System Change

Chapter 126: Level 100

Chapter 126: Level 100

Derek continued with his next dungeon run, making it midway through level 99 in the process. One more time. After the next dungeon run, he would no longer be eligible to do level 100 dungeons until he upgraded his class. Even then, he would only get one or two more runs before leveling to 101.

His whole plan was to level to level 100, so little else mattered once he made it to 100.

Derek appeared in the camp once again, and with no fanfare, disappeared back into the dungeon. He was almost finished culling the horde of ghouls when the notification sounded that he had reached enough experience to level to 100. The only thing left was for him to do the class selection or upgrade.

Derek went ahead and finished the dungeon. With the phylactery in his hand, he squeezed and the lich’s life was over.

He waited, but alas, he wasn’t rewarded with any items. A 5% chance was so small that he wasn’t disappointed when he received nothing at the end. Finally. He thought as he pulled up his status sheet.



Derek Hunt




100 (Upgrade Class)




Legend of the Void (Legendary)


Human (Modified)








71 (Armor + 0)


125(Weapon + 0)














Stat Points Remaining



Alanah Swan (Crown)

View Contract

Silvi (Bonded Beast)

View Status

Stella Brighton (Crown)

View Contract

Francesco Jaccobs (Adventurer’s Guild)

View Contract

Rudolph Mckinney

View Contract


Absolute Nullify

Level 1

Nullify magic spells

Chain Lightning

Level 12

Send a chain of lightning to enemies.

Channel Void

Level 10

Channel the Void through your body, into attacks or defenses.


Level 5

Clean a small area.

Cure Toxin

Level 4

Removes poisons and toxins.


Level 12

Increase ability to dismantle deceased organic life forms.

Greater Meditation

Level 4

Enter meditative state to increase recovery.

Heavy Weapons Mastery

Level 18

Increase damage with heavy weapons.


Level 15

Appraise objects or entities.

Magic Resistance

Level 10

Increase natural magic resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 3

Your next attack hits twice.

Physical Resistance

Level 9

Increase natural physical resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 9

Restores 45% HP over 30 seconds.

Sweeping Slash

Level 18

Project a slash in front of you.

Void Call

Level 2

Call out to the Void.

Void Sense

Level 2

Sense the void.

Void Shift

Level 3

Become one with and move within the void.

Void Storage

Level N/A

Use a storage space made from void.

Unarmed Combat Mastery

Level 9

Increase efficiency when not using a weapon or magic.

Skill Points Remaining


Skill Upgrade Points Remaining



Greater Giant Slayer, Jack of All, Lesser Dungeon Explorer, Lesser Dungeon Traveler, Lesser Repetitive Dungeoneer, Lesser Slayer of the Unknown, Lesser Solo Diver, Magical Glass Cannon, Meat Shield, Lesser Explorer, Offensive Powerhouse

Derek was pleased to see the different skill upgrades he had gained during his dungeon grinding. His Chain Lightning, Channel Void, Cleaning, Greater Meditation, and Unarmed Combat Mastery had all increased to various degrees. He was especially happy about Greater Meditation gaining a level.

Derek selected his class option to view his various choices.

He was a little sad as he scrolled through his options, as he was hoping for his ‘Legend of the Void’ class to have another upgrade in rarity. He was unsure if there was a rarity above legendary, but ‘Legend of the Void’ still showed that it was a growth type class, so he still had hope. Unfortunately, his next class upgrade wouldn’t come for a while.

There were no other legendary classes available for him to choose from, either. He still had some of the same options he had previously, including a couple of epic ranked growth classes, but he had invested so much into his void class that it would be insane to change. Plus, his current class hadn’t let him down as of yet, and he was quite fond of his Channel Void skill. He didn’t want to risk losing it.

Derek selected ‘Legend of the Void.’

Legend of the Void

You have lived within the void, and used the void as you see fit. You have become a void user of legend. Unlike others, you will no longer become trapped in the void. The void is your ally.

Legend of the Void is a growth type legendary class. Preferences for this class are unknown. Upon class upgrade, two new skills will be available for selection.

You will receive 30 Skill Points upon class upgrade.

Derek sighed while reading his class description. Nothing at all had changed, well, nothing but the amount of Skill Points he would receive. Derek confirmed his decision.

Upon confirming his selection, more notifications flooded his vision. Derek dismissed them as they were mostly kill notifications. Finally, after sifting through the notifications, Derek checked on his new possible skills.

Time Prison

One cannot master the void without attuning oneself to time and space. Using your mastery of the void, you are able to create a separate void space to hold your enemies. Time Prison allows you to adjust the passage of time inside your void space.

As the skill level increases, control over the passage of time increases with it.

Uses 1,500 mana to open

Cost: 21 Skill Points

Derek wasn’t sure about having his own personal prison. He shuddered at the thought of being trapped alone in the void again. Now he had the ability to cause others to suffer the same fate. Plus, he was unsure how he would go about leveling the ability. Would it require him to constantly open and close the prison, or would he actually need to imprison enemies in it to grow?

However, he could see some upside in the ability. If he could make time pass slowly, then he could also make time pass quickly. It could be possible that he could use the ability to carry others. With the ability to change the passage of time, somebody could go in, then in just mere minutes, come out days or even weeks later.

Now that I think about it, isn’t this an extremely broken skill? No wonder it was only unlocked at level 100… And the cost… wow… Derek didn’t take any more time to decide and spent the skill points on the skill.

Time Prison Learned Successfully

Skill Points Remaining: 20

Derek then checked on his remaining class skill.

Void Steps

Using your Void Sense, you are able to see shifts and tears in the void. Void Steps can force those intangible rifts into the physical for you to use as footholds.

Uses 100 mana/s

Cost: 7 Skill Points

Basically, it allows me to use the void to sort of fly. Well, I guess fly isn’t the right word. It’s kind of like that skill of Rayna’s that lets her step on air. At least it’s cheap both in skill points and mana usage. Derek thought. Derek then accepted the skill.

Void Steps Learned Successfully

Skill Points Remaining: 13

Derek breathed a sigh of relief. He was half expecting not to have enough skill points to even learn his second skill after the cost of the first. Luckily, it was quite the basic skill, and he still walked away with two more points than he started with.

Now, Derek had over 700 stat points to spend. He was tempted to evenly spread it out through his stats, but decided against it. It’s nice to have Strength and mana, but it’s even better to be able to live through attacks.

Endurance and Vitality had been his go to stats since he first obtained a system. You couldn’t do anything if you were dead. The two stats had never failed him, and it was time to increase them.

First, Derek put 375 points into his Vitality, bringing it to 1,100. Instantly, Derek felt his blood begin to boil. It was like magma flowing through his veins. His heart pounded harder than ever before. If there was anybody else around at the time, he was sure they would hear the sound of drums beating, or horses charging on a battlefield.

Derek clutched at his chest as pain engulfed his body. He fell to his knees as his veins bulged, threatening to burst out of his skin. Then, all of the sudden, it was over. Everything felt like a dream. If not for the sweat and rip in his shirt where he had clutched it, he may not believe anything even happened.

That was intense. He thought to himself. Derek let out a deep breath. I’m not sure I even want to know what’s going to happen when I increase my Endurance. Derek calmed himself and prepared for the worst. Then, he dropped 385 points into Endurance and accepted the changes.

Derek closed his eyes and balled his fists, waiting for the change. Sure enough, a few seconds later, the sound of bones breaking rang out. Derek felt like every bone in his body was being crushed by a giant hammer, then repaired, then crushed again. It was pure agony.

Luckily, the bone breaking didn’t last as long as the burning blood had. Within seconds, it was over… Then came the itching. Derek’s skin felt like thousands of ants were crawling underneath it, biting and stinging as they moved along.

If Derek had to choose, he would choose the bone breaking or boiling blood, or even both at once a million times before he would choose to feel the itching. Derek couldn’t handle it. He tore his black shirt off and clawed at his body.

No relief came. The harder he clawed, the worse the itching sensation got. He clawed and clawed but wasn’t even able to break the top layer of his skin. He gave up. The only thing he could think of to help him in this situation was Greater Meditation. The second the thought hit him, he tried it.

It worked, at least some. While meditating, the feeling was reduced to an almost bearable sensation. He didn’t know how much time passed, but eventually, the feeling dissipated. With that, he exited meditation and looked down. His skin was still tan, but every scar on his body had disappeared. No bumps, moles, or pimples remained either.

Derek pushed on his forearm and was amazed at how soft and smooth his skin felt. One thing was certain, it didn’t feel like it would have any defense. Derek brought out one of his knives from his storage bracelet. Quickly, he jabbed the knife into his forearm. The tip of the blade pushed the skin in, but was unable to even slightly pierce it.

I guess that’s something. He thought as the blade vanished from his hand. Derek looked at his new status to see all the changes he made.



Derek Hunt








Legend of the Void (Legendary)


Human (Modified)








165 (Armor + 0)


125(Weapon + 0)














Stat Points Remaining



Alanah Swan (Crown)

View Contract

Silvi (Bonded Beast)

View Status

Stella Brighton (Crown)

View Contract

Francesco Jaccobs (Adventurer’s Guild)

View Contract

Rudolph Mckinney

View Contract


Absolute Nullify

Level 1

Nullify magic spells

Chain Lightning

Level 12

Send a chain of lightning to enemies.

Channel Void

Level 10

Channel the Void through your body, into attacks or defenses.


Level 5

Clean a small area.

Cure Toxin

Level 4

Removes poisons and toxins.


Level 12

Increase ability to dismantle deceased organic life forms.

Greater Meditation

Level 4

Enter meditative state to increase recovery.

Heavy Weapons Mastery

Level 18

Increase damage with heavy weapons.


Level 15

Appraise objects or entities.

Magic Resistance

Level 10

Increase natural magic resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 3

Your next attack hits twice.

Physical Resistance

Level 9

Increase natural physical resistance by 1.5% per level.


Level 9

Restores 45% HP over 30 seconds.

Sweeping Slash

Level 18

Project a slash in front of you.

Time Prison

Level 1

Create a void space as a prison. Control its passage of time.

Void Call

Level 2

Call out to the Void.

Void Sense

Level 2

Sense the void.

Void Shift

Level 3

Become one with and move within the void.

Void Steps

Level 1

Use the void as a foothold to move.

Void Storage

Level N/A

Use a storage space made from void.

Unarmed Combat Mastery

Level 9

Increase efficiency when not using a weapon or magic.

Skill Points Remaining


Skill Upgrade Points Remaining



Greater Giant Slayer, Jack of All, Lesser Dungeon Explorer, Lesser Dungeon Traveler, Lesser Repetitive Dungeoneer, Lesser Slayer of the Unknown, Lesser Solo Diver, Magical Glass Cannon, Meat Shield, Lesser Explorer, Offensive Powerhouse

Derek was able to see the effects of his stats breaking through another threshold. Both his Stamina and Health increased by 15 points per stat point, and his defense more than doubled. I guess all that pain and suffering was worth it.

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