System Change

Chapter 138: Ambush?

Chapter 138: Ambush?

Derek started out slow to see if Stella could keep up, then gradually increased his pace. To his surprise, when he hit his preferred travel speed, she was still able to stay close. Of course, he wasn’t moving at as fast a pace as possible, but he was close.

Looking back at Stella, she seemed to be exerting herself, but it didn’t look like anything she wouldn’t be able to maintain for the next few hours. Derek was impressed. Time for the ultimate test… holding a conversation while running. He snickered to himself.

“So, why choose to run with me instead of taking it easy in the space?” Derek asked.

“I’d rather not put my faith in anybody other than myself.” She answered as she closed in and stuck to this side. “Do you know what would happen to them if you were to die? I’d rather not take that chance. You have made enemies out of a powerful person.”

“Aren’t you already risking yourself just by traveling with me?” Derek asked.

“Maybe, but this way, I will be able to defend myself. If nothing else, I can run. Besides, I doubt anyone would try to kill me outright, unlike you. I’m pretty well known, and I’m sure nobody wants to go to war with the Crown and Alanah.”

“Would she?”

“Would she what?” Stella asked.

“Would Alanah go to war for you? You know, if you were killed.” He clarified.

“I believe so. If she didn’t, she would make the life of the one who killed me miserable. She’s like that with her people. It’s hard to be around her because of her skills, but people still flock to her. That’s one of the main reasons.” She explained.

“So, why did you choose now to leave Torith?”

“I’m bored.” She answered. “You’ve been interesting, and I haven’t been to the Savannah restaurant in a while. It will be good to check in. Kill two birds with one stone.”

“Oh, and here I thought you were developing a crush on me.” Derek said cheekily.

Stella snorted. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

She may have said that, but Derek swore he saw her cheeks flush red for a split second before she got herself under control.

“Sure, sure.” He said. “So, what do you know about Natalie?” He changed the subject.

“Probably not more than you already know. Alanah told me she filled you in. I doubt I could give you any more information that what you’ve already received.”

“Alanah this, Alanah that. What happened to ‘my mistress?’ Last time we talked about her, you weren’t so casual.” Derek asked.

Stella laughed. “That was before you got to know her. Alanah doesn’t like being addressed like that, but when you’re doing business better to err on the side of formal. She would consider you more than just a business partner now. There is no sense in keeping up the act when everyone is on such close terms.”

“I see.”

“Of course, I could still call you Mr. Hunt if you prefer.”

Derek shook his head. “No. Derek’s fine.”

“So, you have plans for some businesses in Savannah? It’s a very tough place to build something from the ground up. There aren’t many places there that started in Savannah. Most are success in other cities, then open stores later on in Savannah.” Stella explained.

“I think it’ll be fine. Besides, if it fails, it fails, and I move on. There’s no reason not to try. Natalie seems to be an interesting person, so if nothing else, I’m sure I’ll gain something, whether it’s a profitable business or information, it doesn’t matter.” He replied.

“So, what is it? Something like your coffee?” She asked.

“You’ll have to wait and see.”

“Fine.” She clicked her tongue. “Be that way. I look forward to seeing.”

Like that, the duo kept chatting while traveling at high speeds towards Wilmette.

Hours later, they were closing in on Wilmette. Coming from Torith, they were able to stay on the route through the forest and didn’t have to cut through it to make up time.

At this time, Derek could see the end of the forest and the road emerging in the opening ahead. They were almost at Silvi’s battlefield. Derek was sure that the bodies had not had the chance to be cleaned up yet. Nighttime was approaching, but it was still the same day.

But before they could break free of the forest, both Stella and Derek came to an abrupt halt. In an instant, Derek raised his forearm to block his head, and two giant cleavers had appeared in Stella’s hands.

A dagger with a blue glow struck Derek’s unarmored forearm and pierced his skin, stopping midway through his muscle. Derek didn’t have time to pull the dagger out as more flying weapons arrived. Knives, daggers, arrows, bolt, and spears all landed on Derek. Some had blue glows covering them, other yellow. All penetrated his skin.

Even with his upgraded Endurance and new skin, it couldn’t stop the flying weapons. Derek, doing his best impression of a pincushion, looked over at Stella, hoping she was still okay. To his surprise, or not, not a single weapon has flown her way. Looks like she was right. Nobody wants the wrath of Alanah.

Stella, with her meat cleavers still drawn, had a conflicted look on her face. That was when Derek chuckled.

“Don’t worry. No sense in you getting involved.” He said, then sighed. “Another shirt down the drain. They got my pants this time, too.” Then he looked into the forest where the attack originated. “Do you know how hard it’s going to be to get a good pair of boxers in this place.” He bemoaned his loss.

Taking a quick glance at his HP, he could see that some of the weapons were covered in poison. His health was rapidly dropping, but with every tick of Health he lost, the regeneration caused by his high Vitality brought it back. Of course, some of his lost HP was caused by bleeding.

He could tell, however, that the poison could do more than just eat away at his health. His Stamina was also showing the same signs that his Health Pool was. Unfortunately for his attackers, the two stats he didn’t have to worry about were his Vitality and Endurance, and they just so happened to control his Health and Stamina.

To Derek’s surprise, as the last weapon landed, the ones piercing began to disappear. The dagger in his forearm was the first, and when it disappeared, the same dagger flew at him once again from the forest. What an interesting class. I wonder if the weapons are conjured or stored. Whoever the assassin was, he could be considered a true ranged weapons master.

Derek almost couldn’t contain his laughter as both of his resistance skills, physical and magical, gained a level in the attack.

Derek grabbed at one of the last weapons to pierce him, a spear stuck in his abdomen. Instead of pulling the spear out, he squeezed it with both hands until it snapped. When the spear snapped, he heard a grunt come from deep in the forest. Seems like they’re bound to him.

After the grunt, the weapons disappeared rapidly until none remained. Then, before Derek’s regeneration could close his wounds, another volley began. This time, no spears, arrows, or other easily destructible weapons were used.

Derek tried the same trick with a dagger, but he was unable to bend it. His Strength stat was high relative to the average person, but only to the average person. Of course, Derek could have ended the battle before it began if he used Void Shift or his bunny of mass destruction, but he wanted to see what kind of assassination Torith would throw at him. So far, he wasn’t impressed.

After twenty or so blades pierced him for the second time, a loud stomping sounded out deep in the forest. Trees toppled in the distance as the stomping grew louder. That was when a giant of a man broke through the veil of the forest. The man put the biggest Void Beast he had fought to shame.

Standing at least ten feet tall and half as wide, the man roared with a deep voice as he charged. Derek crossed his dagger covered arms in front of him as the giant’s fist landed. The daggers were driven deeper into his muscle, stopping only when they hit bone.

Derek, now a kite without a string, flew from the road into the densely packed forest behind, crashing through tree after tree. It wasn’t until the eighth tree that Derek lost his momentum, and the tree didn’t break. Derek’s back slid down the tree before he landed on the ground.

Derek checked his Health Pool again and clicked his tongue. Damn, that took almost a tenth of my health. Blunt damage is always the worst. He thought to himself as his Health rapidly climbed again.

“Ms. Brighton, please don’t make a move. We are under orders not to attack you, but if you get involved, I’m afraid an accident may happen.” A sly voiced sounded throughout the air.

Derek stood and began picking the daggers out of his body, one by one, as he walked forward. He chuckled. “Trust me, you don’t have to worry about Ms. Brighton. You should just focus on me.”

“Is that so?” The voice sounded again as Derek made his way out of the tree line.

Derek threw one of the daggers at the giant man, but it disappeared before it hit him. I guess he doesn’t have to extract them in order. Maybe it just costs less to do so.

“Forget it, you can’t use my own weapons against us.” The voice reverberated throughout the forest again as the weapons swiftly disappeared out of Derek’s grasp once again.

Derek smiled as another volley rained down on him and the giant man charged again. He was intrigued by this person’s powers. An idea slowly formed in his mind.

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