hair. One then looked at the ones that surrounded him who wore the golden armor that reflected the shine of the sun. They were all ladies. Was this a strictly girl knighthood or special forces group?
One could not risk endangering the little girl, and so he tried to talk his way through.
"I mean you no harm, but this girl stays with me," One said.
"You dare challenge the authority of her majesty? I will have the Queen's Guard execute you on the spot if you dare not surrender the girl!" The man threatened.
One did not like his attitude. Why was everyone that he met always hungry for blood? Always looking for a fight. He began to see that he had no choice but to actually fight back.
Then, someone came from behind the man.
It was Grand Mage Kjol of Bulbon. He was a middle-aged man but due to his constant training in magic, has left him looking older than his age. He was wearing a white clock lined with golden stripes. He walked at the side of the man.
"Master!" The man said after being startled by his arrival. He then knelt before the grand mage and explained the situation to him.
"I very well know, it was good of you and the Queen's Guard to respond to it immediately. Such power could not be left alone," Kjol said.
Kjol noticed that the man he was staring at was no ordinary man. He felt no magic coming from his, but judging by his stance, his eyes and his body, he was someone they should not mess with. And the little girl he was with, she was something of great power herself.
Kjol then came to the wrong conclusion that One was actually the little girl's guard, a holy angel sent down from heaven to defend the girl who could be part of a "divine intervention" of the gods.
"Lower your weapons, Queen's Guard," Kjol said.
"W-Why!?" His apprentice voiced his objection.
"My apprentice, you need not to worry. For he is not here to do harm and I very well believe that the little girl he brings is actually of great importance, but speaking of that, she must be given under the direct rule of any nation or organization, not even the church," Despite the blasphemy that he was spouting, Kjol had good reason.
Since he suspected the girl to be sent by the heavens themselves, it would be foolish and disrespectful to the gods above if a mortal were to try and take control of their divine servant. This was also backed up by One's presence. He saw him as a guard sent by the gods to guard the girl and keep her away from any mortal influence that may corrupt her.
Well, his conclusion was very far from what was really the truth.
"Tsk, the master has spoken, lower your weapons!" The man announced.
From then on, One referred to the man that was about to fight them as "Silly Apprentice". the queen's guard lowered their swords and the archers over the walls withdrew their bows.
"I apologize for the actions that my subordinates undertook against you, I ȧssure you you'll be under my care. Come with me into the city, I may very much wish to speak with you two in private." Kjol said.
Perfect, One thought. They got their ticket in, though unexpected was the outcome of their visit to the city. This man may be able to help him in cultivating Chloe's power. judging by the incident that had just occured, her eyes shining brighter than even that of the sun, One had a powerful card he was eager to unlock and exploit.
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